Covid19 is biggest fake in history. Its a big game. Someone is just trying to restart economy...

Covid19 is biggest fake in history. Its a big game. Someone is just trying to restart economy. 80% of Covid19 deats wasnt caused by Covid19.

Attached: 15861521993230.png (1060x1125, 2.57M)

Other urls found in this thread:

80%, huh? How do you figure?

Care to explain what the picture's about?

news agencies using the same footage claiming it's a local hospital

OP is right they are restarting the economy with a central bank digital currency

One says it’s america one says it’s italy more likely it’s the kike American media just being lazy

Footage from Italy had the saturation edited and was broadcast a few days later as live in New York.

Attached: Untitleg54d.png (1936x1274, 662.62K)

needs more red circles

this might come off as a surprise but news agencies cant just go in and get b roll in any place since everything is locked down

Is this a war vs the elite?

Why are you defending blatant lies by the media about a pandemic?

Newsdesk interns are the laziest pieces of shit in the world. Anyone who watches cable news knows this.

Attached: 121.png (1294x1390, 2.01M)

in a lockout, journalists are guys in underpants at home browsing web forums and writing/editing the same 'info' as everybody else
so, close to business as usual as a normal but without remorse

This might sound like a suprise kike but in the age of the internet you can’t take footage from Italy and claim it to be NYC to promote hysteria

Where does it say that the video is also showing scenes from New York?

Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in Corona-psychosis, but I'm just seeing a picture here and can't follow your claim.

shoots his shot November 4th
gets hired March 16th



this is about shutting down the economy your optimism isnt based on hundreds of years on new world order planning

Attached: 1585610906381.jpg (712x712, 267.83K)

You have the grammar of a fucking 8 year old, holy fuck.



it's fear mongering and false advertising

you don't show a warzone from another part of the world and put your city the epicenter when it isn't as bad as the original photo

Cbs claimed it was NYC and has already apologized for it after being caught

Read the words at the bottom of each screen, Hans

Lazy news agencies using stock footage

Tinfoil hats think this is infallible concrete evidence the reptile people want to pull your soul into their interdimensional realm

It's an Italian hospital.
The Fake news is using as scare porn passing all the old Italians hooked to machines as an Over crowded. NEWYORK CITY hospital. it's pretty fucking evil and politically motivated strike on Trump as to he sent medical equipment to ny but Comohomo stashed it in a warehouse and told the world trumps holding out and the Media Jews are in on it

Totally agree. It's complete bullshit. But why would anyone want to crash their nations economy and what's more, why hasn't one nation resisted?

My Rabbi said you have to social distance and not go out otherwise his dividends wont pay out. Take that anti-semite.

I dont support the media. They were telling me covid was a nothing burger and a hoax. I agree, its rotten.

It would literally be easier, cheaper and more effective to just create a real virus to release into the public than just "fake" it all. How can anyone be so fucking retarded to believe that, Jesus christ.

boomers fell for memes

that's literally what happened

God damn nothing gets past Yas Forums
Well played

>t. israel. sage

No one is saying it's not a real virus Hans. It's just a meme virus, a fucking cold virus. More die from the flu, but this bullshit is being shilled so hard.

all the 1st world economies are interconnected thanks to globohomo and are currently shut down

but places like mexico, africa, sweden, etc. are up and running

The reason for the shut down is a controlled demolition.
They get to acquire the assets as they default, and it's in their hands what they do with them.

It's completely broken and they have to do this to keep control.
Otherwise panic, riots, and a new power structure that didn't leverage the population out like that would be formed.

On central bank digital currencies, this is their opinion on a free market

>“Some of the new players are outside the financial system’s regulatory guardrails, and their new currencies could pose challenges in areas such as illicit finance, privacy, financial stability and monetary policy transmission,” she said.

A challenge for the government is knowing exactly what your are doing with your money so they can influence you with monetary policy.
They think managing it more will make things better but it makes it worse because it destroys the efficiencies of the free market

its b-roll footage of a hospital to show the retards that still watch the news

You know, the "it's a conspiracy!" narrative that's been shilled extremely hard on this board is really really concerned with getting people back to work and painting this as a nothingburger. The economy and all of our jobs are just part of the massive jewish nighmare that has the west in a death grip. Every single right wing poster on this board, especially from the United States should be cheering this virus on and hoping for a total economic collapse. You know why a civil war or something else which could effect real political change that you want never happens? Because at the end of the day millions of normies want to pay their credit card bills, their mortgages, their rent, they need to feed the jew. Now we see an opportunity to starve the jew until something breaks and all hell is let loose and you retards are either too afraid of the possibilities, complacent in your status as a jewish serf, or so utterly mindfucked that you cannot believe that anything which is agreed to be happening by the government and society is indeed real and not an extremely large and elaborate conspiracy.

"Oh no, all these people believing in coronavirus will destroy this system and government that I despise! Better remember it's fake and get back to work for Mr. Shekelstein!!!"

You're all pathetically stupid.

pneumonia is now called corona and hyped, bread and games bullshit

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Lol no shit op. Here they claim there has been 15.something dead. Average age is between 70 to 80 y.o. and if you ask me this is being milked harder than a cow's tits. I'm willing to bet my left and right nut that most of these people were terminally ill anyway, ao if anything corona chan added some fuel to the fire. Let's hope it rids us of the plague that is old people

there's no coming back from this

she's done

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Here's my BEST CASE theory.
>Covid-19 is an intentional glorified flu released by a spy who probably contaminated wuhan's adrenochrome
>all the celebs and politicians etc who use adrenochrome are now showing symptoms of covid-19 (or whatever they used to contaminate the drug)
>proceed picking them up
>next step, stopping trafficking inside the D.U.M.B:s
>Trump has a coalition with several countries (he said that "22 countries are joining him on war against drug cartels" 5G is used to find enemies)
>this coalition has deemed necessary to DEMOLISH the dollar, for the benefit of all (everyone is in ridiculous debt thanks to globalist fucks), as that is what the drug/humantrafficking/globalists use

>imagine trump creating a new currency, (possibly even a world-wide currency if the EU breaks) this would mean that all that the dirty cash circulating around the world would have to be exchanged for new dollars. (probably with a time limit or else they'll be worthless)
>this in turn means that all the filthy jihadis, cartels, jews and the like would have to go carry all that dirty paper money to TRUMP's bank in order to keep it's value

>Trump's secret service can then connect the dots and know who has untaxed income and who has been part of illegal business
>secret service confirms

>lock up illuminati niggers, jew organ sellers and other drug / crime barons

>practically everyone wins

Worst case scenario:
>5G, Covid-19, solar minimum etc are all part of a giant Israel white-genocide plot, with an intention of destroying 95% of the earth's population and/or make all white people infertile & extinct within the next three generations

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it is a conspiracy, and nobody is ready to go to work and pay taxes after someone printed trillions of dollars out of nothing
this isn't one dimensional

oh yeah, and the absolute worst hell scenario
>all the shit from worst case but with a sketchy bill gates vaccine (either occasional contaminated needles that will work with 5G radiation, or lowers your immunity, makes you infertile or even/ gives you disabilities like some cases of spanish flu vaccine)

OP is a retarded faggot

No, millions want to sleep in their own beds they worked and paid for, feed their families and be safe. You must either be 12 and have no idea how the world works or you think everyone will have their home and a stocked reasonably priced grocery store and medicine available when they need it just by simply refusing to work or crashing the economy. I hope you continue to have someone to take care of you, because that's what it sounds like you already have. Because when you have to trade blow jobs for a tin of SPAM, you'll probably be wishing everyone was just back to normal.

in america our taxes are used against us
the government seizing more power isn't a fairy tale where the good guy wins

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Deep state isn't in charge anymore, I can dream

>Lazy news agencies using stock footage

Lazy is not quite it. They use stock footage as a matter of course so you can't tell quite so easily when they are lying for real.

why would any government agree to this tho? their all getting the rope for how theyve failed us and let our people die. you need to come to grips with this disaster being real. this is complete loss of control and hundred of thousands of people dieing in the next few months in the usa alone. watch the usa fracture into a dozen countries in the chaos as trump cant stop the bodies filling the streets. this isnt something unimaginable either, its just a supervirus, look at the 1918 pandemic.
this is retarded, we havnt built up antibodies to covid yet, obviously its far more deadly than the flu at the moment, that is proper stupid m8. compare it to the flu hitting the abos.

I hope niggers fall for this shit and go out.

Exactly. Those who have died from this virus would have died from the flu anyway the CV 19 is just a label slapped on

I hope you're right
nobody wants this but we're in for a slow grind downward until we replace the system
I want it to be peaceful and seamless as possible and that can be done with bitcoin integration

But most people here would rather buy a gun than read a book
because that's 100x easier

who the fuck are you nobody is dying in the streets faggot

oh no! They used stock footage! How will the economy ever recover!!?

>why would any government agree to this tho?
sorry, I didn't respond properly

It's a misdirection
You can't say you rigged the economy so bad it failed we'll get back to you in 4 months.

There are no other options for them.

The only thing keeping this as "just a flu" meme status is a plentyful supply of oxygen. Without it, the death rate for this becomes instantly catastrophic. Most poor countries will run out very quickly, and we will be too busy with our own shit to help so expect the 3rd world death toll to be insane by the end of the year. Right now, they're just playing catchup with europe.
The NHS has had problems with oxygen supply 3 times already. This early in the uptick.
When it does run out (and it will), come back and tell us this was just a nothing burger.

you’re probably having Bogdabots inside you, right now

Journalists are both lazy and don't care about accurate reporting. It is standard practice to reuse the same footage if it is photogenic even when it's not showing what is talked about in the article. Think about that 2015 picture of the little rapefugee dying in turkey presented as being in Europe. I mean that's the standard, then you also have many cases of outright staging photoshoots (like the wounded children against big bad Assad).
Covid coverage is particularly bad because they try to up the hysteria. They systematically use photos that make the hospitals look very busy (they never show all those useless empty tents that we absolutely needed because 25% of the population was going to die in three weeks).

The repo market is the interbank lending markets for banks to cover reserve requirements

reserve requirements are the last thing grounding in reality the fractional reserve banking system was tied to

When the interbank system failed it was known the banks were insolvent
Then overnight repo markets kept growing and growing from september until march 1.5 trillion repo market

Then the Fed knowing they can't keep up they removed reserve requirements
>As announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions.

Next they lowered the interest rates to 0 meaning the money they create doesn't even have to bring returns over time just break even please do something and keep our money afloat

Once the exhausted all options they froze the economy and that's where we at now

I researched their plans for probably 50-100 hours idk
It's central bank digital currency

Attached: blog_overnight_repo_december_2019.jpg (1385x758, 143.45K)

are you drunk sir? i mean i am too

so coinbase's USDcoin is going to become spendable?

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that sums it up

I'm high lol
but no I've been reading this stuff for years and it got really wonky right before the virus hit

ITT: Children learn about stock photography

no those coins are tied to bank supposedly I personally do not trust them

This is going to be a new dollar entirely
think brazil real

Yeah, the leaders of more than 200 nations that consulted with medical experts around the world were duped by a hoax, but some incels who dropped out of high school were too clever to fall for it.


the entire power structure is implicated
this is the thing about a debt based economy

>why would any government agree to this tho?

There are no countries anymore. There are no good guys. Russia, China, the US, all these cucked countries are controlled by Freemasons, all of whom work together to accomplish their own ends, as indicated on the Georgia guidestones, and other indications such as Justin Trudeau admitting openly he wants the white race eradicated.

Freemasons put Trudeau in power, and he says and does what he wants as a Freemason/accordingly.

The hospitals are empty. Stop making shit up.

yep, that's the thing you have to research the entire flow of the system to see the deception

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>no-one in the know...not one fucking going to say anything and blow the whistle on this global freedom scam
>except me speculating wildly
Where do you people get off on thinking you have anyone fooled with your intelligence?
You're so fucking stupid you can't even work out how stupid you sound.
Stop assuming everyone is as daft as you are. Just stop.

>my local doctors aren't swamped yet
>therefore it's not real
This pic is for (((you)))

I have nothing to lose and everything to gain
They have nothing to gain and everything to lose
The facts are out in the open, it's the incentives on the story
research it and make that decision yourself

but unfortunately those chained to the old system are going to die with it

This is why the Canadian media is so much better. It's obviously Chicago. Can some twatter fag spread this please.

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