Black user here. Am I really being brainwashed and bred by society to be victim and a slave that I never was?
Black user here. Am I really being brainwashed and bred by society to be victim and a slave that I never was?
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Stop larping
i dunno, do you blame all of your personal failings on white people and assume that there is a grand conspiracy by white people to prevent you from becoming successful?
if so then that would make you pretty brainwashed
Yes. jews are your enemy not whites. Jews own the record labels that produce the garbage nigger culture, jews owned the slave trade and slave ships
Who let you in?
I'm not larping im legit serious
what do you mean by that?
>Black user here
Sure faggot........Sure
Never did because I don't have that experience in life but it seems there this influence in society to suggest that I am a victim though
Yes and no but mostly yes
You’re objectively in the most spoiled, rich, pampered group of humans ever to live in all of history. The top .00000001% most privileged. And you’re expected to resent the ever so slightly more well-off ones who are why you’re not being raped and mutilated in Africa right now.
i am black
All Americans regardless of race are. Jews are destroying your nation and breeding a slave mentally in all races
Post time-stamped proof.
At least fake it by using one of your gay-nigger boyfriends as a prop.
You can do that in between slurps of their dicks, can't you?
literally this. But there's also the genetic retardation factor.
Try to learn a high art or science. Pick one, and be just like "fuck it I can do whatever the FUCK I put my mind to and I WILL TO LEARN this and be GOOD at it" and like, if you can't, I dunno what to tell you it's probably because of the much-talked about "niggerbrains".
If you find out you are literally incompetent at a base level I'd say that lends at least a small amount of evidence towards the idea that your people are not very intelligent, and, being in a society with significantly more intelligent creatures is...cruel and unfair, and the sort of crime that can only be remedied by separation and being in power in your own country/land and having as little to do with us as possible.
Now, sadly, I suspect this won't make you happier - the opposite. You will be subjected to the full force of your own miserable behaviors and toxic output with no wytepepo to filter it out.
So the thing is if you're black you're a parasite who gains in our society at our expense.
You're a parasite. But if you're not a parasite, you live in a self-manufactured hellhole. Either that or, be a parasite. Or live in hell. Or be a parasite. But if you know you're a parasite you're in a kind of in hell already.
The hell is inside you, black man. You can't run. You can only face it and I suggest you accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your lord and savior and brace as hard as you fucking can for that specific hell because, and I speak only as an observer, it seems nasty as all fuck.
Honestly I think you all should go back to Africa and mete out your demons alone, and together. It's hell but it's hell for a reason. God is good. Trust him.
If you can recognize it, then you're probably not that brainwashed. You should move on to the next step, and ask who would want to do this to you, and why.
It's up to you to decide mate.
My answer is yes.
But only you can see it, and tell others to stop it.
They dont listen to us.
If you tell someone they are stupid enough, how do they feel?
Is it any different?
Wow based.
In short yes. Anyone here calling you a nigger and such are paid shill astroturfers from CNN/MSNBC/FOX/MOSSAD/CCP and of course their armies of normie brainlet newfags they accumulated from feggit (reddit) and discord. They’re all idiots ignore them.
why do I have to go back to africa? and why are you saying im retarded?
To some extent most likely. Depends on how you grew up. Remember when Dave Chappell freaked out because he thought someone laughed in "racist" at one of his jokes.
Literally the entire media world wide is hell bent on making everyone fight about ANY POSSIBLE DIVIDING LINE fucking anything.
Society points at whites having “more smarts/inventors/money etc” to piss you off and points at you having “more fun cool people that have fun because of athleticism and aesthetics” ie.... the BBC meme and the eternal white brainlets that have always held prejudice because they were born into it. In reality there’s plenty of smart and successful blacks and ultimately its bullshit. And ultimately there’s lots of fun charismatic athletes whites and se have big dongs too.
It’s all so tiresome.
Read here please if you want real conversation.
Cuckold fagot....
i am black, really I am.
Idk Irish were slaves too, we don’t try about it all day and say it justifies personal failings.
Post skin and time stamp
Have you ever personally been victimized?
(Being called names on the internet doesnt count)
as a black person speaking for myself... I never was a slave nor was I ever discriminated against. I can't recall ever having that experience in my daily life. So it seems I'm being molded by society to be a slave or a victim because Im black and that has become the norm
Post timestamped pic
No, we're actually racist here. Notice the board you're on is "politically incorrect".
Were any living black Americans held in legal slavery?
Are any black Americans rich?
Do any of them have political power?
Do they have rights?
And yet there is a constant stream of victim mentality from them.
How would anybody here know? most blacks are, but there are exceptions.
But since you're asking the question, you most likely are. If you weren't, you'd be able to speak for yourself instead of relying on a taiwanese cartoon board.
Why are you still infected?
No, we are overtly contrarian.
We are whatever polite society says yoy arent allowed to be
How many pairs of sneakers do you have?
It’s less about you feeling like the oppressed and more about us feeling like the oppressor.
You are being used as a tool to tear down white hegemony in our own nations.
He's not even black dude
Post pic of hand with timestamp or you suck cocks
came here to ensure this was posted. thanks user
if you have rich blacks, and blacks in positions of political power and have rights, I said we shouldn't have a victim mentality if we can attain these things in a society
You ever heard of the term ‘straw dogs’?
It’s from a Chinese festival where they create straw effigies. All day long they treat these little straw figures like kings, they dress them up, make them offerings, celebrate their existence.
However, at the end of the day, they are all tossed out into the street and discarded.
What I’m saying is, enjoy the festival while it lasts.
Because we aren't there. Because you can face your hell with only your own reflection in the water looking back at you. You can mete out whatever it is God planned for you with nothing else to throw blame on.
Nobody is perfectly happy in this world and we all suffer, some more than others. It seems you guys got selected to suffer a lot but a multicultural society confuses the nature of that suffering and therefor obscures what wisdom may be gleaned from it.
In short you can never evolve or transcend like this, here, with us. We keep you in this state, forever, not even meaning to, just by existing as your neighbors.
Nigger do you feel compiled to eat chicken and chase balls?
Then no go back to robbing and rapping while waiting for the welfare check.
Of course not, blacks may face a different set of challenges as whites do in America but overall there is still a massive potential for social mobility and there are no laws in place that hold you back, affirmative action and popular culture actually do the opposite.
Marxist ideology would have you believe that a white man can never be a victim of racism, due to their inherent privilege.
So if a homeless white man was racially abused and assaulted by someone like Oprah or Obama’s daughters, he would still not be a victim because he has more power in society. If that sounds logical to you then you are being brainwashed for sure.
Yes, if you are in America, you being programmed to fail and die early regardless of genetics.
You’re a victim of having poor genes in a country that demands more. Either be grateful and content here like your Congolese cousins that traveled 1/3 of the way around the world to get here, or go equalize the environment to your talents, in Africa.
well in america, there is a saying that black people can't be racist. for some reason... in america we have that double standard.
Leave this place for your own sanity’s sake while you still can user
thank your democrats for that
Yeah. Pretty much, like I said it’s all bullshit propaganda. The spic illegal hate, the nigger degenerate meme, the poo takes our muhhh good jobs meme, the feminist VS mgtow bullshit, the boomer vs zoomer narrative, the straight vs gay agenda ALL OF IT.... is just to make us fight while the government and banks and media and such take all the money, rights, and other such important things.
Dave Chapelle went to Africa to sort shit out. You can too. Go there and stay there and trying to find yourself in an environment not defined by white people.
It’s intentionally been skewed that way.
Dont believe your black.
Post a pic of your vidya collection.
i love and respect our black brothers.
some day they will break free from the brainwashing and make africa great again.
So if we are being molded to be victims, who profits off of this?
No you’re being brainwashed into fighting people that aren’t like you at all costs.
Every dividing line is a target of division. And the real rich people you should hate, are unknown to most people. Like the Rothchilds, Payseur, Rockefeller, Soros. Not so much Bezos or Zuch, they are their media control wing of the deepstate, the tech side. These are the people you should hate, but their crimes and disgusting actions are never put out by the MSM because they literally own all of them.
The Rothschilds have so much money and control that if anyone tells you they know how much they have, they’re lying. Because these are obfuscated black books and they’re washed through hundreds if not thousands of accounts.
The same people who brought you to America.