I want them OUT of the EU

I want them OUT of the EU

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what's your height, dutchie?


Does this make you an angry manlet in Holland?

Paesano! Why are ayou so harsh?

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So do they

>the anonymous seething dutchman

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I want the EU to be dismantled.

you cant handle us leaving lmao but we're gonna leave anyway

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Manlet to dutch standard hahaha

It doesn't, it's about average

Think I scared him away. It was a serious question.

Haha I'm sure the EU are going to cope without bailing your failing economy out because half of your country dont pay taxes

You do realize that in a world context Netherlands are irrilevants? Italy it's like the 8th world economy

Shut up colgate. The EU needs solidarity. Unity. AND FUCKING MUZZIES OUT OF OUR LANDS god i hate moroccans.

Fuck you.

Checked, Kek approves.

>half of your country dont pay taxes
So, why every italian companies go tho holland to get lower taxes if they don't pay?

Yeeey guys make ITAXIT happen!

Shut the fuck up. You couldn't even make a deep-sea port work even though your entire country is shaped like a container terminal.

I want it too desu

No! Kick us ut, please!

Same as me, but I guess you’re a manlet in NL

I'm sure pizza's sell well, yes

Death to the EU in general faggot.

I want them out of the EU too, but mostly because they'll be better off that way. No one needs a bunch of kikes in Brussels dictating anything to them.

Terroni's don't pay taxes. That's a fact

God I hope so, if there is one european I cannot stand is the fucking peperonis, holy fuck I never met such an arrogant stuck up fucks who make narcissists look like Insecure women while having the shittiest dressing sense I have ever seen in my life.

Your taxes fund migrants and their birthrates. Italy is 90% Italian, clock is ticking, taxes are still funding, then it's 88%, 85%, 80%


lmao seething ape

How so? I don't like our bureaucracy, geopolitics and economies intertwined. I want autarky and strength for Finland, and I want us to pursue eastward to our cousins.


At least they aren’t goblinas

Yeah, imagine being a bozgor

give it some time... just give it some time...
tempus et patientia, tempus omnia revelat

The EU is the gayest organization on the planet. Enjoy have your kids raped by Muslims because the EU forces countries to let illegals in.

Kauan on kärsitty

Such European solidarity ITT. I don't mind it at all since the bigger the state stretches out the harder it is to manage. Also an United States of Europe would no doubt kill our nations and cultures.

Says the non country. Literally, what unique achievements have the dutch ever made?

We'd be happy to leave and be better off without you

I does feel good to be a ‘bozgor’, if u ask me :D

>if u ask me :D
Ok, do u feel good being a bozgor?

is this a rare diaspora or is our shitposting permeating other cultures?

Do you even know what that word means?

How about the world just gets rid of the EU and the UN while they are at it

Personally I'd rather be a bozgor than a butthurt mestizo.

Me too. Italians deserve better.

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This guy is no true Dutchman.

It makes no difference whether anyone leaves the EU now, all the damage has been done and the time bombs are set, more than enough the alien invaders are inside and they're not leaving until the entire continent is no longer European. And don't forget that they couldn't give a shit about borders, they'll cross right over to genocide you whether or not you're in the EU.

pizza de macaco when?

Ok, boomer.

I'll show this to Conte, it will sure make Italy exit the EU, good job bro

I want us OUT of the EU

>i want them out
I want the Netherlands out of the EU.
Why the fuck are you falling for the divide and conquer fellow dutchbro? The Italians are our brothers - we should all leave the EU behind us.
Kek, manlet confirmed.

Eu destroyed our economy and sovereignity,and we contribuited economically way more than you dutch faggots

Manlet. I’m 2.10m. You should be emberassed.

you can always go to Portugal macaco

I would hate being that height.

Italians are no white. Maybe 1 one 20 have more than 50% white genes the other are sandnigers. Nederland is at least 50% white

Yeah, I want them and ourselves out of the EU too. I want a 3rd war between Germany, France, the UK and hopefully Russia. Just a conventional war of utter devastation.

I be been many times to Italy and saw only shit like that. They are noisy, stupid and don’t look like Roman statues of Europeans of 2000 years ago

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chink aleeeeeeert

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because of this?

You have an advantage when there's a flooding.

You know when I went to Russia I saw lots of fully grown "men" who appeared to be little more than vaguely masculine infants. You guys look like babies.