Mass media has triggered a Cold Civil War in the West...

Mass media has triggered a Cold Civil War in the West. The war is between what I refer to as Cosmopolitans and Essentialists. Each represents a view of the world that can not be reconciled with the other. These views existed before the Cold Civil War, so mass media isn't exactly the culprit. It's just increased the flow of information so drastically, that all the issues that can be resolved will be resolved. And the issues that can't be resolved will escalate.

These escalated issues are beginning to draw a pretty clear picture. And if you look closely, you can see one single disagreement at the root of them all. Cosmopolitans view human beings as lacking an essence. The human must be properly shaped to create the ideal world. The essentialist view human beings as having an essence. The ideal world should be shaped around this essence. These two perspectives can not be reconciled, and their consequences account for nearly all the fronts of this Cold Civil War.

What I mean by essence, is some unalterable, inherent aspect of a person. Hunger, for instance, is part of the essence. You can't really shape it, you can't avoid it, you can't teach it away. And most importantly, you can't get rid of it. The world has to be shaped around the fact of hunger. Food must be created, distributed, and consumed. If you propose any change to the world that violates that fact, you are talking nonsense.

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Now let's go beyond hunger to something more abstract: the value of human life. Cosmopolitans and essentialists hold what seem to be contradictory beliefs on the subject. Cosmopolitans generally believe that abortion is ok, but the death penalty is not. Essentialist, the opposite. If you look at this from how views on the human essence manifest, it makes sense.

If you believe that the human essence exists and is generally unalterable, you would view a fetus as a life worth preserving. The essence is unalterable, merely being in the womb doesn't change that. So killing that fetus is equivalent to murder. As for the death penalty, a person sentenced to death has proven that they are bad. Their essence is bad, and it won't change to be good. So killing them is justified.

From the Cosmopolitans perspective, the fetus hasn't yet been shaped into anything. So it lacks any essence, and thus lacks any value. It's "just a clump of cells". But for the man on death row, he was merely shaped incorrectly. The forces that shaped him were at fault, and he could be reshaped into something better. So it is not justified to kill him.

Now let's look at another issue: immigration. To the essentialist, one geographic group of people have a shared essence. A certain commonality in who they are that binds them together, and allows for a cohesive whole. Mixing different groups of people is bound to cause division and strife, because the essence of those groups are not coherent with each other. To the cosmopolitan, any set of people could be put together and live harmoniously. The divisions are merely caused by how those people were shaped. If we reshape them, we will achieve harmony.

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You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Really any modern political issue could be viewed with this fundamental divide as the cause. How we think on this one question informs our political worldview. Because the world is a radically different place under each assumption. If the human essence is an immutable, inherent thing, we have been making some strange choices. An essentialist would view liberal politics as wishful and deluded. But if the human essence is mutable and taught, we have been failing each generation terribly.

Who is right? Of course the truth is messy and vague and hard to orient along a single axis of truth. It's somewhere in between. There is no single organizing principle for reality, as there might be for our perception of reality. I tend to think that we are significantly more essential than the West would like to believe. And a wishful resistance to essentialism has caused significant problems when it comes to finding the middle ground of reality.

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>Mass media has triggered a Cold Civil War in the West.
>Each represents a view of the world that can not be reconciled with the other.
Not entirely true. There is no idea without the reconciliation of the idea. Nature abhors a vacuum.
>so mass media isn't exactly the culprit.
Pure bullshit. All Coups follow the same pattern: First overtake the MSM. FAIL.
>These two perspectives can not be reconciled, and their consequences account for nearly all the fronts of this Cold Civil War.
I disagree. The conflict presupposes victory of one idea over another. This aspect can be proven over the course of many lifetimes.
>What I mean by essence, is some unalterable, inherent aspect of a person.
A person has always been a shallow, legal construct.

No farms, no food. Period. Praise KeK for showing us all the way forward, no matter which disaster strikes us all down.

This matters Not. It is a mere distraction of what is Happening. Do Not focus energy on These trivial common sense no thought needed subjects.


satanism and entropy (false)
divine God and negentropy (true)

Can common sense really be considered common anymore? That time has passed.

Sure. But this sort of explanation does nothing for those who are lost. If it's true, it can be understood in any context.


begone false one

> it can be understood in any context.
Yes.this. It is the most difficult of all ideas.
Thank you, user. Well stated.

mark my words, for this is the media's planned narrative and explanation for mass kill off of Americans in the coming months: 2020-2021 winter cold and flu season will be described as a resurgence of the Corona virus, which the failed president Trump falsely claimed we had beaten. They will expound on this by saying that these record deaths could have been prevented had Trump taken the virus seriously in the beginning, instead of calling it a "hoax". However the reality will be FAR different. Instead the record number of cold and flu deaths will be the result of mass homelessness, unemployment, poor nutrition, poor access to heat and sanitation. This will be falsely labeled as a "flu epidemic" and blamed on covid-19, when in reality covid 19 is just the seasonal cold and the real cause of death is the induced poverty from phony measures taken the preceding winter and spring of 2020, which forced huge swaths of the population to lose their homes, health benefits and access to utilities.

>Said the idiot

>Who is right? Of course the truth is messy and vague and hard to orient along a single axis of truth. It's somewhere in between

Compromise is impossible. People are just going to have to live apart. I want Liberals to be trapped in a multi-cultural urban nightmare! I don't want to forgive them for putting foreigners and greed before their own, and putting their own people in danger.

Is there much use to trying to predict what's about to happen? That's a silly game to play. Looking for the hidden truth is a waste of time, compared to trying to re-discover the obvious truth.

I basically agree. The only thing I concede on, in saying that the truth is messy, is that people DO need to be shaped to a degree. They need to be socialized.

Random digits == Numbers?
Not possible if Moot was uncomprimised.
>begone false one
Talk that story at your Muslim && Chinese neighbors IRL, user. If the interwebz are a Public Utility, Ajit Pye was the correct choice. If not, AP must be exposed. Got any sauce on the matter? This affects us all whether we want it or not in pic related.

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Posts of the highest order. Among the most venerable and reasoned approaches to this situation that I have read on this godforsaken site. Please carry on.

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>which the failed president Trump falsely claimed we had beaten.
I beat all SARS virus and mutations 4 years ago. Insert quarter to try again.

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I guess the point of all this shit I'm saying, is that viewing yourself as lacking an essence is a waking nightmare. When you view yourself this way, your life becomes a shadow. Your body and your whole existence become just a pawn you're moving around and playing with.

Humanity spent hundreds of thousands of years developing a nuanced and accurate understanding of their own nature. It's reflected in the traditions and norms and attitudes of a thousand generations that came before us.

Now modernity has demolished this inheritance of ours. It is absolute HUBRIS. It literally makes me sick to think about what was destroyed.

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Until you understand this, you can never possibly understand how a person could purposely mutilate their genitals to switch genders. Their own body is alien to them.

>the truth is messy

It really isn't. Some people are more guilty than others. They should be punished.

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War is necessary to maintain the balance. Are these the lines which you wish to draw?

Which people though? That's what's messy. Remember that all the insane degenerates you see roaming around, in another life, would be happy and proper human beings.

It's already happening. It hasn't gone "hot" yet, but the war has already started. I don't choose the lines so it doesn't matter what I wish.

Essence = soul

Yep, that's how people conceived of it for a very, very long time. But that way of understanding things has been basically destroyed. And like I said, if the concept is true (which it is), then it should be understandable in any context. Restating "humans have a soul" over and over again isn't going to make someone understand. We need a new way of conceiving of a basic truth.

OP is not a faggot for once

Unfortunately people want simple, black and white answers; not complex, muddy truth

I think it's ok that they want this. I just really wish i was able to distill this stuff down into something easy to understand. I just can't do it well.

People are desperate to hear the same fundamental truths that have been known of for a very, very long time. They have just become numb to the way they are conveyed. Saying you have a soul just bounces right off their skull.

I'm not sure I agree. The concept of a soul emerged over thousands of years and was well understood for thousands of years. I think we are ceding ground when we let go of it. Everyone knows what it means and what it entails. The vast majority of Americans understand and believe it, it's the same soul that is in the Bible.
The dignity and rights of the individual are the cornerstone of Western civilization.

I don't think most Americans believe in it. Saying you believe is different than really having the idea as a bedrock of your understanding of yourself and the world. Anyone can say they believe to fit in. People can even fool themselves into thinking they believe. Not good enough.

We just can't look away from the reality: a nihilistic ideology is rotting us away from the inside out. Whatever kept that at bay historically is failing. We need to invent new ways of understanding the truth of reality. Maybe it is ceding ground, but you have to look at the war from the perspective of Washington. Winning every single battle isn't the way to the ultimate goal.

kek related

>We need to invent new ways of understanding the truth of reality
No, this just adds confusion. Truth is truth. It does not change.
>We just can't look away from the reality: a nihilistic ideology is rotting us away from the inside out. Whatever kept that at bay historically is failing.
What kept it at bay was Western Civilization, i.e., White Christian Europeans being in charge. We have ceded control of all of our institutions to godless Jews.
Truth does not change. We have a soul, we are children of God. That is the truth, and it does not change.

Plug your ears and say lalalal. Go ahead. While the world falls apart around you. Whatever was making the world good, FAILED.

>Whatever was making the world good, FAILED.
Yep, it did. But that does not mean it cannot succeed again.

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The conservative take has gotten us nowhere but a provisional foil against enlightenment politics to the benefit of this cosmopolitan class OP speaks of. It goes beyond the scope of ethnic id, and the platform of this conflict is wholly metaphysical. Holy war.

You've failed to take into account one simple variable: the origin of these world views. Is the origin itself part of the "essence?" Is it taught or innate?... Or maybe we should diverge from your thoughts and entertain another option. What of the origin of these world views is a cope?

What if the "cosmopolitan" doesn't learn their cosmopolitan beliefs, but rather they choose it. Maybe they themselves wish for it to be true because they need it to be in order to stay sane. Lets say, for example, a pedophile wishes to be a good person. They can't embrace their innate pedophilia? Obviously, not. So they'll have to learn to overpower it, and before they could do that they'd have to believe such a thing to be possible.

Now what if the "essentialist" felt somewhat guilty for being successful? Maybe they stepped on more then a couple toes in order to get where they currently are. Should they condone their own immoral behavior, or claim that their success is the outcome of their own inherent value?

If such thinking is a cope then there is a more primordial essence that you are failing to recognize.


It's pretty obvious the essence is in-born, acceptance of varying modalities in expression and purpose -> proliferate civilization. The Cosmopolitan is post-peak civilization condition, where the confluence of choice supersedes this fundamental essence of being. It's as clear as day when you see men have their penises cut off, and women have a penis crudely fashioned out of skin off their legs.

And then there is the other group which likes to insert phallic objects and the likes into their rectum for the sake of pleasure. This group to which OP belongs shall be known as faggots.

The essence I'm speaking of is totally innate. It is biological, and immutable. The origin of the worldview where the innate essence is recognized has an ancient origin. It's been developed over hundreds of thousands of years, as humanity slowly learned to understand itself.

And I suppose that the cosmopolitan view can be a choice. I mean, it certainly looks like a promising choice to a young person. Because if your self is this malleable thing, you can become anything. It's an enticing thought. So some choose it for that reason.

If there is a more primordial essence, I'd be interested in hearing it. Because the essence I'm imagining, is basically the sum total of our being.

Dumbass you're just rewriting Marx and you don't even know it

Then the Cosmopolitan would be the correct belief for the pedo so that he does not fuck kids. OP says:

>What I mean by essence, is some unalterable, inherent aspect of a person. Hunger, for instance, is part of the essence. You can't really shape it, you can't avoid it, you can't teach it away. And most importantly, you can't get rid of it.

He has that nature and has to change it to function as a cope - thus using the cosmopolitan beliefs.

The value of OP's post comes from what the person believes to be true NOT so much the function itself. Does the person believe that the subject will transform or not? Is this the final form, and is that good? It's a trait the person has.

A cosmopolitan would give money to a beggar because they believe it is what the beggar needs to change into a good person, even though he buys more alcohol with it when the cosmo leaves
The Essentialist would not give the beggar money and let him starve because he doesn't believe in the change

A cope brought us where we are now. We are all inherently monsters, potential rapists, liars, pedos, sadists, murderers, in some combination. Denying this reality of the human nature at worst leads to complete loss of control over these urges.

To go one further, based on the complicit schema of the cosmopolitan, their insistence that the exception triumphs over the rule. And with backing of fellow cosmopolitans work to reshape the system to suit this inherent dysfunction. So the beggar in essence is enslaved, and this effect creeps further and further outward. This cancerous system is the result of this algorithm.

I guess I see two different trajectories. The "cosmopolitan" is aiming at a goal that is unrelated to their own nature. A celebrity, an icon, a or whatever. They want to suppress their own nature because it's an obstacle on the way to this goal.

The essentialist wants to refine themselves to the most true and potent expression of their nature. Which changes over time. Our goals as an infant is very different from as a toddler, as a teenager, etc... It takes effort to have your conscious mind stay in tune with your nature.

>If there is a more primordial essence
The essence you speak of is a very complex idea, and much of human behavior is far simpler then people want to believe. You could say that your philosophizing is itself a cope, but I digress...

I personally fancy the idea of emotional evolution. The theory that emotions exist on a tree in a similar fashion to life. However, instead of going extinct they continue to exist along side each other. Its actually kind of easy to trace the tree linguistically. The simpler the phrase the more base the the emotion is...
>sad -> depressed -> "blacked pilled"
>anger -> fervor -> righteous indignation

The emotion that drives your "essence" is not base enough to be a primordial motivator. To be honest, I just think your cosmopolitans are fueled by fear and your essentialists are fueled by anger. You can fear what a fetus will become and you can be angry at a criminal, but its impossible to reverse those statements.

Anyway I'm going to sleep. I have some more stuff written up here

So you’re saying it was the Jews?

POTENTIAL is the key word. once you know that you CAN kill people then you can decide not to do it. Like the experiment where they shock the prisoners "convicted" of a fake murder.
>do they see themselves as a cosmopolitan or essentialist.

Is this theory from a book? This can be used to tie a lot of ideas together that have to do with human reactions.

This is pretty based, but I'm sure I've heard something to this effect before but the terminolgy is novel.

The somewhere in between is that these aren't paradigms they are metaproperties.

Take education. there are immutable properties of a student:

- IQ
- disability
- background

However there are mutable differences too:

- economic status
- knowledge/experience
- desires

A pure essentialist will put the student through the same bullshit as everyone else even if they suffer from perfectly solvable dilemmas. While a cosmopolitan will do everything they can to counteract the mutable differences whilst completely ignoring the immutable differences between their students.

I'd argue that in this scenario we can optimise by taking the cosmopolitan view towards supporting students, even from an essentialist viewpoint as these mutable differences are an obstruction to the students expressing their essiential qualities.

In theory though, in practice educators seem to way overstep the boundaries of what benefits the student into radical politics.

rabbi worship or devil worship!!!

>Twitter reaction image
>Attention span of a fly
Like clockwork


>so mass media isn't exactly the culprit.
Getting ahead of argument shill tactic

Based britbro! Shills faggots seeeetthe. >just waving the bait in the ocean of piss with your hand.



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Why would coddling students be beneficial? Unless you expect the rest of the world to coddle them as well... An argument could be made for providing them with the tools that they might not have access to, but outright changing your expectations for them would be lunacy. Their employers aren't going to, and shouldn't, care about their mutable differences. That's how you end up with bridges collapsing because they were designed by retards and constructed by spics.

brooo a true modern philosopher. maybe not at the same height as the ancients but its getting there. write a book on this shit people looking for food for thought will buy the shit out of this. plus it might solidify you as a real philosopher.

There's absolutely no question who is right. The "essentialists" as OP calls them. The cosmopolitan attitude and environment causes nothing but suffering, while the essentialist is peaceful and happy when left to his own devices.
The difference is having a fucking soul, and cosmopolitans don't.

A person that bases their career off of their thoughts, but stays in the mainstream media realm and ventures no where towards free thought that has been confirmed by speculation and a level of intuition and deduction only true thought leaders can do.... is simply becoming a gatekeeper. And what you are doing exacts a terrible toll on your soul, for you are given the knowledge and reasoning by you coming into creation, to discern that which others can’t, and instead you turn your back on them. And worse, you help plot against them.

Truly, how people can lack so much heart is astounding. Just drones thinking for their eternal pursuit of tally marks known as money and likes so they gain more power and influence in the material.

How shortsighted you are. Evil degenerate beings trying to invert creation. You could have had it all if you played in good faith, but no, you willingly decided to turn your back as well.

Your souls await the infinite void, and your underlings an eternity of fire to cleanse their spirits.