How do we justify the Nazis razing Warsaw to the ground?

Is this where the LARP ends, meine Kameraden?

>Even before the uprising, the Germans knew that, within a few months, Warsaw would fall into Allied hands. Despite that, they dedicated an unprecedented effort to destroying the city. Their decision tied up considerable resources which could have been used at the Eastern Front and at the newly-opened Western Front following the Normandy landings. The Germans destroyed 80–90% of Warsaw's buildings and deliberately demolished, burned, or stole an immense part of its cultural heritage.

Attached: razing of warsaw.jpg (220x147, 14.24K)

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Dude wtf I'm not a nazi anymore

Are you actually saying the city wasn't razed and the Jews made this up? I just visited Warsaw and all the old people talk about how it is how it was razed by the Nazis.

>I just visited Warsaw and all the old people talk about how it is how it was razed by the Nazis.
holy shit man, really? I can't believe that my heroes would so something like that in wartime to a city in open rebellion. I hate hitler now.

idk dude it's barbarism. Especially since the war was lost by the time they did this.

I totally trust this information, I swear I'm not doubting you but can you actually provide a historical source for this? like a book?

This book is about the Warsaw Uprising (not to be confused with the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; Warsaw Uprising was an uprising of Poles). It describes how Warsaw was razed after the uprising, as retribution, and how 200,000 people died in the course of this.

> Your army is shit.
> Completely defeated on the field.
> You retreat to your city.
> You will not surrender.
> You transform every building into a bunker or a military asset.

Oh wow, I have no idea what could have happened.

Well that seems a bit biased, since the author's father worked for the communist secret police and the translation was done by a jewish woman.

That is just a dumb cope that you made up. The razing happened after the Germans put down the Warsaw Uprising. We have the orders from Himmler and Hitler and the point was revenge.

OK so because the guy's dad had an unsavory job, you're accusing him of fabricating sources?

And you're accusing the translator of deliberately mistranslating the book into English because of her ethnicity?

Low IQ observation. You can be NatSoc and not condone every single action you moron. I hate the viewpoint Natsocs had towards slavs

Well if a white nationalist's son wrote a book about how the confederates were the victims of the civil war and the descendant of a confederate general translated it into my language, shouldn't I be suspicious?

>shouldn't I be suspicious?
If you're low-IQ, sure. If not you'd look at the individual person's credentials before assuming he's the type to fabricate sources, based on his fucking DAD.

Are you legit retarded? Because Germany couldn't handle a handful of rebels, it's ok to bomb a capitol city to the ground

You mean their degree? Something that doesn't represent their personality but rather how well they can write an essay? I wouldn't blindly trust them to be honest just because they have a nice shiny degree.

>it's ok to bomb a capitol city to the ground
Also burnings libraries with flamethrowers, etc. 200,000 civilian deaths are estimated.

The brainlet thinks the Jews made up the razing of Warsaw. But ironically it's because of the Jews that no one knows about it outside of Poland. No one talks about the genocide of Poles during the war because Jews want their suffering to be unique.

Slavs were considered aryan you fucking dolt leaf.

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well we had been mass producing bombers and bombing any civilian target within range.

Not a single person in this thread believes that. You’re delusional and clearly untrustworthy

>Also burnings libraries with flamethrowers
Did you hear about those masturbation machines? Really terrible don't you think. Imagine what cruelty it takes to waste valuable ammunition and spare parts on burning a library when the front lines are falling a few miles away from you, unless it didn't actually happen which I'm not claiming but it would make more sense.

Clearly there is someone like that in this thread

David Irving documents the razing of Warsaw in his book, based on primary sources:
>(Quoting Himmler, re razing of Warsaw) “Warsaw, the capital, the brains, the nerve centre of this former sixteen- or seventeen-million-strong nation of Poles, will [be] wiped out – this nation that has barred our passage to the east for seven centuries and lain foul of "us ever since the first Battle of Tannenberg." The Reichsführer ordered the destruction of the city; it was to be blown up block by block." (HW, page 716)

There were a lot of people in the German bureaucracy who thought Slavs were Aryan. Hitler and Himmler did not.

>"The Folkish State, conversely, must under no conditions annex Poles with the intention of wanting to make Germans out of them some day. On the contrary, it must muster the determination either to seal off these alien racial elements, so that the blood of its own Folk will not be corrupted again, or it must without further ado remove them and hand over the vacated territory to its own National Comrades." - Hitler, Zweites Buch.

>Imagine what cruelty it takes to waste valuable ammunition and spare parts
So how did an entire city get razed?

I don't know, maybe after 4 years of constant uprisings one or two buildings would be destroyed and the evil evil nazis decided to strain their supply lines even further and bomb the entire city.

The razing of Warsaw was never contested by anyone, and happened in the open. Even now there are hundreds of thousands to millions of Poles (in their 70s, 80s, and maybe 90s) who remember details of it, like the burning of libraries.

It's so dumb to deny this my man. So dumb.

>It's so dumb to deny this my man. So dumb.
Oh shit you hurt my feelings, I feel an urge to go donate a large amount of money to holocaust survivors now.

>behind your lines

Yeah I'm thinking you don't know much about war if you don't understand why they got a rough treatment.

Why are you replying to me? I wasn’t talking to you, mutt faggot.
I wasn’t even in the debate .
David Irvine’s is compromised anyway and not a real revisionist .

We're not even talking about the Holocaust. We're talking about something that happened openly which nobody denied, and is only unknown outside Poland because the media doesn't discuss it.


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How did you find out about this?

no more white wars.

Cute, but the allies werent barbarians for raping thousands of woman, right?

>How did you find out about this?
I have a Polish girlfriend and visited her in Warsaw. I commented how the vast majority of buildings break rapport archeciturally with the style in other Polish cities, and she mentioned how it was razed during the war.

I was shocked by this since I've never heard of it, then read more and asked older Poles about it. Sure enough it happened, any Pole over 82 or so has memories of it. It just gets no publicity from Speilberg.

>reads about Dresden

Because the NAZIS were JEWS and so they can do whatever they like - as you will see from ALL the responses to this thread - and warsaw was full of 'white' Europeans

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City got what it deserves . The Warsaw uprising was an uprising of Jews and communists in the city forming into partisans. The allies bombed German cities to hell and killed millions in the bombings. It is hypocritical to criticize the Germans for one instance in a response to Jewish insurgency.

Warsaw contains the biggest Jew ghettos. The uprising was comprised of Jews and communists. Retard

I'm from Warsaw and everything is fine you fucking shill. Hitler did nothing wrong!

>I have a Polish girlfriend and visited her in Warsaw.
Lmao alright, I'm going to stop posting now. I hope you earned you 0.2 shekels.

>reads about Dresden

Dresden rings a bell. Look up the hellfire dresden documentary if you haven't. Anglos are eternal demons.

....full of Europeans that their Devil god orders them to KILL KILL KILL

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You mean thank? The poles haven't been drawing any more maps with Berlin or Vilnius ever since.

>The uprising was comprised of Jews and communists.
No brainlet, you're confusing it with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The Warsaw Uprising was led by the Polish Underground with virtually zero Jewish participation.

>why would they raze the city which could prove a great logistical jumping off point for the invasion of Germany if they knew the allies would take it soon

That contraption is the "jew nose mutilator" famously used in Auschwitz-Berkinaw. They would attach feathers to the tips and line the jews up, chained, and insert the feathers into their nasals. Effectively, tickling them to death.

The Nazis committed war crimes just like everyone else did.
Just because you think they nevertheless on the right side of the war doesn't mean you have to defend their every action.



There were many cities that were heavily bombed. Warsaw was probably the largest example. Ww2 was devastating for europe.

Its irrelevant. All that matters was what each side was fighting for. On the one hand you have the Russians fighting for communism and the Americans +Brits fighting for multiculturalism, globalism and trannies. Both sides which opposed Germany are objectively evil and therefore Germany is already above them in terms of being morally in the right. Thats not even mentioning the fact that the German and Japanese were fighting for nationalism, so they were clearly the good guys by any metric

The jews were carefully taken of to the safety of the counrtyside first. As usual under the cover of silly jewish story.

>retard and shill

(pic - all the jews at the drama school)

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There both called the Warsaw hoeing . Don’t call me names cunt. I’ll skull fuck you

It's called self defense and the castle doctrine, retard.

Warsaw was not the worst bombed city


It was kinda necessary. They couldn't afford fucking around with the partisans.

The real tragedy was this uprising even happening but people love to jerk this as heroic standoff against oppressor. It only happened because retards believed commies were going to help them during it. Thousands of people and city razed to the ground for nothing.

Retard, look up how many Polish people died. They're paying you too much.

The units sent in to fight the Warsaw uprising comprised penal units recruited from murderers and other criminals in the prison system due to the lack of available manpower so it is expected that alot more brutal methods were employed by irregular troops

>It was kinda necessary.
My god you are a cuck. You are justifying the Nazis (who had lost the war 100% by then) razing your capital out of spite?

By the way Tyrone would like a private meeting with your girlfriend Zuzanna. He says it's "kinda necessary."

and for what? to give jewish bankers untold billions and redraw lines on a map? how many dead huwhites?

What happened to the polish partisans after the soviets came after the Wehrmacht? They didn't get medals did they?

>xd heheh cuck heheheh xd lol cuck!!!1 cuck faggot xdddd

Just leave, the adults are talking.

mutt's law

do you not understand the concept of perspective?

Och well we have diese city here franz, they've chimped out massively fucking all our organized retreat and defense plans for the 100th time, i guess we just leave it for the soviets with all of its industries and supplies still around. NOT

raped to death by a pack of niggers, unfortunately.

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slavshit detected
