What'll happen when the fossil fuels run out? Will we return to steam?

What'll happen when the fossil fuels run out? Will we return to steam?

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We will make more, biofuel, synthetic.

I dunno brah, probably the same thing when water runs out: we take our meds cause it's never gonna happen.

Nuclear powered cars.

gosh i hope so, thomas the tank engine was based.


Steam=Coal mainly.

Thank you common-core

>What'll happen when the fossil fuels run out? Will we return to steam
lol what? do you even, fucking brainlet

Fuckin idiot

Steam needs fuels to heat the water. It could be a biofuel, obviously.

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It took 5 posts but it being a burgerflag is somewhat redeeming

OP is a faggot and a retard. Slide. Sage.

... and? coal isn't fossil fuel

steam isn't the energy source fuckstick

never going to happen

Bio-fuels, electricity, shale oil, possibly fusions, BRAPS.

It isn't going to run out the shit is made in the mantle under pressure with water and pretty much anything that has carbon in it. Old oil wells (especially in TX) are refilling, proving "peak oil" was a meme all along. We can't tap new wells in places like Alaska or build new refineries, because of "green" policies by leftist politicians that want us dependent on middle-eastern oil sources, for the sole purpose of keeping the world in constant wars with the people there.

This + Nuclear.

Nuclear is the only way. Also, steam is generated by fossil fuels.

The water is a large part of the equation and is consumed as a fuel. The other part is whatever is used to heat up the water (coal, or whatever).

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Thank you common-core.

>american education

No...It's not.

Gosh if there only was some free energy source that we could draw from for the next billion years....

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oh ok then you sure convinced me

>What'll happen when the fossil fuels run out?
Lots of people die.

>coal isn't fossil fuel
Yes...yes it is. I am just hoping that you are baiting and are not this retarded.

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It's not a fossil fuel because what creates it aren't fossils, they're dead vegetation. Unless you consider dead vegatables fossils, then I guess you can consider anything dead fossils.

Bro just mine asteroids and the other planets on our solar system, lmao.

>>coal isn't fossil fuel
>Yes...yes it is. I am just hoping that you are baiting and are not this retarded.

Gold's Pore Theory

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A dead and compressed plant is a fossil.
A puddle of oil is not a fossil. It is a puddle of goo.

The only people who regard plants as fossils are retards. A skeleton of an organism -- fossil. Preserved remains of an organism -- fossil. A FUCKING PLANT -- fossil??????

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

noun A natural dark brown to black graphitelike material used as a fuel, formed from fossilized plants and consisting of amorphous carbon with various organic and some inorganic compounds.

not gonna happen in any of our lifetimes. so who cares? fuck the future generations

Yes, a Dyson Sphere.
Oh wait we could've mined iridium and osmium from asteroid by 2020 but millenials and zoomers decided spending research efforts and tantalum reserves on new phones with the same features every 2 years was more important.
Whelp. Let's just drink more white claw and lick more toilets during a global contagion event.

that's a big boy.

biggest steam locomotive ever built I think.

you don't need to post that

It never runs out. Do you think fossil fuels are an old wine, who needs to ferment millions of years to have stored energy?

Crude oil is stored sun energy of rotten fossils and its not that hard to produce it artificial.

Varg eternally BTFO.

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All nuclear plants are steam based

I hope you’re trolling

>muh evolution
Fuck off, nigger. I bet you think global warming is real too.

Coal is a fossil fuel, moron.

You don't need to be retarded.

>Coal is a fossil fuel, moron.
How do plants and animals end up 5 miles underground?

Let me ask you a question.

If I go into a room with carbon, and some other random elements, and come out something that is indistinguishable from coal, would you say it's coal or not coal?

>"when fossil fuels run out"
>posts coal powered loco

Water doesn't just turn itself into steam retard.

the absolute state of 'Murikan edgy-macation

You can generate steam without coal retard. You can even on a treadmill to power if it if you get enough niggers.

g*d puts them there when we sleep

Jesus put them there.

Yeah that's not turning itself into steam is it?

i'm just saying you don't need coal or fossil fuels to heat up water, unless you disagree??????

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the freshwater reservoirs are being depleted too fast though. plus, desertification is a thing.

>that's a big boy

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Ever hear of wood?
Realistically though we would just make biofuel en masse. We have the ability to right now it's just way cheaper to keep using the developed oil industry as opposed to develop a new one.

Dont for get about eating ass along with the white claw!
We eat ass now, too.

>fossil fuels run out
>return to steam

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>doesn't believe in natural selection or genetics

he's not wrong, steam is just hot water, you just gotta heat it up with something

Holy Fuck.
Did you even go to holocaust class or dis you skip that too?

>he believes in theory # insert random number

I mean even Elon Musk says we're probably just a bunch of 1s and 0s and our perception is some random sequence of bits in memory

I am ashamed to admit hes probably being honest.

with fossil fuels dipshit

don't be like that

you know you can heat up water without dead animals right