How is everyone holding up?

What is lockdown like where you live?
Do you have plenty of supplies?
Are you worried about running out?

I made a hot chocolate and added butter and a little port to it. Fucking delicious. I hope we stay in lockdown forever.

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Other urls found in this thread:

everything is closed. exams are all going to be online, basically just got a free semester.

I never go anywhere anyway. love seeing normalfags freaking out

best part is all the retards who can't figure out online learning will fail

pretty much the same for me
yea I got a nice happening cache
down to my last 2 squares of TP but got paper towel for days

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Have you made yourself anything yummy?
I find that making something special puts me in a good mood.
My hot chocolate tastes like an alcoholic chocolate covered cherry.

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that's how you get fat. this is the perfect time to practice fasting

I'm an essential worker so I've got to go to work

You can get away with a washcloth.
Do this:
Poo in morning
Wash butt with washcloth
Rinse washcloth and throw in washing machine
Take shower.
Don't be fooled by the toilet paper jew.

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I'm trying to get fat.
When the food runs out I will watch you shit heads starve to death while I just get in better shape.

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Have you thought about quitting?
The government is handing out moneys to people who abandon their posts.

Send helpppp

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Super relaxed here in Arizona. People are mostly doing normal shit.

Plenty of supplies, at least a two month supply of food.

I’m furloughed for the next two months, the care act or whatever is going to pay me $3,000 Trumpbux per month. Fuckin set, bro.

Do you have any hot chocolate powder?

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fucking retard. have fun eating all your supplies up fast

Now is the time to get rich quick, user.
All you need is a perfect scheme.
Then you can go on late night TV and tell people about it.
And the will pay you even more money to tell them all about it.

Had 3rd birthday party for my little girl today. No friends just us. Kind of sad really. Son's 7th is next week. All the plans we made had to be scrapped.

Been through worse shit than this

Annoyed because I want to see my doctor about my constant liquid poop. On the other hand I don't want to see my doctor and get coofed on.

I had steak burritos tonight.
I had a leftover NY Strip, and I cut it up into thin slices and made two huge burritos.
Steak burritos.
They were good, and I am happy.

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I'm pacing my apartment back and forth because I'm fucking furious that I might not be getting the unemployment + big $600 bonus because I don't have the fucking virus and neither does my wife. I might literally have to go wagecuck making LESS than unemployment + big $600 bonus. I'm angry as fuck

>Focus on trying to get my life together and get a job
>Cut out imageboards despite Yas Forums's ravings about this virus
>Ignore the virus, ignore Yas Forums
>UK on lockdown now and my family is completely unprepared
>Some surgical masks but that's it. Not enough money to stock up on anything
I thought I was doing the right thing to disregard imageboards and yet this happened. How do you guys do it? How do you guys pursue success in life and simultaneously manage a presence on imageboards? I thought I had to cut one out in order to get some level of progress with the other but somehow, and I know there's some successful people on Yas Forums, somehow you guys manage. Explain. Is it just self-discipline? How high is Yas Forums on your priority list?

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Pepto Bismol can fix anything.

Normie fags will be losing it soon being confined at home like us NEETS on here all day. It's gonna be awesome to see them defy the government orders and go crazy. HA-HA!

I am quarantined in my house with my 11 year old sister. She's been masturbating with a hairbrush handle in my guest bedroom and I saw the entire show through a 1 way mirror. Desperately need to perform cunnilingus on her. I ache for my own sister's genitals.

I am consumed with primal lust.

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Probably smart. People are dumb and desperate for anything they can buy tat fives them any sense of security.

>How do you guys pursue success in life and simultaneously manage a presence on imageboards?
Pol is the only success in life I have.
What else would I want desu?

The stores are completely out of bread flour it's not fair
Now I have to use all purpose flour like a pleb

I went to the gym yesterday, bought a new sofa and then went to a pub in the evening for beer and pizza. Comfy herd immunity suicide pact

I had mine a few days ago. Just got make the beat of it. Make a cake, play games together, play favorite music.

Pic related. Happy birthday to your kids.

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Yeah, and the authorities are too busy to look into anything too closely.

>What is lockdown like where you live?
>Do you have plenty of supplies?
>Are you worried about running out?

>Normie fags will be losing it soon being confined at home like us NEETS on here all day. It's gonna be awesome to see them defy the government orders and go crazy. HA-HA!
True that!

I'm riding my dirtbike into the sunset of this corona.

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Yas Forums will never steer you wrong, fren

Are you a girl?

May I suggest a cold shower?

how the f would I know, I can't leave the house

Bordering on suicide.
Too much of a pussy to go through with it so I've been trying to stay sauced

I wonder how many people will knock up family members this year lol

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based aussie shitposter

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if I saw my sister masturbating, I'd go walk in and ask if she needs any help. what's wrong with people these days

I believe most shops here (Sao Paulo state) are closed by law, except for essential stuff like supermarkets and all that jazz.

I went walking with my dogs today and there were a few people out. Some wore masks, most didn't, but since the numbers here aren't that high yet people aren't that concerned.

Just remember that Brazil is another version of the US, basically, so if shit went down in the US the way it did it is very likely the same will happen here.

This. Internet is going off at some point and then it's really habbening.

I wish i had a gf instead of my hand but life is beautiful.

ordered a motherfucking samsung 55 inch q7fn, earliest this thing will arrive is tueday im so fucking psyched

lockdown is great, im being paid to stay indoors and play video games, of course its fucking great.

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>I'm trying to get fat
Ha Ha, stupid cunt.
It's killing the obese.
The virus kills fatties

how do we set up a ham radio web before then? IP over radio waves type thing

If you are going to kill yourself, why not go out with a bang?
Is there anything you've always wanted to do but never had the balls before?

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Doing bretty gud here, frens. Really nothing changed. Bought a farm when I saw society was going to collapse due to liberalism back around 2016 so all of this is right about on time for me. Just sitting behind my gate drinking my soda, eating my chicken tendies and sitting behind a locked gate on a huge property with a shotgun within reach. Watching the filth in the cities drown is a great feeling. You faggot house nigger whites deserve it.

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Everyone on Yas Forums's too busy watching porn to make something like that happen.

good choice. I bought an lg oled in december, still paying it off. worth every penny

seperg brrrrr

Propaganda, my potato-eating fren.
It's like when they told us not to wear masks.
They don't have enough food, so if everyone pigged out we would run out too quick.
Why do you think this fasting fad came about at such a convenient time?
I have masks because I didn't listen to them.
I will be fat and survive.

Need to go back to work internationally and leave my age 70+ parents alone.

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What's your butthole smell like?

wish I had an Australian 11yo sister myself

Don't do it. It is unimportant.
Stay with mom and dad.

in nj (not northern so not bad). shelves are fine for the most part, just dont do the shopping on sat/sun. waiting on my trump bux i guess or gonna find some minimum remote kinda work for some change and to stay busy. are they automatic direct deposit from 2018 taxes?

in a word: thriving.

I have. But I would go down from 40k Nok a month to around 14-16k nok being on government monetary support. Maybe even so low as 10k which would be a peoblem for me as my rent is 6k and food here is very expensive. I've been able to prep a good bit thanks to my salary now and if I quit I will have a hard time prepping. My parents refuse contact with anyone so moving back home is not an option. It's just overall easier to stay working than not. Mostly because this socialist shithole is so fucking expensive to live in. Being on monetary support here more or less require you to live somewhere rent free. That's how expensive this country is.

make it habben while we fap


- no full britain style lockdown. non-essential businesses are closed but the liquor store and weed store by my house are still open

- i dont fear the virus. i have a mild flu but am not worried about it.

- i wear no mask or gloves and 50% of people hear have gloves and masks on

- i'm not worried about supplies. I kind of wish i had a gun because at night it is only vagrants out and about and i'd like to be able to pop one of them if necessary.

porto? you mean the alcool beverage?

I spent the past few years learning the ins and outs of gardening. Including companion planting, composting, flowers, and bug hotels in case there ever was a disaster situation. Now that there is a crisis, ironically I can't be bothered to do any gardening. I wonder what's wrong with me this time

Still waiting for actual chaos. Change is too gradual - normies are not panicking enough - people are not dying fast enough.

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lay off the Internet porn.

the internet was literally designed to withstand an all-out nuclear attack

I am eating dogfood to survive its not looking good for me bros

what nonsense is this? nothing is too thin to plow

may kinda bank on this shelter-in-place thing lasting a while and taking a medical coding cert class. seems like a pretty sweet gig although not paid too well and may be difficult to get into with no experience. but will learn a ton about bio anatomy and medical stuff for a 3.5k i think was the price. anyone have insight?

signs point to yes

I have to go to work, but I really REALLY don’t want to catch this bullshit.

Unfortunately I’m American and I’m not privileged enough to just quit since our government doesn’t give a fuck.

I'm active duty Air Force. I came back to the states mid-Feb for a class, then got stuck when the 60-day stop movement order came down March 13th.
My chain of command put in an exception-to-policy letter to get me back sooner. I can't refuse without getting court martialed.
I've been the only one taking care of them through all this, so if my folks don't make it I'm not sure what I'll do.

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Balance your priorities. I'm prob the last guy who should be telling you this, but there was a time in my life when I could do it properly. Just check up on /POL once in a while to stay in the loop, you know us fags are gonna be on something for weeks if it's big enough. You won't miss anything that's worth paying attention too.

Aussie's know how to deliver. kek

Yes, but not for a cyber attack. Especially because they keep getting more advanced every year. It's possible the whole power grid could go out too, which would obviously include access to the internet for most people except for government and military.