Some of you guys are alright

Don't go to the grocery store this week.

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Other urls found in this thread:

In all unironically serious what the fuck did she mean by this? Does she have any idea how many times New Yorkers go to the grocery store in the space of a week? Surely she doesn't expect us to all go out at once and stock up on a week's worth of food.


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Operation : Poison shelves

Don't ask how i know. I just know.

>don't go outside this week goyim, we can't tell you want but it will be 9/11 and pearl harbor rolled into one!
We are so fucked.

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You fuckers are retarded. Just listen and stay inside, you know you're mostly shut-ins anyhow.

>Just listen

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What was the comment in response to?

i live in an area where no one has COVID
so, no

Every country will experience that worst week and worst month, when you really don't want to get sick for your own sake

damn renee zelwegger aged bad

Why aren't they social distancing?

My local supermarket that I just visited has 1 employee with a confirmed case of corona. How fucked am I?

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imagine the smell of that place

I actually worry about this. In the beginning i was seriously convinced the sudden lockdown was to prevent mass casualty terror attacks. There were a lot of those in 2016 and this year is actually feeling a lot more intense than i expected for re-election.

If they're gonna false flag something now, it basically has to be a supermarket or Wal-Mart because there's no other option.


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Chances of me losing my virginity this week.

You cannot get sick with the sickness that exists only in statistics


What is Dana Perino from the future trying to tell us?

But user, I work at a grocery store.

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Nigger you fucking would..

I hope you get paid extra.

i took my grandmas supply of hydroxychloroquine she uses for her arthritis and im going to self dose. shell be fine she has some oxys from surgery.
does anyone know the dosage tho? i cant wait 2 weeks to be sick. i need some details on dosing?

can you imagine if she sucked your dick? fuckin chipped beef

wait what she said this? Why?

She's a massive bitch.

but really what's the reason, why would the grocery store suddenly me more dangerous than before? Nothing is happening. What the fuck?

It's only good if you are confirmed to have the virus. It doesnt prevent you from getting it retard. Give grams her meds back

*desire to fug intensifies*

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Shes tired of the tp being sold out.

Looks like Laura Dern in a decade.

Damn the manlet rapes her

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CIA glowniggers are behind COVID19

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For some reason I really want to fuck her

You were suppose to stock up months ago for this exact scenario. We tried to warn you.

Good lad

Is there a clip of her saying something like this? I haven't watched in a couple days

I feel like this should be dropped into feminist subreddits and twitters and instas. It'll make all the tards watch Trump's conferences pumping his ratings, they'll turn the whole thing into a shitshow about vaginas, they'll prob get even angrier just seeing Trump existing, and it'll just be an all around good time for us.

Why is Bill Gates name literally on the patent? He’s CIA?


Call in sick homie. Tell ‘em you have a sniffle.

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I already got the virus

nearly died, felt like i was suffocating for weeks, never felt anything like it

now im an immunechad

suck my massive cock

I got it and i had fatigue and 4 days of dry coof, solvable by Nyquil and red wine to relax.


if it was nothing wtf makes you think it was THE virus, you retard?

i had very strange and very severe symptoms that cannot be reconciled with any known infection aside from this one with whats been discovered in the last few days about how it works (fucks with your red blood cells to prevent oxygen from being transported)

Probably a good idea to not go to the grocery store this week. Unless OP is like that faggot Walmart shooter McLovin.

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We can't all live on peanut butter and Oreo cookies you fat fuck.

I'd smash ngl

Because this shit is fake.


because it does nothing

I actually did stock up, and it was in part due to warnings I read on this board. So legitimately thank you if you were one of these people.

OP lives in submission to what they will never overcome, and we must pray the loyalties of their allies will forever be true to them.

Fun part about that prayer: I'm an atheist.

I'm a girl and I agree. This would be hilarious!

Same. Thank you frens!

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built for bbc



Same, Grocery manager in NJ for stop n shop here. We just installed those glass register windows and I had to tape the floors with boxes with arrows to show people how to properly social distance. Our trucks are literally unknown when they will show up during the day and just hope that something comes because we have literally nothing to stock out for dairy, grocery, and frozen.

imagine working there
when was the last time she ever had
to shop in a grocery store?

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This is scary when it happens. I'm in Queens just a mile or so from Elmhurst and we've been dealing with that sort of thing for a couple of weeks now. I can tell you in our case there were price spikes and a lot of things out of stock, but we eventually got off-brand toilet paper one day, weird cleaning supplies the next, and so on. Chicken tripled in price at one store but pricing stayed normal at another. The one thing no one ever gets in is rubbing alcohol.

Can you (also ) explain to me why customers are being allowed into the store at all, or why at least part of the day or certain days aren't set aside for people who would rather just come to the door? Personally I would be happy to just tell you: "eggs, whole milk, hand soap, broccoli, oranges, chicken, don't sweat the alternatives" with a maximum I can pay. I have done exactly this for neighbors (vague instructions, ballpark budget, limited time) and if I worked in a store right now I would jump at the chance to do so if it would keep customers the fuck outside.

Pic unrelated.

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you ppl are retarded? how hard is it to buy a week of food? really?
>here is one place where you can get infected, please dont go there for a week
fucking unfit for life fatsos

Americans are fucked

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