America's Allies

Who do Americans consider their greatest Ally? If you had to pick only one nation to assist you in war or the current pandemic, who would you choose?

Europe hates you
Canada hates you
South America will soon hate you.

Guess who hasn't attacked and criticized your great nation during this pandemic?
And yet.. you hate us.

Attached: bestfriendsforever.jpg (890x400, 30.08K)

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The Moon

America would pick Australia, because our Governments have literally been America's lapdog despite it often serving against our own best interest.

And yet you call us seppos.

USA-Canada-UK-Israel would be the ultimate bro squad.
Canada needs to stop being cucks so we can all be best friends.

It goes without saying that Israel is our greatest ally. Why do you think there is no travel ban for Israel but there's one for European countries, Canada, Australia, etc.

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>will soon hate you
See when you list them off like that you sound as if you're bragging. And considering that they let you have all that power just like that I suppose they deserve the worst. It's kind of like when you have that one friend, and he or she falls for some psycho, and before long you catch abuse for having been a friend when you should have been whatever they wanted at the time so that they didn't choose otherwise, and get cut off from contact regardless because the psycho is at least "there for them". We all overrated how bright a society like they imagined would be, we all are aware it was one great mistake. But you remain a kike, worth only a kike's death in torture, and I for one don't hate Americans one bit.

1st choice Russia
2nd choice Mexico


the j*w cries out in pain as he strikes you.

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lol fuck u kike. hitler should of nuked yo azz!
freakin chosen people! i bet you're leon trotsky behind that post arent cha kike? chosen people my ass!

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due u forgot nine elecin

Attached: israel and jews did 9 11 dancing israelis.jpg (640x640, 117.07K)

I didn't mean it that way. The US should intervene in Venezuela but it will of course be met with even more resentment of Americans for always involving themselves.
You may not hate them, but Germany has also grown to resent the US under the Trump administration.


Slovenia, because of Drumpf's waifu.

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wait arent jew flags the exact equivalent to memeflags as well. i mean all of Yas Forums hates jews after all. my mistake Yas Forums hates chosen people lol.

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Based. I forgot to include Australia here.
The Kiwis are free to join in on this global elite superpower.

Make no mistake, we, the Australian people, hate American and Americans, but our government loves the taste of your cum.

How about you refund the trillions of dollars we give you you fucking pathetic welfare whores. Is Israel prepared for the day America no longer shields or funds her? It's coming sooner than I think you all realize.

You don't even know how much you give us. Trillions? How stupid are you?

Why am i not allowed to make threads?

America has no allies, only parasites.
Remove the parasites!

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Should i, black list my ip and the mil plus other users on it and see what havoc i can wreak?

How about you tell me why i can't make threads?

Mate, it's called "taking the piss" Its all in good fun. we still love ya, its a bit like a Dad thats gone for a bit of a smoke run and has not come back. he loves ya, just doesn't want to be around all the time you know?

Here have a smoke and a beer and cheer up old fella hey?

Israel likes us in sofar as we send you aid and are your golems. Once the evangelists cast off their heresy you will connive a scheme to have us destroyed. Also, almost forgot to mention the USS liberty as some retarded polsters on this thread have

Arent these two countries the same country? I don't get it

i love the US i hope they will get through this
americas are good people you are in our prayers

The antisemitism on this board really depresses me at times but you have to realize that the majority of Americans love Israel.

Typical mutt who cant into banter. Aussies fucking love America and American stuff

And why can't i make threads too?

>Mate, it's called "taking the piss" Its all in good fun. we still love ya
You two might want to sort this out.

US is already judaized. Baby boomers are the peak of this operation.

You see the flag of of Israel in their churches. They take Israel as an examples for any shit they like.Jewish values of selfishness, predatory capitalism, egoism, hedonism, lack of class and manners,

Normal human beings would hate the Jewish behavior. American baby boomers on the other hand see these values as an inspiration an goals to achieve.

Half of the antisenetism is trolls. Atleast half.

Why can i not thread makey?

Oy vey shut it down

We are racists, what do you expect, kikel?

The most sought after women in 2019 were Jewish. Any hatred of Jews will be gone as Jewesses conquer all of our hearts. Just give giving up that sweet Jewish pussy and we'll love you long time.
Certain IP ranges are blocked from making threads for spam. What ISP do you have?

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Why do you keep talking about making threads. Do you want me to make one for you Americanbro?

the father used to live in pennsylvania
and he always used to say that americans are the most generous and welcoming people he ever met
vast majority are really good people
god bless the USA

Okay, hard bl my own ip it is then. Voip ban first.


The Anglosphere doesn't need Israel. You are a horrible "ally".

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Says my ip range is banned from making threads. Yet i can post.

nice vpn

Not you. Somehow the catchphrases "America is Israel's greatest ally" and "Israel is America's greatest ally in the middle east" have been twisted into "Israel is America's bestest ally in the whole wide world, always has been, and always will be". This is bullshit and you know it. I'd just as soon drop 25 cesium warhead tsar bombs on the entire middle east and call it good

If America wishes to ally itself with Israel it will return to the ashes along with its kike masters.

Mobile or broadband? I can't make threads on my phone either or even upload images but I can reply.

I can tell you honestly that a fast growing part of America is getting sick of the Jews. You guys really fucked up allowing the goyim to access the internet. You can’t be hate keepers anymore. Even black Americans are starting to notice lel

Jordanians post as much as Jews do. Especially when it comes to to the syria general threads


I have, at and t. 107 range.

How are you not filtered out by all of the Americans

No Turks are not our fucking allies.

I can up load images, reply but cannot make threads. Mobile.

that's a palestinian flag not jordanian
you can't get a palestinian flag without a vpn

I know who our greatest ally is

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>Who do Americans consider their greatest Ally?

Doggos, puppers and woofwoofs.

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Death to Israel and her descendants.

I think our greatest ally is Australia. They haven't criticized us, and they don't charge us to be our friend.

Ahh my bad they look the same but upon resolution you are right.

Ironic isn't it? A board always complaining about social justice warriors and their safe spaces yet they need to filter out flags because text hurts their feelings.
Many mobile IPs are banned because years ago there was constant cp posting on /sp/ that was using mobile ISPs. He was able to use thousands of ip addresses so they were forced to ban them.

Israel is the "ally" that never shows up for a fight, yet demands that you show up to fight their fights for them.
Israel is the "ally" that if it gets into a fight it stands a chance of losing, threatens to detonate nuclear weapons and pull Soviet Russia into it if it doesn't get weapons and supplies air dropped in NOW.
Israel is the "ally" that attacks you, well knowing that it's you, in order to try and pass the blame onto their enemies.

Israel is a fucking liability.

The anglosphere IS israel... the first thing the anglosphere did when they arrive to America was (((genocide))) native americans, (((steal))) their land, and profit from (((slavery)))

ONE HUNDRED YEARS BEFORE, Hispanics brought the One True Religion, gave native americans Hispanic citizenship, and created the greatest empire humanity has ever seen

>inb4 judeo-anglo empire
Stealing from others is not your wealth

I'll pick you when I want my pension fund looted you fucking kike.

Correct. Even the tiny, little, doggies.

And why not? Because they don’t like communist antifa Kurds and kike yids?

triples confirm!

Do Australians like the British? Do you guys like the English and Scotish? You should side with the UK, both you and NZ.

This is a new ban, like, last 2 months. Who the fuck would post that much? And cp of all things.



They basically gave us the island of Okinawa in exchange for being their military protectorate.

Coming in at a close second.

Saudi Arabia. The entire world is required to buy oil in US dollars because we’ve made sure that we will protect them from and and all regional adversaries so long as they prop up the petrodollar.

It has nothing to do with the JQ nor communism. You just described arabs and the are unlikeable as well. They have always been a threat to Europe and acting as if they are somehow based because they are able to discern the negative qualities of the aforementioned groups is nothing to be proud of. They are actually hated universally around the globe. They are the second most hated group by far

They’re hated cuz they used to be a superpower in the 15-18th centuries.

Ironically, these are the two countries who have actually attacked America on US soil, so I have no idea what you are talking about.

Not at all. I don't hate Russia and they are quite the rival in terms of geopolitics and are considered to be a threat.

muttland doesn't deserve any allies. they deserve to die and rot. our prime minister made a mistake by associating with trump


>Guess who hasn't attacked and criticized your great nation during this pandemic?
>during this pandemic

good, fuck those low iq shit skin savages.
>gave native americans Hispanic citizenship
How did creating a nation of mulattoes and mestizos turn out for you spics?

>Europe hates you
No. Only autistic Germans and French faggots
>Canada hates you
Also no.
I'd probably go with Australia. They're badass. Good guys. Loyal friends. The Brits would be my second choice, followed by leafs. Despite all the gentle ribbing, us Anglos gotta stick together. Also fuck Israel and fuck Jews. I hope Tel Aviv and NYC get nuked.

this. Israel is a worthless ally and once the boomer retards die off Israel isn’t going to get a dime from taxpayers