What’s Australia doing?

They are winning!

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Clean healthy living folk who are unlikely to have offended Jesus.

So it turns out that VB and Vegemite was the answer all along.

#flatten the curve
#Stay Safe

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As a retailer here in Perth WA, people still walking around in the city. It's not as busy but you still have people out and about.

Funny how when told to respect 1.5 metres, people are like :0 "excuse me!? This is ridiculous!?" and then they storm off.

What are we looking at there? Since if that's 1% of curve, then it's not going down.

Our governments actually did pretty well in listening to the medical experts early on, they also formed a kind of war cabinet where all the states and federal government had a united response and most people got the message to stay home for a while. The weather has been really nice though, so it's been painful, not sure how long they can keep people locked down.

vb at 20 to 8 in the morning keeping all the Aussies home, and for better or for worse we have a large population of Asian immigrants and international students that are actually good at staying home, keeping clean and not spreading shit.

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We're practically owned by the chinks, of course our numbers look good (they're not real).

Abbos and Bogans are immune. Everyone else will die.

chink detected

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Been in hospital, can confirme. death number ARE NOT REAL in Australia.

you need to have been overseas or in contact with an infected person to get tested

can confirm the hospitals are fuckin empty
was there because I got pepper sprayed by the police, it got in my ear and was excruciating
walked around the hospital, no one except a few people lazing around in masks

I wish.

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They locked us in our cells.

because Australians are overachievers relegated to an underachieved position of authority in the world

This continent could be a backup Europe, terraformed and all, but Americans saw fit to turn it into a migrant dump.

No one knows we just always work it out cause we are mad cunts.

>live on an island, so much easier to control unwanted guests
>fairly low population density
>warm weather
>shut everything down fairly early on
>states closed borders between each other

We are heading into winter though and our economy is going down the drain. If we open up again, the virus will spread. So we are probably still fucked.

We ran out of tests weeks ago. They're not testing so there aren't any new cases.

They just stopped reporting new cases lmao

Why’d you get pepper sprayed?

Because the numbers are fake.


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story time cunt

There is limited testing. Otherwise, we are almost completely shut down. They've even shut down the beach monkey bars and water fountains. The roads are EMPTY, gym equipment retailers are shut because they've sold out of gear, office and electronic consumer good dealers are pumped, most shops have marking on the ground to maintain social distancing, many places are limiting the numbers in stores, only 17 new cases yesterday in my state, it's looking like we are going to survive. I don't know how to feel, but I'm glad I'm not in another country.

For once the urban sprawl has worked in our favour. Hope we can keep it up, get rid of the Kung Flu on the island, and keep the fucking borders shut afterwards.

Hopefully we ban all chinks forever and kick out the ones still here

Because normal people are raised to understand that behavior is Anti Social and not actually accepted in this country. Just like wearing a face mask is considered concealing your identity and also illegal. You're willing to sacrifice freedom for safety, once upon that was called treason in this country.


This is only first wave. Our peak will be in winter when the disease spreads easier, and people get sick of staying home.

What we are doing by locking down is delaying so we can get medical supplies and train new staff.

Nah he is right man. The first asians to come over here with corona were actually good about and self isolated quickly, informed medical profeswsionals. They did the right thing and we are in the position we are now because the asian community over here is actually pretty. If only they could just fucken speak Aussie!

they follow the noble eastern european advice and get themselfs vaccinated


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Meanwhile in reality

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Okay Chang


>aussie chinks are good boys, dey dindu nuffin
Nobody is buying your bullshit, Zhang

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>Chang thinks anyone in the world still buys his "save face" dog shit

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Cope harder cunt! The Virgin Wumao actually saved the Chad Patriot. This is what happens when Asians respect your way of life. Fuck even the black fellas are towing the line!! The proof is in the numbers leaf.

They're using chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to cure it.

We aren't a bunch of shit cunts like you.

>respect our way of life
>by buying up all our PPE and other equipment and sending it to China
Get fucked you retarded chink subhuman. Your disgusting culture and subhuman genetics are the cause of this situation and chinks did absolutely no good for Australia or any other country. It doesn't matter how hard you shill here, the public sentiment is that you chinks are fifth column, loyal to China, and also that you are disgusting bat eaters

There is no saving face here, chang, you've already failed, nobody in the world believes you anymore. You're despised world wide.

Imagine being more disgusting and unhygienic than even pajeets. Fucking pathetic race of people. At least your women lust for the BWC over the tiny chink dick, makes your presence in our countries just slightly more tolerable

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>most arid continent
>extremely sparse populace
>coming out of summer
not hard to figure out. it's just farr's law in action but we're perfectly placed to ride this one out with minimal damage and quicker than most. kinda pisses me off how much of a totalitarian power grab there's been over something that kills at 1/10th that of our fucking murder rate.

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Say what you want about the Asians, you beady eyed fuck. I dont care about the virus! I'll always support my local rub 'n' tug, some good asian women there mate I tell ya what! Get the usual but then throw an extra fifty and Mr Ling will love ya long time. Yeah mate I think we should just leave the borders closed to Canadians after all this shit burns out.

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We see you CCP

They have closed the borders to non citizens.
Everyone entering the country must undergo mandatory 14 days quarantine under guard.

Hope the bat soup was worth it, chink nigger

You must be retarded

Give it 2 more weeks!!

>Not posting the story

But you are right, my mum is a nurse. She says with all the surgeries that got cancelled there are fuck all patients. Its like 10 Wu Flu people (some ICU, some not), 10 emergency people and 20 miscellanous in a good sized hospital.

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Why are you so upset? Here, have some pie ya fat cunt.

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You are a piece of shit. Half the bog roll was bought by chinks. All the mask shortages and hand cleaner shortages was the work of gooks in minivans. What about that chink bitch spitting on the apples? Fucking die you cunt. We are gonna have you yellow dogs on a rope or a leaky northbound boat for this

its the viet congs who are the good chinks in aus. The Chinese are the worst

checked and christpilled

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Our numbers are definitely inaccurate, 'testing' here is nothing more than a scan on your forehead. Grandparents have been back from overseas for over a week and we haven't been visited once by anyone. They weren't even tested at the airport, just asked to p-please stay at home.

>Buying bog rolls had nothing to do with infection rate
>Even with the gook buying all the sanitation products we are still containing and eliminating the virus in Australia
>China is in a better position because of the supplies they bought from us? Good for them and good for us.
>I am going to die that is the only thing I am 100% certain of in life
>You don't actually have the balls to put anyone on a rope and if you do then you will be charged to the full extent of the law

We are playing the best game we can we the card we have been dealt. Just like we always have, just like we always will.

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I'm not upset, I'm just making you aware that everything you said was wrong, chinks are a fifth column and are subhuman, and you're clearly a shill that's run out of things to say after being called out

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Good scenario
>things return to normal
Decent scenario
>1/3rd of humanity dies
Best scenario
>things return to normal, infections rise, nobody wants to lockdown, businesses stay open, then 1/3rd of humanity dies

At least wait until November, there's no chance of re-electing trump if your boomer generation dies to this

if it makes you feel any better, they did the same thing to America itself too, and it's much further along

Why the fuck should I take you or your opinion seriously when all you have done for the last fucking half an hour call me a chink and a CCP shill. I'll just make the assumption that your father is a faggot and your mother is a jew. Now I have called you out!

You're a fuckhead with aspbergers, I get it. You want someone to blame but there is no one but to blame but yourselves for the positions you're in. You all hate each other and think every cunt is out to get you and now you're all dropping for it. Over here it is different, you HAVE to look out for each other just to survive. In some parts it is down right ESSENTIAL. Suck shit... You got all the fuckhead Asians and Australia got the good ones. You get what you deserve.

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