Eastcoasts wops and Midwest rednecks BTFO

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this thread is gonna age bad you dumb faggot. just wait till it pick up in speed


I live in California, southern California to be exact and yes, we did flatten the curve! Looks like happening fags are BTFO

I have no clue how the fuck we're doing this so far with all the libtards, illegals, and what not. But I'll take it.

>drive thru culture and suburb life dave the day
To top it off most of our deaths are hood nigs that cant follow distancing orders.

A lot is States seem to be doing okay.
My butthole is still puckered though.

2 more weeks, just you wait

holding my breath, but the suspense is killing me

for too long you fags mocked us.
today, we laugh at you!

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If you honestly think Commiefornia isn't burning or lying heavily about their info then you're surely doubting yourself, from your Midwestern friends get fucked California

NY has half the population and almost 10 times the cases

gavin is literally the only governor not making a complete fool of himself. that sicilian nigger needs to shut the fuck up, stop the partisan shit-flinging, and take ownership of his massive fuckup. stupid italian faggot "HOW ARE THE POOR NIGGERINOS GONNA FEED THEIR KIDS IF THE SCHOOLS CLOSE?????" well now their parents are dead, stupid ass wop.

Ca is mostly spread out except downtown la and sf/oakland

They really aren’t surprisingly. However bum on skid row tested positive so there might be dead bums in a few weeks

Im curious to know what the numbers are on a city by city basis. San Fran must be a fucking disaster zone. However I imagine LA isn’t doing terrible. People social distance there out of geography. Plus all the rural

The joke is on you user, corona chan kills lots of niggers. The MIDWEST BVLL gets to sit back, relax, and watch Chicago's crime rates go down.

got ahead of the spread because of Washington raising the alarm. Out here in Nevada we haven't had much problem at all.

Holy shit a flattened curve just flew over my home in the Hollywood hills

I'm not sure if it is true, but a bunch of people I know in CT said after it started turning to shit in NY a bunch of NY cocksuckers started fleeing to other nearby states, sucking up short term rentals, air bnbs, etc.

churches will be packed fearmongering faggot

>actual versus nonsense guess
Wow amazing

look it up. SF is actually doing fantastic. SCV is actually doing worse, but nothing terrible.

San Fransisco has like 8 people dead. They shut the city down along with the counties around it first because they knew what the chunk virus was capable of. They will be celebrated in history while dumb east coasters will be ridiculed.

>culling obese black, diabetes-ridden 80 year olds
this will literally end crime in chicago no??

>california got something right

wow! im a communist now!

as a californiafag i hate to say it, but we are doing really well with this.
the state is actually doing something well.
its crazy.

I live in the SF bay area.
Right down the road from the san carlos airport. I watched them bring in people from those ships.
there aint shit going on. keep dreaming fly overs.

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>Chicago becomes a better place to live thanks to Corona
Based, maybe once this is all over I'll finally take a trip up there, I've wanted to go to the Navy Pier

>so there might be dead bums in a few weeks
And that would solve our homeless problem. California actually might come out ahead after this virus problem ends.

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So we decided to collapse the economy first before letting everyone starve to death, instead of letting boomers die from coroners and have the economy collapse.


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Neither California nor Washington have tested jack shit of their populations so of course the curve is flat

>dead bums
>dead liberals
>california becomes red again
>can finally be the best state in the US again

I have high hopes

Yes user, testing capabilities totally grow exponentially as well

How are there so many simplistic retards on these threads?

Nice meme flag

Considering at least 70 percent of crime in Chicago comes from niggers, yes.

Ok, you flattened the curve, great. Now what? You are still going to get sick, it will just take longer to get to you.

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It doesnt matter if LA or socal people are allowed to just roam anywhere spreading this shit to bay area

Seething flyover coofers lmao

Yet you fuckers shut down Vegas for nothing lul

Its true. The only reason this is working is because Cali's currently using up what resources it has to hold out. People are working from home... But how long can that last for? I'm in socal, and I'm working from home too. People are still wandering around without masks and getting right up next to each other, and I'm in the sprawl.

This can't last forever. We're just prolonging it.

Fuck you flyover shithole. Cali flattened that curve like your family tree, shit just runs straight across.

The whole idea is to prolong it at a lower rate so hospitals can keep up r tard

Cali wins again, faggots

Wrong, LA is the Covid disaster zone. SF barely hit over 500 positive and were the first in the nation to offer drive thru testing at their hospitals. Boomed the fuck up on your shitty theory

Navy Pier is a tourist trap that real Chicagoans never visit.

from 80 year olds? you retarded faggot, no wonder your grandparents will die from covid

Three fat losers. While they LARP Tyrone breeds their women

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>nexus center of globohomo
>hmm why aren't they coofing???

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Exactly what i was saying, LA folks are gonna find safe haven in bay area and spread that shit here too. Is there a way to STOP THEM FROM COMING TO BAY AREA

Yeah because there no Jews on the east coast lmao

so? the virus will take off right where it started when you open the economy back up.

i like how the government turned giving away our rights into a competitive game with an actual leaderboard. Shit's wild.

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>San Fran
stop just stop

The hospitals are all closing down because with no actual Covid epidemic, and no boutique medical care, the hospitals are all closing down and firing all their staff...

Jews are like termites. Build highly exclusive colonies, subvert the foundations of your home, and are independent from hive to hive.

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Imagine sicking that on the flyover states.

>larping as soldiers while your gf gets pounded

I remember a story about a mountain lion running around in a suburb when I was in Nebraska years ago.

look closer based retard

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>not lying about numbers
pick one

>5 day moving average
Which is gonna lag the curve behind by a few days.

Trump will turn California red.

Trump and Newsom met and agreed to support each other no matter what happened.

Newsome is facing a pension crisis and budget cuts, Trump offered to support him in newsomes election as long as Newsome says Trump did a good job on the virus.

TLDR: Trump and Newsome are doing favors for each other to secure each of their elections.

California Red Incoming

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Not sure yet, but fingers crossed. My 10c is closing the schools was a big deal. Also, fortunately we don't do mass transit except shitholes SF and LA.

the chad newsome vs virgin cuomo

>California Red Incoming

But Newsome is a democrat?

Were definitely lying about the numbers in the big city but we closed shit a lot quicker than other states. We're gonna get hit but no where near as bad as NYC.

I got my grocery bags back. I want corona-chan to stay with us forever!

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California still sucks you dumb asswipe, until we stop handing out gibs and protecting the leeches everything is gonna suck
Make cali go red and things will be golden

>Expecting California to give accurate numbers
It's the China of America

It is what they always do in a crisis. Same with 9/11 and the patriot act. Crisis? Quick, burn the constitution!

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lmao shut the fuck up central valley retard

>New York

This virus really hates Italians/Meds

Checked. California best state confirmed.

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