Trump was right on the chloroquine

Great posts that tie everything together, must read

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Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely no chance im reading that shit

Thread is based on two youtube vids by one NY ICU doctor posted this morning, and the rest OP pulled out his ass.

No one asked you, faggot, fuck off.


(You) wrote all that text. And i didnt read any of it.)

he sounds like a faggot

nice punctuation you faggot fuck

Fucking retards, stop making screenshots where one line is that long.

I'm amazed that the left hates Trump so much it made them biased against a medicine that could help a disease.

Shill overdrive

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>Cursing in every post
>Never uses punctuation (probably on an Obama phone)
>Refusing to read
>Calls other people nigger
Just want you to know you have to be 18 to post on this site.

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>the rest OP pulled out of his ass

did that make you seethe phone poster

Here’s a more science-y version


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This changes everything because now chloroquine can treat sick people but can also work to prevent disease

Eat shit and die, you retarded mutt.

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Good info, thanks!

Look guys, it’s nit the ACE2 receptors after all...

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That shit looks like a lefty meme

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The therapeutic effect of chloroquine phosphate on novel coronavirus pneumonia suggests that novel coronavirus pneumonia might be closely related to abnormal hemoglobin metabolism in humans.

I got a (((tube))) for you bitch!

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>Just want you to know you have to be 18 to post on this site
Since when do you come to Yas Forums to not be called a nigger, doublenigger? Complaining about this makes you a nigger.

It's disturbing why the media is going nuts trying to hide this.

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It's not a meme. It's information. If you want to be an illiterate nigger go choke on a dick.

does anyone have the regime of drugs to take if you get it

Raoult posology
if you have plaquenil, 3 pills a day for 10 days of HCQ (200mg each meal with milk if you can) + 2 pills of z-pack on the first day and 1 for the next 4 days
if you're diabetic or have heart problems you should get an ECG to check if your hearts fine
take at early onset of symptoms, DO NOT WAIT TO TAKE THIS IF YOU FEEL ANYTHING

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The chemical components in chloroquine phosphate compete with the porphyrin and bind to the viral protein, thereby inhibiting the viral protein's attack on heme or binding to the porphyrin.

i'm huehue so the dosage of the drugs is different so you should check that correctly before taking it

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I had ECG done about a year ago due to panic attacks and they found nothing, I wonder if I can find this shit outside of my doc, unless i have to force him to give it to me , how do I even know when to start taking this shit tho if i dont have symptoms

Wouldn't mind a quick rundown lads

The binding energy of chloroquine and the orf1ab protein is 4,584,302.64 kcal/mol, which equals 8-fold of the binding energy between the orf1ab and the porphyrin

big of true

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It doesn't work according to a surgeon working COVID cases in NYC:

TFW i actually half a Z pack I never took here , im fucking lucky , now just need to get the other shit

oh right, that makes sense since malaria attacks the red blood cells, and chloroquine treats malaria

Nice dissertation faggot.

liar - that video is not about OP

>Porphyria is almost exclusively jewish disease
What did they mean by this?

Raoult has been giving this even to asymptomatic patients that tested positive.

fever, dry cough, tiredness, diarrhea, loss of smell or taste, they're all symptons
the idea is that you take it before you start noticing difficulty to breathe, as soon as you feel the mild symptons

if you had panic attacks you should check with your doctor because it can give you some bad nightmares, i personally haven't felt a single thing for it, but that's not much
they're prohibiting doctors from prescribing it in Utah and probably some other southern states, so you might want to check on that as well
they're probably sending truckloads of the stuff to NYC
>fucking captchas

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I also have metroprolol as well, would this be good to take in conjunction since it prevents adrenaline spikes to heart

She said the shit doesn't work. The OP says it does. What's your problem?

I have 6pills of azithromycin 250mg, that I never ended up using, Metroplol, and prednisone as well, I dont mind nightmares, I would have panic attacks and spiking heart rate sometimes, most is under control, ill talk to my doc tmrw to see if i can order this shit cause he usually does whatever i want

>the chipped pharma jew FEARS the CHAD White Marseille Druid

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video is a he not a she. did you post the wrong video? doesn't talk about chlorowhatever

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In English nigger.

Did you watch it? It's a guy interviewing a female surgeon. Why are you lying about it?

you'll be doing yourself a favor user, results are nothing short of stellar
he treated around two thousand patients with the protocol and had 7 deaths in total

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it's like he knew what would work? was he brief on the bioweapon?

So the ace2 infection pathway looks peripheral ... it is more the ability of the non structural proteins inside corona to attach to porphyrins, which are in pretty much every part of the body. The chloroquine interferes with these non structural proteins and keeps the virus from attaching,

So while corona can infect a lot of different kinds of cells, it is the effect it has on hemoglobin that is really causing all the trouble. Chloroquine stops the virus ability to infect the cell by binding with a viral structural protein and prohibiting it from playing its role in the infection process.

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I am wondering if Metroplol, ( a beta blocker) would help in tandem with the chlorquine, also wonder if prednisone helps since it lowers infallmation

>Great posts that tie everything together, must read

Here's my post summary from a recent thread, my suspicion is that the french guy was in some government function

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it's 50 minutes long, why don't you post what she said?
is she giving this to ICU patients or to mild cases?

i wouldn't recommend it user, but who knows, check with your doctor
there's studies coming out that claim that the virus is actually binding to hemoglobin heme, that's why anti-malarial drugs are so effective
read OP's pic or try to find the thread, the dude explained really well how it works

The reason why men get sicker than women is that they have more hemoglobin, say the researchers... also that diabetics are especially vulnerable because they have more glycated hemoglobin.

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I don't think it's worth the effort with people flat out lying about it and LARPs quacking ITT. The link is enough.

doesn't matter when it happens, everyone in the usa could die first, if it comes out at anytime that hydroxychloroquine saves peoples lives from chang flu, it will be an eternal dab on the media

hell, the later it comes out the better, if there was an enormous body count juxtaposed with media trying to block this treatment over a prolonged time it would make them look even worse

kek ok then

wuflu might actually be a blood-attacking disease, since there are apparently reports of hypoxia BEFORE the lungs are affected enough to be the cause of hypoxia. basically it seeks to rob blood cells of the oxygen and cO2 they carry
hydroxychloroquine disrupts the virus primarily in the bloodstream

These threads prove the objective superiority of Yas Forums over plebbit and twitter.
This important information and digging would be downboated and banhammered on those NPC daycare centers.

If this is all true then which people are most likely to survive? We saw that it doesn't appear to harm asthmatics or smokers as bad as expected. Would the strength of your cardio system be a big effect? Is the increase in heart rate seen in patients an attempt to pump the blood around more so it can carry what little oxygen it can get?

I was sick with it and I never had trouble breathing or pain in my lungs but did feel like I needed to yawn and breathe manually, which seems to accord with these reports of people withlow oxygen but not (yet) actual lung damage.

>hydroxychloroquine disrupts the virus primarily in the bloodstream
It does nothing.

who's on the left?

>It does nothing.
>posts a 50 min video
>gets butthurt cause people aren't listening to him
>refuses to make his point clear
>still thinks his opinion matters

does anyone have the link to the google drive of his peer reviewed study

First day?

Doesn't matter they'll just call it a "conspiracy theory" that they ever tried to stop doctors from prescribing it. Just like they turned to alarmism after telling everybody to not worry about the virus.

From the authors conclusion:

The study results show that ORF8 and surface glycoproteins could combine to the porphyrin

to form a complex, respectively. At the same time, orf1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a proteins could coordinate attack the heme on the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin to dissociate the iron to form the porphyrin. The attack will lead to less hemoglobin to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. The lung cells have extremely intense inflammation due to the inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen frequently, which eventually results in ground-glass-like lung images. Patients with respiratory distress will be made worse. Diabetic patients and older people have higher glycated hemoglobin. Glycated hemoglobin was reduced by the attack, which made patients' blood sugar unstable. Since the porphyrin complexes of the virus produced in the human body inhibited the heme anabolic pathway, they caused a wide range of infection and disease.
With these findings in mind, further analysis revealed that chloroquine could prevent orf1ab, ORF3a, and ORF10 from attacking the heme to form the porphyrin, and inhibit the binding of ORF8 and surface glycoproteins to porphyrins to a certain extent, effectively relieve the symptoms of respiratory distress. Favipiravir could inhibit the envelope protein and ORF7a protein bind to porphyrin, prevent the virus from entering host cells, and catching free porphyrins. Because the novel coronavirus is dependent on porphyrins, it may originate from an ancient virus. Given the current epidemic, it is believed the results of this study are of high value in preventing the spread of novel coronavirus pneumonia, developing drugs and vaccines, and clinical treatment

The physiology in pic related is almost flawless. Very convincing. Seems like ventilators are not doing shit regardless, and might even make things even worse.

Apparently steroids have been seen to make people worse though not sure why.

I don't care. Carry on with your disinfo and LARPs. I'm still going to repeat the same thing and post the same link.
Get help from the janny.

I've been here since boxy was the queen of Yas Forums