4 days until Friday.
4 days until ... the End.
4 days until Friday.
4 days until ... the End.
Other urls found in this thread:
...of waiting for the anti-Christ?
Dont worry, something else will begin after.
3lab0r4t3 pl0x
Passover for the kikes is 2 days away.
They supposedly get their Mosiach (messiah)
yall pretrib or posttrib?
Fraudulent and Homosexual
Finally getting your tranny surgery?
Honestly, I'm just considering both and having a plan for both situations.
Trump will be bombing some country before the 10th.
can't you feel him all around you since many years already? honestly
just seems strange to be post trib. thats like having your wife get the tar beat outa her then saying hey lets get hitched!
>What would the roll-out consist of? Everything converging in his direction. Everything converging to his lines of 'thought'.
Another post: The One thing noone has realized is If/When The Nobody Quickens and Becomes Manifest There are 144,000 Souls/Bodys/Brains (Those who are Sealed) come On Line as they are Linked to the Manifested ONE.
When this Happens the ONE Is Connected to The Throne OF GOD and Has the FULL Power of God.
Yes you heard that right. and This is What TPTB Fear...
So Now you KNOW the Full Impact this Person Can have on this World we live ON... really?
Alright It is time.
I am one of the global witnesses
one of the 144, 000
it has begun, it is time now.
Read the law books in Primes, and then watch what happens when you compare to composite messages.
then the rest are composites, and so on, get a prime number table
remember multiples of 7 and 8 are truths.
This doesn't apply to quotes.
THis doesnt apply to books of men, only law and prophecy.
IN jeremiah it states YHVH wants us to his name, Yahshua is a derivative of YHVH
Find all the evidence.
The magnetic poles are shifting and soon will split into 4
the Sun has turned dark for a coronal hole, letting the wind come.
No there is no doomsday, there is no apocalypse those are bullshit made up by the Beast and the Harlots.
I will post more based on your questions
Pic related is not photoshopped, I am not the ONE, the SON OF MAN, i am a reminder and a symbol sealed to begin
What we call JEWS are but one tribe,
take the star of david, count its sides, 3 times and you realize you always arrive atn the same spot
6 6 6
its time.
>4 days until Friday.
I can feel it
I'm excited
Nothing ever happens.
>Nothing ever happens.
666 is nothing to be afraid of
Agreed. But the level of non-happening in Swiss is like the highest in the world.
one of many now
>666 is nothing to be afraid of
never said it was
>hmm I want to be taken seriously as if I'm credibly better not know how to speak english, wear a meme flag, use a shitty name, and babble like a retard
Q is never right, except when he's always wrong.
straight up if Jesus came back on Friday, even with my dumbass getting sent to hell, it'd be worth it knowing that the satanic fuckery came to an end
that is to say, if the fuckery doesn't worsen - which would suck, but not be entirely out of the question given the circumstances
I just want it to stop
>Nothing ever happens.
>Q is never right, except when he's always wrong.
Nah nah nah you got it all wrong, it's two more weeks bro.
It works for Q, so why not you?
>Further details were not released.
>The investigation is ongoing.
Oh so you get to use double spacing but every time I do I get told to: "go back". I see how it is.
stfu schizo go to /x/ with this nonsense
>Oh so you get to use double spacing
just parlaying a message from January 21 2019
it's happening
your closer to him then you think you are friend. you know who he is and what he about. sounds like belief to me!
Of it stops now then the satanists win.
I pray for corona and give thanks for corona. It’s our only hope. Just wait patiently and they will all die. We will inherit the earth. Maybe run for cover somewhere safe. Like a far away country with a deep cave system. Ask God what to do about hiding out, I’m on shaky ground myself and couldn’t guess.
God is dead
Satan is dead
Death is God
On April 10th everything we'll be disclosed, you faggots wanted the truth? You'll get it, don't worry, but don't cry when you realize how weak humanity is.
t. a skull and bones society member
Venzuela, it'll be done under the drug trafficking bs and muh Chinese troops there. So essentially we going hot with China over something we were working on and they stole and either got sabotaged or fucked up themselves.
This timeline is a fucking bummer
Fuck it i will wait for another 3 days. Im not falling for Christ so easily. Czechs are known to wait for winner. I dont want to be on loosing side. What if Jesus is just shill. I wil still have couple of hours to convert to christianity before he opens fucking seals.
>it's happening
>Fuck it i will wait for another 3 days
Who let 42 out of Yas Forums?
Yas Forums threads look like this?
checked and scared
>Yas Forums threads look like this?
they do now
If the world ends the day FF7R is released 23 fucking years later im going to punch God in the balls.
>we are god now second fruit blue apples
>muh genesis 3:22
Considering Satan is dead you sure love sucking his cock.
oh god how can you be so stupid
btw while lurking here i'm fishing up the great sea ray, in WoW, yes you've heard THAT right, come join us here
I literally laughed so loud.
You know, if you got sent to hell, you'd eventually get used to the torture and eternal burning, right? 98% of the fear of pain is related to DYING. But you're in hell. You're already dead. You're technically immortal, even in hell. So the fear of pain and eternal torment will lessen once you get past the shock of being sent to hell, user.
That is, if any of this fairy tale kike shit is even real.
we know there is human trafficking since the beginning of mankind. what is the significance to q?
linking one fucking story doesn't prove the monumental pile of fucking claims that Q / Qtards have made over the years right, user.
You don't get it, the divine creatures play with us, it's up to humanity to defend itself. Satan just happened to want to make deals with humanity when everybody else rejected humans as an abomination, but recently he seems to be missing from the earth. We think he is either dead or imprisoned, either way, we're on our own. Heaven is at war, ever since God died.
not who you are responding to, but meh, it's looks better. i've been spacing like that in all forums since mid 90s. walls of text can get fucked. books are ok but not on monitors.
christians should honestly be classed as schizophrenics and rightfully locked up. imagine telling yourself this for 2,000 years every time someone has a coof
go fuck yourselves, parasite on the white race
So you haven't noticed synchronisities are still a thing then? Whos doing that, us?
Also you can't kill God, the definition of Immortality and existing outside of time makes it impossible. FURTHERMORE I know what God is on the physical plane and its still here.
4 Days before you get your dick and balls chopped off?
You’re talking about gods in the sense of ascended masters and advanced technology. The one true god hasn’t died.
Team Pretrib
Nothing is happening, it's all a delusional lie, reality is based on the mundane material and there's a limit to what can be known. Best case scenario our ideas of religion and hope aren't an instrument of sociopolitical control, but most likely that's what they are.
At least you can still type MAGA on it.