Does she really have no power?

does she really have no power?

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built for bbc

If she tried using any of the power she had (e.g. refusing to sign a bill) the monarchy would be abolished.

Yeah she's basically a reality TV star
lol FPBP tho.

She and Charles own a ton of land and profitable businesses.

Plus she has the power to dismiss parliament in a bunch of Commonwealth countries.

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This is metaphorical on so many levels.
Seeing the queen take a big black cock would demoralize all of UK and Commonwealth into mass suicide.

>If she tried using any of the power she had (e.g. refusing to sign a bill) the monarchy would be abolished.

Corona killed Bourgeois democracy, Boomer.

Your time is over.

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She has absolute power. Parliament is only allowed to rule because she allows it. She only pretends the UK constitution has any force as a courtesy to her subjects.

She can sack our parliament, but not the British one anymore I believe

>Plus she has the power to dismiss parliament in a bunch of Commonwealth countries.
Not supported by threat of violence, it will be merely a suggestion. She has no power. No nigs gonna go and die for her magesty

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>Accurate depiction of NATO ground troops

>She has absolute power.
>Let's tonns of shitskins to her own country and not even lifting a finger for British girls raped by pakkis.

>implying I support d*mocracy
Have to appreciate monarchy fetishising mutts, though.

the royal family would probably get Romanoved

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bump this thread holy shit.
Royal family is part of the new world order.

What's the deal with Kevin Spacey and the royal family?

>She and Charles own a ton of land and profitable businesses.
Pic related

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Can you imagine if Bolsheviks killed the British royal family. Some somali bayonets the queen while a paki bashes her skull in with a cinder block.
Europe would truly be lost if Britain fell.

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>She has absolute power.
>doesn't give a shit about Britain and brittons

she has power. she's the one that approves the governorship of the provinces/territories of canada and australia. the crown owns the most land out of anyone else in the entire world.

it should get the guillotine

No she's just hiding her real power level

Probably already fled the planet.

let's just say that she's signed every piece of legislature that's been placed in front of her - she's every bit as responsible for the current state of britain as the thousands of politicians that voted for these policies over the decades

oh fug

she's worth a trillion pounds but totally powerless
she oversaw the total destruction of the empire and the eradication of the British people and got rich from it fucking jew cunt

She owns all dugongs that swim into British waters.
Look it up.

something, something, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Depends on what you call power and what is officially recognised in the public eye.
The army swear an oath to her, she is considered the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Crown.
This also includes other commonwealth nations Forces, such as Canada.
She also owns 6.6 billion acres of land, roughly one sixth of all of the land on the planet, and has a worth of around 530 million.

Also depending on who you ask she is one of the highest ranking members of the global elite, second probably only to a secret world monarch. The Windsor’s and the Rothschilds are basically the same family

The one who commands and leads loyal troops has the all power in the end. So queen is there just because she is allowed to

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Yeah anything that washes onto the shore of Britain rightfully belongs to the queen.
She also owns all of the highways and swans.

>>Accurate depiction of NATO ground troops
Just like Roman empire died when allowing aliens into their own ranks

>No she's just hiding her real power level
She is gonna hide it until she dies. What a waste of great powers, I suppose

She has the power to hide her true form. As a lizard.

We are all her subjects here user, it's just that when it comes our royal family, they have a duty to bring prosperity and happiness to their subjects. Some people really think that being royalty means you can do what the fuck you want (Meghan Markle) but this far from what we actually have here. It's why I think we have maintained our monarchy over other monarchies throughout history.

She’s also the head of the Church of England. Pretty powerful anyway no matter what retards on here think.

Also: After nearly a year of litigation, Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip, were found guilty in the disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic-run Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Grieving parents haven’t seen their children since they left for a picnic with the Royal couple on Oct. 10 1964

But good luck to anyone who tries to arrest them.

Monarchs receive their power from GOD.

it’s just that, ive been to windsor and i have a real hard time believing she doesn’t have any power

>Meghan Markle


You mean money

All the power doesn't mean a shit if you don't care for your own people. Romanovs learned it hard way. As for the Queen - she simply doesn't give a shit.

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And yet she’s still in power.
It doesn’t really matter how you treat the populace when you have all of the military technology in the modern world at your disposal.

I'll give you that

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Let's put it simple. She is (((in powa))) just because you let her to.

And Charles, will gladly lick Muslim butt and change his name to Mohammed, just to appeal to "new Brits" and to keep powa

there was already a fight between the monarch and parliament a while back and parliament won

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No, it's God. There are no jewish monarchs, after all.


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Fugg kew!
You don't tell me what to do!

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They can't be found guilty.

Any ruling is instantly null.

The court's power is derived from the Crown, the Queen.

British royals are there to make people comfy. Like - look, the queen, she was there when I was a kid and when my dad was a kid and even she my grandpa was a kid, so nice, so nostalgic.


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Army of cucks, freaks and basedboys. Pathetic

May God save her.

Talk shit get hit.

Canada has it's own crown, the uk doesn't give a fuck about our land

Literally built for BBC

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She has as much power as the military wants her to have.
If she has the absolute backing and loyalty of the military, no piece of paper approved by a bunch of bureaucrats saying she can't sack the PM would contain her.

She has power

>she just can’t use it

UK constitutional monarcucky

Well she was surely the most telegenic of all of england's monarchs.

>Not supported by threat of violence, it will be merely a suggestion.
>whats Her Majestys armed forces
>whats Her Majestys Police force
>Whats Her Majestys courts