What the fuck is wrong with boomers?
What the fuck is wrong with boomers?
Actually he's pretty based lol
I mean, I don't personally blame all chinese but he's free to say fuck you to the country and people that created this mess.
Stop eating weird shit please
That guy actually seems like sort of a cool boomer, except that he was obviously a military man, which means he's basically a brainless ogre who did the Jew's bidding for most of his life, and killed whoever his "chosen people" masters wanted him to.
But the "thanks chinks" thing is funny IMO.
Terminal lance is a fucking money grabbing cartoonist Jew, is a surprise to anyone that he’s making posts like these?
On the day of the rope he should be the first to hang
checked yes this veteran boomer is pretty based indeed
Free speech so you can cram it up your cram hole op
based veteran
fuck chinks
fuck twitter checkmarks
Had to be adopted by faggots.
Stupid fucking chinks, I fucking hate asian americans more than chink natives themselves. Why the FUCK do you care about the confederacy you stupid retard, you were a shitstain on the other side of the world. Whitey didn't oppress your dumb ass, you willingly came here with your queue and bat soup to be cheap railroad labor and treated like any other cheap labor you fucking fragile hairless smelly faggot. Don't fucking cry about "white racism" when it didn't affect your fishface you little soi musty shitfuck
You little worm insects claim you're oppressed because you wanna be like stupid smelly niggers and spics and claim because they're too stupid to make a living they're oppressed but you can't even claim that, you fucking faggots clog our universities and white collar jobs with your fucking bullshit even though your shit men are little dicked estrogen fucks and your women are filthy white loving race traitors, fuck you zipperheads I hope the nigger neighbors rape and murder you to oblivion because you fucking deserve. And FUCK rooftop koreans, your sons are all beta wageslaves and your daughters are whores to white men and all of them are white hating cuntfaces who vote for nigger and spic gibs because you think because you have ugly yellow skin and slit eyes that entitles you to the white man's pay, FUCK you and FUCK your progeny and FUCK your history and FUCK your existence you little fagbugs.
t. assmad Chang invader
Anyone who posts random tweets from irrelevant people should be banned on the spot
>Thanks Chinks
Mask should say "Thanks Globalists"
Based! I hope one day he will become the President of the US and nuke chinks. God bless this man.
Our country sucks.
No sense of humor
Fucking based. My man is wearing his tags because he never stopped being at war. Chinks should be beaten and shamed wherever they roam.
>thank me for my service
>do you have a military discount
Fuck off, Feng. Your people deserve to be wiped out for what they've done.
He's just pissed because his wife is a chink or some variation slant eyes.
Anyone have the photo without the kike on twitter commenting?
I should start selling masks with a variety of anti Chinese slurs or print ww2 imagery of them being wrecked.
Fucking based
I don't care if you have a check mark next to your name on Twitter. You're a piece of shit and deserve to be ignored.
fuck ye
go choke on a bat chink
dangerously based
fuck china
holy based
Defund the military. Seriously, these welfare parasites don't deserve a dime
this is now thanks chinks thread
Quick and dirty screenshot
Fuck off chang
ASIAN people aren't experiencing racism
CHINESE "people" are rightfully being discriminated against because of their lying ethno-state.
this boomer is okay, but fuck boomers overall
All you little chinks who are so upset by all the mean, racist Americans, you're more than welcome to go home.
I wanna have a beer with that guy.
Based old fucker.
Why are you checking? Do you WHY and when to check?
Fuck off chinks he just wants some charcoal for the grill.
That racist peice of shit will never know what it means to be a true key worker on the front lines during a crisis.
>calling them chinks and not gooks
we need to get "gook" more popular
its so much funnier than "chink". its more racist because you're conflating jungle asian vietnamese with chinks and also it sounds funnier
"thanks gooks"
i chinese are effectively a race now after the dysgenic effects of mao turning them all into pieces of shit
still fuck all gooks except the japanese desu lmao *dabs*
Based. FUCK chinks
boomers are spoiled fucking brats
they inherited paradise and burned it to the ground
and now blame their grandchildren for everything
worthless parasites
Here's the original from a previous thread.
The annoying thing is that he would never write niggers or kikes, Asians are too passive to ever riot.
Tens of millions of Chinese engage in the "wet markets' (code for blood soaked streets). They literally torture dogs, cats, etc instead of killing them quickly. Women are treated like garbage. Communist country. And on and on and on. They're subhuman. Historically achieved very little. I don't care what you call it, they're scumbags.
You misunderstand. China is totally behind this shit, but only because we gave them the opportunity. Without global free markets and such, a lot of this wouldn't be an issue. Chink companies in Australia buy up literal tons of medical supplies and ship it home, but at the end of the day it's the fault of the Australians for letting foreign nationals set up shop.
That boomer can't bully us like that!
He probably just did 4 years in the 80s, partied a lot, and now looks back fondly on his time in. Most members of the military do mundane peacekeeping/PR
He was navy. Safe to say the only thing he killed was other guys' ass. Still hilarious that he makes the trannies and kikes seethe.
Who the fuck is still reading TL? After his troon sibling, and the "not the swastika! I'm telling command, the same people I blame for the Marines being shit, to educate you racists." Not to mention all the shit he's said, but a boot swastika is just too much.
Gook is Vietnamese
But technically a gook is a Korean.
Terminal Lance will always be a boot, racism is a reality in the military even if it's not ill intended. I'm glad he got out
great. another unstable vet that the jewarmy thrust back upon us civilians.
edgelords in here call him based but he's probably a pedo with PTSD and ready to snap at any given moment.
No, Vietnamese or Charlies or zips, maybe zips are also gooks.
Based. Let's hope this Boomer can avoid the Remover
fuck china nuke that shit the fire will kill the bats the virus and the chinks 3 for 1 good deal.
Drawing attention to media overreaction / hoax-ism is a better way to attack neoliberal globalism than just yelling "This wouldn't have happened if we'd closed borders on day 1".