Alcohol is fucking bad for you retards

Friend of mine used to be a genius until he picked up drinking in college. We used to play video game all the time, now his brain is swiss cheese and he can't shoot for shit. Fuck alcohol.

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okay nerd

Maybe he just diversified his experiences while you continued down the same path without being open to new things.

I'm not as good at super mario as I used to be, and I wouldn't want to either. Maybe he's playing shit because he's bored of you.

Cool blog post schlomo

Why would plants spend so much energy to make a complex molecule that when eaten by herbivore mammals causes a retardation of thought and movement?

Why would plants do this?

What do you do when someone tries to eat you?

You're a drunk loser but OP is a faggot and a nerd.

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Alcohol weakens your immune system. Now is not the time to be drinking.

Friend started going to bars and stopped being obsessed with vidya? Ok fucko.

I quit this week. Wish me luck I'm over the withdrawal.

>oh you play video game??
it's challenging. really enjoying hunt showdown. brings something primal out of me you can't really experience doing anything else
actual hunting is gay because you're like killing NPCs, but in hunt showdown you're fighting other human beings. wayy more fun

he's back inside trying to game because of the virus dipshit, and he's retarded now and it fucking sucks because he can't plan or strategize. it's like he's a fucking vegetable. alcohol is no fucking joke. government loves it because they want you to be stupid. friendo knows he is stupider and even admits it.

Psh thise Nintendo games are literally muscle memory for me and I wasn't even a gaymer. Alcohol is shit though. I can't stop myself after starting do I only pick up a pint or 5th at a time and finish in a night. Well, my partner likes to be an honorary like when it comes to alcohol for some reason, so when they like to mostly pick up 5ths since it's only 3 bucks more. I even drink the bottomless shelf of vodka as to save them money. The other night the picked me up a half gallon of it and I finished it in 2~ days, staying up the entire time. Worst 2 day hangover ever. I swore off drinking but it's impossible as I kinda am already thinking of drinking tomorrow after getting a couple of things done.

dude, just stop.
>omg now i feel funny
that's fucking gay and retarded
just workout bro

Plus, OP, you're just a faggot. Your friend likely just doesn't play at all anymore eand ha possibly stepped out into real life while you're a literally manchild.

So many fucking typos. Kill me.

if you can't go two weeks without drinking, you're an alcohol.

If we are retards and its bad for us, isnt it at the same time good, because of poisoning and natural selection?

Life sucks too much to stop. I'm not in control of anything in my life but at least I can drink and not fucking feel it anymore.

you're fucking retarded
think about my balls on your face as you drink up your jew juice tomorrow, tool

I lever said I was anything other than al alcoholic. I can't work, stuck at home, no family, no friends. I was going to start hanging out with an old co-worker friend but the 2 plans made got cancelled because I was given the chance to drink, so I was hungover the next day and had to cancel. The next one was a personal matter. Then the virus hit and I said fuck that, I'm not even leaving for groceries.

Maybe I will, faggot. Post 'em.

you write like your brain is swiss cheese retard. you're too far gone, you let jew alchemy fuck you in your most vital organ

No, I just don't proofread and I suck at smartphones typing, so there's going to be tons of typos in a wall of text.

Grow up

>wahhhhhhhh people shouldn’t be allowed to do substances
Fuck off statist we can make our own choices

I do agree I did screw myself over with the liquid jew. Nothing i can do about that now, so i might as well just keep going until I kill myself. I just hope it's not to late for other anons, or that they don't dig their hole to my depth during this quarantine bs.

Dude you gotta let loose once in a while. He just needs self control.

not saying it should be illegal
but you should be shamed, just like being obese or smoking cigarettes, faggot

>alcohol is bad for you
No shit, of course it is.

But I value freedom.

plenty of better ways to loosen up than drinking liquid jew, maybe do some push ups or something
if you can't do 40 in a row you're a pussy bitch

I do not partake of the liquid Jew

>now his brain is swiss cheese

Is he skipping hanging out with you for alcohol?

What does that even mean. I've met too many alcoholics who remember too much and want to tell you everything and anything far more than sober people.

I think your fren is depressed...

If you don’t like drugs and alcohol, then don’t do them.

>I’m not saying it should be illegal
Then what is your goal?

Alcohol is really bad for you, but holy shit it helps you get laid. Im sure a lot of you wouldn't get that though.

Once I started drinking, I stopped playing vidya. I still sometimes play, but I find it quite boring. Unironically, I’m actually glad I started drinking because it made me go out and socialise more. Without it, I’d probably be a shut-in , playing vidya all day. Nothing wrong with that, like there’s nothing wrong with drinking. Just not what I wanted my life to be

holy fuck the virgin in this fucking thread... fucked well plus 15 girls by just drinking alone and lifted 3-5 times a week, its all about calories in vs out you fucking virgin ugly fucks

my friend stopped drinking because he realized he is actually stupider. he even admits this.

It's bad for young people because young people are fucking retards, but for us oldfucks it's good for relaxing and unwinding.

Don't drink until you're 40, in other words.

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wbk liquor is shit
get rekt dummies

you like having alcohol limp dick? alcohol is the worst sex drug lmao. weed is 10x better. fucking larping turbo virgin

>best friend from uni is still keeping to the path of smoking weed 6 times a day
> is a doctor and has a Gf, but he really tries to cling to the old ways of school, even playing rugby like we used to
>still try to make time for him a few day’s a week for some apex legends
>last time wanted me to wait while he rolled a joint and like made some food
>I told him I had other hobbies and i was just gonna play guitar instead
>Went ballistic since I didn’t stay within the confines of what he wants to keep the same
I appreciate nostalgia but you do have to eventually find some middle ground and that’s what your friend has done
Just be grateful he likes you enough to still make time for you because when you’re my age those friends are few and far inbetween

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No all druggies and alcoholics are subhuman. Don't blame the substance. Blame the lack of inhibition control.

>t. COPE faggot alchy


Desire to play videogames or play any games is natural for an active and developing brain. If you have lost desire to play games and prefer one type operation(working). That’s because normies are more successful in life their average intelligence and non active brain allow them to do one type stupid operation for whole life with only purpose to be cool in society. Smart brain is not looking for a way to be outstanding in society but more toentertain and strain itself


Wow great post.

skewed logicfag. that's like blaming guns for killing all those kids at sandy hook.

most people can handle alcohol and live normal lives like me. if it were the other way around, booze would be a schedule I drug.

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not our problem that your friend is a pussy that cant handle his liquor

This thread is the perfect example of why they should just rename Yas Forums as Yas Forums ... what a giant turd of a sage thread

Not a fan of alcohol myself, but you are missing the big picture. First off, it's more likely that your friend always sucked at games and you just remembered wrong because of nostalgia and being younger in general. You both were more into the game at that age so you simply didn't notice it as much.
The real issue is he became an apathetic normie consumer. People without productive hobbies slowly lose their fine motor skills and become demented. Gaming can be a mentally stimulating recreational activity under the right circumstances, but it's not a viable long-term substitute for a real hobby. It can also be a worse drug than alcohol for some people that abuse it for frequent dopamine hits (mobile games, mmos, ect). An alcoholic who's into woodworking would still be sharper than most people. Don't blame the hooch.

t. Guy who also thought his friends were good at games, but recently discovered they aren't despite the fact that they have been gaming for years non-stop.

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Its a video game you pathetic loser.

nice blog post faggot. too bad your friend has no self control and is a massive faggot also. I wasn't planning on drinking tonight but I'll take a shot of whiskey in his honor. Hell, I'll even light up a bowl.

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Bro I can actually remember my scores now. Quitting alcohol was the best decision I’ve ever made! Where’s the BUD at

Alcohol is poison and population control, all the people praising alcohol are useful idiots. Enjoy your dementia when you’re older

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ok boomer

Not sure if alcohol or weight gain took 15 points off my IQ. Avoid both.

it's the vice of bootlickers and boomers because it's legal. they cope by saying they only have one or two drinks a few times a week. every alcoholic i know makes this same claim.

>nooo not my druggerinooo
How about you judt give him a syringe and let him inject absinthe until he says goodnight.

Plot twist. OP's friend is on heroin.

whats wrong with that dude

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This is quite possibly the worst thread I've ever seen on Yas Forums. Mods please delete this abomination.

You're 100% right.