Suppose you had a daughter and a son

Suppose you had a daughter and a son.
Would you honestly put in the same effort into the daughter as the son?
Personally, I wouldn't. The way I see it, sons are high risk high reward offspring, and daughters are low risk low reward.
I feel explaining this is unnecessary, but just in case, I'll give a quick example of what I mean:
Sons are capable of being leaders, geniuses, creators, etc, as well as being complete genetic failures.
Women will never be significant, but will never be genetic failures unless they try.

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*hits pipe*

Son will be my successor, daughter will be used to secure an alliance.

People like you are so fucking twisted, but completely lacking in self-awareness. I bet you literally think it's some kind of great cosmic injustice that every woman hates you and that you "won't get to spread your genes" or whatever faggotry you're obsessed with. To someone like you, your unborn "children" are just fucking tools or trophies that will exist to satiate your ego. Make you feel like you've "won something" or like you're "good enough". You're just a fucking selfish, egotistical narcissist.

I've been thinking about this. Your daughter's children are always your grandchildren, no doubt about it. Your son's children are a bit of a question mark.

Sons are useful and daughters are the next generation of females required to source more sons

So daughter isn't as important then? Your successor is naturally more important than alliances of course.

Everyone is selfish, keep projecting and keep crying for me.

i feel bad for any parents that have more than one son.

sons are a gift

Successor at what?

life i assume

Both sons and daughters are valuable and necessary to defeat nwo.


Whatever you think about the sex of children, have some first and then we can talk.

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really doesnt seem the case in the modern world. when i was growing up, and even more now, it seems like daughters are far more doted over than sons. when a mother is pregnant with a boy, people think its nice, but when shes having a girl i notice that people are generally far more excited. i feel like my parents, and most parents in recent times, put more effort into their daughter than their son. it seems like parents want to treat the daughter like a princess. on the other hand, for a son its basically just "he needs to be disciplined when he does something wrong".

this is true for basically every family i've known growing up. the parents, especially the father would dote over the daughters while having a nice but rather cold relationship with the son where he never quite lives up to expectations

in modern gender roles, girls can do basically any male or female activity, but boys are still really restricted. so i notice a lot of parents find sons kind of boring and limiting.

It's not your daughter's fault that society is fucked up.
The relationship between a father and son is a holy thing, you are his mentor and should be an example of the type of man you want him go be.
But a daughter?
To a little girl, her father is a god. Her mother is her mother and friend, but "daddy" is who she will WANT to look up to most. That's why "daddy issues" fuck up women so much. A father sets an example for what she will expect of all men. He's the man who tells her her value as a person.

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You put in the best for your children or face the realization that is you who is not in a position to be investing in anything but yourself because you are a lacking parent.

Chances are none of your children will be "significant", it was the case with you after all wasn't it?

your daughter is simply an asset, you raise her for a certain amount of years and then you trade her for some land or something. Your son is your legacy, he's basically a clone of you so you train him to be you and carry on your legacy

I put everything I have into every one of my children.

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, all of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck.

Think about it logically

men are disposable in all stages of life

Sounds like you know a bunch of cuck fathers






Fucking sperg



why does anyone deny that daughters are useless
exposing yourselves as c ucks

I feel so sorry for you.

Most men that have ever lived didn't have children. If you have a daughter it's highly likely she will pass on your genes into the future. If you have a son he will end up an incel. You won't have kids anyway because you are living proof of this biological rule.

yeah i want good grandhildren from my son. Daughter doesn't matter as much because those are her husbands fathers grandchildren, not mine.

please reconsider this before you have kids.

Put your all in your kids. If you want to make your son ur heir or whatever, do that. But please if you become a parent just raise them the best you can.

get back to plebbit.

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>feels entitled to people agreeing with them online
>calls other people egotistical narcissists

That's not how genetics work, retard.

You have to go back.

Sons are investments

Daughters are mediocre bargaining chips at best

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You are stupid

It's how the soul works.

I think you replied to one of my posts with that image in a thread before, right?

I would train my daughter to be a good wife with a flexible career. Money is just the means.

Step one: make them share a room growing up
Step two: install hidden camera
Fight me

this is my go-to response, too

What's up with the sharingan lmao

You have to go back

Daughters are basically guaranteed to pass on your genes, sons not as much

You mean they are guaranteed to pass on a random mans genes.

You can't describe someone who reaches adulthood and in decent health as a genetic failure. You either mean they don't make money or they can't get laid -- two things other people decide.


I wouldn’t agree wth all of this but I do tend to think of raising my unborn children to be perfect visions of what I want to see in great people. And I do see them as trophies more or less. Never thought this was wrong. How would you see your children?

if you don't have a daughter enjoy the knowledge that your mitochondrial DNA ends with you.

Were you planning to fuck your daughter or something? How is it cucked for your daughter to grow up and marry a man? Do you want her all to yourself?

No. Because I'm a decent human being capable of emotion unlike you aspie. I'd unconditionally love them both, and raise them to be better than me. I'd nurture their creativity, encourage them academically, instill a strong moral compass and help them find their gifts/passions

You pass on your genes into your daughter. Unless you're a Chad with insanely good genetics it's better to have daughters. Incels if they magically
get laid have mostly daughters because nature knows best.

Daughters need a high degree of effort — but in their own peculiar way. Remember, if you put little to no effort in your daughter's formative years she will in fact, contrary to your hypothesis, become a massive failure and even a destructive social force. Simply look at the empty-headed bimbo whores and raging perma-PMS'ing leftists that comprise many 'women' today, who contribute not only nothing to our nation, but actively drag it down. Most of them are childless. There is a very big risk of failure.

Your daughter has to be taught virtue and shielded for the 'princess mentality' that pervades modern Western culture. She should be taught to use her mind with the same competency as a man — but at the same time, not to attempt to be a man, and refrain from particular vicious behaviors of that gender such as boorishness and noisy disrespect.

There are many top-tier women today and in history but they just don't get mentioned by feminists because feminists implicitly hate all that is good and respectable. Catherine the Great, Maria-Theresa of Austria, Lisa Su, Ayn Rand, Sappho, the legendary personas of Athena and Atalanta and the virgin Camilla, Mary Mother of Jesus, Queen Elizabeth I of England, and numerous literal multi-billionare CEOs and entrepreneurs alive today.

I would argue raising a daughter requires more involvement and thought because the way society has it is all wrong, whereas with boys the default is generally in the right direction.

Anons thinking about what their relationship with their kids will be. Kek. Your kids will probably hate you. Not at first. Which is why you’ll pour everything into your son and kind of pay attention to your daughter. Your son and daughter will grow up together and notice the distinct differences in which you treat them. Your son will think the world will bow to him as he has some grand favor and your daughter will think she is missing something and go looking for it in other men. No doubt she dates some loser that irritates you and your son. And that loser will probably beat the hell out of your over confident arrogant son. And you’ll curse your daughter for doing this. But it’s you user. You will be the one that did all of this.

Children are a blessing. Raise a girl to be a competent queen that’s disciplined and capable. Raise your son to be an honorable man that is brave, logical and committed to his goals. Anything less and you rob from your own children.

Sounds like a pretty based way of sticking it to millions of years of ancestors who left me with shitty genes that make it way too fucking difficult to find a mate.

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Well mitochondrial DNA comes from the mother. If your mom didn’t have a daughter who produces children that line of mitochondrial DNA came to an end. Men don’t pass it along. Women provide the power house for life.

Give me a fucking break man.