Givi Appreciation Thread-Ukraine

A thread to recall the highlights of Yas Forums at the height of the Ukraine Conflict with a particular attention paid to Commander Givi and his Bearded Midget friend Comrade Motorola. Oldfags who remember the assault on the Airport and the brave fighters of Somali and Spartan Battalions are invited, anyone who is curious about the Ukraine conflict and Yas Forums around 2014-2017 feel free to post. Azov battalion are kinda gay, prove me wrong.
Givi Unfazed by GRAD rockets-

Givi leads the assault on Airport-

Givi Dancing-

Givi's 35th Birthday-

Long Format Interview with Givi-

Wikipedia Page-

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Other urls found in this thread:


Long Video of the Assault on Donetsk Airport

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Glorious Ukraine, where were you in 2014? How is life in Ukraine now?

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gypsy larper and his ginger comrade were killed by the russians.

Picking up the artillery fragments was pure kino

Wow, what homophobia, shame on that hobbit Motorola!

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They were heroes of freedom....forever remmberd as so.

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Possibly, I have heard otherwise. What have you heard about Russian involvement? Do you think Olkhon was involved in the RPO-A attack?

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Legends who reached farther than they will know. Miss those lads.

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Thanks! Thats serious info and seems legit, Older Brothers gonna do that. But honestly more interested in Givi's death, I would believe Olkhon who is a Russian SpecOps Veteran took him out but I have heard nothing concrete.

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It's hard to find a more K I N O war clip in the modern era

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what a glorious fucking time that was.
always following the groups with live updates on vkontakte.
they were literally my heroes in this reality show.

wasn't there some kind of bald, suicidal, british journalist?
and what about that australian larping as texan communist?

communists and islamist fighting for russia against polish neonazis and other tatar islamists on ukraines side. this was like some crazy gmod shit.

this was glorious real life shitposting, this whole meme-war.
HWNDU is a joke compared to this

How can so few remember the heady days of Yas Forums's past. With Syria and Ukraine raging in battle while Europe burned under the strain of the Migrant Crisis and the US generally fell apart at the seems with social unrest and poison media, The Middle East continued its inferno trajectory and China was only just the land of SARS and H1N1, what a time it was.

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So glad to meet with a like mind. How could we know we had it so good. The Entire Ukraine conflict good not have been more interesting and entertaining. Sad to recall how far this place has fallen.

The weird Brit was Graham Phillips-

It really was like a GMod fantasy. Peace to the fallen heros

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it was not only full of happenings, it was so wonderful because of the kinds of happenings.
the borders between ISIS and russian rebels merging, and pure chaos.

and nobody gave a fuck:
on facebook and vkontakte the DNR and LNR called literally for people to pack their stuff and join the army "we got food, guns, women, just bring your clothes, some boots and a baofeng walkee talkee"

A Day With Givi

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that weird brit I remember getting asked "wtf are you doing here? you crazy fucker".
I think it was motorola asking him.

and I found the texan btw:

there is so much funny shit about him.
there was a video of him in front of a mosque at ukraine and him talking about "all religions and communists need to unite against the literal satan that ukraine is"

Where is /sg/?

Fuck off Ivan, Givi was a Russian stooge who betrayed his country and got his just rewards.

Hell yeah! Russel or "Tejas in Donbass" is still living in Donetsk. Here is his youtube channel if you want to follow up on him. You are so right, the way in which the propaganda, trolling and recruitment happened really will never be sen again, it was a time before the internet giants and governments had a total control over social media and ANYTHING was possible.

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>Fuck off Ivan, Givi was a Russian stooge who betrayed his country and got his just rewards.
I'm pretty sure the Russian FSB killed Givi and replaced him with an old Spetznaz commander named Olkhon, but OK whatever. If you were on Yas Forums back then and don't like Givi you are kinda a fag or an Azov dicksuck fanboy

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Forgot to link the Texan's youtube channel

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Not talking to Ivan Sidorenko anymore, that's for sure. Syira General was fucking wild as hell, no question one of the craziest general boards Yas Forums ever produced

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this is a treasure chest of videos.
thanks, you just made my quarantine and lockdown much more entertaining



indeed, I thought I was the only one still around who witnessed these heroes

I remember, glad to have shared that magical time with ya.

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i remember back then a video called "Ne Zhurys" or something like that the lads were filming and then later on someone else was filming that they had died fighting I have never seen it again

Glad to help out, Hope you make it through the quarantine a stronger man. Glad you're here to remember. We may live to see interesting times once again.

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The RPO-A Shmel certainly looks like a powerful weapon. Does the west have similar thermobaric grenade system or re we just White Phosphorous users?
>Willey-Pete on your position

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Man I fucking miss /ug/

After that Yas Forums died. /sg/ is based and always will be. But nothing beats Ukraine general.

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lmao dead bitch

>>Willey-Pete on your position
Yeah man, sorry all your heroes are dead.
Rip in pieace morolla, i cry evertym ;(

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easy tiger, I'm all torn up by your previous photo
What Zionist approved heroes should I be following?

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why no one talks about Russal Bentley aka Texas

hes still alive and make youtube videos, he serve also at the attack of the donzesk airport

desu i kinda dislike him but at end of day he was still cool as fuck i admit

Gotta love crazy Texans

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Donbass Cowboy is a legend too

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>they were literally my heroes in this reality show.

Worshiping filthy russian separatists? Really? You're a fucking autistic t*rkroach, aren't you?

Here's a fun video from last year. Wild stuff, this Texan really was and is committed to Donetsk.

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You prefer Poroshenko and the Azov bois?

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I hate russian separatists .
But i respect Givi he was a based soldier, fighting for whatever he believed in .

Didn't this guy get assasinated by a mailbomb?

nah, He was killed with a Thermobaric RPG
See the aftermath

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Fair. What a world we find ourselves born into.

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Nokia and peepee ded

Remember when Motorola upgraded to Samsung Galaxy? I remember.

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he became more like note

This is the guy that got sniped by Azov Battalion?

I don't think so, he wasn't sniped. Seems more like GRU or some other well connected separatists took him out with a thermobaric rocket.

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she's actually hot

Big tits, a makarov in the shoulder holster, 4 inch bangs and a bearded hobbit warlord husband, what more could a girl want.
To bad she died with Motorola

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remember bois, if you fight for russia, russia will find you and kill in a gruesome way

>she died with Motorola
The way it should be.

lol, sounds like America as well.

It's almost like Superpowers use factions and proxy wars to advance their foreign policy goals with little sympathy for the fighters that do their dirty work.

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somehow fucking cute and based.
really romantic and sad