"flattening the curve" hoax

>everyone is going to catch the flu anyhow,
>try to stagger/slow infection spread
>to prevent health system from suddenly becoming overwhelmed

Let's break this down.

1. It's assumed everybody is going to catch it anyhow because it is the annual flu: it happens every year!

2. Once the virus has spread, you have to let it run its course.

3. We have two choices in dealing with a suddenly "over-whelmed" system:

(A) fire 30 million people from their jobs, or
(B) simply hire enough staff and stack enough supplies in the drug stores and the hospitals to meet the sudden demand for sick people every flu season!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Healthcare is a limited resource, you cannot buy more doctors and nurses, this particular disease is hammering the existing infrastructure because it take 2-3 weeks to resolve in those that get severe symptoms. "The flu" also doesnt spread nearly as fast, as the sars2.0 . so the spike is much sharper than the regular flu season.

>spike is much sharper
Zero proof. Regardless, what is peak capacity? Kleenex, aspirin, bed rest - there are no shortages. Don't need a doctor for every patient. (Hospital crisis actors have been exposed faking a shortage). In 2018 ~80,000 people died of flu - we are nowhere close to that number. Still well within "peak" capacity. Obviously the "health care system" is well able to handle the annual flu - this "flattening the curve" meme is a hoax - and there is no reason to put 30 million people out of work.

Here is your (you)

Which curve has a lower area? The r0s are comparable

Here's the deal jack
one, you're going to get it, it's not a question of how but when
two, after the second time you recover if we don't have vaccines or immunity just wait till three
three, you're dead the third time you get it, third times the charm, comedy comes in threes

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or you just do what every country with an iq above 100 did

flatten the curve fast so you can reopen the economy fast. at this rate australia lock down will be over in a couple weeks. dumb ass 3rd worlder americans have months before their lockdown ends

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It's not even flu season in Australia, you lobotomized abu mongoloid.
The solution is to stock hospitals and drug stores and ride the incoming flu/cold season every year without closing down the economy at all.

Don't take aspirin you absolute nigger

>1 post by this faggot shill

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The point of flattening the curve is to not overwhelm hospitals, but now everyone's locked inside and hospitals are empty and medical workers are being laid off

Does it really make sense to you?

If anything we should be trying to keep the hospitals at a constant full capacity

>you cannot buy more doctors and nurses
sure you cannot get more doctors but you dont need too many of them. All you need is to get more nurses . I could train non ICU nurse very quickly. Even idiot could do such simple job as being non ICU nurse. This is why we have so many female nurses because its simple and easy job.
t. actual male nurse.

It was never to flatten the curve. While we are locked up in our homes we aren't outside interfering with 5G antenna installation. Really all it is. Not complicated at all.

They are creating a great depression so everybody can be disarmed and impoverished for exploitation and control.

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You’re all retards. I’m an RN at a hospital in NJ that’s getting absolutely hammered by this. Every one of our units besides cardiac and L/D has been converted to negative pressure covid iso. They needed to set up a second ICU in what used to be lecture/meeting space, and there are currently about 40 people as young as 20 intubated and not likely to recover all lying there. No walls, no curtains, just a massive room of extremely sick people. And this is not counting the actual ICU and the other covid units with non critical patients. Would be glad to answer any questions you have within reason. This is sadly not a deep state psy op to fuck over trump.

There are so many sick people it’s hard to comprehend. All I could think about on the floor yesterday was 1: fuck the Chinese government for hiding this for so long and silencing their own docs who tried to bring it to light and 2: fuck the democrats who are using this just to shit all over trump for no reason.

But I assure you, it is very real and very serious. No I am not mossad or a glownigger if any variety

yeah just hire those ventilators user

>1. It's assumed everybody is going to catch it
No its not the lockdown will lower the number cases until it fades away
They arent firing anybody

I've heard the same thing from my family members who work in healthcare, That the majority of the people in the ICUs here are in the 30~39 year old range.
They can't even test non serious cases here anymore, it's been 3 weeks since my sister became a suspected case and they haven't tested her, her friend tested positive in a private lab recently.
Which means I've also got it, oh well.

She's a med student and now they're asking the med students to register so they can be called out if necessary or graduate early if they're near graduation.

Thanks based RN. Could you address user's post here: I've been wondering why De Blasio and Cuomo are asking retired nurses at high risk to come in and work while ignoring the probably thousands of pre-med relatively low risk college students around the country to come in and learn on the job. The way you're talking about this it seems like we should throw caution to the wind and ignore potential mistakes by unlicensed medical peeps since some care is better than no care.


Ruin economy longer everyone still get infected


>fladden da gurve, you guise

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Americans have spread it more then china did

This is basically just red tape. They’re reluctant to ask students to come in and actually handle vents and meds because they’re unlicensed. This is not the kind of thing where you’re just handing people pills, these people are critically ill and have 3-5 drips of medications being titrated constantly to control their blood pressure, heart rate, sedation, and inflammation. Retired nurses/docs and RNs who work on non critical floors (post op, standard medical units etc) are being given crash courses on icu protocol and shipped off to the spillover icu. This is just as far as my hospital is concerned I cant speak for others

Millions of people unemployed

The world's market's crashing

A new level of mistrust of foreign globalism and rising nationalism

New state powers and the loss of democratic checks and freedoms throughout the world

How will the world be different after corona?

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>simply hire enough staff
because its just that easy. all they have to do is hire more staff with an average training requirement of 4 years. but all they have to do is higher more staff.

fucking moron.

>No I am not mossad or a glownigger

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Yes, I have Observed the same. No shortage of old frail sick people, but a disturbing amount of 30-50 year olds that crashed very quickly. The lungs on these pts are inflamed and filled with fluid, which makes it difficult for the vents to really even help them. Scary situation to say the least

>A new level of mistrust of foreign globalism and rising nationalism
sounds based

>There are so many sick people it’s hard to comprehend.

Every year in the United States alone, about 50 million people get sick with the common flu, and about 600,000 Americans are hospitalized due to the flu every year, and about 50,000 Americans die every year due to the flu.

The WORLD WIDE number of deaths from CoViD-19 right now is nearly the same number of Americans who have died of the common flu since Oct 1, 2019.

So, put down the söy burger and oat kombucha latte for just a moment and stop being a drama queen.

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The people who want to flatten the curve only care about shutting the economy down for longer.

Lol..friend, I wish I was. I have absolutely no reason to lie to any of you. I’m sure it looks like I’m glowing but I am not

you lack reading comprehension. guess it really was hard to comprehend for you.

Just about every grocery store where I live has been out of Kleenex for a while. I asked about the trunks giving them supplies, they literally stated "nobody knows what they will be, every morning they show up, and its a guessing game what we got in that day. Regardless, you said you wanted Kleenex? Hahahahaha good luck pal, when those do come in, people that come in usually buy 3 or 4 packs of those each, they are gone by the time a third person arrives" There is most definitely a shortage of Kleenex where I live.

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Hey pal, fuck you. I promise you there are not 70-80 people intubated at one time in my hospital during flu season. While influenza is serious, this is an extremely aggressive virus that spreads rapidly and causes people to decline quickly. Please don’t talk about things you don’t understand and haven’t seen first hand. I think your hot pocket is ready

Coronavirus caused by 5G:

thats sad bro

Is NJ at the point of formally rationing care, and if not, how many days until they start sending people away at the door? If they are rationing care, are they turning away young people they think can handle it or old people like they were in Italy?

irrespective of that data, this ain't over in a couple of weeks.

Without any breakthrough in treatment or prevention, the measures in place will have to remain to prevent the spike that would follow inevitably after they were lifted.

This shit is fucked cunt.
Not nearly so much as NYC though.

do you think a cure is possible? what about assintomatic people? no inmunity after catching it?

Yeah it’s not a great situation. I’m hoping the recombinant plasma research they’re working on is helpful and available soon, otherwise I’m not really sure what the path forward is

>medical care workers are being laid off.

Send a fucking picture of it right now or shut the fuck up. You want people to believe you do it now or just fuck off with your anecdotal bs.

>trying to keep hospitals at constant full capacity

... Are you fucking retarded?

post a picture or shut the fuck up, larping faggot

China won't exist

>(B) simply hire enough staff and stack enough supplies in the drug stores and the hospitals to meet the sudden demand for sick people every flu season!
>Simply hire and Stock
Yeah, just hire the already trained nurses and stockpile the unbought medicine that's jsut sitting there in a stockpile. Fuck dude, you should be in charge of things, you're so smart.

>The r0s are comparable
Seasonal Flu R0 without quarantine is ~1.3.
SARS2 R0 before quarantine was over 4.
These are not comparable at all.

>Zero proof.
Compare Flu numbers in China to SARS2 numbers in China. Extrapolate to the US.

>Kleenex, aspirin, bed rest - there are no shortages.
Bed Rest, Ventillators, and a very long list of experimental drugs. DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN for SARS2.

> In 2018 ~80,000 people died of flu - we are nowhere close to that number.
Bad comparison. Doctors treat the sick, not the dead.

>at this rate australia lock down will be over in a couple weeks.
And then the outbreak resumes.

>It's not even flu season in Australia
Flu season ends because the weather is unfavorable to the spread of Flu.
SARS2 is doing fine in Singapore. It's going to do fine in the off-season as well.

We are sending positive patients home with instructions to quarantine if they aren’t presenting seriously enough to be admitted. Fortunately for some it really is just a bad bug that can pass within a few days. Once people are intubated though it really becomes a shit show, and they almost all become DNR. It’s a difficult concept to get around because we are supposed to save everybody, but in this disaster of a situation we can’t code people because it takes up too many resources on the floor. The act of CPR and ventilation with a bag valve mask is also technically aerosolizing and basically makes the viral particles spray out into the air, so it puts the code team at even higher of a risk. Really an awful situation, and there isn’t a thing that can be done about it

>Fortunately for some it really is just a bad bug that can pass within a few days

If by "some" you mean the vast, vast majority. Also, post a picture, or you're larp.

I think the recombinant plasma research they’re doing shows huge promise if it actually works. They take people who have recovered from it, extract their antibodies, and give them to those who are sick. I’m not on the academic side of things so I can’t really speak to it too much, but some breakthrough needs to happen otherwise this is going to be an extremely drawn out and shitty situation well into June

Yeah right. Most people who get this "Virus" get a fever and are fine later. But there is no such thing as coronavirus. It is a shock to our system as 5G equipment is installed. Glowies want to use it to generate outrage at China, but Wuhan was the first city with full 5G coverage.

By the time this is over, doctors will be getting muh veteran service dogs and asking neighbors not to cough due to their PTSD.

Aren't ICU nurses what are needed most right now?

best of luck medicalbro, we're all gonna make it

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Unfortunately we aren’t allowed to take pictures where there are patients because of HIPAA. I wish I could document what I do every day with photos. I’m not going to go out of my way to dox myself but if you look up northern NJ hospitals/coronavirus on google it won’t be hard to verify what I’m saying. We’ve lost several staff members already who were caught without PPE several weeks ago before it was apparent how wide the spread was

If I could take pictures at work I would, but it is a massive HIPAA violation and grounds for firing/loss of license. I knew I would get a fair amount of this when I started commenting but 100% of what I have said is true. Sorry I can’t provide photo proofs

Yeah, we have to prove (B) works first, or they won't pony up the money to pay for it all. Well, I think we can safely say that we've demonstrate legitimate demand by now, and the changes to hospital ITU capacity will stay in place.

(A) had another motive altogether, alongside the delaying effect. Clearly the global economy was fucked so they went for a controlled demolition rather than a repeat of 2008. It'll come back, slowly.

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Fuck you asswipe. These people are extremely sick and their families can’t even see them before they die. It’s frustrating not to be taken seriously about this, although I get It because it’s foreign to you unless you see it with your own eyes. I have no reason to lie to you guys. I’m normally all about muh deep state false flags but this is not a sandy hook

Thanks friend. Stay healthy

Hey, fuck you, Joisy cunt, Sandy Hook was real.
t. nutmegfag

Can you imagine the expression on the face of a carona infected 'refugee's welcome' boomer whose life-long tax payments means nothing as the ventilator is ripped out of their throat and used instead on a newly arrived sub-saharan sub-human whose chance of survival is better.

fucking lmao rekt

Pathetic lying, larping faggot. "I got personal stories" is the lowest-tier shill tactic used by the nigger-IQ shills. You're an imbecile.

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got a server running for a prepper network and info in real time, and to archive what is here before its deleted:

discord gg AmT3eN9

Post coofers with timestamp.

the viral truth will save lives. a meeting room full of coofers says more than the graphs.

- t sitting here wearing milsurp nbc mask since my fatness is high risk

Ok pal, not going to try to convince you. Wash your hands and stay healthy

Lose some weight, lardass.

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The goyim knows

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Believe me I’d love to be able to document this shit to show people how badly we’ve been slammed by it but it’s not worth losing my job. Even in the midst of this patient privacy still needs to be protected

>>Just trust me bro
Get fucked larping faggot

Yeah, flu kills 80k a year, we're in April and started in February outside China. That's still 10 months to go then before you can compare it with the flu.

>This is sadly not a deep state psy op to fuck over trump
Obviously it isn't, since he's also involved in it

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Hate to say it but this plague is exactly what the world needs to reward high-iq and pro-social people, i.e. people who are smart enough not to get the coof, get to live. Sad but better than the alternative.

Alrighty buddy. I hope you and yours stay healthy, I’m not a larper at all. Wash your hands frequently

Go thru your publicity office or at least blur faces.

Ignorance and lack of pictures of dying millennials is contributing to the spread.

>still comparing chink aids to the flu

No it's not assumed everybody is going to catch it because it's the annual flu. It's assumed everybody is going to catch it because it's far more virulent and contagious than the annual flu which a ton of people catch every year.

No, you can't just "stack enough supplies" unless you can fill the stores with hospital ventilators and respirators and teach everyone how to hook their family and friends up to it in case they're in the percentile of people who get deathly ill with pneumonia which doesn't happen with the seasonal flu.


You know, the "it's a conspiracy!" narrative that's been shilled extremely hard on this board is really really concerned with getting people back to work and painting this as a nothingburger. The economy and all of our jobs are just part of the massive jewish nighmare that has the west in a death grip. Every single right wing poster on this board, especially from the United States should be cheering this virus on and hoping for a total economic collapse. You know why a civil war or something else which could effect real political change that you want never happens? Because at the end of the day millions of normies want to pay their credit card bills, their mortgages, their rent, they need to feed the jew. Now we see an opportunity to starve the jew until something breaks and all hell is let loose and you retards are either too afraid of the possibilities, complacent in your status as a jewish serf, or so utterly mindfucked that you cannot believe that anything which is agreed to be happening by the government and society is indeed real and not an extremely large and elaborate conspiracy.

"Oh no, all these people believing in coronavirus will destroy this system and government that I despise! Better remember it's fake and get back to work for Mr. Shekelstein!!!"

You're all pathetically stupid.

Prove it you lying glownigger

No, I'm not your 'pal' and not your 'friend,' you nigger.
You're not going to convince anybody with your "trust me" bullshit, you lying pathetic shill faggot.

>my lungs are filling with fluid and developing fibrosis from strain
>thank god I bought this tissue box


Stop thinking so much, oy vey, all this independent thought is HIGHLY anti-semitic!

so wheres the time stamp? you dont have one? cool story.

Dude, what he is saying is the same as what is going on here.

The US has something like 18 ventilators for every 100,000 people. If even 2% of the population gets infected, seeing how roughly 10% of infections require hospitalization, that's already past our capacity.

Flatten the curve is a hoax, but not for the reason you and the other nothingburger "just a flu" shills claim. Flatten the curve is a hoax because the "health care system capacity" line is a few millimeters off the x-axis.

How are you guys doing for PPE?

I work in a market and am cycling the 25 I have in a 1 week cyle. I wear them for about 3 hours each, swap, then hang them in the sun for a week before I reuse. Best I can do.

If I were in a hospital and I didn't have PPE I would just stay home.

The nurse I was kinda sorta dating (realistically just hooking up with) has none.

I've stopped seeing her.

Trump had no choice. The media would be going bat shit insane if he didn't shut shit down and that would freak normies out so he had no other choice but to make it appear like he is shutting everything down everything is going to calm down.

you're not wrong in so far that we will all eventually get this, but the problem is for every healthy person that barely feels sick, it hammers and kills at seemingly random. Also the infection rate is extremely high meaning you can have people with severe breathing issues cramming hospitals when we don't have enough ventilators dying. I hate the lockdown but I can't think of anything better. That said I don't know why we don't have any genius minds working on it. When the Apollo 13 explosion happened and they needed to refit the carbon monoxide filter, the guy in charge literally thought of it on the drive to mission control. I can't think of a single person doing anything like that right now. That said hydroxychloroquine is looking promising for altering the ph balance of a cell making it difficult if not impossible for corona to elevate to ARDS. I do know that vaccines are being worked on but even fast tracked might be at the end of the year/beginning of next.
t. my father is a brilliant doctor