Does anyone here have the virus?

does anyone here have the virus?

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No, I think I had it. But I’m over it now.

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The virus is the blind patriotism in America

the real socialism was the friends we made along the way

No, just autism.

I got it and it turned me into an african american

I do look I got proofs. Me with corona

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Friend and fellow shitposter had it and nearly died. Was on oxygen for nearly a week and was just discharged. Philly area.

I feel like I have a light form of it, but I'm also a hypochondriac and have given myself symptoms of other stuff in the past because of it

0.01% of the world is infected. 1 in 10,000 people have it, it's not likely you'll encounter someone with the virus

Me. I purposely went and volunteered at a homeless shelter so they all get it and die. Worthless scum

If you can’t tell these people are all hypochondriacs. ‘Mild’ does not mean mild. It smashes your arsehole in. Media misinformation is in play.
Horrible world isn’t it where everything is a filthy lie.
you have a 80% chance of making through an infection generally speaking. Seems to be getting that shit sitting off in your lungs is what puts you in the hell zone.

Prolly I do. (Coof coof) Ain't sweatin'. Build up tolerance, take over the future.

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This shit's been going for like six months.. so bitch IDK. MAYBE

>on a korean loliboard full of shut-ins that don't leave home
fixed it

I have the virus
I am spreading it

I do, but only a tiny vial. I’ve been pumping it into my neighbor, I’m trying to corner the market on the mutation. I heard parents are a cash cow.

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on the bright side, you can say nigger now

I am worried my mother has it she told me she is starting to feel a dry cough. Hopefully she dies from it and I can inherit some neetbux

Do you have the virus tho or did they just install a new 5G tower nearby ?

Yes.... a computer virus.

Had it last month ama

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I almost certainly had the virus, but have gotten over it already.

no mr fbi man, i dont have the virus

Sup Satra

Yeah sure, with an r0 of 3-4 almost every one has it or has had it.

Let me guess, you had the sniffles on December and it was like you never had it before and lasted for whole 2 weeks.


I kinda wonder if I caught it and had light symptoms. I am 33 and late February I had a light cough and pain in my chest when i inhaled. I can not remember a time I had a breathing issue like that. Food was also running though me and I had a off and on headache. Went to Urgent care before it got big and they did tests, said I had a viral infection but im fine.

i think i do right now, i feel like like my breathing is slowing down or soemthing
i just pray and hope i'm just stressed and my body is panicking

No and nobody I know has it, and I have a very large family.

Not confirmes but in January I had a flu I never felt before. Cold sweats chills, fever, severe weakness and dizziness got over with it in a couple weeks. This month though had dry coff for 2 days followed by severe sinus problems for a couple weeks. Now am recovering. I didnt get tested because thats not the "common symptoms" but I watched a video of some british dude in wuhan saying he did test positive and these were his exact symptoms so idk. Been weirdly sick this year pretty sure I have had it despite no tests.

Unless you are in Seattle, SF or NYC is very unlikely you catch it in February or even March

yes, a very mild case that seems to be dragging on for weeks

T. Wyoming fag

You'll never catch anything there but depression bro don't worry

Bullshit here in Albuquerque with have a huge Asian population to the point where we have an neighborhood in our city filled with them and they are all stinking rich so them traveling back and forth from China in the last 5 months is not unimaginable

Had it. Mild flu like symptoms then got over it. Immune barring secondary infection

I live in Phoenix. I was kinda paranoid about it,but most people on this website probably are a bit. The breathing thing concerned me, its dry here and I probably only had that experience when I had pneumonia when I was really young.

Literally the largest casino in NM (located in High Limits) has a High Limit room filled with them playing baccarat and pai gow and guess what I work there. Fuck in February we have an event called "The Lunar Lion Dance" to appease them in celebrating their new year. Basically hundreds of asians putting on a show for hundreds of rich high roller Asians.

I have a virus. It’s called chronic pole browsing. I just can’t stop.

I'm pretty sure I got it but the government wouldn't let me get tested. I had all the symptoms. I would describe it as mild to moderate. It lasted 3 weeks and I was severely weakened but I also wasn't eating very well. At its peak I would run out of breath if I even mildly strained myself. Personally I think the worst part was how long it lasted, I usually recover from sickness rapidly but this had me doubting if I would ever get better.

hey Wyoming fag,
Seattle here. How are things there?

OP has the big AIDS

>does anyone here have the virus?
I've got A virus, aids of the anus, but not THE virus thank christ

I had something back in December that was an almost perfect match for the symptoms you get in mild cases. Other than that just my hypochondriac aunt who has never heard of a disease that she didn't think she had.

I might. Been coughing for a week. Nothing major though.

Pretty sure my mom and I had it back in January desu, I honestly felt like I was going to die.

I think I have it. It feels like there's a 30 pound bag of potatoes on my chest. It's weird though, I don't have a fever (yet) and my lungs feel like they work perfectly, but only 50% of my lungs work, if that makes sense. I can't take a full breath, but the breaths I do take are clear.

I have 20 antibiotics that I'm going to be taking, I didn't bother going to the doctor, because they make you go to the ER where I'm at. No doctor sees anyone with respiratory issues. I am 28 and with no fever, I doubt I'd get tested.

I'm on day 1 of the amoxicillin I have, that was my choice to take it. It's cure my pneumonia or bronchitis if I have it. I know it won't cure covid-19. I am scared. I wake up sweating and my hands are clammy, but my lung function has slightly improved after a day of antibiotics.

I feel fine otherwise. Maybe a little shaky and weak.

I know three people personally.
My cousin in London had it but has recovered.
Two people I work with have just returned from the UK and have been diagnosed with it, both are in self-isolation.

it's unbearable

Antibiotics don't work on viruses nigga you're gonna die.

No one has it. I've been working like normal and haven't even seen anyone coofing.

It's all I can do. I'm hoping it's just a bacterial pneumonia and not covid-19. I know it won't work against viral pneumonias. No fever yet gives me hope.

I think i had it but i cannot tell and don't wanna know. I had breathing issues and had super high make you stumble/weak fevers etc. But it didn't feel as bad as people make this shit out to be so im not sure if that was it or just a super shit flu.

Yeah all my family in London got it, cousins and their parents. Fever was a bitch and they were exhausted as shit. They said you feel better for a bit and then it gets bad again, I think they're coming out of it now. 5 people who had it and aren't officially counted because they didn't get tested, I wonder what the real numbers are for infected.

H-hey guys
>*coof coof*
w-what’s going on in here

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I think I have it. Thought it was a hangover but this is the end of the second day. No cough but fever, chills, malaise, soreness and headaches. Shit sucks.

what are you retarded faggots doing that would get you infected?

I've had several "friend of a friends" who've had it and are currently isolated. No one I care about personally yet, but I figure it is simply a matter of time.

Toronto here. Had it. On the tail end now. Day 16. Still no taste/smell, went on day 9. Called doctor on day 8, she said I was def showing symptoms but not to go to hospital to get tested cuz I'm an otherwise healthy 30 year old. Prescribed me an enhaler for the breathing difficulties. Treated it with Tylenol complete, rest and lots of water. Worst cold ever. Can't wait for it to be all gone.

It really wasn't that bad as was made out.
Why chinks were dropping dead on the street idk.?
I'm old and in ok health and had head colds in the past that were more trouble.

Gen-X here. Waifu got it 2 weeks after we made our first supply run back in early Feb. She was fully sick by Valentines. All the classic flu symptoms but much worse.

We both had nebulized nano-silver+xylitol before going out and used nano-silver spray to clean our faces and hands after each stop also used nasal and eye nano-silver +xylitol spray (acts as a attractant). She and I were nebulizing nano-silver+xylitol (AgNP+Xy) everyday, her several times a day. She was also drinking a small amount of AgNp each day.

I have lung disease and have been making and nebulizing nano-silver(particles of 10-20 nm best site is for years now. I got no flu symptoms but 3 weeks after my wife got sick I woke up with a mild discomfort in my chest and slightly on the left. As the day wore on the discomfort changed to pain, mild with each heart beat and much more severe with each breath. When I did my lung treatment and exhaled forcefully the pain brought tears to my eyes, it was like a hot wire wrapped around my heart. My heart rate was erratic and much too strong all the time.

I was never sure if AgNP would work internally, but I felt really bad.

I drank 1 quart of AgNP solution of about 30ppm, a recommended general dose and is intended to get your blood AgNP ppm up to 6ppm or more. The next day was a little worse when I woke up but started to ease off a bit through the day. Next day the pain was dulled and the day after I woke up with just a dull sensation that got better over the next two weeks. The heavy beating and irregular beating also improved. I felt a return of heart problems a while later and immediately started drinking 2 qts of AgNP per day. My Wife did the same, as she also had a return of symptoms later as well. Since then we have both just been steadily improving.

Since then there have been reports that myocarditis is killing lots of corona patients. I`m now sure I had Fulminant Myocardiitis. (tweet re myocarditis)

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