IMHE’s projection for total deaths by August literally dropped by 12K (93K on Fri) over the weekend.
>It was always a nothingburger

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Other urls found in this thread:

and it only costed us our liberties and economic prosperity

Based right angle recoveries.

Attached: corona_chinese data.jpg (793x608, 71.47K)

yeah it probably would have stayed the same or maybe even went down on its own if nobody had done anything and just went about living their lives like normal

holy shit delete your thread you fucking moron

the desease will stick around and kill you eventually

If it was stretched out to show the start of each week it wouldn’t look like that dumbass. Have you ever made a graph?

i mean whats 80,000 babies and grandparents am i right


But how many by January 2025?


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Thanks user. The sheer amount of seething and cope in this thread’s young life is sure to breed more.

Yeah I would imagine the fucking TENS OF MILLIONS of people that are on their asses now, and the millions of others whose government said "dont go anywhere" has something to do with that. How about the businesses that are operating with very strict anti virus policies and social distancing? You're an idiot.

Yes Goy, go back to work June 1st, there is no 2nd wave!!!!

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Weren’t you guys and your media talking heads still bitching about how not every state is in lockdown mode and how people are still allowed to go to stores and shit? Shut the fuck up and think about how the Argentinian user is more receptive to the ideas of liberty and absolute freedom than you guys are.

Oy vey goy, isn't the greater good worth your pesky freedoms?


Social distancing and your other bootlicking, orwellian policies are un-falsifiable. Youll claim anything as a win, even if your totalitarian policies achieved nothing


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Hey fucktards most of the cases of corona-virus deaths are "assumed" the 2 infants died of corona-virus report one of the infants had bowel blockage and was hospitalized for a month. Followed by massive organ failure as a result and died. They tested for coronvirus and surprise surprise he tested positive (probably contracted it in the hospital) they attributed his death to corona-virus. The other infant they couldn't determine how he died (SIDS IS STILL A THING) but because he tested positive for COVID-19 they chalked it up to death by coronavirus. The 17 year old who died of "it" actually had heart problems all his life and died of heart failure but he tested positive so another statistic. One guy fell and died from a traumatic brain injury and he too tested "positive" and he was added to the statistic. Hospitals were encouraged by the CDC to change all deaths by "Unknown Causes" which happens all the fucking time to death by corona-virus. In fact if you die and show symptoms (vague symptoms btw that can be attributed to a lot of diseases and health problems) they dont even test you they just add you to the statistic by assumption. This is why the numbers cannot be trusted. You know who doesn't do this? Germany and their numbers are low they actually test everyone who died. How long does a normal autopsy and results from said autopsy take? How long does that take to determine cause of death? Normally weeks but we are seeing results within the day. Take that with the fact that flu and pneumonia deaths have plummeted means that people are being misdiagnosed with assumptions. I Fucking hate Nu-Pol we used to be more objective than this. But now we are flooded with happening fags who buy into media mass hysteria

>barely 25% more than flu season of 16-17
fucking kek. We entered a great depression for this

Only because everybody freaked out and gave them away.

40k did in car accidents annually. Let’s just close the roads.

I’m getting tired of explaining logarithmic growth to you fags

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So many shills on this board trying to keep up the fear mongering

the worst thing about this is that normies are going to bend over fucking backwards to rationalize their response to this. I'm not even talking about governments, just everyday people. Your coworkers (if you still have a job) will be sharing memes about surviving the great corona crisis. They'll be patting each other on the back like massive faggots. disgusting

Yup viral growth flattens over time

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Youre keking but this is serious. Even if things went back to normal tomorrow, there are probably millions of people whose lives were ruined because of this nothingburger. I hate the government and those "in charge". Just look at the facemask fiasco. The coon who is surgeon general proclaimed masks did nothing and then now the CDC says nvm our bad wear masks. They are evil

It’s really crazy, they even use logs in the models!

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I was hoping this would wake everybody up about what real oppression looks like, but so think it might actually make them worse now.

several million people a year die from obesity related heart attacks and strokes in the US.

>you mean it isn’t exponential growth to infinity?
Yes that’s right

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Can’t blame some of the people
>”Hello, people of (state). I, your infallable governor, am imposing a stay at home order. These are currently voluntary but local law enforcement can and will punish violators with fines and possible jail time. We are also encouraging people to watch through their windows and report any violators. I am leaving for home to make 6 figures while I do nothing to help but know that my heart is with you.”
Add on top of that all the people calling for nationwide totalitarian shit to happen.


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Fuck up you dirty spic.

>but not for coron-
Yeah for corona too.
Update this one you want.

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Yeah it's gonna be insane. It really annoys me how the massive death predictions have already been memory holed and now the few deaths that occur will be shown as proof of the lockdowns effectiveness

Pic in the OP is death total not case numbers you fucking mongoloids. It’ll look even worse for you guys when people are made aware through antibody testing that this shit has been here since Late November/December.

Same down here bruv. Total lockdown. Many small companies gone and jobs lost forever (such as mine) and the media just memory holes it and praises our government for their great response.

The problem is this thing is mutating across the planet and if it does what the Spanish Flu did in its second wave it's going to be apocalyptic. We literally cant figure out why patients on the ventilators are dying because this is a brand new virus and we are flying blind. At least the lockdowns give us time to figure out how its actually killing people and what we can do to save them. Look at all the dead doctors so far, if this jumps in lethality people will be left to rot in the streets.
Some people in the spanish flus second wave woke up with their first symptoms and died on the way to work that day.

Death totals mirror total infections as a proportion on a lag, with this virus it is one to two weeks.
Total infections are going to be logarthmic as well. It is literally not possible to sustain exponential growth forever.


Its total bullshit. They gave these doomsday scenarios, and when they dont come true they hand wave it away as the success of some bullshit government lockdown, like this bootlicker who hides behind a memeflag because he is a Jew

>Total deaths may be less than 50k
>Literally less bad than the normal flu

Looks like you racist bitches with your "Wuhan Flu" and "bat-eating chinks" garbage just got your fucking asses handed to you.

Bunch of fucking pussy ass little bitches! I can't wait until you're slaves for the CCP and they export the manufacturing jobs back to your shitty flyover states and you have to start working in sweatshops to supply cheap shitty American-Made garbage for the Chinese market.

This entire fiasco is textbook mass hysteria. It's not a coincidence that it's happening at a time when political polarization and general stress/forboding for the future is high. Same thing happened in the 50's with UFO's.

Check this out:

Are you celebrating that only 200 per day will day? You know what that means, firstly that you forgot how 10 dead was a sensation on this board when it was only China and how China didn't react soon enough, then secondly this virus won't go away if you constantly have infections, might as well mutate. Then every year you will have it, vaccine or no vaccine.

They’re dying because their exhausted immune systems are not able to fight the secondary infections that cause pneumonia.
Coronavirus (it’s really SARS-CoV 2 but w.e) prompts the immune system to attack infected cells, in doing this, the respiratory mucosa is damaged. On this damaged mucosa it is easy for bacteria to flourish that cause pneumonia.
Some others might be dying because their lung damage is so severe that it prevents effective gas transfer, I think this is rare though.
We also have a problem in our data collection with distinguishing deaths accompanied by corona with deaths caused by corona.

I think the fact that social media has recently become ubiquitous probably plays a big role as well since information and fear can travel instantly across the world. You used to get scattered hysteria events in isolated cultures (salem witch trials, psychogenic illnesses) but now that the world is a single culture it becomes global.

"The infant had a bowel blockage and organ failure"

"Father disputes death by coronavirus claim"

The rest you can look up

This virus spreads mainly because world is too connected, else it would literally be a nothing burger.

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

Also. A lot of the doctors dying spend their days in hospitals that have been heavily colonized by the virus. Ways to prevent this, we can either be super good cleaners and wear ebola tier PPE or we can stop admitting mild and moderate corona cases into hospitals. These are people who will likely recover at home. By admitting every 30 y/o otherwise healthy person with mild symptoms, we run out of space for severe cases, and also turn hospitals into highly infectious spaces that make anyone who goes to them sick.

the world has been physically connected like this for decades though. We're only just now becoming mentally connected

That was real and was caused by radio waves vibrating the frames of the steel bodies cars. The navy has multiple reports on damage caused by their submarine station in Washington.


~20,000 in the US when it's all said and done. Half of what seasonal flu kills, just crammed into a shorter timeframe.

This was overhyped by the chinks to destroy the US role as global economic hegemon.

>assuming they can get R0

Yeah, the damage we are going to do to ourselves is going to far exceed the damage the virus will do. Just look at Sweden, they seem to be doing fine.

Well look at any of those skyscrapers built in USA, are they useful? No. What's their purpose? To sustain rule of some brands, some rich, totally useless. Does that economy benefit anybody? Nobody at all, it depletes resources, but claims to be create something, because some dumbass economy grows. We died a lot more than that 17 year old didn't die from corona virus from every single skyscraper built.

>we're effectively containing it and the deaths aren't as high as the worst case predictions therefore it wasn't any use containing it

>mentally connected
You will be mentally connected to robot's anus some time in future, when it farts you will eat new type of burger and then a ring will happen in your deep consciousness and you will lift an arm, type on buttons. Other scenario is world population being so big that you will roll in sewers all day looking for rats and bats you can eat, no fear of corona.

>You will be mentally connected to robot's anus some time in future, when it farts you will eat new type of burger and then a ring will happen in your deep consciousness and you will lift an arm, type on buttons.
I mean that is the end goal here

You fags need to watch this

Just wait until we get antibody results and there’s evidence to suggest that millions have already had it and it’s exposed as a weaker flu in people who are in even any sort of okay health.

Do you goys need some money?
The Fed gave the Tribe 4.5 trillion dollars.
Now, lets talk about you selling everything you own for pennies on the dollar!

Attached: Kike Says.png (144x151, 11.01K)

End goal was always for old rich people to live remotely on some island, have a harem and additionally lots of houses and expendable people they can use to serve them and protect them. They don't think about future, they just allow everything, because they know this gives them more slaves. People who think about future are people who serve those bastards.

The one thing I've learned about Corona-Chan, is that you NEVER EVER assume it's not going to affect you or it's getting better.

It's reverse memesphere.

I'm screencapping your post so we can all laugh at you once that cope has been proven wrong though serology and you've moved on to some other even more tenuous cope. See you in a month or so.

Meme is when equal to 911 deaths die each day, but it's a nothing burger, while i have to listen to 911 and Kennedy tragedy for my whole life.

These posts remind me of the "Surely Donald Drumpf is finished now!" posts during the election

>In okay health

Attached: 1449608895185.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

>It’s unreasonable to think that a virus that had it’s patient zero in November hasn’t already spread to millions
Who’s the dumbass again?

I honestly thought this was the big fucking shit, I have many friends in China, even Wuhan. They were hysterical, but i have heard od no one from Wuhan that knows anyone who died.

Here, I was first mad we didnt close down all the flights from Iran, China, Italy, this we should have done. We had NO preparation, no masks, no nothing.

If we had prepared a bit, and then just go on as usual, it would be optinal I think. Time will tell but it seem to me that keep things normal is the right thing to do, i have spoken with some norwegians i know, they think Sweden is doing the right thing for ONCE
