change my mind. Idk if smokers are 20% of the population or 90%. This isn't 1930-1950 when smokers happened to be educated and respectable people. respectable people quit smoking in the 2000s.
who team /luckystrike/ here? heheh *couuuuuughhhhhh snort*
I feel just fine
My body my choice.
You can't like OWN air, man.
I can’t wait until the last smoker dies and a new dawn of man can begin.
>respectable people quit smoking in the 2000s.
oh you mean exactly when the final deathblow to american culture happened? wow imagine that, what a coincidence! you really got my noggin joggin OP
How come cancer especially childhood cancer has not decreased but increased after smoking became unpopular?
>Blows smoke in your face.
i'd rather smoke cigarettes than be a pole smoker like you OP
based and cigpilled
>get the rope
I fucking wish one of you assmad little bitches would follow through with your death threats one of these days. my trigger finger is getting itchy.
You sure non-smokers aren't the retarded ones, OP?
Because cancer is caused by lifetime viral load in many cases
>my trigger finger is getting itchy.
WEW WEW WEW everyone watch out, he's serious
Day 8 without a cig
But thanks OP for reminding how much i hate non-smokers.
Hope you get lung cancer from second-hand smoke, faggot
i remember being 13
>quitting nicotine during coronachan
I'm shocked at these replies. I did not expect so many losers to post here.
>day 8
any smoker that has to tell people exactly how long it has been since he last had a smoke is an obnoxious faggot and will most assuredly end up smoking again.
t. Air Force BMT washout
>I'm shocked at these replies
im shocked at how gay you are
oh yeah? I'm at minute 30 now, fight me
this time i will not give in!
Smoking cigarettes unironically makes you cool
kek i quit as soon as i got over covid19
smoked the entire time I was sick.
It's why I'm still alive.
nigger I've been smoking for 20 years--probably longer than you've been alive.
Lick my sac you florid homo
Fuck off commie
Most smokers dont die of lung cancer either. Its a big fat lie. It does fuck your shit up... but cancer is blown out of proportion.
Smoke a pack a day with a 150+ IQ.
I do this because it helps me cope with being surrounded by comparative idiots. Good folks, but can't relate at all. Makes life kind of miserable desu.
Smoking to peak cattle activity, if you smoke you should be beat on the streets until you stop.
will you beat me off cowboy?
Then they can go after video games, meat eating, sitting on chairs, gambling and porn next.All propaganda for control and money grubbing off the backs of poor suckers with unfortunate vices.
Fuck you, guy, maybe the rest of you need to smoke. Ever wonder why you’re all so fucking stressed out? Yeah, think you fucking nutsack, it’s a habit from 10,000 years ago when we used to build cool shit and we used to go to the moon. If anything, start smoking. It was clearly better for everyone, and put a hard cap on life expectancies making you think about future generations not just your dumb fuck self.
a combustion engine puts out more cancerous toxic emission in one minute that a smoker can if they chainsmoke 24/7 for a week. if you are against tobacco use then you better be up for banning cars too or you're an ignorant hypocritical faggot.
you'll also need to be giving the rope to all the founding fathers of the usa you bitch
makes you stink you mean
American culture died in ~1965.
It's been exactly 1189 days for me user! Upboat plz
Fuck off there's nothing wrong with smoking cigarettes,they help with self control , cognitive ability ,reduce Parkinson s and increase testserone.its the best option you have over all the other degenerate products out there
I smoke because I enjoy it, I can, and it keeps faggot fucks like you at a distance. Your fake cough as you guide your children 10+ ft away from me is fooling no one, if your asthma is really that bad, you shouldn’t be among our civilization, go live with the Amish. It’s knowing life sucks ass and choosing to end it sooner than the rest of you suckers who will die alone in a nursing home, not a friend nor family member at your side.
Let me tell that my apartment, where I chainsmoke, is carsinogenic as fuck because there isn't much airflow and I such a opening my windows
Exhaust from veichels go into open air, not the same situation
>Its a big fat lie. It does fuck your shit up... but cancer is blown out of proportion.
call ur mom and tell her that her son is retarded
The tax on cigarettes in this country is fucking criminal, I couldn't smoke even if I wanted to.
what about snus?
>Smoke a pack a day with a 150+ IQ.
>Makes life kind of miserable desu.
no shit sherlock. go to the IQ test store you want a refund because ur 95 iq at best and ur test was defective.
Couldn't imagine having to suffer people like yourself without needing a smoke.
It’s lonely at the top, sad but true.
Cigs are pleb tier. Rolling your own is way to go.
>if you are against tobacco use then you better be up for banning cars too or you're an ignorant hypocritical faggot.
you don't understand how logic works. this is a shit argument and the groundwork laid for this argument was equally as shitty.
you sound like a woman.
meat eating doesnt belong
meat is healthy, veganism isn't
Smoking has been declining for years. Prescription drugs are the up and coming enemy.
this board is full of little kids who still sucks on mommy's tit
men didn't marry eachother in 1930-1950... go marry ya dad faggot, it's legal now
smoking one right now for you OP
the rope is too humane
scalping's what they deserve
there are much bigger problems than cigarettes: abortion, the legalization of weed, porn
>you don't mind if i smoke, do you?
>*lights up cig before getting a response*
>yeah, I know its bad, i really should quit one of these days
at least weedbrains are so damaged that they don’t even realize they’re killing themselves with their habit, cigarettoids would gladly puff smoke right in a newborn’s face if they could get away with it
Fuck you OP
>smoking cigarettes = sticking your face right in front of a car’s tailpipe for an entire minute
wew lad, the ciggoids are DESPERATE
warehouse worker here
started smoking on my 30th birthday it's been over a year now
Can't believe I waited so long
>ITT: foomers desperately trying to defend their kike-fueled habit
>"obesity is now the top leading cause of preventable deaths in the U.S.—even higher than tobacco"
if she smokes, she pokes, you fucking faggot
Not saying that one caused the other but still, pretty interesting.
>Giving more power to the state
What’s wrong user, you don’t like my smoke? Smells like too much freedom doesn’t it. Statist bootlicker. Just because something is “bad for you” doesn’t mean you get to throw people in cages for it.