>Dude finds out his fiance got gangbanged by four guys that she's still friends with.
>Slut doesn't hear from him for three days.
>Is this the end?
>Dude finds out his fiance got gangbanged by four guys that she's still friends with.
>Slut doesn't hear from him for three days.
>Is this the end?
Other urls found in this thread:
He’s a hypocrite because he slept around. Manwhores doesn’t deserve virgin waifus
Daily reminder that women are evil and you should just fuck twinks instead
Lmao her first reaction is "i hate my sisters bf" and putting the blame on someone else
I hope she pays toll in full
all women are paying the price, they don't even know it
>wondering if she should call the cops
Dude dodged a bullet
In principle you're right but i find this gross as fuck
There’s a difference between one-on-one sex and sex with multiple people, I’d rather take a girl that’s been with 3 separate dudes rather than a girl whose been with three dudes at once, the group sex thing has always been unsettling when it comes to dating
The problem isn’t that she is not a virgin. It’s that she’s a colossal whore who got gangbanged.
Women have no morals. Need to start beating it into them again.
The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.
I think the big thing that really fucked him in the heart is how she's friends with the train that ran up on her on facebook.
What the hell would the cops do? Stupid roastie
>him and my sisters boyfriend call and facetime
What kinda faggot facetimes another male? Men should only communicate face to face in person or text.
based and checked
>take screencaps from a phone in portrait mode
>then arrange them side by side so it's impossible to read on a mobile device anyway
I think its more the fact she lied about it by avoiding telling him
That’s true. If she’s monogamous or was raped that doesn’t really count. But it’s still awkward if she has more partners than me and more partners isn’t better.
My fucking sides bro
Its your fault for not having a big dick. Only a huge dick will keep a woman loyal, nothing else.
good post, have a yukako
kill mobile posters
>Men should only communicate face to face in person
I wish things were this way because I hate not being able to see someones face when I speak to them, but the younger generations prefer to call/text now or go on Instagram live
men and women are different, get over it
>finally meet a chad that you think is worthy of marriage
>he finds out you're a turbowhore
>he realizes literally every woman he's ever been with is like this
>probably went back to doing chad stuff
All of this
You're delusional if you think that will keep a woman loyal.
You know a lot about your family's genitals?
Thanks for bringing this fabulous reading op.
Why don't you fuck off back there again?
Men sleeping around and having no morals or self respect leads to the shitshow we have now, you dumb fuck. If men could realise they're the cause of women being dumb whores then it would all stop, because women only do what men let them do
87.5% are mobile you faggot
this pasta always makes me chuckle
the man has to be the bigger whore for the relationship to work out
ok stacey, cope more.
nothing is perfectly elastic, everyting wears out from overuse.
Reminds me of what you used to hear from Holocaust perpetrators:
>idk the actual # of Jews I killed. My first 3 years in the SS was just one giant massacre. Without being too descriptive...I admit I was "excessive." But at the time it was just what we did.
It's funny the moron corona deniers saying (((they))) are promoting "corona panic" yet are unable to identify any advantage (((they))) would derive. In fact corona has shut down a lot of this degeneracy, at least temporarily.
At least he was open about. She wasnt so he didnt know what cards were on the table. I expect this from women which is why i never ask to marry. Only retards get married now
Dude needs to dumb that lying whore. She is proven damaged goods. She lost all moral pretense by lying. "IN COLLEGE" doesn't explain the lying she did OUT OF COLLEGE.
lmao corona take us all
Autoerror struck again.
Anything self lubricating will never wear out.
Except rape will still give them the roastie effect, especially if they go to some (((psychologist))) over the trauma, she'll be given a chemical coctail of birth control and mood stabilizers and told she needs to take her sexuality back by fucking every man she encounters or she'll always be traumatized.
Link to thread?
This, the mere leaf is right. If she freely admitted she was a whore and was still friends with the gangbanggang on facebook at least he could have decided earlier on if she was worthy of being in a relationship with.
What a stupid and deservedly lonely whore. Haha.
Yeah, that's beyond fucked. If you're settling down, you need to detach yourself from your whore past.
If she's banged more than 3 dudes she's not a good candidate for marriage.
>pol is 1 person
>reddit spacing
lurk 3 yrs before posting
>she actually believes this.
ok whore
Cool, women are fucking whores, not news.
Go the fuck back. Stop posting your reddit shit here.
>My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
They're called mongs.
The attitude they have about it is just so repulsive. They think it's a good thing to be a completely depraved whore in your youth and then get married when your best years and best chances of having healthy children are gone. It's downright insulting and humiliating to their partner and they are so smug about it. Our culture is very sick to tolerate behavior like this. Although is right. A lot of men want to sleep around and then find a pure wife. Fully aware that they are ruining these girls for their future husbands. Well now everyone is ruined, are you happy you scumbags?
Good on Chad for having some self respect.
I just hope he doesn’t simp out and take her back.
She blew it by admitting the gangbangers were still her friends. otherwise she'd probably be crying rape right about now.
I actually first saw this on Rollo Tomassi's stream today.
>calling the cops because he's upset and doesn't want to talk to you
Yep and then the only shred of responsibility she showed was saying that she should have been more honest. No, you shouldn't have been a filthy whore.
I feel like its a self-respect thing
Group sex, especially when its one woman and a bunch of guys is inherrantly disrespectful. The guys think she's nothing more than a wet hole and will joke and laugh about how trashy she is for the rest of their lives. That she was willing to be that person would be quite the mind fuck for the partner.
Fuck women dont they understand the 4 guys who gangbanged her are laughing at her fiance behind their back. We had a similar experience in my friend circle and the girl is now married with kids. Sometimes to when one of us is down we say "well at least you arnt the idiot who married sammie"
every woman has not been gangbanged you autist
Found the roastie
I genuinely don't get this meme. How the fuck do people pass their classes if all they do is party in college? I am barely hanging in there and I've never partied a single day in my life.
It's not right in principle. You can't have children and start a family, and your partner would be harming himself and opening himself up to lots of infection and disease as well as long-term damage. It is debasing yourself for short-term gratification.
Fundamentally what you're doing is the same as a roastie on birth control. It wouldn't be so bad if not for lacking any possible future, just wasting time until you're 30 and want kids. It's just rationalizing a "need" for short-term gratification.
This outlook puts an enormous amount of value on casual sex as if it somehow determines your value as a person. It is the correct way to achieve this goal, but the goal is wrong.
OP has "reddit spacing." It's a cheap shot.
Most women are vindictive psychopathic cunts who will gladly wield any weapon they can against you if you wrong them.
Just look at the state of the Divorce industry in the west.
>meme reply
Must suck being a retarded whore.
Check & kek
I ever meet one of you Ima fuck you up
Any of you gross faggits ever tells me to my face that I should fuck trannies is going to the hospital innserious pain
Fucking faggot
The onous is on the girl to not take dick until marriage. How can you blame the guy? This is why marriage is a thing to protect girls. Now they give the puss out freely why bother getting married?
Both the Christians and Jews fucked up relationships. The Christians were too strict and banning sex until the age of 18. Then all these teens bottle it up inside and go crazy. And the Jews were too promiscuous by making sex a social status symbol. There’s too much pressure in either direction, instead of just letting people find their partners naturally. Whoever figured out they could control sex is evil.
They are both filthy degenerates.
based and dubzpilled
cringe af
Nah, the reason she lied is just the symptom but the problem is that she's a whore.
Really if the dude has any spirit at all he is rightfully gone. No man wants a fucking whore for a wife. He can't even argue with her circle of friends now. "Oh yeah buddy? Well I fucked your wife's ass and then came in her face". Game over. She should resign herself to a life of whoredom and not attempt to sully a decent man's rep. She's literal garbage.
because they take meme courses with no possible future
the (male) teachers get pussy to pass them.
The female teachers just automatically grade women higher/pass them. women hate each other more than anything else, but they also have more in-group preference to each other than men do.
Women retain the DNA of all the men they've fucked. The fiance was right to walk away. Marrying this chic would be like marrying Riley Reid.
Nah gang banging strangers at a party just goes to show the female has no filter and no respect for yourself. She can't be trusted.
Cause you are a lower class “beta” male. Only women and chads get to party in college.
False, she lied because the truth would've gotten her ghosted.
A meme reply on Yas Forums?
Wow. Just wow.
>but maybe it's not even his fault
Wow, a rare moment of self-awareness for a woman!
>maybe I shoulda been more honest
..Yeah, that's the issue.
Anyway dude fucked other women, she fucked other men. That's the fair trade he deserves.
This. Threesomes and up are unacceptable. That’s what whores in pornos do. The roastie in OP’s post gets the boot.
>Then all these teens bottle it up inside and go crazy
What do you study? For them, it was International History or Sociology or something similarly braindead.
>45yo vagina that has birthed two kids is equal to it's previous 15yo self
Jesus Christ you couldn't just copy the image from the original fucking thread? Sage. Op is a huge faggot.
It's worse than that though. At least riley ried is a professional, and fairly wealthy (she invests too)
This bitch is just "that dumb ho at the party who took her clothes off for a room full of strange men"
Lmao OHH NOOO WHATEVER WILL THE WHITE RACE DO WITHOUT HER? succeed, that's what they'll do without her. She will enjoy her hot Cheetos and we will enjoy our interplanetary space exploration. Chester cheetah cant even compete.
>how can you blame the guy
It depends on the context. Obviously the fiance in question has a personal problem with this girl, so the guys are not really involved in the problem. However, if you had a daughter and some charming rake was trying to get into her pants without a commitment, then you need to run his ass out of town. At least that what they did before we went insane. A young girl is naive and can't tell the difference between a predator and a decent man. That should be obvious by now.
She LIED about it, he'd made decisions based on information that turned out to be totally bullshit. On top of that he feels humiliated because these guys are on her Facebook laughing at him every day.
Some guys don't care how many guys a girl's been with, hell some of them get off on having a slutty GF but this guy isn't one of them and if she'd been honest then he could've decided early on if he was ok with it or not. Now it's too late.
Electrical Engineering.
>simping for porn "star" whores
>leaf flag
>Anything self lubricating will never wear out.
You know the rules and so do I.