Have you accepted it yet?

Attached: flat earth.png (1080x739, 465.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think I know why low IQ and high IQ agree so much.
Low IQ has the pure instinct, always right, but can’t know why they’re right. Medium IQ has enough intelligence to go above instinct, but not enough to understand why in the end, instinct is always right. High IQ knows so much that in the end, he comes full circle and acknowledges that all his knowledge is in the end, consistent with pure instinct, as God intended, which is why instinct exists in the first place.

Flat earth is scientifically completely impossible. Yes, i know this truth makes you want to cry user. But don't hold back, cry my friend, cry.

Amen brother

Uh no? I literally don’t know a single high IQ flat earther.

I have literally seen the curvature of the Earth at 36,000 feet. You can prove curvature with a telescope.

You’re literally regarded.

gota post facts before it gets taken down

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OP should have posted a picture of the Dunning-Kruger distribution rather than IQ distribution because of how stupid he is. The Earth is a geoid not a sphere nor flat. Pol is not a refuge for anti-vaxxers, q-tards, and flat-earthers. All of you are subject for elimination

Have you done it? Didn't think so.

>believes in science in 2020
what a fucking cuck occams razor has only shown me that most of science is made up higgledypiggledy, inventing somethings from nothings in order to feed into the narcissistic egos of has-been intellectuals dissatisfied with their positions in life.
>what does it mean, that science is going through the largest reproduceablity crysis ever known to man? probably not much, but hey read this vox article about how a scientist said dudes should wear pink because its good for your inner gender spectrum!

>You can prove curvature with a telescope.
no you cant, you need to understand how vanishing point works
>I have literally seen the curvature of the Earth at 36,000 feet
the plane windows are curved

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The fuck is a "geoid?" Sounds like liberal BS.

I swear the severely autistic are just one chromosome away from being a savant genius,
any other user notice how the two kinds of people act very similar and behave similar?

>Hollow earth btfo
All going according to plan I see.

this is the thing right here: we take too much at face value. i think the flat earth larp blew up because of people like me, who think most of science is ahout as believeable as flat earth theory right now. so we forced science to face an insane "theory" of ours, after being bombarded with gender studies and black psychology for the past ten years.... science is a fucking joke nowadays and flat earth has EVERY place here.

>not at least knowing vaccines are bad
yea i totally bet you (((one of us)))

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Midwits btfo

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Just look it up. The Earth isn't a perfect sphere. But it certainly is not flat. I highly suspect that you idiots are creationist/biblical literalists. You are nothing but a bunch of troglodytes or are mentally feeble to believe in this nonsense

>the earth actually is flat
>we interpolate it as a sphere because we are only 3 dimensional beings in a 11 dimensional universe

Yeah kys, subhuman. Never said I was one of you retarded troglodytes

two sides of the same coin retards and geniuses be
those in between are stuck in fucking purgatory unable to comprehend anything else than what their masters tell them is the truth, kek
Kinda sad too desu if you think about it in a certain way, also funny as fuck thought another way


fuck off schizo

t. midwit

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IQ isnt a language, you NPC tard, stop using whatever cute phrase you can think of to avoid thinking critically and read my points you fucking neckbeard loser.


>this failed abortion of a watermarked meme

Obvious leftist

>don't believe in science
Mmh sorry user, i don't speak with low iq.

dont you realize you have zero evidence for your claim? wouldn't that be a belief?
Pol is not a refuge for anti-vaxxers, q-tards, and flat-earthers.
can you even remember what you say?

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Here’s the real power scale:
>Not getting involved
>Pretending to be a flat earther
Power gap
>actual flat earther
Huge power gap
Really fucking huge power gap
Small power gap
>people who argue against flat earthers

for when you repost the response you deleted because you forgot to link the comment you were responding to.

Oh HAHAHAHAHAHA very good comeback faggot. Please take the shotgun and shoot yourself. We have no need for your existence

It's a sphere, but it is growing over time and plate tectonics is a total lie.


I'm an electrical engineer, what IQ do I have?

Remember, its not a lie, if YOU believe it...

you dont need the bible to prove its flat, it only confirms it. most people dont realize how litral the bible is

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Yes I am not one of the aforementioned groups unlike you who believe in this nonsense

probably above average if youre white

its fact, plain and simple. the cave is dark, why are you comfortable in it?

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Tell me why I should think the Earth is flat, why would the government make up globe/space?

Will you tell the poor soul you’re helping to type their comments that they don’t make numbers that low?

The globe earth model doesnt make any sense at all. The moon is translucent, it doesnt hide due to shadow, it is made of plasma and it disappears and recharges. There is an interview with a scientist about it, you can watch it on youtube.

>Pol is not a refuge for anti-vaxxers, q-tards, and flat-earthers.
It pretty much is though...this place is a haven for all conspiracy theorists.

The earth isnt flat nor round retards. Its invert.

Thanks for this! You have convinced me

thats not the right question.
>why would the unwashwd masses start propagating the myth of flat earth once more?
>what has science done to make it acceptable to circulate literal myths as fact?

THESE are the right questions. science turned its back on intelligence long ago for profit. profit at the expense of the unwashed masses i might add. (when are we gonna have the talk about using psychology and sociology in order to build consumer profiles to finely tailor advertising to anyone within ten feet of a microsoft owned microphone? the line between progress and manipulation is thin in 2020)

There are 2 perspectives

to the individual the earth is flat the constellations are flat
it's a way to reference and understand navigation
The earth is round from the outside perspective

But there are a lot of things are in multiple states at the same time
It's the key to understanding chi and interdimensional energy and the natural order of things

We're in a simulation
you have to accept nothingness to achieve infinity
You know the double slit experiment

Eastern meditation practice unlocked truths in this reality that allowed us to achieve complex finance and planning
The idea of nothingness allows the idea of infinity to be possible
as above so below

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No, i have posted the wrong link. But that doesn't change anything, you remain a low iq who thinks the earth is flat because his book of medieval fairy tales told him the earth is flat.

i never said i believed the earth was flat but sure keep grasping at straws you literal brainlet NPC. stay stupid, you fuck, maybe someone more intelligent than you will learn something here from my comments.

This. I saw a video on YouTube recently where a scientist explained that the moon is actually a semi-conscious Wizard that intentionally defies conventional science and it continually casts spinning spells on both the Earth and itself because its goal is to make everything spin.


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you know I used to be a midwit before I went to highschool, but math and science truly opened my eyes to the truth, and now I understand those who are called racists and bigots and agree with them even if they themselves cannot understand why they are right

Earth's distance is 0.98 AU at perihelion and 1.01 at aphelion. That only amounts to a total difference of about 6% in energy. You guys are so stupid lol

a possible explanation is that science and pilpul lawyerism and word smithing got confused somewhere down the line. or they never were differentiateable perhaps until recently.

did google tell you that? the larping is unreal in this thread.

This retarded meme has gone too far, i'm calling the janies.

not far enough apparently.

The Earth is not flat because the stars in the Southern Hemisphere rotate clockwise, while the stars in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counter clockwise.
Its really just that simple. All you need to prove it are functional eyes and some way to travel. There is no way to make that observation consistent with a flat Earth. Its literally impossible. Yes, i have seen infographics that try to, and they are all blatantly flawed.
If you were to claim space wasnt real, maybe you would have an argument. I have no way to prove it’s actually space, and not just the firmament without taking (((NASA)))s word for it. However, Earth is demonstrably a 3D sphere beyond any possibility of doubt.

Scientists: Space is vast, look at these photos and videos
Flat Earthers: Space is fake, trust me bro
Scientists: Gravity attracts mass, look at my math
Flat Earthers: Gravity is not real, trust me bro
Scientists: Earth is an oblete spheroid, look at all this evidence
Flat Earther: Earth is a flat disc, trust me bro

All flat Earthers do is dismiss evidence while presenting none of their own while calling everyone who disagrees with them retards

I did the math myself. The claim was that eccentricity of orbit would make snowball or lava Earths, which just shows that you don't understand the scales involved



why even lie?

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>What is gravity

Obvious shill is obvious. I bet you like Rick and Morty too you fucking gay retard. Stay ignorant, sheep.

every single one of you armchair physicists needs to rope yourself.

>concave cell geoid
Worse than nasa

larp while you can faggot

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Ok so then why stop at flat earth? Why not go for endless plane earth or multidimensional earth?

can you measure gravity?

First off, no. Second off, even if it were why the fuck should we care.

This. It really, really pisses me off that the flerther psyop worked so well. Shows what a bunch of absolute shit-for-brains faggots are here & why the board is in such a state.

Those links are just repeating what I said

I for one subscribe to the honeycomb earth theory. The earth is full of pockets, caves etc some so big you could build cities inside.

it is the truth

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>You’re literally regarded.
regarded as retarded

My gut instinct tells me the world isn't fucking flat and you retards have mental disorders.

you're a blind little coomer squirt boy

It's cooling down so wouldn't it be shrinking? That's why the tectonic plates are constantly colliding

They will level along a large hemisphere consistent with the distributed force of gravity emanating from the sphere, assuming this is planet sized and able to assert gravitational force from quantum particle interaction.

I won't let my daughters see anyone who believes the earth is round.

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Heisenberg wasn't referring to a specific god like Allah or the Christian one here, though. It's more of a deist thing

Guys, I just learned about this so I'm bad at explaining please do further research.

The earth is round in this dimension.
To the individual the earth is flat.
This is because of it's reference to our soul
Math and physics backs this up

The soul is eternal, the earth is both round and flat.

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>Earth's actual distance at perihelion can vary from 0.9831914 AU (147,083,346 km) to 0.9833860 AU (147,112,452 km). This is a range of 0.0001946 AU (29,106 km), which corresponds to about 2.28 times the 12,756 km equatorial diameter of Earth.
can you even fathom how much of a difference this would make in terms of how temperature would be affected, keep in mind we flip our shit over solar flares.

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Face value science like physics or math isn't so important. Finer detail science like organic chemistry and engineering is necessary for societal advance. Fuck gender studies and fuck pussyfoot libs tho

Nigger, im not even claiming to believe some shit that science tells me. Its literally first hand observation using zero tools. Its topologically impossible to make a flat Earth model that is consistent with the observed star paths on Earth.
>t. Too low IQ to get Rick and Morty


ok now prove it, find an independent researcher who can prove the curve of water

>not knowing that earth is a triangle
NA education

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No, science like the thing that created the magic computer machine you're using right now. Or do you think that's little magic gremlins or some shit?


Jesus H. Fucking Christ, retard.
Do us a favor and put yourself out of our misery.

Compelling evidence sir. I relent, you must be completely correct in all of your baseless assertions

LOL You fucking idiot, all the comments debunk your shit video.

Based on what? He was raised Lutheran.
God from his point of view would be God


so what is the wight of gravity?

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lmao cope retard.

Thanks for the link bro, now I can laugh at retards allllllll day

refer to

Too many variables for one or the other. Water expand, metals and rock contract. Some rocks permeable for water, may expand near the surface and contract down the temperature gradient. Plate tectonic movement from basaltic ridge generation inevitably drives continents to collide, retract, and shear. So many variables, it's beautiful

I didn't know gravity had a ghost.

the proxy will never hide what a massive faggot you are.

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Take ferromagnetic fluid and put it over a neodymium magnet or similar. I'm sure you can find basic examples on youtube, fren. Magnet will emit a field you can tangibly observe, and the ferrous liquid will form around the magnet in some manner. Might be hard to find a spherical magnet, though. I dunno what retard would want one.

how do you measure gravity, it would have to be in weight right? so how much does it weight?

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this so much

Yes I can, using the inverse square law the original image fucking mentioned. Taking the total energy of the sun to be 1 at 0.9831914 AU, it would be 99.98% of that at 0.9833860

Zero observable stellar parallax since the dawn of civilization is 100% proof that the rock flying through space model is incorrect. This also disproves the big bang.

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He clarified at another time he meant that science would show you there is something strange and large beyond our understanding, and that for him that would be the Christian God but for someone else it could as easily be theirs

That's actually a good argument. But water only shrinks when it melts and expands when it freezes so that's not applicable for anything other than the ice caps. the vast majority of the water on earth is already liquid. I take your point though, it's not nearly as simple as I assumed it was. You see this flat earthers? When someone puts forward a compelling case it can change minds

>all his knowledge is in the end, consistent with pure instinct, as God intended, which is why instinct exists in the first place.
yes this all ties into god

You are on the flat earth
We are all on the round earth
if that makes any sense

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You mean force, which is mass times acceleration. Kick an apple so it moves, n tell Newton hello for me when it stops moving.

>Why yes I listen to Alex Jones. How could you tell?

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The thing about physics is that it is all math. People who understand this can prove to themselves that the arguments made by flat earthers don't work at all. Hand waving arguments don't prove anything, math does.

Thanks for proving my initial point retard. Fuck, you people are cretinous beyond words haha

intelligent post
also explains footfags

So he said he believed it was the Christian God
Got it

No I'm just talking about how beautiful observable nature is, I'm content with a ball of rock ahhahaa

if you search on youtube for "flat earth" its all videos with 1m+ views that have high production value graphics explaining why the flat earth is dumb and flat earthers are stupid

but you cant find flat earthers who zoom in on horizons and prove the flat earth without digging and searching for it when a few years ago it was mostly pro flat earth documentaries and now theyre completely hidden

why would they censor flat earth if flat earth wasnt real

go look for yourself.

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