What the fuck is happening in Spain?

Can anybody explain this video, kek


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What are these guys saying?

A dude in Barcelona claims to be the previous king's oldest son and rightful heir to the throne. He had some tests performed and it turns out he's his biological son with a probability of 99%. Now that the previous king left the throne to his son, he is no longer THE king and his figure isn't inviolable anymore. They can now force him to take the test and see if the ADN result matches.

The current king recently revealed that his father had stolen a shitload of money (he waited until the corona crisis to reveal it so it would be lost among all the coronavirus news) and he basically had himself disinherited to preserve his image and distance himself from his father.

This might have been a foolish move, because now the previous king is fucked and can be forced to acknowledge the dude from Barcelona as his oldest son. The current king might have also fucked himself over by disinheriting himself, because the constitution says that you can't refuse only part of your inheritance. It has to be either all or nothing. And the inheritance in his case includes the position of KING. He might have accidentally screwed himself out of the throne.

To top it all off, the current prime minister is doing a horrible job and killing loads of people, fucking up every step of the way. He is most certaintly sick with coronavirus too. If he is forced to go to a hospital, the communist vice-president will take over, send him to jail and turn Spain into a communist dictatorship. No joke. He could have the king hanged if he wanted to.

So the royal family is fucked. They will either lose everything to the Barcelona dude, lose the throne due to the inheritance thing and destroy monarchy in Spain, or be exiled/hanged by Pablo Iglesias.

based poltards shiting on the left fag president

Source for this? Couldn’t find anything

okay, which one of you did this

Isn't the king technically head of state so he can dissolve parliament and make the PM abdicate?

Get rid of those oligarch leech faggots

he just were full retard and let his country fall in the left faggot hole, the only country with a male king in europe, he deserve it

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The only country in europe with a male king? Uhm sweden and norway both have male kings.

at the beggining the girl asks if theyblive in that block, when they shout is basucally SPAIN STRONK and then go on to thank to all the public services for their work and he also says that when this is over our corrupt president will be brought to justice

basado y rojopildoreado

Holy fuck
Good explanation, user

That would be a coup and make the king a criminal. They would get rid of the PM but the king and the entire monarchy would go next.

>the only country with a male king in europe
Are all the other kings trannies?


Fake news idiots

Well I was going to re-watch GoT but I think i will watch Spain's news feeds now.
Spain of Thrones it is.

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Do you really need an explanation?


They've got an autistic underdeveloped aryan cunny princess who looks younger than her two years younger sister.


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Won't the vice PM be made a criminal if he creates a communist dictatorship and/or eliminates the monarchy, or is there some kind of special shit he can pull to do it legally?

sweden and norway are irrelevent feminist SJW commie shitholes that are quickly becoming third world shitholes filled with mudslimes. nobody cares about your king when your 3 or 4 years away from being a caliphate

Hahaha, says the fucking canadian with a trannnie nigger loving pm

He can pull a Maduro and make himself a dictator. Spaniards are now pussified sjws who don't have the balls to do anything about it.

However, Maduro's days are numbered and he has connections with the entire left wing party of Spain, including one of the last PMs, the current PM and the commie vice. So hopefully they'll put a price on their heads too.

I don't think a leaf should call other countries feminist SJW commie shitholes lmao.

ignore the flag, what did I say that wasn't true? yes canada is also an irrelevant commie SJW shithole and if we had (our own) king he'd be just as irrelevant as yours

And what did i say that wasnt true? Sweden and norway does have kings, do they not? So in the end your original statement was incorrect

Spaniards are realizing this corona is a 101 jewish trick.

>be handed a country to rule by Franco
>fuck it all up by embracing "democracy'
>country plunges into leftism and feminist faggotry
>the whole monarchy collapses in a generation
Maybe the Carlists were onto something.

Democracy is a joke because the majority is always wrong. And they are all NPCs incapable of critical thinking who easily fall prey to social engineering.

I don't see how Norway is as cucked as you believe. The have a pretty high white population and their prime minister is from the conservative party which isn't bad when it could be far worse.

Norway is just 3 years behind Sweden, thats the only difference

nope, my statement is still true. Swedish and Norwegians kings are irrelevant and their countries wont even be considered European in 5 years (since euorpeans aren't brown muslims)

It always seemed fucked that Franco literally labors to groom Spain’s prince to take over as king, and the moment he dies said ‘King,’ walks back on all Franco’s efforts. Like he could have established his own bloodline as a dictatorship, but instead he does this for the sake of Spain. This kind of surrogate rule and leadership doesn’t exist, and Franco was betrayed.

Fucking communist faggots all over the face of the globe, I fucking hate these people with every fiber of my being. At least in western nations when you take power you're expected to do good/great things. All communists do is bend over and take it. Case in point, the Chinese. Even when they travel overseas and have the perfect opportunity to defect, they don't.

Commies actually think they're doing us a favor by treating us like cattle and killing off large swaths of the population. You see it every time they tell their followers that you are voting against your own self-interests. Every communist revolution starts with restricting freedoms, taking away the right to defend yourself and your family, kill all land owners and farmers (those damn kulaks trying to hoard all the grain!), dumb-down the population with purposely bad education, promote promiscuity and entertainment over education and fitness...

The list goes on and on, they never seem to give it a fucking rest, even though western society has proven their ideology is built on complete BS. It's just an excuse to create a government that gives a single person cult leader status, so that they can do whatever they want. Criminals at the helm, plain and simple. They do not care what the law is, to them it is just a way of controlling you by playing you against your own game to a disadvantage. They promote vices like drug use and prostitution, a relaxation of the law, so that the target country's law system becomes overburdened as part of the overall strategy of war by deception. Mossad's motto is the same as Sun Tzu's in this respect, that all warfare is through deception.

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Wow that's sucks, user, sounds like Spain is having a hard time. We feel you, you know the whole China intentionally spreading the disease thing and America itching to destroy the paper dragon once we are better

>ignore the flag,

Never, all Anglo and Amerimutt apes and other Countries that were part of the Allies and pushed Multiculturalism will get what it deserves and it isn't a good life and icecream.

Damn this Pablo Iglesias is really that dangerous? How did you guys let me get anywhere near office?

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What do you guys think about this?

Basically, Sanchez had dictator Franco exhumated a few months ago. And now his entire fucking life is falling apart before his eyes because of how he handled the pandemic.

Franco's emblem clearly has the letters for COVID on it. And his other emblem has a couple of angry PANGOLINS (the supposed origin of the virus, not that I believe that) on it. And Spain is being fucked hard by this virus.

What are the chances? Is this TutanFranco's curse? Shoud I buy a pin with his VITOR emblem and put it on my fridge to protect myself?

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To be fair, Franco got what he deserved for not putting a carlist on the throne. I doubt Spain would have to deal with any of this communist bullshit in the first place if he appointed a carlist, but for some reason he went with the bourbons.

He literally changed the name of his political party to make it feminist-friendly. All the stupid feminists voted for him.

Angloids are already getting whats coming to them. no country on this earth will have a majority anglo population in 10 years. we can only pray australia escapes this fate

Yeah, I'm thinking it's based.

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does this mean the spanish princess lolis are on the market?

at this point the best thing is to go full soviet and after that no one will want to attempt communism again. this is what is happening in latin america they are getting tired of commies.

Based? Based on what?


They are already getting humiliated online:


This entire thread is a massive loli princess humiliation conga that makes fun of the very fact that they are human and have anuses.

It's only a matter of time before they end up paraded around naked by the communist PM.

Based on not being big nogs

Basado y rojoempastillado.

I wonder how a Spanish communist regime would effect Europe.

Would it be for or against the EU? Would it support countries like Venezuela? Would it sever itself from the rest of Europe and ally itself with China? Would the U.S push for sanctions?

The only thing that's for sure is that the Spanish population would starve.

He said male, not genderqueer

All we care about is if the claimant is based or not

Absolute monarchy is the only way, otherwise you're a king of no people and rule over nothing

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can someone greentext an abridged version of this?

I agree, but even the wisest and most well-meaning king will eventually die and leave the throne to someone who might be a selfish asshole or a psychopath.

A good king who is willing to hear out people's problems in exchange of getting to live in a palace without working is still the best form of government, though.

Monitoring this thread and potential happenings but Spain bros, please do yourself, your country, and all us polacks a favor and stay safe during this pandemic. If you survive while the other NPCs die off, you will be in a position to influence the direction of your country. We all want Spain to be better no matter how much we shitpost to the countrary. Please take care of yourselves.

Absolutely based, voting is retarded and democratic leaders spend the first part of their term adjusting to their new position, and then later getting cucked by congress/parliament until they spend all their time campaigning again. The leaders of a republic are not accountable to their actions like a single man is and they do not care for the long term health and prosperity of the nation, while monarchies must. Take Napoleon III as an example, he remodeled Paris into a modern city and fostered tons of long term projects such as railroads and parks that benefited France tremendously.

There is no way this could have happened under a republic, as politicians stuffed into office by the mobs through a popularity contest would be too indecisive and their term would be the end of any vision they had for France even if their work was approved by the congressional body, as the newly elected head of state could simply decide to do a complete 180 in policy. Monarchies are extremely stable since there are no 180s every 4-8 years and the population will always know who is the next in line to become king. And speaking of kings, they are trained from birth from their father and his loyal advisors to ensure greatness for the nation.

And with that, I'm going to thank ancom-flag user for his contribution to this thread, and then go to sleep.

>stolen a shitload of money
disgusting rats always stealing

Well well well, isn't this the pot calling the kettle nigger.

On top of all of this , democracy is also flawed because politicians (who are all sociopaths devoid of empathy) cannot make long-term plans. All they care about is getting a lifelong pension at the end of their four year term.

Dictator Franco improved Spain tremendously after the civil war. The communist party in China turned their shitty country into the next superpower. All because they had all the time in the world to make long-term plans come to fruition and didn't have to worry about getting votes through social engineering and media brainwashing. They could fix their economies over several decades with no issue.

Short-term plans never ever work and only exist to make the current PM look good before the next elections.

This. No sources.

I'm from Spain and these are just sad losers and LARPERs.
In fact the guy on the right used to go to my school and he was a known homosexual who would let anyone fuck him in exchange for a bag of Doritos and a bottle of Pepsi.
I don't know the guy on the left personally but he was arrested for drug trafficking a while ago.