Don't fall for the memes

Dear Yas Forums,

I'm here to tell you that it does NOT get better. I'm educated, have a job, have immersed myself into this hateful culture, feel I have moral superiority over others, try to live a life void of degeneracy, have lived alone for the last 10 years (i'm 40), have only fucked maybe 10 women in my life with only 3 relationships ever.

I am saying all of this to tell you, don't be like me. Please go out and meet women. Stop looking at porn. Stop believing that the world is gross and degenerate because no one quite aligns with your beliefs (other than more chubby fedora males).

I want you to be better than me, and have a better life than I did.

Sure, we are not victims, but we have unique challenges. Yes, jobs/schools are easy for us, but women will always be a mystery.

I am 40 and have had 3 girlfriends and only 7 more sexual encounters due to my fucking inability to act like a regular human around them.

Yas Forums, I beg you to make yourselves uncomfortable. My biggest mistake, if I could recall them all, was that I didn't have the balls to put myself out there to women. I hid my true desires behind irony, sarcasm, and the bizarre notion that I was somehow morally superior to others.

I want you to be better than me, and have a better life than I did. I want you to keep your beliefs in heart, but not express them to others. I want you to meet women and ..... if that woman likes you and treats you well.... who cares if she is Black/Asian/Liberal. Only a very small percentage of men get to have exactly the woman they desire in life. It is O-fucking-KAY to love someone that does not fit into a Hitler wet-dream.

I want my time back... I would trade in a decade of being based and red-pilled to just have a loving female by my side that thinks I am better than I really am.

This is a path to loneliness, despair, and bitterness. I am not CIA, Shareblue, or a shill. I just want you to be better than me.


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Other urls found in this thread:

You're an incel posting a LARP thread, women don't want you because you've hit the wall.

You don't have any worthwhile advice to give, 40 year old boomer.


I hope you die faggot

Its too late user. I am already so bitter. I passed it all up and I can't stop drinking these sour grapes. it all feels empty.

The fuck are you talking about nigga

>I hid my true desires behind irony, sarcasm
>I want you to keep your beliefs in heart, but not express them to others

Kill yourself

have sex incel

urr durr women durr hurr girls pussy duck face vagina ass sniffffff my dick uhuuuhrurrrr

Get a gym membership and make some money then tell 20 year olds the truth. They'll ride your old dick, whores love taking our their daddy issues on older men.

You know how I know you're a shilling fagboy? You posted the same kike whore that's been floating around this board for weeks now.


>posting a jew coal-burner that is spammed on this board 24/7

yea you're a shill fuck off


Fuck off oldfag your life isn't mine
I'm going to get a based&redpilled wife and we're going to build an empire that makes your life look like a fucking waste of oxygen

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My life got awesome in my 30s, I don't know why yours sucked.

You are just bad at life old fag ... I got the same hate and I have a wife and 3 sons ... enjoy being a looser

I don't get it; are you an autist who cannot meet women or are you an otherwise normal dude who had too high of standards? Your OP is all over the place.

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Only marry virgins.
Don't impregnate sluts.

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Fuck off Heimbach you worthless traitor.
You're going to get put on a firing line.


Only vigin women can pair bond. The others can't pairbond, they'll just be serial monogamist who divorce you and ruin your life.

Leave this website and better yourself.
I wont


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>I want you to have it better than me
Stopped reading right there.
Are you telling me, being a homeowner, with a career, excellent credit score, no arrest record and savings in the bank is a fucking bad thing?
I too have had ups and downs with relationships, however I cant agree with you when you tell people to run out and go full negroe on society.

>it does NOT get better
You could've ended it there, but you chose to spread faggotry.

>This is a path to loneliness, despair, and bitterness
We're not lonely and bitter because we're here. We're here because we're lonely and bitter.

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>it does NOT get better
when you are 5'6"

Odin teaches us that all knowledge comes at a price. I would happily give my eye to understand more. My ancestors smile on me for producing a new generation with a strong white woman that welcomes her role as a wife and mother. Do not give up hope, brothers. Your future is bright, but never accept the notion that wisdom is fruitless. It hurts, but that is the burden of the white man. Find a good woman, make children with her, and never stop sacrificing yourself to yourself.

Listen, leaf. This isnt Yas Forums its Yas Forums.

>women will always be a mystery

Nope. Read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.

Imagine picking a Jewess over a Latina
Couldn't be me!

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are you lying to me or yourself?

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>but women will always be a mystery

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Cuz yer JAAiiilbaait, and I just can't wait, Jailbait baby, c'mon. love that young stuff

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I'd rather kill myself than blend in with the faggy corporate culture and my soul-sucking job and have to pretend I'm interested in bullshit just so I can get in a relationship that will inevitably end in failure.

You sound just like an incel. Imagine your mind revolving around women this much, makes me think you're drunkposting.

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I know how you feel OP, I'm 25 and have only slept with 9 different women. I've only had 2 real relationships. I feel like such a loser sometimes, I wish I was a chad that got all the girls. I didn't even lose my virginity until I was like 17. Its rough out there when you're not normal, women can sniff it a mile away for some reason, yet are stupid about everything else. I haven't had sex in nearly 4 months and feel like killing myself.


Go get the woman you want

>this is Yas Forums, bro. We come here to talk about out emotional struggles
Stormfag here. Maybe the board has been over run with you politically illiterate, economic bottom feeders, however you do not represent the spirit of this board.

Read this:
You're welcome.

FPBP. Incel larp thread.

have sex faggot.

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What makes you think the "other path" is better? its chalk full of traps as well.

The less you think about women the more you get. This is why married guys suddenly have more girls throwing themselves at him. It's the indifference that draws women.

Treat women like the whores they are and you'll be fine.

>I would trade in a decade of being based and red-pilled to just have a loving female by my side that thinks I am better than I really am.

Your happiness is defined by your appeal to women.

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>Couldn't be me!
It's only you. Overrated mexicunt I'll take a blondie any day.

Man leftists are cringy af. Reaffirms why i beat the living shit out of the local commie retards.

user, being an instagram simp ( isn't being IRL-pilled or based or in any way living life to its fullest.

kys, you filthy disgusting kike.
Your people can't even make a civilization for themselves and have to depend on Whites like parasitic vermin while harboring your vile jealous hatred for Whites and for Christians. All this b/c you have to depend on Whites and Christians for your people's existence and can not do for yourselves on your own. What a horrible metaphysical existence. What a horrible way to go through life. The Jewih people truly are the proverbial children of satan.

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I never settled down and married because I always thought I could find someone better.

Why would anyone even need to date a non-white considering there are millions of white women out there user?

What an interesting thread.

I r8 your b8 8/8 m8

Just accept that most people agree that Trump is your President and he is a million times better than the previous nigger. Your lefty propagandists lied to you and you fell for the retarded side. May God help you.

Stop lying to anons it's a trap.
Most relationships fail due to modern consumer culture.
This plastic and fake culture has many distractions for women.
When they fail there is one option pink mist.
The meme that life is authentic and happy when you are in a relationship is false.
The best thing you can do is not contribute to this system and just focus on doing what makes you happy.
The system has robbed us of self determination.
Take it from a person who has done it.

Don't listen to faggot shill posters who are just trying to line their pockets, focus on what makes user happy. Porn is not going to make you happy but neither is a women. Women fuck with your mind and it's worse than enjoying video games and chilling out at home.

Why are you obsessed with this bitch? Why do you keep posting her? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>be normie nerd
>never get laid
>be pol tard
>tell everyone and everything to suck dick irl
>get fit for coming race war
>fitness and new confidence attained through being absolutely sick and tired of being mad and any self pity
>find Jesus now i have no fear. Except my lord our father who art in heaven.
>talking to bitches like mad to find a wife to make some babies
>getting pussy once a month
>dating 4 women at a time
>working hard to get a home
>pick a wife
>knock her up, back to, back to, back.
3 kids in 4 years, a wife who can stay home, and a house.

Please don’t go down my the libtard route trannys and coomers. I could’ve been like you in fact I was like you a computer nerd smoking pot 24 seven. That life gets you nowhere if it wasn’t for my complete distain for society I never would’ve had the motivation to make the world a better place. Take the black user, and then most importantly work your way out. If it wasn’t for pol I don’t know where id be.

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This isn’t an incel form, I have a gf, a lot of guys here do. You are just a loser.

>Stormfag here.
Gtfo of my board you fucking brain-dead mutt freak. r9k and pol go hand in hand you dick sucking piece of shit mutt.

>The Jewih people truly are the proverbial children of satan.
Problem is that everything is upside down for a Jew, so they think they are doing good being evil. That's why you can't convince a Jew he's evil, because he doesn't perceive it that way.

Did you find God, user? It certainly DOES get better if you let JESUS CHRIST into your life.

Don't listen to this beta faggot, women go crazy for guys who don't give a shit

Imagine seething at a pro-white group on Yas Forums because some jew brainwashed you.

Women offer nothing that I can't get from the internet.

This is a national socialist board you fucking russian retard.

>my board
Fucking kek.

They are paid shills I'm not even kidding. I remember around 6 months ago on Yas Forums there was a thread asking if anyone wanted to make some extra cash by posting stuff so I curiously messaged.
It was about this girl. You get $10-20 per thread if it's successful.
I really do wish I was joking


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This board is for social outcasts. The lie isn't about the board, it's about your self assessment.

9/10 its a kike, 1/10 its a retard who listened to the propaganda that jews werent responsible for his people getting ass raped for a century

>A worldly family man.

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>board for social outcasts
I have a full time job in a public school board and am a part time PhD student. I'm also engaged. Cope harder leftist faggot we are slow marching and we will not be nice about it when we have full control.

Get out stormfaggots get outtttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!

>the jews are right about us.
Damn it, Bobby. Your asshole is an exit only and it where shit comes out not where shit goes in.

He trades truth to having sex or low value relationships with women, let alone outside his race.

I have no hate. I'm just disappointed.

And of course you have evidence of this

lol. Exactly

what's so hard to get about OP? i used to avoid opportunities with women all the time under some belief that i was better than them or that i'd be letting myself down if i just blindly indulged. unlike OP though i usually regretted not indulging a lot sooner, although it didn't make any difference for the the next time where i'd just do the same thing all over again. what he's saying is what you all know. there's no concept of superiority there. it's just fear masquerading as superiority. and if you play that game, all you have to show for it at the end of the road is a lot of missed opportunities. it's easy to not give a fuck if you're young but one day you'll wake up at 40 and realise there's going to be very few more of those opportunities coming your way. also inb4 oldfag i'm