Did she learn this as a result of her bartending? How and when can I start giving all my money to blacks?

Did she learn this as a result of her bartending? How and when can I start giving all my money to blacks?

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That's a really long way of saying "the average black American is typically unhealthy, unhygienic, and does nothing but socialize outside all day, so they're affected more by this"

Vapid mindless virtue signaling by a tone deaf short sighted racist woman.

I can't wait for the cognitive dissonance around this shit finally breaks. We can't be told 2+2=5 forever. I mean we even read books that were supposed to make us clever so a congresswoman never tweets something like this.


They're spiking in black communities because blacks somehow thought that the virus wasn't going to affect them due to how "superior" their race is. Black people will admit it themselves.

idgaFUCK what dis bitch be sayin, im havin myself a BLOCK PARTY YALLL


It probably has to do with niggers openly flouting stay at home orders and calling cops racist when they show up and tell them to go home as a precautionary measure

They will work around that and say whites are getting preferential medical care over blacks

>be nigger
>share blunts and 40s with entire hood
>spit when talking
>never STOP talking
>everyone fucks each other constantly

this virus was made for nigger hives.
the only time a nigger is alone is in solitary.

>whites are getting preferential medical care over blacks
They should be.

Who writes this dumb bitches script? It’s a virus, it doesn’t care about your poitics, it doesn’t care about your skin color, it doesn’t care about your income

>environmental racism

These people will never fucking stop will they

can somebody explain to me with smart grown up words what is environmental racism?

>"Fuck yo stay-at-home order whitey"
>"Dat Melanin gon save us. get fukked white boi"

>Niggers die in record numbers

>"racis whypeepo took all the medsin'
>stupid lil bitch whypeepo be evil!"
>"when dem whypeepo gon help?"
>"Somebody gotta pay for deez medz"

Her under the table dirty dem money pays for her primary responsibility of trying to mobilize minority voters and dog whistle sane white people into justifiable frustration, which she calls racism

Don't forget for being so faggot hating, niggers sure do love to pull trains on chicks with their cocks touching.

What the fuck is environmental racism? Is the earth itself opening up and calling you a nigger?

Meme flag dis credited

Environmental racism is not allowing niggers to live in white neighborhoods for free

it's so funny that the democrats say all that shit about inequality etc. guess what don't the majority of blacks and browns live in democratic shitholes. it's the democrats that are holding the blacks and browns down.

Ad hominem, are you trying to assert that aoc isnt paid by the DNC to parrot this minority pandering? Think it's common knowledge sperg

It's having less access to resources due to the income levels of where you live, and/or getting undesirable projects built in your neighborhood because you don't have the financial or legal resources to contest them (e.g. airports, prisons, garbage dumps, highways)

Yes, racism is the reason, sure

Attached: 1586134629261.jpg (1080x2220, 688.76K)

so its just a convoluted way of saying gibsmedat?

What is environmental racism? Hanging blacks on trees or something? Everyone who liked her tweet should be deported to Africa. The "opressed" negroes, the self hating onions boys and the blacked roasties.

Valid points but still worthless flaggot

>she thinks that people who never wash their hands or take showers are going to start because of a virus

so if a white poor family lives in an area where some airport is going to be built, is the white poor family suffering environmental racism?

all nigger politics is a reskinned variation of gibsmedat fo free

even their supposedly "intelligent" cultural icons

try reading Martin Luther Kangz "I Have A Dream" speech through that lens

I'm pissing my pants, user, LMFAO.

Clearly it’s racism that is causing the spike I. Black communities. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8169339/Shocking-moment-huge-line-police-officers-forced-disperse-girls-birthday-party-LA.html

So very strange that the worst areas all seem to be run by Democrats.

>environmental racism

what did she mean by this?

People like her are just as bad as Trumptards. They've become so infected with politics that *everything* is an opportunity for their asinine red team vs blue team garbage

trees hate niggers and tend to leave black neighbourhoods

Fpbp the truth will set you free

>Trees are white supremacy
>Trees are patriarchy

There's a meme in here somewhere that could get lefty heads to explode

>COVID relief should be drafted with a lens of reparations

LMAO, can America get any more pathetic?

No its because they are not staying inside they are running house to house selling their drugs just wait until the stimulus check hits their checking account

I have niggers that pretend they are smart

I'm in a county that's hit the hardest in my state by a lot. We have the most black people. I see them taking their masks off their mouth to talk to people and completely not understand how gloves work. They were also the ones staying at the hotel I worked at when rooms got cheap and corona was just about to shut everything down. It got so ghetto so quick.

You can tell them to use medical stuff but they generally don't understand the mechanics of it.

>checking account at all
Yeah fucking right.

Poorer people live in less desirable less expensive areas and in a diverse population Blacks are the poorest. Diverse societies naturally stratify along differences. The NBA is nearly all Black. Wall Street is nearly all White, etc. This surfaces even when you try to ignore differences. Then you say "well it can't be due to race" ... so it must be due to ... RACISM!

Nepotism and inheritance play some part too and no doubt you can never extricate all racism but consider the following.
>there is no God
>the races all ended up equal
What are the odds?

So we are back to blacks being fragile today i see

>meme flag
>uses (((diverse)))
stopped reading there yellow buddy

It's also a really long way of saying "niggers continue to have block parties despite global pandemic"

I live in Detroit. Black people are ignoring social distancing and are still gathering up. Local government had to remove basketball hoops from parks. They started handing out fines because blacks would gather and party at gas stations. It’s their own doing.

What a dumb fucking cunt /thread

Can the UK police take down a somali guy with a knife? Answer: No, country is one giant cuck.

Attached: englcucks.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

Attached: EU3d8_pU0AABLyT.jpg (661x539, 77.37K)

>coronavirus wipes out illegals in queens
>aoc loses to a republican in november
best timeline confirmed

Someone make a cartoon of this please

Thats racist

I wish this bitch would just show us her tits then fuck off and die

shitskins need more taken from them.

This. Please.

envirowhat racism now?

Sometimes I begin to respect Ocasio-Cortez (rant about the pork filled bailout bill), then she posts this horseshit...
Then I remember she's a jewish bartender from a liberal college and never lived a life of poverty like I did, and I'm not even a minority.


>wealth gap
>when the POTUS says the gubmint will pay for everything
You think there would be less deaths in the communities that always take as much as they can.

How literally dare literally you

I really hope they do. So just like with every other group who constantly gets called racist, it starts to piss them off and make them vote against them.

They really don't see the problem with calling random groups racist over and over. I mean they even call their own voters racist because the dem nominees were too white and male. It's hilarious how retarded they are

The problem with blacks is their culture.