I have been watching the Chris Chan documentary and on the newest part, Chris outlines his ideas to what society should do for those who can't get gfs. He mentions that in high school, he has sex ed and he wondered how he could ever get to a first date. His solution outlines a date-ed class in high school to prevent virgins. Would this solve the incel problem or is this a cope?
Chris Chan's Ideas
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It's a nice idea but school wouldn't be the place for it. Maybe online classes
I mean there are resources online for that like YouTube. Elaborate
A class to teach young boys how to be men and effectively handle women? There's already one - it's called life and the teacher is your father. Bob was a weak parent. Chris was destined to fail.
That's fair. Bob did have another marriage with other kids, all of whom are estranged to Chris. Chris had a very bad family.
only an autist would think this needs to be formally taught, to regular humans it just comes naturally
Yeah. You'll notice that all the kids hate Bob and Barb, but they still went on to - more or less - normative lives. If it wasn't for the crippling autism, I imagine Chris would have grown to resent them as well and eventually strike out on his own.
they seem to enable chirs's behavior. that was the worst part. chris did hate the fact that bob was breathing down his neck but he never had the ability to just say no.
I’m worried about Chris guys
What happens if Barb dies from Coronavirus?
Chris's house may be repossessed. Also the debt that Barb has will go to Christian on top of the debt that Chris has himself. He doesn't make much income from his SSI or Patreon. He's very bad with money. Bob use to handle his finances to some extent but after Bob's death, he got more financial problems.
It doesn't just come naturally. You need solid example of how men and women interact. Usually that's your folks. Tell me: why are children living in single parent households at risk for all types of sexually deviant shit?
Chris gets locked into an institution or goes to jail for life as a habitual criminal.
The world honestly doesn't give a fuck about people like Chris. He'll face a hard and horrible reality. I don't envy this guy's life at all in the next few years, not saying I'd envy any of it.
But that will be if he can't pay the mortgage.
>Also the debt that Barb has will go to Christian
not how debt works under the law
>It doesn't just come naturally
found the autist
>to regular humans it just comes naturally
It came naturally before tribal primates created clownworld.
Chris will probably wind up in some type of state housing with limited resources and a whole lot of misery. It's a good thing he was never really into guns, because I can honestly see him shooting up a women's gym or a gynecologists' office.
Chris is pretty weak. Don't think he could handle the recoil. Have you seen him try to use 12 packs of soda as dumbbells?
Found the memeflag shill that doesn't contribute to the thread in any real way.
Which one?
Geno Samuel. Pretty good I always have it on the background. There's like 30 parts so far.
Thanks for the link. Haven't seen this one
you will like it. this won't skip anything since he will go into everything. The newest part is at 2011 so there is still a lot to cover.
>Would this solve the incel problem or is this a cope?
its cope.
the incel problem has a natural cause and an unnatural element.
the natural being that in every single generation of human history a huge % of people (both sexes) never marry, never have kids and die lonely and alone. even the pre boomer generation that saw a huge transfer of wealth to the working classes and saw huge marriage rates in the good times, still had 30% of the adult population alone. right now you can go visit these people in care homes worldwide staring out the window wondering wtf happened to their lives.
the internet centralising these people into the same spaces gives the false impression of consensus on the causes being external to themselves or that theres more of them than there really is, a bit like its done for faggots and trannys who are still the same 2-3% of the population they always were but now they know each other exist in a way they never could before. when it comes to queers, it used to be the case that they would have to migrate to places to find enough of them out in the open (hub cities like ny, sf, la) for them to have the confidence to be openly bent, now with the false comfort the internet gives them that they arent alone, they appear everywhere. truth is they were always there, same with metalheads or members of any niche group who never used to appear outside of the cities.
as for incels today, it just might be their turn to be the die alone non breeders.
the un natural element of the inceldom is women, the internet gives them a false sense of the men available to them, they were always after chad dick but what consisted of chad was always relative to who was available. that used to be who was in your town, school, university etc. now its the entire world.
as for dating in schools, its no secret that niggers go through puberty earlier than white people (but for a lot less time overall, some whites never fully develop until their early 20s) and it confuses the hell out of white girls, once they reach adulthood they usually look back and cringe. its about the worst fucking place to introduce dating classes anyway, as if they dont learn 100x more on some shitty app in one week.
Everything I learned about girls, I learned from Sonichu.
>I’m worried about Chris
I’ve always been worried about him.
That black guy looks like my Uncle Roger
Harsh but true
I imagine classes like sex ed or even some dating classes will have subtle agendas like in the learning material
Chris Chan's idea first date is McDoanlds.
His mental state has taken a fall for the worse. A bunch of other autists were blackmailing him for steam giftcards and shit until they got doxxed.
Do all autistic people have this look about them? I know one person that I'm pretty sure is autistic as fuck but a nice guy and a girl who has a similar look about her but says she has some kind of epilepsy but she acts like a fucking retard half the time.
Yeah autists make certain facial expressions.
Hell, he's probably already wearing her skin.
Don't mean just the facial expression itself I meant more how he's built and how his head is shaped and shit because it may be a small sample size but just how he looks in general seems to be like the norm amongst autists that I've seen.
What about non-dumbfaggot-ed class where you teach faggots not to be faggots thereby removing the problem that forces people into inceldom?
You may be right but I would have to see more autists and compare.
I think bullying needs to be brought back.
No, because the ugly kid simply would be left out destroying any confidence he had left
People can be memes, but memes should never be people. This shit is honestly fascinating and helps with the blackpills I've overdosed on. Thank you, user
No problem. Chris is an interesting case study. Enjoy the series.
If you ever find yourself agreeing with Chrischan, something is wrong with you.
didn't this guy shove his sonic thing up his ass or something like that
lol shilling for what ? not being an autist who needs school lessons on how to talk to girls, fucking looool
You're shilling for incel internet depression. Why is that valuable to you? I don't know.
he's shoved a whole bunch of stuff up there
>Why is that valuable to you?
it isn't, I don't give 2 fucks about you or your 'incel depression', man the FUCK up !
Cwc may be a legendary tard but he’s occasionally insightful. Usually by accident. Like adding straight people to lgbt.
Man the fuck up how, exactly? By NOT suggesting that "dating classes" are retarded and that boys should have stable paternal role models in their lives?
Yes newfag, chris-chan shoved the sonichu medallion up his ass. Honestly whatever degenerate thing you can think of he has done it and somehow after his whole transition he has actually collabed with other youtubers
are we cat posting meow ?
I guess?
>girls go after 20% of the most fit and successful males
>somehow this is bad
It's natural eugenics, yet incels think it's a bad thing.
He did do it because he was being blackmailed by blue spike who had his psn account. Really fucked up saga.
>t's called life and the teacher is your father. Bob was a weak parent.
ouch right in the feel
Is that Robert Chandler?
>freedom fries
Does anyone else feel like Chris Chan is proof that humanity was better off when people were told what to do from cradle to grave?
I occasionally reflect on the divorce of my parents. My older brother actually tried to commit suicide because of it. Then as he got older he eventually succeeded. I think about my addiction to porn, booze, drugs, food, and wonder how my life would have been different in a stable household.
I’m a failure sure, but I was set up for failure and wasn’t able to overcome.
Yes that’s the lumberjack himself.
Absolutely based
I mean his upbringing was the problem. His parents didn’t really teach him proper.