So, was he really the best, or is that, too, a lie?
Abraham Lincoln
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Everything is a lie
There was no Abraham Lincoln. He was Russian Jew named Tophatsky Skellystein, who started the American World War of 1833. He was also a fucking lizard person. Eat shit with a pitchfork. I’m watching you, bucko
booth was a first wave communist
ever thus to deadbeats
Very charismatic and industrious man, typical Whig moral vanity of "do the right thing RIGHT NOW and worry about the consequences later REEEEEEEEEE"; he frees the nigs "on principle" and now we're 56% Weimerishart.
Lincoln was based and booth was a jew.
he was cool looking
The greatest tyrant to ever live.
not a good man
He is a true American.
Became lawyer.
Enriched his masters.
Bought up land.
Got elected.
Used political office to make bank.
Plus the whole habeas corpus suspension...
He was based. Cracked down on any criticism and killed insurgents. He was exactly as Bashar al-Assad that you guys keep getting wet over
myths are fun, but history will show you there are very few good men, and often they are ignored and steamrolled by corruption.
it wasn't about slavery, it was about keeping the union together
>he frees the nigs
He literally wanted to send them back to Africa.
>be ruled under our political union or be murdered
really makes you think
Slavery aside, you must have consent of the governed. It could be viewed that, due to this lack of consent, the US federal government has been, since the civil war, illegitimate in the South because of this lack of consent. People love talking about consent but when they talk about seceding from the union because they don't find the current political circumstances in their favor, consent is the last thing that is considered. If you are a threat to the nation, then you will be blotted out. The US government has certainly moved away from its origins and is nothing more than a government that is concerned about self preservation more than anything else. I'm not saying this drift is necessarily a bad thing but it was certainly inevitable due to externalities
in this case yeah all the jewish slaveholders in the south and all their jewish financiers in the north should've been definitively neutralized and all the slaves subsequently returned to their ancestral homelands in africa. and yet fucking wonder of wonders that that isn't what ended up happening, huh?
should Americans have been returned to their ancestral homelands
why is it only certain people who "have to go back"
seems convenient
>arms 70k niggers and marches them on the south
Whigs say a lot of things about how they promise to deal with the fallout of their grandstanding, and definitely not just kick the can down the road
>not saying this drift is necessarily a bad thing
it is. agree with the rest though. well said.
He wanted to send those who volunteered to leave. He wasn't forcing anyone. He only suggested it because he was gaining the Nigger Lover moniker.
>foreign peoples who were brought here against their will should be forced to remain
indentured servants should also have been returned to their homelands. play dumb all you want but i'll not take you seriously and consider you a waste of time if that's the game you wanna play
social harmony
extremely few of them wanted to be sent to a foreign land, and preferred to remain in and around the lands where they were actually born
IDK the more I learn about America the more I realize that the commonly perceived history of the country is a total myth.
Early founders couldn't even go a year before they had to violate their own constitution. Whiskey Rebellion was entirely unconstituional. The Mexican-American war was entirely unconstitutional and the events leading up to the war are likely to not even had occured. A literal gulf of Tonkin version 1. Federalists and antifederalists had widly different views on what the country was supposed to look like. Jefferson had massive scandals during his presidency and even then journalists were rat bastards sewing dissent. Federalists literally stacked the deck in the military and had they won the presidency over jefferson they would have used all their willpower to banish the republicans/antifed sentiments. The country has never really had much of a regard for the working class. The founders were literally merchants and virginia noble society figures. They had a totally miscalculated relationship with the land as evidence by how they farmed tobacco. Destroying fields with no crop rotation. The only people that tended their farms properly were german other european immigrants.
Don't get me wrong, I like the popular mythos of America, but at this point you could argue that it's more American to dance around the constitution, fuck around with journalists, lie about wars and exploit your working class than to actually believe in what the documents say.
>events leading up to the war are likely to not even had occured
What do you mean by this
Well for one, they couldn't decide what the actual border was. Mexicans claimed one river, Americans another. Supposedly a few shots were fired from the mexican side. This is the part that's contested. US gov said they didn't need to bring this to congress in order to get the approval for the war since they were already fired upon and thus "at war".
Very similar to the Gulf of Tonkin incident which is now widely believe to be a fraud.
...where they were [3/5 of a] second-class citizens.
you're actually right about that btw. black folk in 'murica were much better off before the civil rights era fucked them into the ground. you see yet why it's difficult to take you seriously here user?
yes, I feel this way too. US has been corrupt as hell since day 1. none of this stuff is new. our history is full of scandals and corruption and the rich ruling
it's better to be an American who couldn't vote and had no "legal protections" whatsoever than be dumped in sub-Saharan Africa
You know Howard Zinn was a jew, right?
in many ways, yeah. however an argument could be made that both nations would be better off among their own
he wanted to send the niggers back to Africa, then he got killed by a gay kike
lol wut
then why not actually have freedom of association, where you can get with people whom you like and non-violently build communities where you don't allow people you don't like to buy property from you
the current atmosphere of political expansionism and "unity-building" is tyrannical, degenerate, and dysfunctional except for the politically elite
>in many ways
In every way imaginable.
cuz whites TOOK this land.
everyone else is here by way of our good will.
niggers were useful for a time so we took them out of the jungles where they were eating each other and gave them clothes and shelter
if you were murdered and your property stolen and shipped to Mozambique, what would your objection be
weren't you just "rightfully" overpowered?
well because diversity is (((our))) strength of course
>but at this point you could argue that it's more American to dance around the constitution, fuck around with journalists, lie about wars and exploit your working class than to actually believe in what the documents say.
>at this point
nigger, it is staring you in the face but you refuse to accept it.
this is how the country was INTENDED to work.
hypocrisy is an american tradition
im sure i'd bitch too, but fortunately for me I'm descended from a WINNER so your nigger opinion is irrelevent.
i don't care about the feelings of obsolete farm equipment.
we should have just killed all the niggers when we had the chance
If youre being sincere with your question, then yes, lincoln was stupid to kill his own people. The civil war should have never happened.
I think secessionism is perhaps the easiest issue to sell to virtually anyone who is not naturally a domineering imperialist
>I'm sure I'd bitch
what would your complaint actually be
from our point of view m8. think of things from theirs.
There was a second founding of America after the Civil War. All the dick waving about the founding fathers legacy is built on the incorrect assumption the United States is the same Jeffersonian system we were originally founded with. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, created new states to get his way, and didn't hesitate to commit what would now be considered war crimes. The Republican party has always been opposed to the original founding.
and i'd be well inclined to agree with you there.
>anyone who is not naturally a domineering imperialist
guess who'd disagree though
most of the political class and a minority of leftists, so a small, loud minority who can only argue by attempting to insinuate that people who want to de-unionize are secret racists because there's no real compelling argument why political unions can only expand and never disband
t. Edgy teen
aye. pic very very very related
in reference to the former or the latter?
dehumanization of others causes the degradation of inhibitions against treating them poorly
I think it should be mocked and derided, since if a person is committed to believing another person (or more regularly a non-specific group of people) is less than human I don't see a way to walk that back in conversation
He should’ve never freed the slaves. At the very least he should’ve euthanized the slaves or kick them out of the country but now we have a crime problem in the us and it started with the abolition of slavery.
>He should’ve never freed the slaves.
He didn't.