Why do you hate transgender and intersex people so much?

Why do you hate transgender and intersex people so much?

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They're pedophiles

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Are you a bee?
Then fuck off.

You’re just a hateful human. I bet you have almost no social connections

>find one (1) out of millions
>appeal to nature fallacy

As usual, journalists fuck everything up when trying to dumb down science for normies. Bees were never a male/female organism in the first place. They have a 3rd sex, the drone, which makes up the vast majority of their numbers.

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meant to say worker
god damnit

>scientists find some stupid retard crawling in the dirt


>monsanto, its hell of a drug

uh all drones are male and all workers are female, some workers just grow into queens

ops pic is just a genetic freak causes by a second male bees sperm hitting an already fertilized egg

uhh, mods? Are you gonna delete this transphobic misinformation?

The real ones are exceedingly rare genetic freaks and usually incapable of reproduction.
The fake ones are just perverts and attention whores.

>"and thats a good thing!"

why do trannies try to use genetic anomalies as justification for mutilation

Fuck Bees

>lies I tell myself to feel better about being hated
Normies will never accept these people

>everything about the world must accomodate, nay, revolve around, the 1% of the population with aberrant mutations

Join the 40% club weirdo

It's literally satanic subversion, stop asking kikey

Comparing humans to insects?
OK pedo

Man born with one leg

>Pants with 2 legs are now bigoted

We literally arent moron

Intersex people exist and the so called trans community ruins any sympathy we have for them

Did a surgeon do this to the bee at the bee's request, and the recommendation of Dr. Beestein PsyD?

Yesyou’re are

holy fuck you know nothing of bees
99% of the hive is female. all the workers are female. Drones are males. They sit around eating honey and "beebread" until a new queen needs to be mated.
there is no 3rd gender in bees.

what do you expect this is a hate site

they hate everything, even themselves most of them

They think the exception disproves the rule, obviously the correct phrase being the opposite. Another example of the *rule* that leftists are completely wrong about everything.

Just bee yourself :)

I'm schizophrenic. The voices in my head say all trannies should die in a fire. Why do you hate my mental illness so much?

This, and the "identity" of all faggot shit and sex anything is retarded cancer, it is astrology for coomers.

It's too based, that's why!

"Intersex" people are merely disgusting monsters, like people born with a shriveled conjoined twin growing out of their head, or someone born with weird crab claws instead of arms. I don't hate them; I just don't find it pleasant to look at them.

"Transgender" people subscribe to an evil philosophy and ideology that is violently anti-human and anti-natural-law, and it's perfectly appropriate to hate people who hold evil beliefs.

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Thank god these losers won't breed.

The workers aren't functional females. They can't reproduce.

because they're a fringe part of society demanding the majority to sacrifice their own human rights for the sake of sparing their "feelings". chop your dick off, I dont give a shit. But it doesn't give you authority to dictate anyone else's opinions of it or to make life altering decisions for other people's children. Would you want to get locked up for calling Christians retards? No? Then shut the fuck up.

The trannys? I agree

Youre the one fantasizing about trans people molesting children. Meanwhile we arent doing anything like that. Youre the one with the problem yoy sick fuck

Based and selfpilled

>we pump bees so full of chemicals we wonder why they’re so fucked up
>trans isn’t a mental illness
I hate it here

I literlly am going to have kids so...

Trans literally isnt a mental illness but I get it science is hard for you. It must be rough

Smash it with a hammer

the majority have been abused
they will abuse at an alarmingly higher rate than normal people
this is probably bait, but you're a faggot either way.

I imagine how good of a genitor you ill be, keks. I hope you ll change your mind

Man and woman are two parts of a whole. They become one through marriage. You want man and woman to exist inside a single individual, it's just not possible. Also, a full man would be better at being a man than a half man. Same for women. So why should we pursue your weird fantasies, they have no conceivable benefit to humanity.

No one actually likes you do they?

And by majoirty you mean 10 out of 1.5 million then sure..

Kill yourself first please. You’ll be released from all pain.

Stop touching kids this is the finally warning.!

Eat a dick namefag

Why do you deny that faggots are a birth defect?

Why would I change by mind? Im literlly trying ti get pregnant currently. I have alwyas wanted to be a mother
I plan to have several biogically and then adopt several later in life. I have always wanted to save a disable child from the evil foster system

>a mutant
what did OP mean by this

Again i am not the one who desires kids

trans people are way less psychotic than your average race obsessed Yas Forums poster desu

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness faggot. Go back to sucking off some cunt in a female bathroom.

>Bringing out a deformed, sterile bee to make a point in favor of trannies.

Because the are all fucking PURITAN SJWs who get into other people's business and love censorship.

I literally never hated trannies until they allied with feminazis and became fucking SJWs. Now I hate all of them because I just KNOW that there is a 99% chance any tranny or faggot I meet is a disgusting authoritarian SJW piece of shit.


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Very accurate.

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>genetic freak of nature insect found
brb, taking my kids to drag queen story hour

So don’t?

Im into men so I am a straight wokannbut good try. Also being transgender itself is NOT. A mental illness. Dont be a retard

Workers are just malnurished queens. Any worker larva can be made into a queen, if the bees need a new one, by elongating the cell and feeding it better.

Whats wrong with drag queen story hour?!?!?!

trannyism is a mental illness and has nothing to do with a congenital anomaly faggot op

>t. has no idea how biology works

> "I want to cut my dick off"
> "There's nothing wrong with that"
go to hell tranny

Im a tranny who doesn't want to cuck their dick off. You're rather silly for thinking all of us do user. Do you have more than a few brain cells to rub together?

I don’t think about them at all.

Intersex doesn't deserve hate, for they are born with a body they could not control.
Trannys do, for they were born with a perfectly good body and decided that mutilating it is sound judgement and demands that others respect it or else.

If you ACTUALLY understood science and psychology and did. Care as you pretend you do. You'd know that transitioning is literally the cure for dysphoria

Just because it can occur in nature doesn't mean it should.

> leaf
The day of the rake is coming cunt

It's not transgenders & intersex individuals I hate. It's the people trying to redefine language & gaslight me on observable reality on their behalf.

>Why do you hate transgender and intersex people so much?
Because you are all pedophiles.

The bee is not virtue signalling about it.

Except it isnt a perfectly good body in the slightest

if gender is a self assigned identity then it all becomes rather useless. It has no real utility. I don't hate transgender people at all. I just think it all is really just fucking stupid

>is literally the cure for dysphoria
Oh no you don't. Do not come in here pretending to care about my health problem if you are not going to represent it honestly. There is no cure for gender dysphoria, hormones just alleviate the symptoms to a varying degree of success. There is no more a cure for it than there is for diabetes, taking hormones is like taking insulin.

>transgender and intersex
>conflating attention seeking with a biological abnormality.
Do intersex people waste as much tax-payer money from healthcare by coin-flipping on weather they kill themselves or not?

Turning the freakin bees gay.

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transgender =/= intersex

Fag argument: "Animals can be gay, so its normal for us to be also"

'The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement' white equated from jew of course
>Jon Stryker is the grandson of Homer Stryker, an orthopedic surgeon who founded the Stryker Corporation. Based in Kalamazoo, Michigan, the Stryker Corporation sold $13.6 billion in surgical supplies and software in 2018. Jon, heir to the fortune, is gay. In 2000 he created the Arcus Foundation, a nonprofit serving the LGBT community, because of his own experience coming out as homosexual. Arcus has given more than $58.4 million to programs and organizations doing LGBT-related work between 2007 and 2010 alone, making it one of the largest LGBT funders in the world. Stryker gave more than $30 million to Arcus himself in that three-year period, through his stock in Stryker Medical Corporation.

>Out of the Bellagio meeting, Arcus created MAP, the LGBT Movement Advancement Project, to track the complex system of advocacy and funding that would promote gender identity/transgenderism in the culture. Simultaneously, the LGBTI Core Group was formed as an informal cross-regional group of United Nations member countries to represent LGBTI human rights issues to the U.N. Core Group members funded by Arcus include Outright Action International and Human Rights Commission. Core Group member countries include Albania, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Montenegro, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uruguay, and the European Union, as well as the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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Oh look the mentally ill retards are fighting with each other

stop trying to convince people your fake science is real. It's pure common sense that if a person wanted a limb amputated the right thing to do is convince them otherwise, rather than rushing them to the nearest surgical table.

fuck bees are cool

can you just never talk about sex
is that a tall order for you

Past all the truth that's posted on here, have you ever been friends with one? A butchy girl I was friends with in high school transitioned a few years after we graduated, her bf transitioned with her and they then got into a poly relationship with another tranny. They were exhausting and so over emotional and sad all the time. I would only hang out with her because of our past as close friends but in 2016 she pushed me away because I said Hillary was a pedo and etc. I was relieved of having to be a good friend to such an emotional vampire and piece of shit degenerate. It's killing yourself while you're still alive. Fuck trannies.

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Trannys are disgusting and deserve all the hatred they are pesos and should join the 40% club. I feel bad for hermaphrodites they are a genetic mistake that tranny freaks should never have tried to lump them in with them. I do not hate hermaphrodites just feel more sorry for them. I hate trannys tho.

Because they are weird as shit and are fucked up.

Sorry for actually caring about the truth?

The bee is suffering from mosaichism
it's nothing new

It has been proven to get rid of dysphoria so you couldn't be more wrong

Don’t forget to just bee yourself Yas Forums :))))

>Tranny education

Lol it must be convenient to call it fake any time you don't like it or it doesnt fit your ignorant bigot narritive

I don't.

Why do they expect me automatically respect gender when I've always used pronouns on a by sex basis; there's nothing wrong with that.

I immediately lose what respect I may have had the second they often spike to pedophile levels of outrage over mistaken, often correct, semantics, and then refuse to believe anyone could be unbiased against them whom explains fucking science.

It's like a child getting mad at their parents for calling it "pokey-man". Gee, we're not all interested in your game, and don't explain the rules, I don't give a shit. I'm not telling you not to play; you don't tell me that I have to and we'll all get along peachy keen.

wow I didn't even realize this was a tranny thread until halfway through the thread.

Trans cucks love using these genetically fucked up people like pawns to justify their agendas

because they never last long when you bully them. they have such a high ass suicide rate and its a shame they off themselves so quickly so you can't bully them anymore.

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show me the proof then. Show me that gender dysphoria is "cured" and goes away completely forever to the point where it doesnt come back and the person doesnt need to keep taking hormones. You can't because thats not what happens. Having to take something for the rest of your life is not a cure you fucking moron. I am actually trans, I live with this condition, I have been living with it for the last 28 years of my life and I will not let you come here just to lie to people and push your shitty agenda.

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I had to go to bitchute to find this because it got scrubbed from youtube.


Anyone who believe lgbt is about anything but sexual deviancy is either naive or brainwashed. None of this is based in science, it's all manipulation and lies in order to bring perverted fantasies into reality.

At least you admit your mental illness cannot be cured. Can’t wait till you blow your brains out

because their freaks of nature who prey on children.

why would i blow my brains out user my mental health has been steadily increasing since i started taking hormones 6 years ago. finally got my life, career and long term relationship on track.

>hey look a tranny flew over my house guise

Lol imagine so much self hatred you have to tell others to kill themselves to feel complete

you're retarded

Ok, but that bee was NATURALLY born that way.
99% of trannies want to unnaturally mutilate their bodies and live in delusion.

>freak of nature
>this is normal
Trans isn't hermaphrodite, they're just deluded men or weak men

talk about stockholme syndrome..... yeesh

you're a stupid human being

but you're the bully, causing pain. millions could die and you'd still be wanting to hurt others

Something off about them. They never seem normal.

Just because you have to keep taking it doesn't mean you dont get better when you do take it and yes having surgury ans taking hormones imporves mental health and gets rid of dysphoria

you're fucking stupid

work on your voice instead of lying to people hon

% yourself tranny. Maybe stop making such a loud fucking noise and stick to your own kind and you'll fly under the radar

not enough are in adequate amounts of pain yet. wake up. society is waiting for you to die so it can become healthy again. you are the cancerous lump on the ass of our species.