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What happened?

did something happen or is this just like the general state of canada

Then done did it again boys hahaha!

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pic related is what canadians have become

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Imagine being a leaf.

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I thought we were laughing about how your commander in leaf gave precious medical supplies to China a few weeks ago.

Imagine thinking this is porn

I'm sorry.

The latter

You continue to exist. Presumably for the rest of the world’s entertainment and we appreciate it.

My brother was Canadian, and I say KILL EM ALL

approx. 16 tons of masks, gloves and cleaning products. That fucking retard...I'm a BSN and guess who has to work with no fucking masks

Lack of words...again? 'mericaa

Twist canadians heads off.

I wish i was canadian my foreskin might have stood a chance

Red pill..we are the KEK of you're degeneracy. Blame your nigger faggot father.



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>imagine laughing at a flag superior to the one you post under

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That's mean to Canabros.

>a fucking leaf
>superior to anything

stay delusional, dog fucker

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Muricans laughing at canadians, top comedy

And here we are.

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>should have stayed in Serbia among "special forces"


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heckin kek

Horse fuckers will be buried alive.

What does that say? It looks like some French boomer humor that's about Trudeau being a shit fairy.

No habla baguette. Please translate.

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Even if you buy more toilet paper, I'm never going to spewing shit from my mouth.

Never going to stop spewing shit from my mouth

Tabarnack, le boomer posting mon gars

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Kek. Translate to English


Putin asks if he has noticed. Trump says not yet.


Shh don't talk about it. The people dying on the streets from drug overdoses might lose faith in our nation.

That fentanyl kills more Canadian citizens and destroys more families than this fucking flu. Ironically its the same shit shipped in from Chinese labs. Shh don't tell anyone.



it's funny because he has short arms

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I can't contract a fentanyl overdose from a patient but I can get that fucking chink flu tho. I don't give a shit about the junkies dying desu, good riddance

you know that if look at satistic canada number
there less people dying in march with corona virus then it normally would

no car crashes, no work accident,no murder, less suicide(even thought they push the narrative of suicide going up)

its even healing the fucking ozone layer and saving the bird and the tree

so actually corona is saving life now that something for the history book

Fair enough. I'm sure you'll change your tune when the dope dealers influence your kids to get on it. It might not effect you now but it will. Shit is like Cancer, in my small city it should have been cut out. Now its grown to big.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

When the time comes, I'll do as my parents did and tell them to come to me if they want to get high

Kek. Godspeed fellow leaf and may God save the queen.

no you wont
if you work in a hospital you would know that corona virus have been present in every flu that you caught your entire life


the people who die would had die last years if they had caught the flu, or next years,

do you remember in your entire life every watchin on the news the dailydead tolls? no because if they did that everyone would be fucking depress everyday, now the veils off and that reality people die!

all those who die had others health problem
they even have a guidance now to indicate dead is cause by covid


Québécois, the queen can fuck right off. Godspeed m8 and stay safe

A nurse friend of mine got infected and she's pregnant. Of course I can get infected. Would I die? Probably not, but if I can avoid a bilateral pneumonia I'd rather. My girl is pregnant, too, and she's not a healthcare worker

As to you.

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sorry for your friends but the point is
in normal time do you let people cough in your face?
do you go around lick handbar in the bus?

you wont caught this more then usual is the same as last years and next years

maybe a good thing we can learn from that its people in normal time a degenerate idiot

and you probably had it this winter and think of last time you got sick, i know for myself it was in october and it was hard, but im healthy but let pretend that was corona, well i can see how older people and sick person could die from that

Coronavirus is literally a group of viruses you normally attribute to the common cold. It’s this strain that causes more complications. That’s why they should not call this Coronavirus pandemic, that’s dumb. If a tiger mauled someone to death you don’t say a cat killed this person. They should call this Wuhan respiratory syndrome or something more along the lines of SARS and MERS.

well spoken

Why are you reddit spacing? That isn't how paragraphs work

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>more daily increase then our combine total in burger land

i can't hear you over sound of burgers COFFing.

imagine being so insecure that you feel you need to laugh at canadians - a group of the most friendly and polite people on earth

say ur sorry

Cucknada keep coping
