doctors, and "front line" workers ?
What is with this cringe shit about standing in your window and clapping? Who claps for garbagemen? Truck Drivers? Power line workers?
Getting real tired of all the nurses especially patting themselves on the back
doctors, and "front line" workers ?
What is with this cringe shit about standing in your window and clapping? Who claps for garbagemen? Truck Drivers? Power line workers?
Getting real tired of all the nurses especially patting themselves on the back
Other urls found in this thread:
EVerybody has a job to do. Everybody. These instagram and tiktok spoiled WHORES think they are fighting a battle or war. Fucking cunt if you were that busy, you wouldn't be posting videos on twitter and tiktok. You are getting billions in funding, brand new PPE, and all the support and admiration in the world, and you continue to bitch and complain.
Doctors and Nurses in 1918 did their jobs because they felt a sense of DUTY. Cunt nurses today are like "If I don't get MA PPE, I'm walking off the jerb, I have a family".
I think it's generally because a lot of normalfag roasties get into that line of work to bullshit and muck about, and now that they're facing the first real pandemic to hit the average Joe American in a hundred years, they're all having some existential crisis about their chosen profession. Heal thyself, physician. The overt gratification and congratulation are all self applied.
Sounds like you don’t have a job to do neety boy
Imagine the flowery smell of her booty hole.
I hate d*ctors.
When they stop looking like that.
Till then, pic related.
Trump was the first one to emphasize "War".
I fucking hate women
>Being upset at women acting like women
I'd be surprised if she wasn't being an attention whore.
How very grown-up and professional of her.
Still, would marry, she's got the right bone structure. Would have to keep her in line.
Cops and firemen were fetishized by the media for a long time following 9/11, until they were replaced by muh troops protecting our freedom in Iraq.
>t. bitter minimum wage cuck
T. butt wiper
Go fuck yourself.
Society continuing in an orderly way is a good thing.
You think you want "happenings" so bad, but your post proves that you'd probably be the first person to complain and die, because you can't understand even the most simple reasons of why life is so good right now.
The “Please Clap” order for healthcare workers is probably the cringest shit I’ve ever witnessed.
What in the fuck are you even talking about?
You can't see no bone structure.
And that's not withstanding the fact that you're considering marriage off a 180/250 .jpg
Just stop talking until you've thought out what you're about to say in your head at least 3 times.
Yeah fuck nurses risking their health to fight this pandemic. Garbage men that dropped out of high school and spent years in prison don’t get applauded. Why is that? Fuck women. I hate women. I love men. Garbage men. Fuck yeah
>mfw over $28/hr plus pension and benefits to push carts around
>mfw job for life
>mfw stand around for half my shift because limits on people allowed to enter store slows flow to a trickle
>mfw glorious subtropical 10-15 degrees celsius at work recently
>mfw muh PPE is a pair of gloves and fresh air
Women are whores what's new
I love fucking nurses ! They give the best handjobs !
>be someone who is not important at all
>get asspained when people who are doing important work gets a praise
Most nurses are lazy cunts, fact of life.
All of the people I know in tertiary healthcare positions are just normies and that's fine. Better than being a drain on society. I think there is some merit to the role. Especially now, the viral load of COVID-19 that is found in hospitals seems to be the sole reason otherwise healthy young people die.
When this shit is all over, see an eye doctor.
Nurses are the ones fighting the ill. Just as important as fire, police. Because there is a pandemic going around and they are the ones most at risk of catching it, people are offering them some encouragement. That is all. You don't have to get your panties in a ruffle.
I might add nurses to the list of types of woman I will never date.
Who cares about the plumbers, electricians, water plant workers, engineers, doctors and so forth that are actually keeping things running.
Most nurses do little more than what a medical assistant or a doctors intern does.
How do I know?
I know someone who owns a private clinic.
I’m a garbage man and we’re getting overwhelmed no joke. Everyone being home and everyone cleaning out their houses and doing yard work has made it so we’re working forced overtime. We could easily pick up the virus. The whole city is shut down expect a few departments and we’re the only ones not getting extra pay. It is bullshit. We’re about out of hand sanitizer too and they don’t know when they are getting more.
When we stop treating jews like gods, since they have the highest ratio of doctors.
that bitch got fired after this pic went viral.
Based post.
the cops and firemen at ground zero deserved it. try inhaling a lung full of asbestos without the PPE. You think the fireman was think "FUCK I DONT HAVE PPE, I'M FINNA DIP OUT OF HERE, FUCK THIS, I GOT A FAMILY" ?
I agree.
For that reason you are still virgin.
Working in healthcare can either be the most boring, straining, and hour consuming job in the world, or be the most stressful and horrifying. These people work sometimes 80 hour weeks. I used to work in a cafe near a hospital, and when I saw a person in scrubs walk in during the morning shift I knew they wanted a shot and a beer because they just got off a 12 hour shift scrambling between patients with all sorts of calamities.
If you are comparing nurses and doctors and hospital staff to utility workers you are maybe the biggest prick in the world. Doctors and nurses can’t even unionize for their hours: they are literally always working.
You sound like a frustrated virgin.
stfu retarded cunt. I guess they don't have the word DUTY in the Meriam Webster muttmerican dictionary
carts of what? what grocery store is paying you $28/hr? you in yellowknife?
I just really hate women and REALLY like garbage men. What are you getting at?
Not soon enough. I work in a pharmacy and every hour some retard shopping for who knows what decides to come over and thank us for being there... Fuck off Karen I'd rather be at home, and saying that doesn't absolve you for being here to buy pool noodles and a microwave. It's fucking obnoxious, and people are only doing it to make themselves feel better or get internet points. None of it is genuine which is why it's unbearably annoying.
You really sound like a frustrated virgin, with a little sprinkle of BOOMER capitalizing RANDOM WORDS on the internet.
"risking their health"
LOL. it's part of the job description, asshole. if you don't like death, blood, shit, and being exposed to germs, you don't belong in the profession.
it's like a soldier throwing away his rifle and shitting his pants when ordered to charge the enemy.
Yeah. Good looking gal, though.
I've noticed nurses, alongside teachers really love patting themselves on the talk and talking down to you as if you're stupid.
yea, the nurses run on little treadmills to keep the lights on in the hospital. retarded fuck.
Okay I don’t see you getting a nurse practitioner degree and showing how incredibly brave you are.
basically complaining about what the police and mercenaries larping as patriotic military have been demanding they deserve since forever
>admits they’re selflessly putting themselves at risk
>doesn’t appreciate it
THANK YOU. these stupid women are suicidal and don’t even have sex with us. Garbage men are easy to fuck tho
Thank You for your valuable work. You really keep society running, no joke. If garbage pickup stopped, any city of more than 100k would drown in filth and pestilence in a matter of days.
Her son Aiden her king bro!
>When will the world stop sucking off nurses doctors, and "front line" workers ?
Remember how the US was sucking off cops and firemen in the immediate aftermath of 911? Oh wait you're probably a neety-meat-beaty zoomtard so you won't even know what I'm talking about, never you mind.
Basediest post.
...dios mio
>valuable work.
Its fucking easy garbage cuck
i enjoyed this
dumb canuck
there are thousands of people who want to become a doctor. they can't because doctors like their little clique, and don't want too many people getting the MD and lowering their wages. Doctors are little more than glorified techs that read charts and diagnostic test results. eat shit and die.
shut up keyboard warrior (aka faggot)
She looks trashy in the OP pic and in that one her head is very big and swear. I would not take her out. Disagree.
>Op's pic
cut off your duck and kys
>people are only doing it to make themselves feel better or get internet points. None of it is genuine which is why it's unbearably annoying.
people have lived their lives outside of you. it's not about you specifically, people have lost friends and loves ones and seeing frontline workers staying the course gives you faith in humanity.
they want to show you a bit of appreciation. the least you could do is try and see it for what it is.
I too appreciate not having tons of flies, maggots, and disease collecting in the alley behind my house. Really, hope you get paid extra and get some other perks.
listen here cocksucker, this isn't reddit. you better stop that faggy simp attitude or go kys
Everyone reading this is a frustrated virgin.
And the ones who aren't virgins probably have CIA handlers pretending to be their girlfriends. She doesn't really love you, user.
>I've noticed nurses, alongside teachers really love patting themselves on the talk and talking down to you as if you're stupid.
this is all women doing anything that doesn't depend on their vagina
square whoops
Imagine being on your last legs and having some slut nurse show her ass to the camera feet away from you, not taking your life as a human seriously. I'd use my last breath to slap her before dying. No matter the pain.
And the cops and firemen never bitched out and started whining, they did their fucking jobs because that's what they became cops and firemen to do.
I'm not suggesting that people who do dangerous, life saving work don't deserve praise. I just dislike the notion of the media telling us who our heroes should be. "Positive" propaganda is still propaganda.
i don't qualify to be a nurse, because i'm not a woman with a tiktok account.
I don't see you doing maintenance on a nuclear reactor or picking up 20-30lb garbage bags for 10 hours a day.
ARAB SPRING _____ spontaneous uprising! sure, read the papers! Watch the news!
MAGA ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!
Q ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!
TRUMP!!! ___ illegal domestic PSY-OP!
conspiracy to commit treason
aiding in treason
>wuz just following orders, mr judge plz! I have wife and kid. syrians didn't. left/right domestic terrorism victims didn't. you can't just hang a man for just typing shit & manipulating media! under orders! would you hang a guy who wrote text on the paper?
At least all the jobs you mentioned are useful. I’m guessing ‘Bitcoin’ is your occupation.
When did ur country fill up with faggots?
The good news is that you've avoid Coronachan, but on the other hand..
>I don't see you doing maintenance on a nuclear reactor
I would love to do this. Too bad I don't live near one.
Pretty sure you have watched too many "medical dramas" on the ole TV.
Have a gigantic fuck off, whore.
Nurses didnt sign up to deal with the godammn chink plague either
They arent doing shit you faggot
Nurses and doctors don't become nurses and doctors to help sick people get better?
Have sex, incel
firefighters didn't pause every 10 minutes to take selfies, and post on reddit about how hard they are working. also they sucked up lung fulls of asbestos with no precious PPEEEE. Also many of them literally died horrible deaths.
But you know what? They were men. They knew their job. They knew about duty and honor. And in that moment, when they were in the zone, all they cared about was doing their jobs, come hell or high water. Nothing was going to stop them. Not a lack of PPE, or lack of gowns and gloves, or whatever the fuck these cunts are bitching about. do you think standing next to a 600C burning inferno is the same as working in a climate controlled hospital, wearing masks, gloves, face shields?
you should be decent to nurses, they're the only people in hospitals that ever really give a shit.
at least use pic related in the correct context
She's not attractive unless she has a great personality, which obviously is not the case. Might be a difference in standards.
No it's not you fucking leaf.
shut the fuck up.
Based leaf. I wonder why these cunts complain too
I hate women too.
But nurses are the exception. The profession attracts a certain personality type.
Delightful and BASED
Hard cringe on the Affirmative Action monkeys doing monkey dancing. :(