Why is pot considered a "left wing" drug?
Why is pot considered a "left wing" drug?
Leftists love niggers and niggers love pot
Because even if you believe in the recreational usage of it the memory loss effects of the drug are coherent with the least productive members of society. Left wingers are generally the least productive members of society.
leftovers of boomer era when they were still hippy dippy, free love was rice mixing paradise
>Leftists love niggers and niggers love pot
But conservative white women also love black cock very deeply too. What of that?
>drugfags are cuck spammers
>why do you persecute me so and associate me with the left
utter shocker
It’s not. Posts like this are intended to force that meme. Fuck off.
>utter shocker
Did you realize that cuck fantasies are actually most prevalent among conservative white Americans?
I always thought and considered it to be the niggers drug. It makes you lazy and complacent. You don't give a shit about improving your life when you constantly get stoned. Things could be crumbling all around you and you'll say "fuck it" as you light the next blunt. It also makes you forgetful. It's hard to retain and even comprehend information when you're a hard smoker. Ever tried to have a conversation with a daily smoker? Do it. You'll notice that they're all fucking retards and that they talk and act like dumbass niggers because their entire existence revolves around weed, it's all they know and all they care about. So in essence, it makes you a nigger.
Because it is a drug that amplifies feminine traits, such as empathy
I am a very HIGHLY functional stoner. I get more productive. It is a great tool that you can use to focus your energy. Maybe you are just a degenerate and your default is ‘self’..
Because it makes you lazy and stupid.
Coz it turns you into a retard.
sounds about right, i'm high right now
been trying weed with my roommate, totally made me forget about the Corona Virus even though ive been checking pol and local news 3 times a day
You're lying to yourself. Stop smoking. You'll be better for it. You'll feel like absolute shit at first, but it's short time loss for long term gain. At least try it for a month.
Stop "trying" it. There's far more productive and healthy ways to spend your time. Read books. Exercise. Find a hobby. There's a million things you could be doing instead.
Are there right wing drugs?
Wait, maybe caffeine.
Smoking weed made me more racist
Dopamine derived from personal growth.
you're probably just lucky and have a good dealer who gives you sativa. most dealers around here have sticky dense indica that just makes you want to eat and jerk off.
Cocaine is right wing and is absolutely the most based drug
Because left wingers idolise it and make it an integral part of their identity.
Plenty of right wingers smoke weed. You just cant tell by looking at them.
Amphetamine is
I smoke time to times and always when I have friends over or watching tv so basically when I’m not productive anyway it’s just like alcohol if you don’t do it every day or al day long it has no negative effects.
because it turns you retarded, yet in your own mind you think you are highly intelligent with deep thoughts
alcohol, without alcohol white people wouldn't have conquered the globe. unfortunately instead of being productive on it and using it as an aid to hard work most people become like indians and just sit around swilling it down
European shrooms.
Because of RELIGION
Imagine that, smoking pot is a sin, and since the right is packed full of religitards they (as usual) have to hide their sinful behavior.
Smoking pot included.
Or otherwise justify it somehow like they do with EVERY sin the have no problem committing even though they know that their god would want to kill them for it if he actually existed.
Guilt by association. It's "If I don't do it but people I don't like do it then it's magically only for people I don't like"... I know far more right-wing tokers than left-wing. Boomers need to grow up out of the 60s and realize times and attitudes have changed.
They love alcohol too so why is that not guilted by association? Because the boomers do it too so it magically doesn't count.
Memory disruption, not memory loss. Pot does not cause memory loss, it causes short term memory disruption. It's like what happens when you try to stir oil into soup. At first it becomes scattered and atomized, but slowly it all rises back to the surface and rehomogenizes.
Niggers are lazy and complacent without weed. Niggers just like it for the criminal aspect of it. When weed is legal, niggers avoid it. They like showing off committing crimes.
If weed is for niggers why do Colorado and Amsterdam have it legalized? Are those nigger cities? Nope. White people legalized it first, niggers just want to do illegal shit.
It makes you feel left wing feels.
Why the fuck are Americans adopting black kids and not having white kids of their own? WHY
>Why the fuck are Americans adopting black kids and not having white kids of their own? WHY
Seriously, what makes you assume that kid was adopted?
Losing control of your mind is a path to degeneracy. Weed makes you stop caring about the state of world, of those around you, of yourself, of your future, of the future of your children.
Right wingers rather smoke dick
Because it makes you lazy an unwilling to work. Dont you see that in your life?\
because it makes you lazy and not want to work
This is a big answer too. And because it's illegal which they get into circular logic with. It's illegal so it's bad and you shouldn't do it, but we can just legalize it which means it's not entirely bad since it's legal elsewhere.
They try following the law to the letter until they magically feel like it doesn't apply to them personally. My dad is a cop who pulls this same argument about pot=bad because it's illegal.... He drinks and drives every day. All the time. I watch him down a few shots of crown and jump into his truck. But pot is bad because it's illegal.
Because kikes spread propaganda and associated it white hippy's and negros 60 years ago and white people ate it up
How the fuck do you get money for it if you're not working? Weed isn't cheap. You gotta work to get the money to buy it in the first place.
Meth and LSD/Shrooms can be
This is true too, kikes from the tobacco and pharma industries.
>memory loss
Ever had a drink? After enough of them its like waking up fresh out the womb
That's simply untrue. Pot use is ubiquitous where I live- I know smokers on the far left, the far right, and all points in between.
Same reason why meth is a right-wing drug.
Because if you overdo it you can fry your brain and accept marxist economic ideas as viable.
By whom?
Most just save up a welfare check or two and buy seeds and equipment and just grow their own.
this nigger never bought an elbow and sold off 3/4 to his qp free
Because the music industry is run by leftist bolshevik jews. Did you know 2 jews have written most of the top 20 billboard songs since at the very latest the year 2000? Just like every other drug is associated at first with hippies/outlaws then that became obsolete and everyone turned to either electronica or gangsta rap. What does gangsta rap glorify? Why does it glorify those things? Who is it geared towards? Who is producing it? Who owns the record companies? Would those who profit from the music industry use it to influence public opinion? Would they profit from record sales and from the activity promoted by these "artists"? Would they use it to dull the general intelligence of the general populace so that they can be controlled easier?
Absolutley fucking disgusting
Holy shit FINALLY someone else on Yas Forums has a fucking brain and understands this.
Marijuana was made illegal by the Jews around the 1930s. Nobody ever stops to ask why HEMP, the same plant but without the THC, was also made illegal. Why is a highly versatile plant that can be used for thousands of different products not being used?
Hemp has always been the white mans plant. Our founding fathers not only smoked it, but grew it far and wide and used it for paper, clothes, oil, etc. But no weed is bad for you goy, we can't have you growing hemp goy. That beautiful forest over there will be good enough for your paper goy.
Also I should mention my racism got in the way, electronica encourages drug use just as much if not more than rap.
Lol at thinking this is a normal white American. He looks like he has 1/2 a ball at best
Electronica is just sounds, with barely any vocals. Rap is non-stop "I DO DRUGS I DO CRIMES I DO BITCHES I DINDU NUFFIN!" Like you said here ... I think niggers like weed because they associate it with being a criminal outlaw. When it's legal they don't seem to care anymore. It's not the weed -- it's the legal status of it that attracts the fucking niggers.
>When weed is legal, niggers avoid it. They like showing off committing crimes.
I didn't notice this till now, however you are right, niggers generally don't seem to be as enthusiastic about weed in areas where it is legal.
I've smoked pot maybe 20 times in my life. I'm 28 and haven't touched the shit in probably 4-5 years, never plan on doing it ever again.
It turns the mundane and the useless into seemingly meaningful experiences. It puts off actual effort and self actualization and thus keeps the user in a perpetual state of spiritual stupor.
Pot made me racist honestly
Because all the recreational drugs except alcohol and cigarettes are considered left wing. Better question is. . . Why do these two, objectively far more dangerous, drugs get a pass?
It isn't
Key point here:
>when you constantly get stoned
This also applies to constantly getting drunk, only caring about cooming or vidya, practically whatever. When your whole life revolves around one thing only, it revolves around one thing only.
Barns Courtney is looking rough
>the music industry is run by leftist bolshevik jews
Hilarious. Nice meme, shill.
You seem to have left out the influence of government agencies too.
Yeah, LSD and shrooms toootaallly right wing drungs.
While I mostly agree with you I would say the nigger liking it for it being criminal is accurate for a large portion of niggers, however I live in LV around a bunch of niggers that are constantly nigging and these nihgers still go to the dispensary and buy weed. The fact is its more of a degenerate drive than you realize, to say that niggers only like it for being illegal would afford them too much intelligence. You're actually complimenting them there. They like weed both because of the appeal of being an outlaw, as well as they genuinely like thr intoxicating effects. The smart ones are the ones who see it as cool because out the outlaw thing. They are influencing how others see them specifically because they want ti be seen a certain way. This requires more intelligence than simply getting high just to be high.
It makes you gay
I can elaborate too. The niggers don't want to be honest business men. They want a way to make money, get bitches on easy mode. The nigger doesn't want to give you an honest amount for your money, they want to short change you and they want the ability to take the money and run and leave you with nothing. They benefit from weed being illegal like that. They don't have employees to pay. They don't have stock and inventory to maintain. They don't have property tax to pay. They don't want all of that, they want the power it gives them over other people and the ego-boost from that.
Making weed legal takes all of that away from them. They don't look like big bad gangster outlaws smoking something literally anyone can go down to the store and buy. They're not longer the person with the thing everyone wants, they're just another customer. That's why if you hate niggers smoking weed -- you should support legalization. It takes it away from them.
Government agencies run by and large by Bolshevik jews? We need to make it acceptable to excommunicate these parasites to geographical locations that are simply impossible for human life to live. If they really are chosen and have a higher IQ than everyone else then they will thrive wherever they are. But they won't. But that doesnt mean this relocation will be murder. It will simplt be relocation. If they die in these locations it will be due to natural causes. Am i still a shill? Lol come at me bro.