Is there a valid reason as to why you are still a virgin living in your parents basement and the highlight of your day is posting with other virgins on Yas Forums?
Is there a valid reason as to why you are still a virgin living in your parents basement and the highlight of your day...
I had sex yesterday in my own house with my wife.
Because I’m a disgusting Jewish faggot.
take a hike, kike.
My Fiancee died before we got married. I'm 23, she died about 2 years ago. I've just gotten in terms with that, and I have a new wife in sight.
Such a Finnish vibe post. But sorry about that dude.
Literally built for KFC
You're supposed to fill that in on your employment form, not post it on the board. Get back to Yas Forums, incompetent.
wrong board
yes, im not a degenerate like you.
I'm having sex as I type this.
I am ugly and poor.
Faggots cant reproduce, is there a reason you chose to be a genetic dead end? I need to know so I can encourage others to follow suit. Faggot.
I wish I was still a virgin...
Depends. Is coffee good for you?
>I had sex yesterday in my own house with my wife.
Liar and fantasist. A sheep can't be a wife.
yeah, so i have weird balls and extremely low testosterone so as a result i'm fat and dont really have any motivation. it never got fixed when i was little because i'd have a screaming freakout if the dr or anyone tried to look at my junk
>Why you are still a virgin
Because i don't want to go to hell lol. Enjoy your eternal flames.
is there a reason why unfuckable lgbtq keep trying to get straight children to date and fuck them?
If you want a serious answer they got rejected when they were teens and never had the chance to really learn how to socialize and get a gf. Probably fell into hobbies that further isolated them and lacked someone that would guide them on the right path. It's kind of a snowball effect too where lack of experience makes it harder and harder.
It's easy to shit on these people instead of giving them advice like going to the gym.
Dated a girl with NPD last year. Just haven't felt the same since. I have no motivation to search for a new woman.
What’s the point of taking a pic like this
Because apparently all girls will deny you, no matter who you are, or what you look like, if you haven't yet had a gf.
Does it make any sense? No.
Would I like to find a nice innocent girl to care for? Yes.
Am I a degenerate? No.
Will I most likely join some volunteer work to fill the void? Probably.
Ayo let a literal nigger cop that 3rd hour of FTN and dis bitch's 7 digits so I can tell her to put some mothafuckin clothes on ya dig?
I rent a place and I have an Asian girlfriend, so other than the fact I openly do beastiality, at least I'm not in the basement any more.
post a picture sounds cool
post pic of said weird balls
Because I can watch pornhub while my hands free fleshlight quikshot jerks me off at 1000rpm with self warming lube.
well show pendis
Until you up your test levels you're barely a man
Actually I fucked my wife in our bed in our home today user. Then I cracked a beer and mowed my lawn.
Can you give me coffee for that OP?
Built for BBC (Big Black Cock).
i'm a terrible conversationalist and i'm also circumcised so i can't make girls cum, i don't really see any point in having sex considering that.
I'm practicing semen retention. Sex is a meme unless you're married.
why is the lgbtq community so hostile
to show off her ass to get attention
I was never loved by my father and my mother abused the hell out of me.
- I am a manlet (1.64m / 5´5)
- I am a brownie - taco
- I am autistic
- I am a 38 yo wizard
With your mom in her basement. You're so nasty user.
>all girls will deny you no matter what you look like because of something they couldn't possibly know unless you told them
>no matter what you look like
cope, what you look like is literally ALL that matters; attractive adult virgins only exist in the heads of unattractive adult virgins who lack self-awareness
Best thread
I'm not a virgin but I do live with my parents in a nice living arrangement but I haven't gotten laid in 5 years
This is my reward for dying the way I did.
Because white men have hoarded all the wealth and made themselves out to be superior in the media. It's impossible to move out or find a woman
Holy shit she’s fat. Could stand to lose some weight, what a pig
Im sorry user
jew's aren't white retard. and speaking of greedy "white" men hogging all of the wealth.
Google projection you filthy shit hole fucker.
Same. Got married late but everything's good.
I have 3 sons and I own a farm , 3 lakes , and 2 hunting land ... keep thinking. Like you do ahahah
I hit the autism welfare jackpot government pay for everything just fat not ugly.
I'm better off than most wage cucks but woman are picky :D
nice flag
you were born one dude
How old?
>women are picky
Rest in peace & Best of luck to you Finnbro
>people irl who find out im a virgin at 27 and start being really friendly all of a sudden
Looking like you would actually kill someone has its perks i guess.
Because its fun. I have my entire life to have sex and pay rent anyways.
Is there a valid reason for you being an entitled, virtue-signaling pole smoker. One who has deluded himself into thinking that pissing in an ocean of piss is going to have a positive effect.
I wish I was a virgin neet in a basement. Living the real adult shit can be a fucking nightmare, especially now.
You might have not noticed, but pol is now over 50%. GenX attorneys.
Not really, it's all my fault.
I'm 21 years old don't live in the basement have my own room. Dropped out of college. Worked doing pizza delivery for a year. Saved up $18,000 and quit to pursue my business ventures in freelance copywriting.
Instead I got lazy, partied all the time with friends. One year later I blew all my money and was back to square 1. I did get 2 freelance clients but not enough to support myself.
Also I didn't take care of myself in high school and looked like an absolute bum. Was pretty social but never really flirted with any girls.
But I'm gonna change my ways pretty soon.
I live in my own apartment moron. You're supposed to save yourself for your spouse. I can't get over that.