Victims of Feminism

>41 y/o divorced single mom
>Date me Sunshine

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>haha look at me being edgy so ebin
at least get a blowie from her before going full retard

You fucked up a fling. idiot.

roastie is mostly right tho

I am not interested in stale roast. This was for fun only

Promiscuity is bad.
Shes assblasted that he put her on the spot lmao

That's fuck-and-chuck material, and your dick will remain dry because you didn't play the game.

Its all so tiresome

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>41year old beef
>getting mad being asked about her past

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What kind of retard wants to sleep with some old worn out roastie? I'm convinced any of the retards advocating for someone to sleep around dont actually get many opportunities to do so themselves, and would rather live vicariously.

>wishing her good luck at the end

Would have BTFO her if you didn’t wish her anything

You can always butt fuck her

Wow you're so cool bullying a divorced woman, as if there's any sport in that. Do you kick senior dogs too? It's all fun and games until someone does the exact same to you.

Her asshole is likely gaped from her desperation to find a man

You kind of came off as an idiot, but this does show that the absolute worst thing you can be to a woman is boring

you sound like a tremendous cuck

Nailed it.

Hardly his story.


I said nailed it. That means correct.

you just sperged out for no reason and big surprise she told you to fuck off. I get what youre trying to do but it really is pointless and a waste of everyones time. It's not even funny you just come across as autistic and argumentative. this is your brain on Yas Forums. but keep going bro youre being epic and "red pilling" people

you seem like a massive faggot

>use bumble to talk shit to single moms and post it on Yas Forums

who hurt you user?

You sound like a bitter old man with nothing better in his life than bullying those who are weaker than him because if he didn't he'd overdose on painkillers. Who the fuck are you impressing bullying weaker people? I'm annoyed that a supposed grown man is fucking Instagram-post for validation as if what he did was any sort of achievement. You're no better than a desperate roasty, pathetic really.

Curious how shit your life must be if this is the actions you have to take.

>"Hey pol watch me own this roastie whore!"
>Ends up looking like a complete asshole
Listen, a good ole roast toast can be funny but you can't come right out of the gate unprovoked like you did.

In what way is that better?
For what reason does he need to treat some blown out 41 year old roastie like shes the cream of the crop?
You're a fucking simp.

You did the right thing user fuck all these simps

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Why even bother being bitter? Complete waste of time. I disregard older womyn and just bang 20 year olds without giving other women the time of day

You're welcome to remain silent if you disapprove. This is mostly a stale roastie hate thread. Stop being a total SIMP

Holy fucking cringe.Please kys OP.

This is the power of the CIA spamming memes of propaganda for obedient fucks.

This guy could of gotten laid.
Dont be retarded like him

Here is DARPA creating the word "sjw"

Complete obedience is this websites goal.

Be free set yourself free

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Damn it, incels. Stop overthinking, give her what she wants (dick) and get the fuck out.

>hurr durr im looking for the one
>im a 40 year old virgin
>what are you some roastie divorced stupid bitch
>god i fucking cant stand you bitch
>honey im not the one with issues
>i wish you luck!

this guy is a fucking sperg

hes going out of his way to "own" random women and post it on Yas Forums. what is the point? theres no nuance hes just barging in like a twat. how about just act like a normal human being and dont talk to them? why bother?

By what? You people are worms to me. But to me, the sport is bullying faggots like you people.

Damn he sure showed her. MGTOW

based and based pilled

miles of decimated pussy

No bitterness, Just amusement. I only bang women between 22-26. This was for quarantine entertainment only

You faggots need to stop and realize that no one is defending the woman. OP could've posted a thread about him bullying his retarded neighbor by saying "oh you want me to play Minecraft with you? Is that because you have no friends?" It's low-tier human behavior.

You're clearly bitter you fucking moron. You don't bang fucking anyone, I guarantee your account is using fake pictures.

>hey kid wanna play minecraft
>bet you like sonic the hedgehog right?
>because you are a stupid faggot retard hahahhahaha
>im gonna go kick a dog or something
>best of luck!

agreed. This is too easy. Step it up

You're an asshole.

You can't guarantee anything you low IQ incel

And you know this how?
Please show us your anal circumference meter.

your thread is pure shit. You dont go after the weak and easy cause then you just come off as a pathetic autist

>autistic incel vs roastie single mother

Everybody loses.

I absolutely can, that's why you deflected just barely and ran away from the previous response like a coward. Your behavior, choice of words, etc., point to you being a pathetic edgelord with arrested development. I'd expect this type of behavior from a 14 year old b/tard. This is nothing to be proud of moron, high school was 10 years ago.

>i don't believe in "the one" fairy tails are for children
>*tip fadora*
jfc op do you have aspergers? also learn to spell

How is a stale roastie choosing divorce weak and easy? That's like saying roasties deserve sympathy. You sound like a SIMP

So people can’t get divorced now?

>guys I said the words from the handbook
>I'm clever right?

OP this thread sucks and you should feel bad.

She's also 40, so she grew up about 20 years before feminism went full woke SJW.

She lives with the burden of a white child and a regretful past every day. You're kicking her while she's down after she showed interest in you.

It's like watching someone torture a pitbull. Yeah pitbulls should be euthanized and all but, humanely, you know?

You clearly have autism.

>eats more doritos and drinks a mountain dew
>gonna go play some more fortnite later and yell at 12 year olds
>"honey you need to be cognizant"
>tips fedora god i had so much fun today


I don't get it. Why did you immediately accuse her of "dodging your question" (lol) when she didn't immediately tell you the full story of her divorce? What's she supposed to do, write an entire essay at the drop of a hat every time she hears someone mention her life situation? Should she have a copypasta for it saved on hand? I mean, look, I'm a writer myself. But I'm not so socially unaware that I expect everyone ELSE to be as well. If you want a more detailed explanation of something, maybe ask for it before accusing someone of fucking TREACHERY?


I wouldn't spend my time trolling old roasties on bumble but hey, this is modern day muckraking. Somebody has to do the dirty work. Somebody has to provide some content around here. You should be thanking OP.

Also some of the people in here are pissed at OP because they really need to get laid. They are angry somebody took the interest of a woman and smashed it instead of cultivating it. They are so thirsty right now it upsets them to see somebody not as thirsty as they are.

They aren't really angry at OP, they are angry at themselves.

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Cute. Anything else?

haha she got rekt
sad to see that there's so many whiteknights on here though

I'm pagan, but I appreciate it. Soon we won't have time to argue over theological differences and only those who hold true to national socialism will survive the coming days.
Pic rel

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I just find it ironic that you are as desperate for validation as the average Instagram thot

Why so mad?

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sometimes you get a nice insight into how autistic people are on this board


autism confirmed

>low quality bait

You didn’t do anything but killed an opportunity to date someone. So what she is divorced with kids? Getting a divorce isn’t a crime. More likely than not she will still have a better advantage in dating than you ever will.

The most BASED thing I've heard today

Go back to ((reddit)),faggot. Nobody needs you or wants you here.

Oh. My. God.

Were you diagnosed with autism?

You did well, unfortunately the other anons who deride you for pursuing the fling think nothing of the children relegated to being raised by some cheap whore. It wouldn't matter if she were divorced or married. It's in her character and you did well for revealing it. Let's pray the insult will compel her to do better by her children and to act as a proper mother for fear at the very least of being judged, where they've already live with burden of being bastards.

God be with you and Jesus looks upon you more favorably in your pursuit for fresher and less vile cunny. Good Friday doesn't compel you to eat just any fish, after all.

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Lurk moar

Keked and checked

Not for nothing bro, but that roastie roasted you

I wasn't going to comment originally but I'm waiting for a kung fu movie to finish torrenting (Police Story, 1985) and saw a number of seething anons ITT so I had to say something.

There are multiposters in this thread that are truly angry. In all likelihood they are either bottom of the barrel lonely guys or angry roasties

>haha look at me being edgy so ebin
>at least get a blowie from her before going full retard
You have absolutely no self awareness you dumb nigger.

Why thank you good sir!

Roasties gonna roast, but you sound absolutely psychotic.

>Thank you good sir
You need to go back

user everyone is a space marine on the internet. Also stop appropriating social justice culture for your personal amusement. A single mother is anything but weak. Can you imagine the bravery it takes to be a single mom? No you can't, you're male and you're fucking white. check your friggin privilege !

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Shut the fuck up you stupid monkey, neither of this was funny, it was boring as fuck to read because there was no humor in it at all, it's just some spergfag badmouthing some random stranger on the internet for no reason, QFags put up more entertainment than this shit. Subhumans like you should've been wiped off the face of the earth a long time ago, lower than South East Asians...

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Now this is red pilled

I would guess incels...but I could be wrong. Quarantine has me trolling bumble for laughs in these uncertain times

A victim of feminism is a 35+ yr old woman who is childless and not married.
A 40 yr old woman who is divorced and have kids is just a standard American woman.

>all those dead eyes

>top row, 3rd from the left

I don't know but that picture of her just makes me feel bad

I know you tried to make a funny joke but your poor writing and lower than average intelligence totally fucked up the execution.

Idiot, she’s MILF tier. Never gonna make it. You should’ve added her to your rotation. You don’t have to “date” her just dick her down. Beta.

ohh that anime bobby bounce. too bad for the OP though, she seemed like a nice memory to have had in any capacity.

You're not very subtle with this are you?

White night cringe tier