Why did you do this to the poor alcoholics, Yas Forums?
They are fragile people already.
AA on Suicide Watch
AA people are fucking pathetic. I've never met one who didn't constantly talk about how sober they are, trying to impress everyone around them with their new record of "haven't had a drink in X days" and their coins and their smartphone apps tracking how long it's been since they had a drink.
If you have to constantly brag about how sober you are, you're not over alcohol. You're not cured. You're not strong. You'll be worthy of rejoining society when you can have a casual beer at lunch with friends and not fall back off the wagon like the pathetic weak piece of waste you are. I'd literally rather hang out with an unapologetic alcoholic who still drinks than an AA member who mouths off about their "disease" like a fucking vegan or one of those leotard-wearing assholes who races bicycles.
This goes for smokers too. I actually started smoking, got to the point I was having one every hour at work, and then quit cold turkey just to show someone it could be done if you have any willpower at all. Addictive personalities should be purged from the gene pool.
Hahaha, what a pussy. I smoked meth every hour of the day for four months and then quit cold turkey just to show those degenerate druggies I could do it to. All the homeless crack addicts now cheer and clap when I walk by.
Vegans, AAs, and people that do crossfit need to be permanently eliminated from the genepool. If you can't "better" yourself without talking about it -- kill yourself.
it honestly seems counter intuitive to count how many day/weeks/months/years you've been sober
thinking about something is the first step towards action and as long as your mind is constantly focusing on the last time you drank, the more difficult you are making it for yourself
Hard quit dates work. It creates a 'red line' in your mind that backsliding isn't acceptable.
>If you have to constantly brag about how sober you are, you're not over alcohol. You're not cured. You're not strong.
I don't think you've ever talked to anyone in AA in any depth, because what you're posting here as an "insult" is explicit AA doctrine. They deliberately encourage their followers to refer to themselves and think of themselves as alcoholics for the rest of their lives, even if they haven't had a drink in 30 years. They think of themselves as a different kind of person; that there are people who can drink in moderation and people who are alcoholics, and they are the latter. Therefore they can never relax their guard. Telling everyone about being in AA is a tactic too; anyone you tell about it is someone you can't sneak a drink in front of.
This read of AA followers being so snooty, aloof and holier-than-thou is so far away from the actual character of the average recovering alcoholic that it's laughable. I guess it is Yas Forums, though; mouthing off about shit you don't understand at all is par for the course. And it's typical for the short-brain narcissists here to think everything that everyone does is about impressing them.
it's really well put together bait and the fact you just wrote 100 words demonstrates he got you on hook
no. once an addict you can never go back they have found.
that said the rest of the shit you spewed has a point.
What other "treatment" has the same success rate as doing absolutely nothing?
AA is bullshit
boys i turned 21 about 26 days ago and ive been fuckin watsed ever since am I an aclohocolic. Do i need to go to a fuckin AA meeting?
>global plague
>Stonks collapsing
>half of people have no job
>not allowed to leave home
>no gf
Lmao anyone who isnt an alchy in the current year is missing out
That legitimately sounds like a cult. You have described a religious cult that is psychologically assaulting people and causing lasting trauma on top of their alcoholism-related sorrows. If I was 400lbs and worked hard to lose 200 and become a fit muscle guy, you'd want me to refer to myself as a fat fuck for the rest of my life? You'd want me to look in the mirror and say "you're not fit, you're fat, always remember your crippling lack of self-esteem?" That kind of shit causes further mental disorders and makes people a lot fucking worse when they should be healing.
AA will be BTFO after all the drunks stay sober without fucking meetings
I sent an email to the governor of my state to shut down liquor stores. They are saying they are essential so they let them stay open.
Every mention of alcohol is them wishing they were having a drink.
It is a cult coupled with a huge dosage of daily guilt
They set you up for failure
Try A-PVP you fucking pussy
I think it was founded by catholics so the whole "you are shit and you will never not be shit" attitude was baked in from the start.
I've been forced in two rehabs and AA was shoved down my throat. It is a cult and it has traumatized me.
Nah you've got at least a decade of exhilaration and shame before the regret begins to seep in.
Lots of judea baked in it. I've read how the 12 steps is a representation of T'shuvah. Rehabs started from a jewish lady Beit t'shuvah so they can profit a large amount of money off the premise of saving people.
AA is a weird thing because their idea is to replace the hole in your life that alcoholism fills with religion.
I've abused drugs and alcohol since I was a teenager. I think the longest time I've strung together completely sober is a month. I don't really care, my life is ok and I'm stable enough. That said, I can see myself hanging it up someday but I could never be a person defined by one of those programs. It's so sad and it feeds into itself, anyone I've known like that has this stink about them.
This is kinda fucked up lol but also if you are so gay you need a whole room of faggots to give you hugs every week so you don't drink yourself to death you probably should just die anyway.
Based. I can't wait until AA gets assimilated into the alt-right
> Hahaha, what a pussy. I smoked meth every hour of the day for four months and then quit cold turkey just to show those degenerate druggies I could do it to.
Was it the last four months user? Did you just quit this morning? We are here to help if you need help. There is a zoom room we use. Please join.
I work as a LMFT, and I always am disgusted by this behavior. When the sobriety is the only interesting thing about the individual, they have ceased to exist. For many of them that happened years ago, but still.
>Phillip McGrade
fucking racists
AlchoAnon-user here, this lock down is going to drive me to drink.
I let it define me for a while after I was in bumfuck montana for 2 years at 15 for smoking a bit of weed. I got to have a small taste of based Montana though
>global pandemic
>all none-essential commence ceased
>liquor stores still open
Seem fishy as fuck
I once masturbated for 6 days and nights on meth and ended up believing in God because of it. Truely felt like i peaked in the most pleasure a human being has ever felt. Did i lose my job? Yes. Does my family talk to me? Not anymore. But the point is i caught a glimpse of what few humans have ever seen; i saw god. Literally coomed so hard that i summoned god into my room. Anyways, i ended up in the hospital from dehydration from all the cooming. Had to have my cock examined because it was swollen up elephant man style. Black and blue. When i got out and walked out into the sun, i could feel this warmth like god was cumforting me for being so disgusting. He told me to walk away and i did. Never touched meth again but i still jerk off furiously. Thats how easy it is to quit. People are fucking weak if they cant quit shooting meth and sucking dick for heroin. I quit just like that
Don't feed the baiter, user
They are a Christian slave morality cult. As you say, they are told to think of themselves as weak and sick. It is disgusting
My worry is what I will turn to once fapping gets boring.
It's okay user, I've been drinking this whole time and it's made the quarantine fly by. Learning to drink by myself rather than in a bar has led me to a lot of personal growth.
Come on in, the waters great.
A cult...that asks nothing of you...just wants people to live happy lives...can leave or join at any time...hmmm now that sure sounds like a scary cult to me
It’s just forced spirituality. In reality alcoholics are just genetically fucked and I say this from experience and being completely honest with myself. I just don’t have the brain makeup to be able to live without drinking and no amount of cope will change that fact because I just don’t believe in it.
You're not responsible for your actions until at least 22 or so.
Rehab and AA arent forced on people, you retard. Just cause your parents forced you too or they'd kick you out does not mean the rehab or AA forced you to be there. What a whiney faggot
You’re a dumb fat fuck and you are worsening society with your presence.
It asks for service work. Also the founder was into occult stuff. He was given a hallucinogen in the hospital which led to founding AA. Some of the profits from the AA book went to him and now his kids.
The rape?
Also “willpower” doesn’t exist. You just have genes that don’t make you sacrifice everything to not feel extremely anxious at all times. Literally the only moments I don’t feel like committing suicide are when I’m on drugs or drunk. Alcoholism isn’t a disease, it’s just a symptom of being genetically unable to put off not feeling like shit for long term gain.
Given my experience with stimulants I believe this story completely.
The first time two random people came into my room at 4am and forced me on a plane.
Willpower does exist, when I was a child I didn't eat for 3 months because I was overweight. I forced an action with my will. I also don't agree with the other thing, that's is your baggage. I am generally well and competent at life, I just like to drink.
I think the concern is that drunks would flood the hospitals from DT's and seizures if they closed liquor stores. Alcohol withdrawal aint no joke playa
Has AA ever actually fixed someone to where they can go back to drinking socially or is it just a cult you can never escape?
This. I just can’t get behind shit like that and I’ve been around the rooms for years. Some personality types just can’t do it. You have to be agreeable enough to fall for it. If there was a super computer that could predict the outcome of genes on if AA would work for you you would find it is 100% accurate. The more I study the more I become a determinist. Some people are just fucked from the start and being an alcoholic with low agreeable personality means you have a death sentence. It might not be today or tomorrow or next week but you are doomed.
> "you're not fit, you're fat, always remember your crippling lack of self-esteem?"
Redpill me on self-esteem. I was 160lbs, gained 50lb per failed relationship. Yes my mother was intense and discouraged me from dating. Achilles was proud. Hitler was proud. Is that level of pride ok?
Also taking alcohol away while taking away any stimulation simultaneously would make people fucking insane.
They literally payed to have me legally kidnapped
bruh what the fuck
Actually, that is pretty low. Must be the work of Yas Forumstards.
Service work is a voluntary thing, stop lying. You could go to AA meetings for 20 years without even helping read the stupid pamphlets. I never liked AA or NA but yall just straight spreading bullshit simply because you dont agree with it. It works wonders for a lot of people so good for them
Your “willpower” was in your genetic makeup. You can’t “will” something into existence that isn’t intrinsically a part of you in the first place. Some people are better at dealing with short term consequences for long term gain and others are completely incapable and it has nothing to do with IQ either. I’m literally tested at 134, I am completely wasted right now and am at the point where my mind works more coherently while buzzed or moderately drunk. If you were to read my posts completely sober, even while not withdrawing and compare them to the posts I make while intoxicated you would make the judgment that the more intelligent person is the me who is drunk. Free will is an illusion. You either have the hardware to be an alcoholic and overcome it or you don’t. I just don’t ever blindly be fed the bullshit that AA teaches. I’ve been around it for a decade, it just straight up doesn’t work for somebody who questions things and doesn’t blindly submit to an authoritative method.
Addiction is just a genetic disability for people who can’t sacrifice short term pleasure for long term. You were either never an alcoholic to begin with, an alcoholic who can be saved by some faith based bullshit like AA or completely fucked from day one when your daddy’s sperm hit your mothers egg.
And religion works for a lot of people too. Lots of irrational things work for different people, it doesn’t make them true. It also has an abysmal success rate. If you have the genetics to being an addict and have the drugs/drinks available you are doomed.