Our Finance Minister has just announced that we've declared our nineth default because we are unable to pay back $10billion from our external debt.
This means that we might stop existing as a country once the inevitable economic crisis meets with the coronavirus crisis! Yes!
Happy nineth default argiebros!
To be fair you're government has tried countlesss times to fuck your entire country into the dirt in multiple ways.I'm pretty sure Argentina is such a good piece of geography the only thing that could put you guys down for good is nuclear annihilation.
Good luck argiebros.
Do you have some gold and bitcoin?
You could say they've already succeeded in that. We've one of the better soils in the world yet we're poor and retarded. It's depressing if you see where we were 100 years ago and where we are now
no and no. I do have $ tho
But this time it's because of the covid-19.
Keep up hope, you'll get there eventually. At the very least you'll be able to feed yourselves.
No one gives a flying fuck about some shitty third world dumbster, you beaner fuck
Time to go back to 1881 argiefags
Hey if the country collapses, at least you'll stop getting flooded with Bolivians.
Las Malvinas son Argentina's wave incoming.
to be fair, chile had luck they had the better dictator, /ourgeneral/ Augusto Pinochet, while we had the virgin rafael videla who let everything go to hell, applied left-wing economic policies and ultimately opened the door of politics to the left for the next 50 years
you do, and the fact you're using a memeflag tells a lot about you.
Gibe Badagonia blsss
Land and real state in Argentina is quite expensive. There's something going on there.
I'm SO fucking glad, hope you all die of starvation, you fucking big nosed niggers, fucking die from terminal socialism
Okay wetback.
Don't worry Argiebro. We are already on the way to spread freedom to South America and will be stopping by what is left of your country soon. Welcome to America bro!
>spics fighting eachother
Wait, let me grab some popcorn first
I have some gold and US dollars
I dunno bro i don't like that Mcfreedom
A very smol but surprisingly heavy bar
also yeah some chains from like my grandma
Is Argentinan Spanish the best dialect?
Don’t worry OP I’ll hire you to wage cuck it on my family’s farm, you can start washing the mud out of my yota
Yes but not the one the villeros and niggers talk
Is your fucking fault:
- Largest gem population after Israel and Burgerland
- Not even a white country
- Lost a fucking war against UK for the Falklands
- No fucking "malvinas" shit
- Be mutts believe being "white"
- Militar goverment
- Full of prostitutes and whores
good luck spanish gaúchos
please try and stay alive, you're cool lads, make cheap wheat and buy our fridges
The chains are 18k? They are 60cm? Who much do you think you can sell one?
I speak for the rest of south america and i say yes
No. It sounds very faggy
not so fast that you're on the edge of fucking your country up with your constitutional reform. Focus on not losing what you've achieved tsunami-nigger, instead of fighting us, look what you'll become if you don't stop the chilean left.
I unironically hope that happens
>the villeros and niggers
I thought those spoke indio
Get that memeflag off E;R
Your fault for voting a leftard president, argiecucks.
The accent spoken in around the PROVINCE of Buenos Aires is nice. Porteño Buenos Aires is too hysterical.
Macri come back, we forgive you
nothing ever happens
American occupations tend to be a midas touch as long as the occupied people don't resist us unfucking their shit governments.
Cosa graciosa, a principios de años estaba ahorrando para ir a Argentina a recoger un título de especialización que me saqué allá. Antes me había sacado un diplomado y lo mandé a traer por la empresa Correo Argentino, la cual lo mandó a Venezuela y luego el paquete desapareció y nadie se hizo responsable. 3 mil dólares me iba a gastar en la vuelta, pero el bendito Corona me ha salvado. Argentina tiene muchas opciones para educación, algunas muy buenas, el problema es que han invertido mucho en eso y muy poco en industria y desarrollo, por lo que tienen una alta cuota de graduados sin título. El otro problema son los chairos.
We got you don't worry and remember EVERYONE eats in America. You boys will be taking at least three HUGE shits a day once we spread freedom through South America.
So after 9 already this time we gonna just disapeer ?
Sometimes I think I would rather speak like an Argentinian than my own dialect. Sometimes....
Fuck you shitskin
Nah, we were going to hit the fan sooner rather than later regardless of Corona. she only accelerated it.
We've never had a crisis like this one. Ultra high public spending + ultra high money emission (hyperinflation) + ultra high taxes + no more money from the world + coronavirus crisis is going to btfo us once and for all.
eh, you're going to disappear too in the next months with thanks to what AMLO is doing, so don't be so happy
Go and see how prices are rising up, and then go and see how they'll aim to the sky once the usd reaches the +100 pesos mark
No we don't. He applied the exact same policies than the kirchners, letting them win again after betraying his voting base
Why don't you just do what Germany did in the early 1900's? Nationalize your new currency and create stimulus with public works jobs. ect..
You should have issue a lot more of those 100-year bonds before defaulting. Wasted opportunity.
You mean that Turkey will take over?
t. David Tyrone Gutierrez
>we forgive you
We must ask HIM to forgive us, he tried his best to get us out of the pseudo-socialist leftist nightmare we've been through since Peron and we paid him with loathe and mockery. We simply don't deserve him.
This is an English-speaking imageboard, pablo.
It’s a sad day when leafless Canada is laughing at you.
>he tried his best
if +160 different taxes, 53% inflation, 30% poverty, 11% unemployment and capital controls was his absolute best, i don't want to know what would've happened if had done straight up kirchnerism
>there are people who unironically defends this government and supports politicians not lowering their salaries
Argensimia deserves ALL the shit it gets. I unironically hope millions suffer, starve and die in any possible way