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fuck you CIA pay me
no die fgt
fuck you CIA pay me
fuck you CIA pay me
niggers tongue my anus
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three.”
fuck you CIA pay me
>mfw normies fell for the meme
That's all it is.
SARS-CoV-2 is not significantly different from that for common coronaviruses that have been around for years. THE common cold and other respiratory infections renamed and with the statistics skewed to make it look more deadly than it actually is.
Normal flu's fatality rate is calculated from ESTIMATED CASES, which includes assumed millions of people that will get it but have little or no symptoms and don't go to the hospital.
"Coronavirus" fatality rate is calculated from CONFIRMED CASES which includes only people with symptoms grave enough to make them go to the hospital, which obviously results in a higher death rate. Thus these absurd 1-4% fatality rates instead of the normal 0.1% for flu season.
On top of that, the test kits for coronavirus are experimental and often give false positives. People with severe respiratory infections are often being tested multiple times under the argument that the virus is hard to detect and thus false positives are more likely, resulting in an extremely inflated death rate.
Use your brain. If you believe any of this "deadly virus" shit you have been memed. You fell for a massive scam.
fuck you CIA pay me
> Does one also count as a corona death if one is infected with the virus but died of something else?
Yes, say Rudi Anschober and Bernhard Benka, members of the Corona Task Force at the Ministry of Health. "There is a clear rule at present: Died with the corona virus or from the corona virus," Benka explains. All these cases count for the statistics.
All countries except Iceland are maintaining stats that way at the present moment
fuck you CIA pay me
i work in health research. covid is very real. theres no sound treatment for this and no long term plan. quarantines are a desperate attempt by the gov't to buy time. they wont stop this and a vaccine typically takes at least 1-2 years to develop if its even possible.
covid is an RNA virus like the common flu therefore any vaccine will not be 100% effective since they have to guess at how the virus will mutate before they develop each season's vaccine. often they guess wrong. also, the difference between covid and the common flu is that covid is far more contagious therefore it mutates at a more rapid rate. faster mutation equals more strains, equals harder to develop a vaccine, and while the common flu is seasonal this has the potential to reinfect as it burns through the population and other strains develop. we dont know how many strains exist. the people who are dying from this are dying from a lack of oxygen and pneumonia-like symptoms while their kidneys and liver fails. ventilators appear to be doing little to help patients admitted to intensive care units. why all this is happening while others appear to be asymptomatic is unknown. its a very horrible way to die. i would rather shoot myself in the head than die drowning in my own fluids while suffering through organ failure for weeks. ignore this at your own peril.
Film Your Hospital
Hospitals Are Not War Zones
Dayton, Ohio COVID Hoax
Phoenix & Glendale, Arizona
Chicago Hospital Is Empty
Citizen Reporters Do What The Media Won't
go back to /cvg/ schizo
You are doing God's work, user.
fuck you CIA pay me
You do not work in health research you just made that very clear not knowing about Coronaviruses at all
Fuck niggers
You can die from multiple health issues at once.
If you have cancer, you immune system is already busy fighting it. So when you get covid, it triggers a pneumonia and you die.
But since the pneumonia is cause directly by virus, the virus is the killer.
No fake deaths here.
The virus causes pneumonia and accelerates the deathclock on the vulnerable. You're a fucking kike, a dangerous one.
If some beedy eyed heeb tells you not to worry, it's time to worry.
> Should “COVID-19” be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?
COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or *** is
assumed to have caused or contributed to death ***
>posting your own faggy fear mongering screenshot
you're a larping faggot who just wants to feel important
All the /cvg/ fags need to explain this
>if you have terminal cancer and get shot, they mark your death as gun shot wtf is up with that?
Not the same comparison faglord
god you're fucking dumb. go back to Yas Forums and post about how you sniff your mums panties and leave Yas Forums to the men.
you should literally hang yourself in 2 weeks when nothing is any different faggot
eat shit chink shill
so it is a nothing burger?
fuck you CIA pay me
you're so fucking butthurt aren't you? your daddy left you when you were a baby?
High quality masks, surprised that I have not seen this posted before. Easy filtration available with a 3d printer. This pretty much solves the mask shortage.
that what I do to fuck your mum faggot.
You've been hired. Here's your payment:
$0.25 have been transferred to your bank account.
fuck you CIA pay me
Good job, OP. It's too bad this thread is getting shilled to bits. That's how you know you've got it.
You've already been paid.
How does that twitter nobody know cancer killed them and not corona?
he just did
MSM at the epicenter of Covid-19 in Italy are passing off dummies on ventilators as patients. Even the doctors refer to the dummies as patients. Either the doctor is lying, or the entire video including the interview is a drill.
the doctor says these patients are dying all around her, but they are all dummies, an entire room of them on ventilators, then they blur the face on a rubber dummy(to add realism, simulating how the HIPAA law would apply if this were not a drill)
Covid-19 is in fact not a pandemic, but a simulated virus within a international MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) Drill. The test is only designed detect any coronavirus so its purposefully meaningless test for the common cold. For the drill they empty the major hospitals, like NY’s Elmhurst hospital, they send home all non essential patients, resulting in a mostly empty hospital. The hospital is mostly empty because the number of people sick with flu/pneumonia/”Covid-19” like symptoms is still within the yearly variance for the flu (+/-40k deaths per year in the US on top of an average of 30K). Since, there is no extra patients, the hospital is mostly empty, and sits like an empty movie set, with empty tents, empty ERs, empty halls etc, awaiting the MCI drill.
In the drill, the participants including the MSM, doctors, nurses, media relations etc., sign Non Disclosure Agreements(NDAs), with large fines and jail time if the NDA is broken. The drills include fake interviews of doctors about Covid-19 done in concert with the MSM. The simulations also include medical dummies and crisis actors. The media relations participants are required to go on social media and insist that the Covid-19 MCI drill is not a drill. Lying to the public is legal, as long as its done through the MCI drill run by the government of each nation, in concert with the MSM in each nation.
More dummies
>If you have aids and die from a heart failure they put it down as aids
SeeThe CDC's own guideline
Why not go next door to Spain and see if its just like the flu?
Same as aids.
Influenza kills 290,000-650,000 a year, mainly from October-May. We're up to 70,000 from corona virus. It isnt worth the unconstitutional power grab and unemployment. Police arrested 8 people because they dared to exercise their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble. They were protesting abortion which is "wrong" and we're scared so it's okay to strip them of their rights.
States are also classifying gun stores as non essential. The right to keep and bear arms is being infringed. Do you believe the government is acting in your best interests by restricting your rights and freedom of movement? There is a specific reason MSM is mentioning and drawing parallels with 9/11. It's about the Patriot Act and letting them take control when people are scared.
durrrrr if you say it enough times you'll eventually be right ahahahahaha. eat shit you weak little immunodeficient faggots. your posts are a projection of your fears of dying because you're pozzed
How many were dead two weeks ago? How many are dead now?
Just wait two weeks isnt a meme.
>don't have enough tests, get accused of underreporting
>change the definition to safely assume that it is this highly contagious disease and report on that, get accused of fear mongering
i would quit if i worked in health, being barked at by mobs of retarded mouthbreathers and faggots like you all day
>the jewish news is good now
ahahahaha this thread is CRAWLING with leftypol pozzers
gaslighting faggot
>How many were dead two weeks ago?
> How many are dead now?
So, because the MSM stages things, all cases, every each one of them, are fake and therefore coronavirus is not a pandemic, or even real.
That seems perfectly logical.
Is the earth flat as well?
pozzed up leftypol manchild
>if you think the Chinese Communist party sparked the largest humanitarian disaster in decades you're leftypol
>if you think China lied you're leftypol
>explain this
>tl;dr bullshit
Hows abouts you fucks offs
So, a disease spread to billions of people is comparable to a million for the Chinese virus, despite the latter killing faster than the flu.
Sounds about right.
If you've been living with a condition fine, get corona, and die, then you died of fucking corona.
>CDC and WHO mad about borders closing
>lied about masks and flip-flopped
>lie about medications effectiveness
>use popularity of faggy tiger show on netflix to spread a fake story of tigers coofing
>empty hospitals across the country
>oy vey goys blumpf couldn't have handled this any worse!
AHAHAHAHAHA imagine thinking Biden has any shot at all and isn't just an establishment throwaway candidate like Romney in 2012. Man its amazing what xenoestrogens and HIV pills do to your brains. Stay pozzed
The creator of this video is nothing but a dangerous low IQ cancer.
This user gets it.
It's all a bunch of horse shit to get people riled up and give up their freedom. And so these cock sucking motherfuckers in government can pass some bullshit law.
It's a fucking meme.
>"everyone who doesn't think corona is the end of the world is a chink"
okay faggot time to get back in your /cvg/ containment thread.
Why are you bringing up Trump when I'm blaming the CCP?
who said they were living with it 'fine'?
Going to have to update that pic, we are over 70k now
What jewish news? What are you talking about?
okay schizo
14,000 were dead two weeks ago. Today 70,000 have died. There are still many more deaths to get to a flu season average of 290,000-650,000. Also the daily deaths are trending down. It can't grow exponentially forever.
>Covid19 must either be a hoax or it must be the end of the world
Zyklon Bill is on fire
>hospitals are being reimbursed for the cost of covid patients
The same hospital that will charge $30 for aspirin will absolutely not overreport covid deaths for sure.
film your hospital
It's from the CDC's website you shill fuck