First Nations Thread

We need to come together as a people, all tribes, grow and get stronger, take back our rightful place in the world, in tune with nature.

the age of destruction is almost over, balance is coming, make sure you're on the side of growth

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maybe if you'd put down the listerine

Where do the Le 56%'ers go?

your people are too busy doing drugs and beating up your own family members to do shit.

Fuck "first nations """people""""
t. alaskan tundranigger

at least this is more optimistic than your usual 300 year old victim complex

Also fuck leafs. Day of the rake can't come soon enough

Aboriginals are literally the lowest form of life on the planet. I hope they all die.


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What the fuck I dint know Canada had abos

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You should see the Russian propaganda on it.

I swear, all Australians have down syndrome.
Watch him now say that he was kidding...


Are you gonna stop committing crime?

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for a hominid

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I agree.
The Solutrean First nations needs to form a huge tribe and fight for our sacred and ancestral clay.
It is a shitty fact the hords of mongoloids arrived and filled up our lands.
Maybe we can send the Archaic mongoloid Injuns home to Asia? Along with the Chinese.

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Start a strict marriage culture like Pakistanis
Marry them young and encourage breeding
Get guns cuz your reserves have its own laws
Whites have been here for 500 yrs
Spainish kicked out the moors 780 yes later
Whites will be a minority end of the century. Just capitalize on that shit
Keep a union with other natives in other parts of the Americas
Anyone succeeds use that money to buy land
Like Alex Pierra can retire teach kickboxing and use the Money to buy land to extend the reserve
Business sports entertainment etc all ways to use cash to take it back
Live simple like a dagestani but land hungry like a chink

Best of luck an stop the mixin with non natives

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No u whites are for wrecking the environment and following Jewish faggotry an Pushkin it to the world

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Indians and especially the fucking Canadians cant even do basic math.
The Solutreans were FIRST by 10,000 years.

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im going to screenshot this for future ventures

Americans can’t education

All the big mines are Injun owned. Injuns also waste more animals than any other religion.
( You are not a new race)

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Much of this is forced and have to make a deal
U can’t just go no but same time u need cash to help ur people
It’s a deal with the devil
What would u say if muslims made whites a 1% minority in Europe and push for such ventures
They’ll have to negotiate and get the most of it
It’s a fucked postition

I’d never want to trade places with them

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Sure can. Thats why Science realized the Solutreans were actually first and guys like you are full of shit. but go ahead and preach some of that Turtle Island religion for us Leaf.

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I have a hundred screenshots that can prove you wrong.

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"In tune with nature"
There's a lie. The most abusive and wasteful hunters are the Indians.

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In tune with chinese money maybe.

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You are literally the biggest users of "Jewish Faggotry" you god damna abbo piece of trash. You cant even spell or make proper sentences.

Niggers are bad on wildlife and nature too.

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Injuns kill thousands of walrus every year and cut out the ivory and oosiks. wasting the meat.

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Ours look asian

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Shut up you fucking sell-outs. The last laugh is on you when the Chinks no longer find you useful.

There you are. Been looking for you

They are fucking Asians. And they were not first and in no way native or indigenous to North America

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>runs buffalo herds over cliff because too stupid to domesticate or hunt them
>one with nature

I like how every white is talking shit like they don't do destructive things, hypocrites

Most of these Canadian "native " posts are actually Chinese. Every fucking day, same shit.
The Chinese have been funding the Indians to terrorize Canada and Alaska.
Just spread truth. Spread facts.

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Almost all leafs are chinese posters. Canada is a chinese colony

oh? i never got the memo

Fuck off nwonigger

best con artist thinks from every angle kid

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You got the memo now. This is ALL Solutrean First Nation's Clay. You are maybe Third or fourth nations
We can fight over it or be friends. Want to try de Colonizing us all?

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>in tune with nature

Lulz. Natives in canada are addicted to snowmobiles, ATV and pick-up trucks. Most live in slums like conditions. In tune with nature my ass.

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>And they were not first and in no way native or indigenous to North America

Who were then??

right, but theres the other portion that has all the interesting contracts and casinos, even natives within reserve and the system are like yo i wanna transfer to the casino reserve, kek, they get good cheques

I've colonized a few Chinese girls myself.
They are not all bad, I talk shit but know some good Chinese and some good Yupik. But there's way more shitty ones.

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The animals.
No human race ( Mongoloid Negroid Europoid) are native to the Americas.
never a Denosovian, Heidelbergensis or Rhodensian was ever found. humans did NOT evolve on the Americas. You know that, dont play stupid.

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There's decent people from all walks of life. Too bad only the loudest and dumbest are only heard and seen. Will never like the chinese though

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Friendly reminder that the solutrean meme is just that, a fake bullshit meme

What's up with your peculiar writing style? It was kind of easy to pick you out of the crowd. No need to answer though, carry on with your posting my good sir

so i guess no human is native to anywhere but africa then

i never thought an empowerment thread would get so much hate, damn people are lost

But you look around and see the "shareholders" getting nigger rich with nice boats, houses and money. It hurts you. You feel just as native and indigenous to this Earth but you struggle and scrape by. BBNC isnt helping you nor will they. You want to protect your family and afford enough supplies. But you cant even hunt the same animals or get enough "subsistence" because the rich shareholders get it all.
> Its okay the Solutrean tribe wont let you down.

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The Science and truth must drive you fucking nuts?
The Beringia meme was the one debunked. Sorry for destroying you obsolete belief system with facts and hard Science .

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Why dont the natives make an ethnostate in nunavut or yukon?
There's literally no one up there

because there is nothing there lol

Find a Denosovian or Heidelbergensis ever found in Africa. You cant. and cant prove hominoids started in Africa . That was just a theory too.

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Stay off the Yukon, it's full

WTF? Nunavut is a Chinese vassal province already. Full of Indians.

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Based chugs

Except all those huge native owned mines and soon LNG.

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they aren't having none of it lol

Thats how a Shaman writes. Just the facts and the truth.
I'm the Four Winds.

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>bro look at this shitty article edited to look a clickbait thumbnail its totally proof of my debunked hypothesis
Natives came across in multiple waves at various different points in time, retard
Genetic testing shows than any European genetic admixture and phenotypes in ancient natives come from the mixing of northeast asians with a wayward population of ancient west eurasians. some also fucked the ancestors of dravidians and australian abbos

Indians just caused 40 billion iin damages and losses then burned the CN roundhouse.
Nobody cares about empowering Antifa and the indians now.

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Yup. but the Solutreans were first. Thats why you need to call us the First Nations.
The younger dryas event killed all the mega fauna and most of our tribe.
yes the DNA didnt mix with the later neomongoloids that arrived from siberia.
Thanks for noticing now go fuck off.
ALL the oldest sites tools and humans are European.

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dis-empower any race and you'll get blood and misery back countless times over for generations

they may not be native to it, but who were the first then??

half breeds get the rope.

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