Political Compass path thread
PolCom Path thread
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actually pretty similar to mine
post your user
I hope I made it clear
Libertarianism is for selfish cowards. NatSoc is all there is. Race first nothing second.
Started doing drugs during this
user..you got this pic without the Xs and shit? Love the template.
Here you go
>not selfish
you have to older than 18 to post here retard
would you like a blank version user?
Were we go again.
Too lazy, but basically I was a liberty-inclined liberal up until 14, a serious leftist for about a year, was then disillusioned with the leftwing between 15 and 16 and started gradually moving to the right (met some nice righty bros in contrast to the lefties), when I was 17 the 2016 election was in in full swing and I solidly supported Trump and even dabbled in some Nazi-type stuff, but after the election I got disillusioned with that and was probably around the middle of the blue-purple line since I went back to my libertarian roots a bit, wavered between the two sectors for a while and recently realized I really have nothing in common with the authoritarian right and moderate libertarianism is all that makes any sense for me. I've never been a 'McNuke NAP taxation is slavery but real slavery is okay' kind of full-on AnCap but I will say that of all the fictional utopias on the political compass, the AnCap one appeals to me the most by far.
also at some point in there I had a few brief 'reconciliations' with left wing ideals so that covers #4
Thanks user. I love it.
too old, you must die now, it is your duty
You fucking nailed this. Nice job.
I'm annoyed at how poorly feudalism is factored into these things, how the fuck is near-slavery combined with hereditary rule a left wing system? Feudalism is based as fuck and I am offended at the notion.
post the original pic nigger op
Reposting this. Progression from 13-18 years old
You are making a strawman fallacy. I never said I like socialism. I like NatSoc. Huge difference. Socialism is marxism. NatSoc is Eugenicism. Two vastly different agendas. Maybe it should be called National Fascism but I'm not all about corporate control. I much prefer military control on top of corporations that serve the interest of the race. I don't much care about democracy or liberty anymore. Faggot concepts for weak minded fools who never see the Jew behind the curtain. The only freedom we can hope for in this life is freedom from Jewish infiltration.
Care to expand beyond meaningless buzzwords?
I bet you're one of these retards who thinks they're so cool for supporting authoritarianism (read: cucking themselves) that they put the carriage before the horse and support authoritarian rule before your cultural side takes over, which literally just results in your enemy having more power. Authoritarianism only makes the slightest bit of sense if your side is in power and you strongly believe they will not have that power usurped, and if you think that about the cultural right wing today then you are a retard.
You're above the line but you're JUST above the line, lurk moar and shut up, kiddo.
Without a gang you would get killed. Gangs imply organization. That implied heiarchy and voila you are back to government. AnCap is a pure fantasy. Even American pioneers has the government to back them up. Fuck...even pirates in the Caribbean were usually profiteers chartered by their monarchy to raid ships. Nobody is an island mate. NOBODY.
I don't trust others, I trust myself and my kalashnikov ;)
Yo did a great job in this one, but could you elaborate the cowboy part? Is it that you became an americanist manifest destiny citizen?
but yeah i get what you're saying lol and it's pretty reasonably but you're still being a retard by supporting the complete opposite view, the only views that make any sense to support as a white man are in the bottom quadrant and nearby
The lords provided protection by centralizing production. It was called Merchantilism. The king would dole out profit making businesses to his favored subjects and nobles. They served at his pleasure and paid taxes to him. It's a centralized system and inheriting your fathers titles is like joining a left wing party. You don't think Chinese communists are getting rich? Of course they are. Capitalism for them is a front. They have their own set of oligarchs just like Russia did.
Bottom left quadrant as a child botttom right as a preteen. Top right as a teen and now top as an adult but with age i dont really give a shit
Similar to mine but haven't reached upper rigth yet
Which ethos best defines you in this position? Hippie dove or cowboy hawk?
rate my progress
My views
Actually this is a pretty informed trajectory. Good work. Nobody gets why a King is the ultimate solution because they only understand monarchies from the past who didn't continue to issue their own currency that was not gold or silver. Those that did, prospered. But across border trade was difficult. Read the Lost Science of Money. It will help you understand why a King who loves his race and people and who kicks out the Jews and takes over the issue of currency is the ONLY way forward. Democracy has been killed by the Jews and their multiculturalism. We are now swamped with niggers and can maybe never be a whole people again because of the Jews and their control over the money system. Free pdf here
I've never heard it used as an actual term but I have to think it means having a rural, individualist mindset and simultaneously being more than willing to shoot anyone who wants to fuck with you and having a generally right wing cultural take on faggotry but also having a high level of respect for other individuals and not wanting in infringe on the personal decisions of others.
tldr: based
Libertarian Left is the worst, glad you didn't stop there.
thanks fren
Based, do you know Mad Monarchist?
IDK dude I am pretty strongly in the middle of all of those 4 squares. All of those terms are terms that people have used to describe me all my life.
All that slide up to the authoritarian right started, for me, with the rise of the SJWs, and it all began with what I thought were just some funny pro-conservative memes that would get a rise out of people. Then those people were like "IM GONNA FUCKIN FIND YOU AND FUCKIN KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FOR YOUR FUCKING WHITE PRIVILEGE, STARIGHT WHITE CIS MALE PIECE OF SHIT" and then yeah, boom, a while later I was a nazi. But then eventually I did realize that is really stupid, and you can't let retarded insane people dictate your views on morality and what is right and wrong, and you sure can't allow yourself to consent to enslavement to the either the state or private enterprise (which is aided and crutched by the state) because of those same stupid and retarded people.
Wrong. The actually libertarian left is way more based than anyone else in the 'not okay' range i listed here the issue is that most of them are really just authoritarian or at least indifferent to real matters of personal liberty and just obsessed with trannies or whatever.
Started as a classical liberal, moved towards wealth equality socialism and got first hand exposure to leftists who only wanted to fuck whitey at OWS, moved hard to the right, got exposure to draconian torture and punishment fetishists and (((conservatives))) moved back towards the left and towards more top-down command of a loosely collectivized society in Feudalism/National Socialism.
I'm still moving further left as I see how feckless and useless the right is. You faggots find a way to lose every time you accidentally get close to victory.
Test is bull, I have many extreme positions but political compass puts me in the centrist (moderate) category. It's like saying bipolar people are balanced.
Am I the only boring one here? Jesus.
>I bet you're one of these retards who thinks they're so cool for supporting authoritarianism
I don't think it...I know it.
>carriage before the horse
You make an excellent point here. I know what you are saying and I agree. We can't come out guns blazing. We have to win through voting and then bend the democracy to our will. Easy to do when we take the money issue away from the Jews and confiscate all their stolen property.
I don't think the right wing can do it. I honestly believe we have to come in from the far left wing and offer a shitton of socialism and then use social credit to push the niggers out of all white homelands. Jews first. But to do this the first order of business would be to seize the federal reserve and all the primary dealer banks "In the name of the people". Perhaps execute 10 or 20 thousand traitors, nationalize the MSM and go after all the Jewish capitalists. Then make are hard right swing. Trust me user...I got this. Afterwards you can run off to your cabin in the woods. I won't even tax you all that much. Maybe a 5% income tax or a national sales tax. Once you have the money issue its all good bruh. Just don't over issue. Don't be shitskin greedy.
Based indeed, that's the image i had of the ideal american when i watched Old West movies. A free-spirit adventurer bound to a strict moral code. What made you move out of it though.
I logically appreciate all the but my actual view deep down is a third kind of anarchist, what a friend once characterized as a "machine gun anarchist", if it was to have a color on the chart it would be dark black. It's going to sound like I'm shitposting but I think a lot of other people secretly want a non-communist, non-capitalist form of anarchism where chaos reigns and there is no sense of protected private property or community property. What you can keep is yours, there are no rights.
(note that this is distinct from the chart's "anarchist" because it is really just a lighter form of anarcho communism that doesn't have quite as explicit a view on community ownership, it is inherently a culturally left wing view)
well obviously i'd support you if it seemed like you were actually doing this but i highly, highly doubt it will ever happen
If you go to the 'far' west you can still feel it in the error. I was set to go to montana again next month but the coronavirus cancelled my trip.
not ERROR jesus christ how did i fuck that up
Literally most of the posts in this thread are clueless libertardian chucklefucks. Then again the political compass is designed to make more people fall into the libertarian camp than is actually true in real life and no one follows your autistic impractical ideals outside of the internet.
I'd take you out from a thousand yards with my sniper rifle while you were digging up your potatoes, then I'd rape your woman and put a collar and leash on her and take her back to my village as war booty. Then I'd send my slaves to harvest your food and take all your shit. OR....if you are lucky I will send someone to invite you to join us or perhaps allow you to pay a small tax for our protection. You have no hope alone. Don't be a fool.
Yeah IDK I'm not any of that. I just believe in freedom. I think people should generally go through life unmolested by others. Really into the NAP and stuff. Not really that into the govt protecting vast swaths of private property that are fully unmitigated though. Like corporate empires, or other private empires, or absentee properties. Stuff like that I'm kind of left-wing on, but then there are things I agree with the right-wing libertarians on too, cuz IDK I think the left-libs are kind of hypocritical sometimes. Like they say "oh yeah, we're anti-government!" but then they are against free speech, and support all of the increases in government as long as it's done by democrats, and march with the tankies in solidarity. So, you know, I'm just not really into any of that, plus left-wing anarchic philosophy will usually almost always result in forced collectivizations. I'm not that big into collectivism generally. I'm much more of an individualist.
Okay fuck you bootlicker
now that that's out of the way, you make a fair point, libertarianism is very much a minority view but the chart gives it a whole half of the compass
I know a few other psychos who can join me lol
I understand that as a libertarian your main issue is with Authoritarianism, but i dislike the Libertarain Left because they are the least honest and contradict themselves in every police (fight Capitalism by supporting it, muh "reserve army of labour" and at the same time supporting Mass-immigration, "people can do whatever they want" while preaching about what people can't do, etc)
I think you're sort of proving my point that most of them don't really fit into the libertarian left, but they are a poorly defined part of it. I think of them as basically an army of Joe Rogans who distrust authority while simultaneously holding a liberal-esque view about the collective being able to solve a lot of social problems, also they obviously really like drugs.
May the rest of America one day come back to its roots, also good luck on your next trip.
objectively the worst chart so far
That's a yikeroonie from me, fren.
thanks fren, im hoping to move there one day but ive gotten used to the idea that itll be a while, i hope brazil can figure itself out too
post yours then pussy
Said the lolbert boomer. If you are anything but third positionist in 2020 you have Down syndrome.
Yes i'm proving your point, but the difference in my opinion is that there can't exist a "true" Libertarian Left, it is an oxymoron by Nature.
Mine's all over the place
>also they obviously really like drugs.
Maybe this is the reason most of them lost all touch with reality.
wow, leftist brainlets can be fixed
Breakdown on Events:
Start: Raised by Conservative Family
2006 (12): Discovered the Internet, became rebellious
2009 (15): Discovered Yas Forums, became edgy
2012 (18): Trying to be a better person
2016 (22): First time I actually gave a shit about politics at all
you just clearly misunderstood the layout, this is my cheeky version and ill make a depiction of my journey i described here in a minute
Individualism is a fucking meme. Even pioneers traveled in groups. They helped each other. After the crash loners get capped the second they are found. White men need to join up. But the Jews got us so afraid to meet up we just ignore it when one of our brothers is gang beaten by pavement apes or one of our women is raped during a home invasion. For every one of ours...we should take out ten of theirs. That....is how you wage cultural warfare. You take the pain to the enemy in force and at many times the level. The Jews want you in your basement isolated. Did you know the Jews keep track of the Society for Creative Anachronism? That's the group that larps as knights and beat each other up. The FBI keeps them on a terrorist watch list just in case the white men get the smart idea of turning their hobby into a political movement. They can't have warriors marching down the street chanting a message of solidarity. The KIKE media would shit it's pants for a solid fucking year over it and thousand of articles would come out denouncing it, documentaries, movies....just a full spectrum of propaganda to maintain control over the cultural marxist criticism of white men to keep them in line. But once we break the spell and take back the power. The rat Jew will scamper away with his loot. Or try to kill us all...which is even better then we can kill them. They will be hiding behind their pedo army of Feds of course but we outnumber them a 100 to 1 and if we hit them hard and fast in a running guerrilla strategy living off the fat of the land in a 1 million man unit they could never stop us. We just take what we want as we need it. And kill everything that stands in the way. Even our military couldn't stop it. They are at best 2 million. Once they come at us...the whole world would know America is about to fall and they would sell bonds and dump dollars. Our entire economy would fold overnight and regime change would be imminent.
Based, idiots itt will seethe because you are violating their safe space
Did you ever believe in anything we say here? Which experience or reflection caused you to change so drastically?