/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2970

► Detected: 1,273,709 (+848) ► Died: 69,456 (+32) ► Day: 88 (-23:30:30)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.8x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,443 different strains have been sequenced —
— 62 vaccines and 298 treatments announced —


Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, admitted to hospital

REHVA experts unambigously mention airborne transmission

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

Ecuador hands out 2,000 cardboard emergency coffins

A tiger has tested positive for coronavirus

10% of Wuhan cases get reinfected after "recovery"

3 babies in Wuhan were born with COVID

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

48% of cases originate from pre-symptomatic transmission

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

China covering up "second wave" of infections

H1N1 estimates took confirmed deaths and multiplied by 15

Ecuador is dumping, burning bodies in the streets

Reports of "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico embarrass health secretary

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

01:29: 67 new cases in New Zealand
01:20: 47 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea
01:17: 253 new cases and 15 new deaths in Mexico
00:55: 103 new cases and 4 new deaths in Argentina
00:31: 110 new cases and 2 new deaths in Arkansas
00:28: 654 new cases and 27 new deaths in Brazil

► Previous: ► List 1: ► List 2: MORE: pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX

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Other urls found in this thread:


You did this, Yas Forums. I hope you're happy

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>mfw I bought some Corona beer last trip to the store

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Time for your daily /nightwalk/, Yas Forums.
Don't sit inside going stir crazy, go for a healthy walk in the darkness.

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PROOF that cannabis cures prevents coronavirus and LET ME TELL YOU WHY:

When you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it inhibits REM sleep and dreaming. Now when your body has entered this state, it triggers the immune system to release cytokines.
NOW, patients infected with coronavirus experience a cytokine storm, which damages organs via an over active immune system
So smoking marijuana every night before sleep, inhibits regular sleep patterns, blocking excessive cytokine production, leading to being able to fight off the virus.

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Why is no one talking about the tiger that got infected? It just jumped hosts

fucking kek death rate for south korea barley .1 percent for people under 50 all cvg fags on suicide watch
threadly reminder that death rate is between .2% and .4% for anyone under 60 and if your under 30 it’s basically .1% or less. once you factor in unreported recovered cases death rate plummets to .05% .

reminder that everyone in cvg are loser queer’s and faggot doom shills. they are hopeless r9k losers and not polacks. they have miserable live with no meaning so they hope that the virus will destroy everyone else’s life. they also feel special for posting on Yas Forums (any monkey can do that) and think they are “hip and ahead of the curve”.

in reality they are a bunch of brainless useless because nobody loves them.
also reminder that the cvg narrative now matches the msm narrative. so no need to really go on cvg just watch msm faggots.

cvg is cancer death rate is .2% kys.
these threads should be on bant your all a fucking little autistic social ccult at this point screeching at each other. OP had tons of garbage tabloid info just to catch people’s attention. mommy’s so proud that he runs cvg though i’m sure. op just screaming for mommy’s attention.

>look mom i accomplished something i fun cvg on Yas Forums arnt you proud
>waah he’s ruining our cringe larp please make him stop even tho the virus only kills if you were in world war 2 wahh

reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
also reminder that the argie op is some cringe faggot who s entire life and day revolves around posting these fucking threads and updating the Op with more hyperbole and unsubstantiated tabloid cringe. imagine for a second that it’s your entire life. that’s op kek

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Day 1: symptoms, Day 3: difficulty breathing, Day 5: hospitalization, day 8: respirator, day 14: death

I'm using this to calculate the real kill rate of the virus.
If you compare deaths against cases from 9 days earlier (day 5 hospitalization vs day 14 death) on the italian data, you get a kill rate of 19.7%.
(15.9k deaths / 80.6k cases)

I believe this is the most accurate way to measure an ongoing pandemic possible. But I would like non-chinese data.

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Corona-chan loves you, user! You love her back, don't you?

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death rate is fucking under .4% for anyone under 45 you dumb fucking nigger

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is Boris gunna be okay?

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Yeah but.....you're not getting REM sleep. Pot heads are sleep deprived zombies.

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finally! A pol-tard with a braincell.

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This looks oddly familiar

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>10 days with mild symptoms
>taken to hospital with a precaution
Not looking good for BoJo.

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Average time in a respirator is 20 days

Spanish cardiologist receive autopsy reports from Italy


Macroscopically, the lungs appear stained, with hyperemic / hemorrhagic areas alternating with pink areas. Histologically, some areas are severely emphysematous, with vastly dilated blood vessels (up to 20 times the norm) that often replace microthrombi.
In many cases, diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) is evident, with scaling of pneumocytes, formation of hyaline membranes, and fibrotic exudate (as in ARDS). It appears as a high-flow syndrome, with hepatomegaly, and dilated portal vessels with diffuse thrombosis. at all levels.
Even the heart seems enlarged, it always has a hydropericardium and a marked left ventricular hypertrophy (But hypertensive patients are almost always on anamnesis)
In one case, they observed a thrombus that almost completely obstructed the superior vena cava and the right atrium. They have often noticed the rise of the diaphragm, indicating that at one point the lungs no longer expand, associated with hepatomegaly.
While waiting to have data on CNS samples, Sessa requested a biopsy of the olfactory mucosa, COVID-19 classically gives anosmia and ageusia, could reach the brainstem trans-synaptically starting from the peripheral nerve endings of the olfactory or lingual nerve.
(thus as from the innervation of the lungs) In this scenario, part of the respiratory failure could be caused by direct damage of the virus in the nuclei of the brain stem (ambiguous nucleus, from the solitary tract).

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I've been wondering about if the immunosuppressive qualities of cannabis could have a good effect on this like HCQ has.

Predictions on changes in the top 10 rankings this week?

How's your supplies, /cvg/?

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everyone laugh at this nigger

>20% death rate

yeah if you are 95 years old top kek

for anyone under 45 the death rate is .4% or less based on all information from all nations for the past three months

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reminder to all red-blooded americans that you absolutely must exercise your right to PHYSICALLY REMOVE any and all threats to your life, especially those spreading biological agents

If im a dependant but receive social security does that mean im still eligible for some trumpbux

He dead.

I'm all out

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>flaming toilet plungers
legit kek'ed out loud here

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If South Korea is doing such a great job why can't they contain it yet? Contract tracing like mother fuckers but oh whats that? The asymptomatic spread makes it impossible to stop? Oh my gaaaawd

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>the virgin tiki torch vs the chad flaming toilet plunger


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>reminder not a single person in this thread will present any info to counter the abysmal low death rate
Does the flu also kill doctors in droves?
Why has China locked down 750 million people and damaged its economy?
Are you smarter than China?

I'll be giving this shit to local doctors.

kek look at this minuscule death rate for young people even in the hard hit spain

if you are under 50, only way you die from this is if you have aids or god hates you

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British schizo meets American schizo. Despite spamming the same messages in the same threads for a month, they never noticed each other.

Well it has been known for months that cats and dogs are carriers so tigers aren't surprising but it is noteworthy to me because tigers are kept separated from zoo guests for obvious reasons, and yet the tiger still got infected.

And zoos were closed in NY some 16 days ago.
Did a zookeeper contaminate the tigers' food with his coof hands and then feed it to them?

>muh exponential growth

supposedly we were supposed to have 500.000 dead now. Where is it? It barely moved since yesterday. Happeningfaggots absolutely BTFO


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i think i got drunk
weverythings gonna be ok right..?
my grandma did bad things but i love her
her job won't let her go...it's gonna be okayt right?

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normal fags should off themselves

>rand paul gets tested for corona
>wanders around the senate for a week
>shaking hands, going to lunch, hitting the gym
>test comes back positive
>all his colleges are exactly in the age range that has most to fear from this disease
>their response?
>business as usual, meeting in person, not giving a fuck
if the people in the age category most at risk for this disease don't seem to give a fuck, why should you?

Corona virus bought the dip

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>flaming toilet plungers

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How long with the Normies Lose their Normalcy Bias and Start Rioting and Accelerate Coronas Death Choke?

And 50-80% still die

If he's in the hospital then he's probably in a ventilator. Things arent looking good for him

At least Wuhan is back on its feet. That's a good sign.

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Truly the gift that keeps on giving.

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Wow! Smarter than the Chinese gov't! Smarter than the Mossad! Woohoo!

based user, destroyer of doomfag virgins
it's hilarious seeing these nignog virgin fags get angry at your posts, even when you post wrong shit

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Lack of REM =/= sleep deprivation

Weedheads just dont dream is all

nope at this rate 300k americans will be dead

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Those asses won’t wipe themselves.

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Yeah... alot of that is gonna be permanent. Emphysema is permanent.

I want to eat A&W.

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I stopped smoking for a bit cause my lungs were really starting to hurt


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Did skype shut down? I missed this.


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You do you, nothingburgers, I'll do me.
I am expecting 50 million deaths in the USA over the next 12 months in accordance with the information I have at my disposal.
You can expect whatever makes you sleep best. I couldn't care less. Cheers, CDC.

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Imagine you try to make patreon bucks with this crap.

kek lads i will say death rate for people under 45 right now in new york is a comedic .55%..thanks for some cvg cuck for doing this math.

after factoring in unreported recovery’s we can safely say the death rate in ny is under .4%

cvg fucking rekt again

even if it is .55% for people under 50 that’s still pretty fucking weak lads

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Boris go bye bye


2016 election year
same thing
same bots
different words

2nd wave NOW, fellow STALKER

the dude is almost certainly on a ventilator. I'm sure he was choking down coofs for all 10 of those days. Utter denial. This looks HORRIBLE to the public him going to the hospital. There was no other way this was going to happen unless it was a fucking emergency. This is on the same level of "Oh yeah and Trumps in the hospital with coronavirus"


If he needs a ventilator theres a really good chance he dies soon

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wtf the content in this timeline could not be conceived by a human mind

For me, it was only a matter of time. It will jump again. And again.

I euthanized my pets two months ago. Do you really need another potential vector or three in your living space?

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Good money right now if you're willing to risk it - travel contracts anyway.

my grandma and my family will b oeokay

West is fucked

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but he won
and so will coronachan

I hope not, if we can’t get eugenics out of this mess, what good is any of it.

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I'm sure the virus is terrified.

>based user, destroyer of doomfag virgins
Among them the US government.
Man, Trump's so stupid. Sweden on the other hand -- they're doing it right!

Soooo...Any HCQ-chans yet?

kek kek sorry lads i just can’t get over this tiny death rate. it’s so fucking small and unlikely that anyone dies from this under the age of 50.

i truly can’t get over it . it’s hilarious.
especially with all the garbage in OP i mean it seems really bad then you take a look at the actual stats and you realize how fucking weak the virus is and how unlikely it is to die holy shit

i just keep laughing to myself alone in my bedroom i really can’t stop
and all you cvg faggots keep posting about how scary it is hahahahaahahahahahahahahahah

fucking under .1 percent for people 30 and younger and under .2 percent for people fifty and younger ..but still these threads hjahahaha

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It'd only matter if you were old.