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No thank you, Antichrist
He will be the Democratic primary winner at the brokered convention. Gates vs Trump
More like microDICK! Right guys? Guys?
What are we gonna do when they start forcing us to take the mark of the nigger?
I'm going with suicide.
Not for religious reasons, since I'm not into abrahamic shit, but simply out of principle.
Can't say "no"? Fuck 'em then.
Siberia might be the best place to be. Suicide is for cucks. Running away or fighting back are our only options, and I'm for running away because we won't win a fight. Plus if it is end times stuff, Russia might be a great place to be. I know you don't believe it, but when the Virgin Mary appeared to the children in Fatima, one of the things she said was that Russia needs to be consecrated to her. She specifically named Russia. So as far as I can tell, Russia has some role to play in the end times.
The last image before you get the chip into your penis.
Literally made for big chinese cock
Schizo fuck
>Siberia might be the best place to be.
I live literally in the middle of Siberia. It's stuffed to the brim with muslim sandniggers. You don't have to believe me, but I'm the one living here.
It's as much of a lost cause as Sweden or Germany, if not worse.
Well, Bill, technically they're mamochips now.
I'm going to spend my life figuring out how to deep chip people and christ almighty god if they stop me I'll kill every single fucking spook that comes after me.
No LARP, no Japes, Fuck you glowies.
I meant in some kind of super remote location.
Wait how is that possible? You mean kasach and turkmenistan people right? Cant imagine any middle easterner living there. What is siberia like? Gebuinly curious
Yeah, well, I'm a neet fully dependent on parents. My only option is to begin starving in a couple months because I'm pretty sure they'll extend the lockdown since they're talking about going into a full emergency state.
Though maybe I won't have to get chipped since I practically don't exist, no one even knows I'm here, nor does anyone know about me. But my parents will get chipped, and when they die I'll have to off myself because I can't really do anything but shitpost, neither do I want to do anything.
I mean churkas from Caucasus and the like, they're 100% identical to their sandnigger brethren.
Siberia is gray and dull, with winters that begin practically at the end of September and last until about the end of March, though there are a couple months when it dips down to around -50C and below for a couple weeks.
Nothing but endless taiga and oil pipes. But I don't care, I don't even remember the last time I looked out of the window. This entire planet can burn for all I care.
This is the type of russia posts i enjoy. Dostoevsky-esque
It sounds like you're depressed, user. I'm sure that if you found something productive to do with your time it would ease some of the worst psychological symptoms. You write English like a native speaker, or better than some of the younger people in my country. That's a marketable skill. You might even find translation work that you can do from your computer.
By the way, what is your opinion on a website called Двaч?
have some pie
Oh fuck. I found it at the end of 2006, right before it died and was resurrected under a different domain. Was it .so or something? I don't remember. Stopped going there in 2011 and just lurked on 4chins and various other chans since then.
Apparently there was the original one that was .ru and the current one is .hk.
Do you have status on Tesak. Is he still in prison?
man if anyone is thinking about suicide, just please take as many of those bastards out with you on your way out before hand. thank you
I thought it was Microsoft
As I said, I found the original .ru one right before its death. It went through multiple domains since then, but I really couldn't care less. Not going back there.
Completely forgot about him, just googled it and wiki says that in 2018 he got sentenced for 10 years more just before getting out. So apparently he still is imprisoned. Though I never gave a shit, to be frank.
Mate I'm a fucking twig with severely broken ankles that only allow me to walk, I'm not even physically capable of running anymore. On top of that I'm literally retarded, as in ~60IQ retarded. There's abso-fucking-lutely nothing I can do, even if I wanted to.
convert to islam so you can drive a truck of peace
corona virus is software in the 5g emitters, isn't it?
Sorry, bill! Microchip is a registered trademark belonging to the Microchip corporation!
go vegan, fuck bill gates, fuck microchips
After you, supernerd
eating complex proteins in meat is what allowed us to evolve to the apex species you vegan retard. Bill gates would probably love for you to buy one of his god damn veggie burgers too retard
What good does killing a couple fuckos do? Even if I became someone like Griffith and godhood just fell on my head one day - I wouldn't know what to do with it. If I had the ability to erase this whole globe I likely wouldn't because I just don't care about it in the slightest.
I have no dreams nor hopes left. There is no place I want to be in. There's just fucking nothing I want, except for maybe a quick and painless death.
Lel the virgin Mary and the nation of Russia totally existed at the same time wtf? God I hate christfags
Rofschild Axe Me Anything...
>If even 3 out of 10 refused to comply, the checkpoints would come down! Systems of oppression require voluntary compliance! Remember that ratio...30% non compliance kills a voluntary system!
you would be immortalized if you took out some kiddy diddler politician/actor/whatever
Also this, that one's worthy of a chuckle.
My brain is full of fuck and I'm losing the grip on reality, and you're telling me about getting "immortalized" for some action?
What part of "I don't give a single shit about existence" do you not understand?
For all I know none of this is real. I'm not sure if my senses are true. I can't prove nor disprove any of it.
Pathetic, where is that drive. Where is that fucking fire. I want you to not believe in yourself but believe in the me that believes in you.
You have no hopes or dreams, piss off you still have them you just gave up pursuing them. Light that fire under your ass, take some LSD and we can end this whole,OH I AHM DEPRESSED BOOHOO shtick. I am sick and tired of it.
the Bible literally predicted this. simply try to get clues from there.
>take some LSD
Yeah? Ready to provide some?
Right, thought so.
Well that means there is some force that will be satisfied if you kill yourself.
Why not deny that force that torments you its biggest satisfaction, which is your suicide?
You're telling me about one of those immediate possibilities as if this is my first day being obsessed with the idea. Nigger I might as well be dead because I already tried to kill myself 6 years ago. Why do you think I'm all broken?
Oh and mind you I tried to kill myself whilst under 600ug of LSD.
This is akin to "just be urself bro". I could tell you to try and be mentally deficient, but you'd probably have to sniff paint/petrol/glue to get down to my level.
dumb nigger, Dostoevsky was actually red pilled and a genius orthodox Christians
Good analysis (start spewing facts at the 1:00 hour Mark) and analysis around 1:25 hour mark
Well, if only at least to deny this force in the universe that tortured you this far its biggest satisfaction, which is your suicide (mental torture is the persuation), you should live on. The worse you can get is pain.
Read up some Stoics. When you realize all unpleasantness unmasked is just pain, the view becomes different.
>everyone forgot about the Real ID act already
The deadline is october this year
Gotta be better than crosswalks and buses
these are the types of fuckheads pushing this shit. You think people with an IQ above 60 is going to believe this shit? Fucking moronic. Roosh is a fucking moron. All of the retards are christkikes as well shits fucking moronic. Just to let you know people have been talking about this shit for many many years. OH NO THEY ARE GONNA MICROCHIP INMATES NOW ITS GONNA BE US! Fuck off this is why whites will continue to lose ground. Fucking retard boomers and christian retards.
We already tracking devices in the form of cellphones,
why does it feel so good?
Potato chips?
Chocolate chips?
Sure but you can set your cell phone down. You can cancel your plan. You can get a flip phone or something to minimize your data footprint.
With the chip, there is no escape. They know where you are. Whether your phone is with your or a thousand miles away they can find you
I've reported your post to the FB
You're literally trying to get this decent, old man killed. He created software, vaccines, tablets, pandemic viruses, computer mice and so many more things. Be grateful to this great man.