crack nigger heads
Where’s another tarrant when you need them
urm she was killed by a women but k
She looks one of my nieces. Fuck this gay earth and fuck mudslimes.
a 30 year old somali immigrant woman.
you get what you fucking deserve. I hope your goddamned country burns you liberal piece of shit
Bump, I would have never knew this happened had it not been for Yas Forums. Our scumbag journos decided not make even a passing mention of it.
Back in school we were bombarded with propaganda and an interesting lesson was once about some nigger that got stabbed to death here and it was shilled so hard that it is still brought up to this day decades later, but this was brushed under the rug by the elites, police and journalists just like a thousand other horrific crimes.
This fucking shithole of a nation deserves to be nuked.
Why are they reporting on the ethnicity of the killer? If she's been granted citizenship in England, then she's English. Emily Bolton was killed by a 30 year old Englishwoman. Tragic, but no need to go stirring up ethnic hatred.
kill yourself
kys nigger
she's an african nigger.
english are white.
So long as Whites act like being called "racist" is worse than death then the so-called threat of "racism" will be worse than murdering all White people.
everything was great until socialism took shape
Fuck you, retard.
>there are many horrifieing details to this story that I feel sick
Nigger, where do you think you are? Share the full story or stop posting
This place is not good for my sanity
She was beheaded, and the Skinny kicked kicked the head down the cobbled streets, bending it like David al Bek’ham.
Please die screaming.
This is not an accident or an unintended consequence of the UK government's policies. This is 100% intentional.
Right now, the people who run the UK, as well as pro immigration shills like the Jews at the ADL are reading the story and are laughing hilariously at what they have done to the people of Britain.
Their response to this story will be to push for even more third world immigration into the west and even more forced diversity in white areas so that even more children are murdered.
Hey retards: the name is Emily Jones. Bolton is the name of the city in the UK. stop being stupid for five seconds
So is the British government going to make her parents appologize to the Somali Woman?
shut the fuck up, nigger-loving boomer. socialism isn't the problem here.
>This place is not good for my sanity
too many red pills?
That's a man
Thanks for reminding me to filter "name was". Death to propaganda spreaders.
And what do the police over there do? Engage in gay parades? Raid homes for butter knives? Knock on doors for some joke on Twitter? Fuckin hell Brits you used to subjugate the world
weak and low iq. you really thought you did something?
t. nigger
>in an mobile armored vehicle being assaulted by a monkey with a sharpened stick
>gets out of the vehicle
Wypipo deserve their genocide, honestly. The jews have it right.
Let's play cuck or nigger. Anyone else hazard a guess?
He’s probably crying right now.
why dont the families of these people carry out some fucking reprisals? Run a car through some niggers, burn down some fucking projects, etc. These niggers and arabs face no repercussion for their actions, 70 years ago theyd be getting shot up and burned out of their ghettos for doing this shit, just look at the Tulsa Race Riot.
>what do you get, when you cross third world subhuman hordes, with a society that embraces them and treats them as equals?
.. Part of Parcel...
also, you can't blame niggers because violence is part of their culture so if anything father should see jail for stressing out nigger to a point of murder!
Fuck off goat fucking mudslime faggot
Kike detected
Who gives a fuck? I don't.
Same story, different day: weak white male can't fucking protect his family. The end. I bet his father was crying and sobbing and quoting the Bible as his daughter got shivved.
white males either get good, or go extinct. That is the only thing you need to understand from this. White males have had a solid 60+ years to learn this lesson and haven't. They're to blame for failing to do what was necessary.
It all feels so fucking hopeless, we need a reset.
You sound like a beta cuck that thinks your a navy seal because you play call of duty
still sad, but youre right. whites need to nut the fuck up. any shitskins kill a friend or family member of mine and Im doing whatever it takes to avenge them.
roastie BTFO
you can see he smashed the window at 22 seconds
Tapping fingers.
>Yas Forumstards cry when we bomb and kill muslims
>Yas Forumstards cry when white girls are killed by muslims
>Yas Forumstards cry when we bomb and kill commies
why is Yas Forums like this?
>inb4 >Yas Forums is one person
He is trying to stir shit.
word !
All aboard the batshit train.
>Im doing whatever it takes to avenge them.
I cannot remember even one case where a white male father successfully avenged his dead children. Oh, they cry and act edgy in court and pretend they'll do something as they are held back by the police...But the truth is: they knew they would be held back by the police, meaning their edgy public behavior was nothing more than a LARP.
White male fathers are reprehensible, disgusting cowards.
Whites deserve everything they're getting because of their pathetic men. I have zero sympathy. None of this is new and white have had multiple decades to figure shit out. Everyone larping and whinging in this thread can get fucked by niggers for all I care.
Thats not a baby, thats a toddler.
The range of stupidity on here.
1000 of them for every 1 that they harm.
Things won't change until white men stand up.
I only pray that there are 1000 Tarrants in the West who pay back the crimes against whites this year
Oh arn't you a shit stain. Gamer ''get gud''.
Pol is like down town londinistan.
look at their image you fucking retard, they're being facetious.
They publish articles demonising and dehumanising white people like the child who was murdered. They literally think that little girl was evil and publish articles claiming that she was evil, because she had white skin.
The people who publish those sorts of articles, which includes the people who run the western countries, are promoting ass third world immigration and forced diversiry precisely because they know it will harm whites.
They even write articles salviating at the thought of living in a world with no more white people (a "browned over western world") and tell themselves what a utopia the world will be once all the white people are dead.
What happened to that little girl was not an accident. It was the result of deliberate government policies that were intentionally designed to harm people like her.
>ass third
mass third
Stop violence trolling.
>"...and we cannot comprehend why this has happened."
The people who publish those articles are,
A white whatever ists
B trolls
C commie subverts
D not from england
Now. Knowing the early possibilities lets ask a question. What, did you, do, about any of it?
You posted on pol.
All of that, your own gov and people. Done anything about it?
Nope. You did didly squat. You sat there switching you flag or proxy trying to umad white people hoping some of them go to prison.
Shit on ya cunt.
Somalis and Arab cunts are killing your own children britcucks wtf, you are the sons of Richard the lionheart. Imagine if he returned from the grave and saw the present state of his kingdom.