Forbidden Knowledge Thread

What sort of forbidden knowledge/theories have you come across that changed the way you see the world?

Anything about your country, your history, or your political system that you feel not enough people know about?

For me, I think its crazy how people don't know that Bin Laden was featured in an article years prior to 9/11 or the terror threat, and presented in an actual positive light as a sort of freedom fighter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know the location of Hitler tombstone, only few people in my country knew it

Learn to focus

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You are the universe experiencing itself.
At deal you will rejoin the singular consciousness that is God.

In my upbringing i watched a lot of bbc. So as a kid i would see the likes of arafat, ghadaffi, etc. And even as a child my parents would tell me who they were, what they did and if they were good. Im 25 now and my parents never peeped about these leaders, they can read arab and understand the history of the middle east. What baffles me is that no one knows who these leaders really were, how even in the open the political stage was played out into villifying them.

That doesn't mean anything. What program is this?

was he buried in argentina? where do people think he's buried

explain. i've heard ideas like this before but usually in small bits and vague statements like your post. What exactly do you mean, and what are the implications of it?

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>What sort of forbidden knowledge/theories have you come across that changed the way you see the world?

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I never hear anyone talk about how the US government knew the Japs were steaming towards Pearl Harbor, even sunk some of their midget subs the day before the attack, but said nothing.
Obvious in hindsight but rarely acknowledged.

Teach me please

>deletes chemtrails
>reduces 5G radiation
>releases negatively charged ions into air
>makes deserts rain
>easy as shit to make

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What is the Matrix

>I never hear anyone talk about how the US government knew the Japs were steaming towards Pearl Harbor, even sunk some of their midget subs the day before the attack, but said nothing.

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holy grail

Jews are puppets to the Jesuit Order. Elite bloodlines from Ancient Egypt and Babylon control the world via occult knowledge and networking with demons.

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Not really politics related, but it blew my mind to learn that the entire world's electricity grid is basically a gigantic antenna that's generating powerful radio waves at 50 and 60 Hz. I've read lots of books about EM and radio tech and even studied physics at university but nobody ever mentioned this until I looked it up myself. So in my opinion this very well qualifies as forbidden knowledge.

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My greatest fear is that everyone, all living things, be it on Earth or other planets are just a single life force experiencing itself simultaneously through every living thing, forever. That every single living being is in fact the same being, the universe itself as it were, separated only by the individual meat husks in which we separately manifest ourself. So every single time I've watched a video of some poor bastard getting his head chopped off, some chink getting sucked into an escalator, or some dumb nigger getting shot by the cops, that in reality they're all me, the victim, the killer, the witness. The only difference between each "life" being the starting character. The rest a shadow of the causes and effects that shape that particular meat husk's experience, all moving inevitably towards certain outcomes based on the starting location and the other manifestations (family/friends) attached to them. Then, after certain death, visions of loved ones, who are actually just me, either in a flash of memory from the recent past of a life once lived, or as a flicker in that one single life that is always in progress. A first kiss that was me kissing myself, a first child that was me birthing myself, a daily fap that was me fapping to myself, another thread on Yas Forums that was me replying to myself. Never escaping it, always dying in it, an endless prison.

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All religions share the same myth stories and are true in their own unique perspective.

Noah is Utnapishtim (Babylon) is Deukalion (Greece) is Nuah (China) is Ziusudra (Sumeria) is Coxcox (Aztecs) is Niwah (Hawaii) is Yoruba (Nigerians).

Time is an illusion. History is a fluid and can be accessed through astral travelling or ESP. That which is hidden shines brighter.

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That's bullshit. All the "negative ion" shit is homeopathic nonsense. Also if the government is actually spraying chemicals from planes this wouldn't protect you from that either. And for 5g you're best off setting up a faraday cage. T. Actual scientist tired of seeing this crap

2016 was the last slip up they will allow

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Does this make you lonely? Loneliness is a created concept.

where is it?

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It's not an endless prison, you escape eventually and go back home - in the Allness - where we all belong.

>Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds.
>When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All.

What do you mean? Me watching bbc as a kid was just a segway into me asking my parents info about these people. Now im finding it unbelievable how most people buy/bought into the 'that leader is a criminal!' meme so that some country, usually the us, can (((liberate))) their people from that leader. Just wanted to share that..

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Explain to me how the orgonite creates these vortexes in ice "scientist".

Would you like to know the cure to cancer by the way?

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Well, but every single cell of our body is a separated entity that survive thanks to a complex machinary that work to keep it alive beyond it's own understanding, the cell only know how to process the feed that reach to it and keep alive until the last cycle of it life, it will never really know what was beyond the human body and don't really need to know, so are we, probably forming part of something so big that is just irrelevant to think or trying even to concise in a idea, what it is like in reality the cosmos, we will never know.

Also the film Rambo being dedicated to 'the brave fighters of the Mujahedin'

>what it is like in reality the cosmos, we will never know.
You may never know in this expression of yourself. That being the role which you play in your current body. But you are not your body.

>they're all me
In abrahamic religion you and everyone else are a creation but you each have freedom of will and a unique spirit. However at the end of the road you return to god. Maybe you can interpret that as going back to 1, after all some abrahamic sects believe that jesus is god and god is jesus but he is inside all of us, so in fact one. You don't have uncommon thoughts user.

Ice is very easy to stress. Not impressive at all. This "orgonite" is literally just some metal surrounding a rock in some glue. You don't even specify what metal! You do realize different metals have vastly different properties right? Also cancer isn't one disease, more of a family of problems with the apototic pathway in cells. Might as well tell me the cure to disease too lol

>newage crystal magic bullshit
stop playing with faggy kiddie mysticism and embrace Christ. Christian magic is way more powerful.

how everything popular is a control mechanism and hardly anyone is original or thinks for themselves

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>Ice is very easy to stress. Not impressive at all.
Uh huh, so you have no explanation for it. Didn't read the rest of your post. You know nothing.

como la encuentro? esta aca cierto?

I am above the mockery of the common shill. It is standard protocol for me to reply to every shill with more truth.

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Osama Bin Laden

now switch two letters

Obama Sin Laden

Does this not accurately describe the fall of America

A Sin Laden country due to a president who pushed degeneracy?

ANYTHING encased in ice will cause similar stress fractures you moron. Also I made a small typo in my last post Apoptotic* before you try and discredit everything I say due to a typo lol

Yep, as explained by Maxwell's equations. You might enjoy reading this paper which goes analyzes some of the data

It is not encased in ice. You freeze the ice over or beneath it.

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He is here in Paraguay, fact.

>every shill

>everyone who disagrees with me is in a counter-conspiracy

yeah, this doesnt fit any textbook delusions or psychoses at all

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Wdf does that do?

Hi Osama

They're all damaging to humans.

Everything is made of frequencies. From the atom to the quark. All of it. You might also be surprised to find that everything has a consciousness to it. Though, you can't expect many people to engage you honestly on the topic. The fools muddy the pearls and the shills convince the fools they are pyrite.

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Please, tell me to take my meds

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>Literally just arguing semantics now
Hope you choke to death on one of your magic crystals you faggot

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You his grandson?

>Christian magic
This is hilarious on it's own, but you're mostly right. Invoke Jesus and evil people get uncomfortable, defensive, angry.

Thanks makes sense

It is a cloudbuster, it evaporates chemtrails and brings rain to areas that need it.

Orgonite works by creating pressure on quartz crystal via a resin, when the resin hardens it shrinks and 'shocks' the crystal, then called shocked quartz. The shocked quartz attracts aetheric energy (chi, prana, etc) and the metals repel it into the environment surrounding. The energy has a conscious effect on the surrounding. Humans find themselves in better moods, plants grow twice as large. It releases negatively charged ions which are extremely beneficial to health.

>and due to the fact that it is so easy to make, shills absolutely hate it and will attack ANYONE who talks about it

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No. You freeze it over or beneath it. Not in it.
>choke to death
You're telling me to choke to death for giving instructions on orgonite. You wouldn't happen to be an angry ayy would you?

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>Invoke Jesus and evil people get uncomfortable, defensive, angry.
I am a Christian. And if orgonite is "evil" or sorcery, than all of modern science is witchcraft.

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No people are constantly attacking you because unscientific, unprovable claims are dangerous when retards like you believe in them. Also I really doubt anyone here is a shill. The actual shills on this site are busy making "built for BBC" threads. Also if I don't respond to one of your posts, don't take it as tacit acknowledgement of what you're saying but rather not even worth the effort to respond to.

the English word 'Gospel' is a contraction of 'good spell'
and the Greek word translated to gospel
>εὐαγγέλιον, euaggelion
>a reward for good tidings
good tidings = good workings
working = magick

The same concepts apply in Christianity as being an adept. Certain rites at precise times and following certain rules will allow one to attain what one wills.

>unscientific, unprovable claims
Can easily witness the results yourself. It's simple to make.

Return to reddit, kindly.

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oh you mean like when ghadaffi tried to institute a gold based dinar for oil sales and the US came in and fucking murdered him

the "enemy" already knows what we all know. not a demoralizing fact, but rather a call to inspire people to share what they know so as many people as possible can learn as well. But i do understand your caution, I think it's clear Yas Forums has been compromised by shills for a while but that shouldn't make people scared to share knowledge. Are there any other platforms that are more "secure" where you can share loads of info to loads of people anonymously?

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No just annoyed at you since your paeduoreligious mumbo jumbo might actually deceive more retards. Tbh I shouldn't even bother, if more of you die due to beliefs in magic crystals, that's just Darwinism in action. As for the semantics, it does not make a difference when freezing a liquid if the contaminant, in this case your rock, surrounds it on all sides or merely the top or bottom. Try freezing a regular rock in water too if you want to be scientific about things.

BS. This confirms all Argentines are faggots and deserved to lose the falk islands

Im fairly certain no version of the bible has refered to orgonite and your images elude to spiritual effects. Why are you calling yourself christian if you believe in this?

Science is merely the study of surroundings to confirm theories about everything that was gifted to you, around you.

It's only forbidden because 98% of people refuse to look into it, for even 5 minutes.


damn im jelly


Yea Hitler lead the Germans in life and leads us all from the grave.

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Great for plants.

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Precisely. He had major plans to help all of africa, he was a good man but he and his dad made some mistakes and they killed his reputation with it.

i think people are just too lazy to do their own research, they prefer to be spoon-fed everything they "need" to know, which is taken advantage of to spread false narratives that make it "unacceptable" to do further research.

And you should try your ice experiments with a control to learn that your only proof that this magic crystals works is in fact a common property of all substances when frozen in ice