Your opinion on the worst president in US history?

Your opinion on the worst president in US history?

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Vote Trump in November!

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not so fast

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Their worst president was that bearded cunt that released the nigger slaves

Zionist traitor

still better than hillary

Carter wasn’t that bad he just got fucked by events he couldn’t stop and RNG. There are objectively worse presidents then peanut boy, hell John Adams made it illegal to criticize the go or net.

>Your opinion on the worst president in US history?
Fuck Carter.
You forgot to add "pic unrelated" to your post btw.

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I like Trump

The south will rise again

also tried twice to rescue iran hostages and failed both times.

pretty cool guy

doesn't afraid of anything

Leave Clinton out of this, the thread is about Trump

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Which president in the last 30 years wasnt?

Remember when there was a president that was so bad, rather than just complain, half the states straight out left the country? Then he declared war on those people and killed hundreds of thousands and citizens and former citizens. People who would rather fight and die than have him as a president?

Then we put him on the penny

Honestly Operation Eagle Claw is just everything going to shit at complete random. It kind of makes me feel sorry for the poor bastard.

If he can't eat it, fuck it, or insult it, he has no idea what to do. He's an old man who is totally spent. Just get him some meatloaf, some hookers, and charge up the golf cart for tomorrow's round.

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Best fucking president ever.

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FDR is still dead, and it feels good.

Wrong pic OP.

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This is what I was going to say, should have sent them back.

The real answer is Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama. These 4 represent 28 years of uniparty collusion that accompanied the New World Order and Uniparty media collusion to maintain the illusion of choice in a world that returned 80 percent of western civilization to poverty and de facto slavery. Maybe its a cult, maybe its a religion. Don't know. But since these four are essentially one presidency its this one. Reagan was supposed to be the last surprise. Trump is only dangerous to them. Now we have a Chinese bioweapon rampaging the earth. Guess we know who paid for ut.

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>what’s your opinion
Hello, NPC

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You hadn't had a legitimate potus since JFK

That’s not a picture of Obama.

Why did you put Trump's pic in place of obama's? You know, the guy who fucked up the economy, put a fucking rainbow flag on the whitehouse, illegally ordered spying on a presidential candidate, and ordered HUD to target "white" areas with somali immigrants?

The company he keeps. *cough*

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please list the reasons to justify why he is the worst.

You're really picking and choosing what to remember. Must be hard putting your allegiance towards a meme. The whole world thinks you and your king are a fucking joke.

same as Killary, your point?

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Most constant negative coverage maybe. Having near 50% approval with 90% negative coverage is pretty amazing.

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what do you remember?

why am i the first person to mention andrew johnson lol

Trump and Clinton(s) are equally corrupt. Trump is just stupider. So that's the tie-breaker.

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>picking and choosing what to remember
Any of the things he listed are pretty fucking concerning behavior by an elected officials

zionist piece of shit

That doesn’t look like FDR

Obama wasn't even that good of a speaker.

JFK was a huge faggot, the mass anti-white immigration that we have now is what he spent his entire public career pushing for

Low IQ

Wilson was a nigger lover and a globalist faggot.

Oh you mean the best president? Yeah I’m in

>nigger lover

Nah the NQ was about the only thing he was good on

>immigration is "anti-white"
imagine unironically believing this


>Trump and Clinton(s) are equally corrupt. Trump is just stupider.
>if you beat someone in a competition, the loser is smarter than you
>meme flag
How does the bat soup taste, Chen Li?

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You're occupied by zionist jews

Sometimes a Zionist sometimes a fluffer for Arab dick. But always confused, pointless and ineffective. The trick to liking Trump is into interpret him as an insult comedian. As an actually leader he's a pot of wet shit.

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Anti-white immigration as in mass non-white immigration that significantly lowers the white percentage of the population. JFK wrote a book specifically denigrating Northern European immigration and criticizing the US’s historic preference for it, calling it evil and anti-Semitic.

I know it’s trendy now among libtards to say “worst ever” but you fucking idiots need to study US history. I didn’t even vote for Trump & can think of at least five Presidents far worse than him (Buchanan, Harding, Hoover Carter and LBJ).

>Your opinion on the worst president in US history?
Fortunately, he has chosen to kill many Muricans with his virus. I think it was a deliberately strategy to sow chaos so he has a greater chance of being reelected. A million dead Muricans is a small sacrifice to become president for another four years. Thoughts?

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>JFK was a huge faggot, the mass anti-white immigration that we have now is what he spent his entire public career pushing for
Pic related

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I don’t think you can really blame Wilson for willing to trade anything for the promise of peace after the cluster fuck that was WWI. If the League of Nations and 14 points had actually been effectively adopted and used things may have gone better.

Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Carter. Dealer's choice.

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Damn he look bad

That's not Wilson or FDR


Here’s JFK’s speech to the ADL (well, one of them) entitled “We Are a Nation of Immigrants. One of JFK’s favorite thing was to take phrases and tropes from the war for independence and other key episodes of American identity and apply them to Israel.

>worst potus in history

But does eh kill aleins?

>Yas Forums will defend this

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Or Lincoln, for that matter. The big 3. All dead, in Hell, getting fucked by Satan.

probably the best president in American History.

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I see I touched your sore spot.

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>mention JFK
>(((glowies))) come out of the woodwork
Okay, this is epic

>“Israel was not created in order to disappear- Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and the home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.”- John F. Kennedy

Notice how JFK takes the phrase “home of the brave” from the American national anthem, and ties it in the minds if people to Zionism. He did this constantly with all sorts of key words and phrases from American history.

I disagree, my friend. Hillary Clinton would have been a better president. She'd be tough of Russia and Syria, not to mention she'd have handled the covid-19 situation better.
By the way, I'm a huge supporter of Israel!

Oh look another drone spewing what msm told him

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*passes the Federal Reserve Act in your path*

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>putting an unelected Jew with ties to Bibi in a position of power is totally OK in my book amirite migapedes?

>Kushner & co grifting the govt? that'll make the libs sooo mad amirite t_d?

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He was the best president in ALL of US history
Potato nigger too and it makes you wasp supremacists seeeth. That's why you team up with jews to destroy catholic communities.

White people are golems

Oh look, a paid Russian shit-poster.

America is fun of unelected officials in positions that are far too powerful. Kushner is just the most publicly visible one.

Repubs tanked the mission. Reagan's crew was making back room deals with the real Iranian government

He did it as a gift to Ivanka, and she's daddy's little girl.

>I see I touched your sore spot
Yes you did. I can’t believe you thought you could get away with spewing butt hurt leftists propaganda and not get called on it.