Gay people are disgusting.
Gay people are disgusting
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wrong. wrong
I agree.
Very rude.
What a joke, what the fuck do these people mean by "Equality". Pretty much no one has cared about gays for decades at this point. Its literally just sex preference, perhaps with a bit of degeneration and childhood trauma. They can be gay and life their lives the same as anyone else.
What a farce. That said people are animals, and are disgusting in general. Some gay people are probably a lot less disgusting then you desu. So either way i'm starting to think that maybe i'm posting in a slide thread.
YES. But just let them live in their own little world.
This never works
We literally inhabit the same space, soon they'll be teaching your children and sucking your son's dicks
OP is right. If you've fapped to any porn that's gay, bi or tranny/trap/femboy you should be shot. Cartoons count as well. You don't belong in my ethnostate.
Gay sex is not love, gay people are not capable of love. They simply bind to their favorite sex object for a time and then move on when they're bored.
Really tho
There isn't an oven hot enough for these fucking worms.
Based and all, but, You forgot something
>Sodomites aren't people
No it won't get that bad. Too many immigrants. from war torn countries beholding conservative beliefs. Gays are having their happy hour, it's a faze.
Yes they are. Conservatives are disgusting.
Gays should be shot on sight.
So it's one of these threads huh
Retarded leaf, this is why your country is run by a feminized man
Cool fisting pic bro
Lmao this is so retarded.
We have strayed so far from the light that now Catholicism looks sane compared to this.
Prove me wrong. Just home school if you're that paranoid.
except most of the people in the picture aren't gay, they're just cookie cutter "progressive" chai latte drinking urban liberal women who might have drunkenly kissed a friend while in college. Which in their minds makes them "kinda queer" even though all they ever fuck are straight guys.
The whole world is slowly getting tired of this bullshit, and it'll wake up soon and push these faggots back into their closet mark my words.
Imagine how easy it would be to mow them down at some fag parade; in Minecraft of course.
Nah those gay parades are full of horny men, horny for the anus of other men, watch Jesse Lee Peterson and wake up.
Most of the population is against it. Wynne tried to pass it and got canned.
There goes 80% of the people on this site.
delete this shit
They know it's wrong, they're insecure about it, so they need to fish out reinforcement from sheeple.
The world is only tired of extreme transgenders. Gay men are at an all time high in approval lol
Singing to the choir, why not post this on a place that matters?
Here's your (you)
Hey man that's all you, I'm far more satisfied by beating them politically and using the strong arm of the government to rid our society of this degeneracy. If you want to go Dylan Roof you're fucked.
If you're talking Fulsom Street parade in San Francisco then sure, but look at your pic, bunch of signaling urban lefty cunts and two black dudes hoping for some of them dumb enough to practice what they preach.
Not opening that link. I was hoping you'd put some effort in for yourself.
You're preaching to the choir.
>There goes 80% of the people on this site.
>80% of these people here are gay faggot trannie lovers
No. More like 5%.
Honestly if that ever happnes I'll fund a anti-fag daycare
Is gayness correlated with how narcissistic and inconsiderate someone is? I've noticed the same with trans people, i.e. the more gay/women like a person is the more childlike and bitchy they become.
Sorry I didn't read your post well, I think you're right, but it will still thrive in pockets, liberal strongholds like California
Imagine it dipping in the shitty toilet water
Not my pic, OPs. I just agree. Look at the gay pride parades in Berlin, Miami, New York, etc.
That happened to my cousin, & his son is ultra sodomite bottom. My cousin deserves it tho because he's a douche bag.
I would ask you why this is on your computer, but you are a libshit.
Conservawhores will hang on to their whoredom apparatuses (sex clubs/cults/rings/ groups, sex trafficking, porn industry, prostitution, escorting, and plain old promiscuity) at any costs. Projecting onto the left or anyone else the whole way.
Gay SEX is disgusting.
Gay people are people.
Figure it out.
Says the gay faggot.
He probably did something during development that lead to his kid growing up wanting dick
>Comparing neocons to cons
Okay buddy, you realize all of them fuck children right
Sodomites spread disease & mental illness that's why they need to be contained.
Perverted definition of the word. Correct term is "sodomites"
Gay people shouldn't have gay sex
Projection doesn't work on me.
Whatever dude
Faggots are pieces of shit
He was a shit absentee dad that drank a lot + weed every day & chicago public school I believe.
Keep seething heteros
Enjoy your roasties
Don't ever apologize again.
#iwantwhoredom #andiwantitnow
That'll do it to ya
No, cured, pic related.
Please, don't be a furry.
I try my best to stay off this website and it shows
>Lmao this is so retarded.
Gayfag here, it's really true for a lot of gay men. So many are in open relationships, just lying to themselves that they're happy with open sex but really have a lot of emotional problems and can't commit.
This is gold
There we go. I think the solution, if gay men or women seek it, is the same as the solution men should employ if they're always lusting after women, what do you think? Being horny all the time is no way to lead a life.