The absolute state of women

>be me, 5'6 manlet
>see someone on here say they get girls by using platform boots and decreasing the height by an inch a month
>purchase 7 inch platform boots
>go on tinder, put my height as 6'1 and boast to girls about my height and how i hate short guys
>meet up with girl
>she laughs at my platform boots and tells me to fuck off
>1 year later tried this with multiple women and still failed, i took advice from the original thread and still failed
its been one year since the original thread i made and i still have not gotten anywhere. why are women like this pol

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>7 inch platform boots
pics or fake and gay


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Because you're wearing fucking platform boots. I'm 5'9 and I get women just by being an asshole.


you are either taller than you think or you are lying, i hate my life

>she laughs at my [7 inch] platform boots
Well you probably looked like a circus clown on stilts.

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>7 inches

Jesus, you'd have some weird proportions with those. Did you wear long pants or something?

I'm 6'0" and wear 2 inch lifts in my shoes to give me an edge. Definitely notice a difference in attention and respect from both men and women. It's an open secret that I wear them, but nobody cares since I'm already moderately tall.

>Be 6'3
>Tell women to fuck off


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Fucking crying! My sides! Never change leafs! Never change !!!!!! Kekekekekekekekekek!!

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>Not using a tall hat
What a big dimmaretard.

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>7 inch lifts
Bruh. Wtf
Just get some timberlands

A lot of men exaggerate their height, to the point where women typically overestimate men's height. A "real" 5'9 probably isn't so bad, "5'9" who's 5'6 is a different story.

go back to pleddit

I'm actually a little surprised this didn't work out for you. It's so retarded and goofy it might be intriguing. But you were probably way too serious about it.

I wore cargo shorts

What an absolutely mutt post.


Kek Beaner bro, this bread is blessed! My sides!

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>thinking height matters
Top fucking kek can’t believe you fell for this what other 4chans meme do you think are real irl?

they cost me nearly 2000 dollars so i thought that they would not only impress girls but help with my height, pic related is what i have also i posted a pic of them already

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Its not even bait at this point 10/10 larp leaf! Your alright, no take for you.

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I'm 5'10" but when people ask I say I'm 5'9"
I also spent college telling people I have a tiny cock because I think it's hilarious

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>why are women like this pol

Why are YOU insecure about your height?
Why do YOU lie to women?
Why do YOU hide who you are?

Its a normal reaction. You're a lying psycho

>they cost me nearly 2000 dollars
Well, yeah? And you bought them. Why would they have to work?

I was 100% convinced it was 10/10 bait too but now I'm not sure. I guess that's what makes true 10/10 bait...when you're not even sure it's bait.

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>7 inch platform boots

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its not bait, i spent money and time and i listened to people on fit and pol and it got me no where, fuck you user

because women hate short men and i cant change my height, so this was the next best thing. If I changed my height gradually they wouldn't notice

Why would you want to be with someone who laughs at you for your height anyways coomer?

Short women will put up with you if you stop lying. Nobody likes a liar.

I told people I have a small cock too at parties and stuff. Couple girls said they didn't believe me or said no you don't. Felt pretty good even though I have no idea what qualities they think determines penis size. As if your look or actions say anything about the size of a body part.

As someone who is 6'1" and is considered attractive just because I'm skinny and tall I feel you man. Just be yourself, trying to trick someone is not a strong way to start a relationship. What you should be doing is working out, reading, listening to music, and cultivating a hobby(s). Build it and they will come. Just be yourself dude.

>If I changed my height gradually they wouldn't notice

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half of them where fatter than they looked in their picture, plus if i said i was my real height they wouldnt give me a chance

seems like you could have just saved the 2 grand and committed to getting some of that sweet bone snapping surgery.

thanks user, i tried working out but i couldnt afford the gym membership because i spent 2000 on the boots but i'm thinking about signing up again

O I am laffin

I remember your thread OP, I'm sure the user who made the just buy platform boots suggestion is fucking lmaoing at your entire existence.
This is why you don't take advice from this board

but the boots were expensive so i thought even if they figured it out i'd have a chance because theyd think im rich

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33 year old 5'7'' dude here, this is actually true. I also have a 9 inch wang.

>oh wow, that’s some good pasta, very good b8
>what the fuck is that?
>no way...
>cargo shorts on a date with platform shoes
this is going above and beyond the call of autism
somebody give this man a medal for his troubles

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i made this thread as well a year ago after i saw the guys thread and its been a fucking year and it hasnt worked at all, i hate my life

>I wore cargo shorts
Look at this dude... oh no nono HAHAHAHA

You don't need a gym to work out. There are plenty of calisthenics/body weight exercises that you can do. Most major cities have places for you to do body weight exercises in public parks. Furthermore you shouldn't even step foot into a gym before being able to do 20 push ups 10 pull ups, 40 sit ups, 20 body weight squats, and run 2 miles comfortably.

>blaming women for being an insecure retard
the only thing women hate more than short men are insecure short men. I'm the same height as you and I'm still able to get laid when I want. All I do is just be friendly talkative and as honest as possible, if she already agreed to meet you, then its almost guaranteed she's willing to sleep with you. I've had dates that I thought went horribly but still ended with her giving me a blowjob.
>Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them?

well, no shit. women are hypocrites and have deluded self perception.

Height doesn't matter fag. Confidence and less autism goes a long way. Find a Spanish chick they are goblinas.

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>Why do women so this.

Because you are a genetic failure user. The only way you will breed is if you can find a girl that is like 4'0", and even then your kids will be manlets and the cycle starts all over again. Best to just kill yourself.

i'm 173 lbs so working out isn't really my strong point, I can do 10 push ups easy so if I keep at it I think I will be good but after this whole experience I want to give up on dating and women, if everything I went through wasn't enough then this won't be probably

>lying to women

Never gonna make bro’s

>I'm 6'0" and wear 2 inch lifts in my shoes to give me an edge.
If you're 6 feet tall and wear lifts then height isn't your problem, faggot.

Look bro, modern women are fucking trash. Don't use them to validate yourself or your existence. Do what makes you happy and ignore the social norms people try to force on you.
Stop putting your value in some whores hands and start doing things you enjoy.
I'm about to be thirty fucking two and I literally do not give a god damn shit about modern women.
Your first mistake was giving a shit about women at all, the times of we can all find a woman died with the fucking internet dude, whores are self absorbed cunt backs until they hit the wall in their 40s then they give a shit about having a family.

There's not a lot of people from Spain here

Height matters, but not to the extent these autistic people think. I would say you are absolutely correct, having a decent body shape, not being a socially inept retard, and having your shit together goes way further. I'm a total fucking schizo who drinks with homeless people on my days off and still get pussy once in a while.

this entire thread has been fantastic b8. nice work op, I wont even sage


Maybe if you weren't short shaming manlets karma wouldn't of bitten you in the ass cunt, and this is coming from a naturally 6"2.

I don't hate on brotha's born with a height disadvantage but I'll make this an exception, get genetically fucked you tiny manlet bitch.

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Dude, how do you even manage to walk being a manlet using this?

5’8 here

I’ve had several women tell me I was a “good” 5’8

I guess lots of people lie

>173 lbs
>10 pushups
Geeeeeeez user, getting to second base is the least of your problems here

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thank you user, this means a lot

Did you honestly buy those boots and wear them on a date? That is your problem user. Figure out who you are grow up then date.

its not fucking bait i posted my boots and pics of the boots from the website idk what else you want me to do

Robert Denerio?

>10 pushups

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I have boots that have a little over an inch of sole and have had similar experiences (Im about your height)

Anything over 2 inches is going to look wierd af though

We want you to tell us more because this is fucking hilarious.
Your height isn't nearly as a big a problem as your crippling insecurities.

if you're funny then it doesn't matter. just be goofy. don't take yourself or her seriously.

who tf ever takes a woman seriously anyhow lmao

SIN is always what MANlets are told to learn after being gaslight about in your face dysgenic satanism, because satanism is wildly preferred to Manlets.

>be me, 5'6 manlet
>boast to girls about my height and how i hate short guys
The only pussy you're going to be getting is from a fat black whore named Karma, and she's a real bitch.

it didn’t work because it’s absurd and dumb - you fell for the gomad meme and are having liquid shits
stilts? are you twelve?
the reason you don’t have a relationship is because you are BEYOND insecure, and people can smell character defects of that magnitude from a mile away (if they’re normal, functional people)
embrace your lot and seek to improve yourself, or persist in being the dumbass manlet that is frustrated with his circumstance
if you are genuinely mentally handicapped I am sorry, but fucking WEW LAD you bought a mighty fine bridge this time around

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what do you mean?

Checked joto

The tall dudes ITT really are not bullshitting, short dudes. I'm 5'7'' got women hittin on me and I got like a average body with stretch marks cause I used to be a fat ass. Women can sense when men are weak, insecurity is weakness, stop doing that fucking shit and women will respond to you like bees on honey.

Lol dude there's no way this guy has a sense of humor

Are you just pretending to be retarded op?

its not hilarious, im still a virgin and im 30, i spent 2000 fucking dollars on the boots and had to max out my credit card for them and it didnt fucking work, i am in relatively good shape my only other thing is maybe im bald but other than that i am good i have an apartment a car and so on. I have tried everything and i give up

user, you could try something like pic related.

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i'm not i'm asking a serious fucking question