Coronavirus patient's last words

"Who's going to pay for it?"

healthcare is a RIGHT. nobody should be worried about hospital bills as their dying on a respirator. this makes me sick...

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Does this violate HIPAA?

He didnt gave out any identifying information

Stupid leftoid, how can you call anything a "right" when there is literally not enough beds to go around? Ha ha.

No identifying information given so no

If healthcare was a right, the government would literally put soldiers into hospitals and force doctors to work themselves to death, literally.

Universal healthcare IS slavery.

>"Who's going to pay for it?"
Wanna know how I know it was a nigger?

That guy is 100% an annoying faggot
>t. CRNA

Some of my mother's last words were accusing the government of killing her.

Even if it had been free he would still be dead.

why would any healthcare practitioner be in favor of "universal healthcare", especially when healthcare conscription is literally looming over them while the economy shits itself?

me and my wife and my wife's boyfriend are utterly shocked
this is why capitalism has to stop!

I support universal healthcare for all white, conservative citizens of the United States. Nat Soc for life.

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This Doctor is not saddened enough to provide his work pro bono.

He was actually just calling for revenge against china. Fuck china and fuck their chink-virus.

>vote blue people
but the left banned the only drug that can treat this shit

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>healthcare is a RIGHT.

then i can steal from you and extract labor from you are gunpoint


>gib internet points

based German

>let me just take a selfie

1 post by this ID
Doesn't care what you say
Dumbfucks still respond to bot posts__________________
there are 20 threads just like this. Nobody reads your stupid comments.
I'd ask why you still post, but I don't care. I already hid this stupid thread after seasoning it with PARSLEY

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No one is going to provide healthcare if they aren't paid a fuck ton of money, so now what?

Well tell doctors (not nusres) to stop charging so much, they can go without there 4th mansion

False. Healthcare requires time from another person's life. In only one section of the constitution do you have a right to someone else's time and that is the right to a trial by a jury of your peers.

Probably true


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>be democratic congressman/rep
>tell people coronavirus is a nothingburger, hug a chinaman, go to block parties etc..
>get your constituents killed
>vote blue
you people could crack the earth open with your stupidity.

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>healthcare is a RIGHT.
Sounds about right to me, jews shouldn't be profiting off illness at all.

If he’s dumb enough to include his workplace in kikebook, then it can be justified as HIPAA violation

2 year program?
I thought insurance companies were keeping you away from patients

Glad he had time to go on facebook and use that poor soul's death to attention whore his political beliefs

Well, whos going to pay for it??

what a drama queen. just do your fucking job, not begging for social media brownie points

Then the hospital staff all stood up and clapped and so did the ventilated patients. Then they asked what the fuck was on his face.

Maybe the guy meant to ask which nation will pay for the chink flu

If most people don't survive being put on a ventilator, then why the fuck are all the governors trying to get them? Doesn't make sense. Are you telling me that's a death sentence?

I gotta be honest with you retards...
Coronavirus doesn't matter.
Healthcare doesn't matter.
Taxes don't matter.
Space force doesn't matter.
Coal doesn't matter.

Your anti-white shit has poisoned the well with millions of whites already. I've heard multiple Democrats justify and argue for random violent attacks on random white people many times. Only retarded whites that want to die vote blue. If you think this is crazy talk, just wait until you're the one that gets beaten by a mob while walking your dog.

Former liberal.


Die faggot Die

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Just like mail and public school and roads and traffic lights and public transportation and fire departments and the police and libraries and ...

Libertarianism is a mental disorder

>Most patients do not survive intubation

>but we need more ventilators

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That's a disturbing photo... Looks real.

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I’m pro health care I just have no interest in paying for health care for third world pieces of shit who can’t take care of themselves

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It’ll help kill off more anyway. The age-range getting hooked up are pulling off the system anyway with Medicaid

"Look At MEEEE!"

If I don't have the right to decide what you should/shouldn't eat, how often you exercise, what sports you can play, and whether alcohol/tobacco and recreational drugs can be a part of your life, you don't get to make me pay for your physical fuckups.

the corona virus basically killed any argument the right has been parroting against universal health care.

Agreed. And we're still not voting blue because Democrats hate whites and wish violence on us.

Fucking die you stupid cunt.
Take your fucking head out of your fucking ass and stick a pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
People like your are not worth the fucking air that you breathe.

Fucking die you stupid cunt.
Take your fucking head out of your fucking ass and stick a pistol in your mouth and pull the trigger.
People like your are not worth the fucking air that you breathe.

Did you set out to make my point when you hit CTRL+V or was it the unconscious unraveling of a low IQ?

You're not entitled to another man's work, so no,

He wasn't talking about medical bills
We know who will pay

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>doctor makes 450k a year
>posts about someone not being able to pay on social media

>vote blue people

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>vote blue people
Way to make it political, you cunt.


It's all Dems know. They think in tribes, not in issues.


We should just make hospitals into non profit organizations. Make it illegal to profit off of healthcare. No one needs to be taxed for the shit and no one needs to be exploited for it. Drive down the inflated cost of healthcare and take away the incentive to overcharge. If I recall correctly this is how things used to be before we allowed hospitals to work as businesses.

Fuck you CCP CHINC!!!

Then everyone clapped...


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