I want my happening, dammit!!!!
Why are the death numbers stagnating?
The real numbers are the absolute destruction of the stock market
If all goes well that little drop of piss 2008 will be nothing compared to the ocean of shit that is twice the size of the previous drop in the DJIA
So you're saying way more are dying than we are reporting in the US?
it's a meme virus. most deaths are just seasonal flu they're counting as corona. in any case it peaked in most parts of the world last week. us, uk, france and brazil to peak in the next few days and then it's over.
i see no reason why it wouldn't shoot right back up as soon as the quarantine is lifted
No I'm saying the virus is not the real happening.
I would love for death toll to be skyhigh and do our job for us.
But the US economy almost went complete destruction in 2008. I don't think anyone realizes how fucking bad it could have been. This all started from Greenspan hitting almost 0% interest.
What did Trump just do?
0% interest and $6T bailout
Look at the Dow Jones in 08 and look at it now
2020 is twice the drop with no recovery in sight.
If the market dropped this hard there's no telling what the fallout will be.
>Why are the death numbers stagnating?
Social distancing combined with increased HCQ prescription for the infected.
so it's going to drop again and not get better?
new cases started falling in most countries before lockdowns were even rolled out. that's how flus and epidemics work. look into farr's law of epidemics.
expect all the governments around the world to pat themselves on the back for taking away all our freedoms though as if that's the reason this flu is on the decline. we're never getting those back.
Flubro reporting in!
It is worth noting that they're kind of inconsistent about when they declare the day over.
We're talking about a nuke going off in economic sense. You want happening? How about next decade of suppressed wages and quality of life across the board?
How about emerging economies going belly up?
How about entire industries consolidating under winners once everyone else dies?
You are in the happening and it will have a tremendous effect on your life.
> Reduced lifetime earnings
> Reduced lifetime social mobility
Enjoy the ride faggot, there is a reason us normal people don't want the happening.
i am disappoint, please be wrong :(
Just kys
If this post ends in a 0, an amount of people equal to the post number will die.
I still won't regret it, money is a meme. It's hard to enjoy money if you don't feel alive and in touch with yourself and the world, and there's nothing to fix that like fear and chaos.
You can't get tested anymore in many places. You are on lock down. Hospitals only for serious cases.
The information is going to show less cases and higher deaths. As only the serious conditioned get tested.
I don't know what's gonna happen
Here's what I see
>Q2 2019 largest ceo dropout in history. no one knows why
>Many economists talking about housing bubble 2.0
>Q3 2019 negative interest rates
>Bond market took a huge hit with reverse buybacks
>0% interest rates
>Largest dow jones drop in history
>Trump disbanding federal reserve and absorbing it into treasury (this was a bloomberg article posted on here a week ago)
Seems like somethings happooning and hope it does, because this is getting pretty tiresome seeing our country run into the dirt.
don't worry fren there are many real habbenings going on right now
>mass social conditioning psyop
>global totalitarian power grab
>planned destruction of the markets
but i want actual chaos that i can see myself, im tired of just seeing schizoposts on Yas Forums
I'm honestly just happy the earth is breathing again. The environment is in a good place at the moment.
Hopefully this was a 4d chess move to save the planet and buy us more time.
That's a good point I forgot to mention
Wages are fucked and something like 80% live on day to day wages.
SS has been declared defunct. Millennial generation won't get anything and that's been known for a while now. We already need austerity to save the remaining social programs.
Unless trump pulls a rabbit out of his hat idk how you would save this situation for more than another 6 months.
lad i got a warning from the police for having my mate sit next to me in the front passenger seat. apparently it's lockdown law here now that if you don't share a residence with someone they need to sit in the back of a the car to maintain 'social distance'.
it's habbening everywhere right fucking now.
and they wonder why people snap
This is nothing like 08 dude...that shit was because brokerage firms were bundling mortgages and selling them as securities.
>It's hard to enjoy money if you don't feel alive and in touch with yourself and the world
That's a problem with YOU, not the world.
> and there's nothing to fix that like fear and chaos.
Get the fuck out of here you miserable piece of shit who wants everyone else to be as miserable as you.
If you're so out of touch, kill yourself, and be done with it.
The crisis was caused by Adjustable Rate Mortgages spurred by low-interest rates
Low interest rates were declared the cause of the 2008 financial crisis by Bernake and Greenspan.
I think this will put a ton of stress on the economy.
CDOs were the mechanism that made it worse. But there's still tons of mortgage insurance out there and many mortgages not being paid.
Thank god. Fuck happenings that directly affects me.
This would cause riots in the US.
i think you just dont understand what american life is like
You're telling me that out of all the different communities, cultures, religions to be found in the U.S. there isn't one that you could join and feel good in?
Become Buddhist, join the Amish, go Mormon, whatever, go live in the woods, you have near infinite options in a huge country.
Like I said, the problem is you.
Maybe the quarantine is actually working? Let everyone go back to work, the summer months diminish the effects of the disease. Maybe the winter it comes back but no one reports on it because our attention span sucks so a few more die but no one gives a shit because they already got to virtue signal.
i think trump is bringing us back ointo a gold standard, or nothing else makes sense.
Seriously take our advice. Do not spend your whole life angry. Take the redpills and put them in your pocket.
Meet friends and totally ignore your Hitler knowledge or ideas that you're smarter than them. That will destroy you.
Find a girl and know how to not let them push you around.
Have white kids to keep the race going and teach them right.
The deadliest weapon is a normalfag bloomer hiding his power level. Just live your life and don't be bitter. If a happening happens then great. If not at least you weren't mad about life.
Stop fucking with Kek and that freaking weird magic. You had your happening, let things settle before going ballistic next time.
>posts on Yas Forums
>thinks he is normal
This happening was gay as fuck i wanted death and famine wtf kek?!
Rolling, praise be to chaos.
Second wave is usually worse user, after everyone gets complacent thinking they've won ... the worst happens.
>pat pat
you tried fren,
you tried.
Read the thread and the hints, you had your happening and now the whole world is gonna suffer through it. This will be a nightmarish decade for pretty much everybody.
The only good thing in this whole mess is that Africa might be wiped out of existence if we are lucky enough.
Economic destruction is taking place, numbers will rise the moment everyone goes back to work
you will have your happening, either lockdown is extended indefinitely and you have riots, or the lockdown ends and two weeks later cases skyrocket and tens of millions of people die after two months.
Too good to be true
this. it's almost over. expect the media to start walking it back when antibody testing gets going. there have been millions of asymptomatic cases already. nobody has directly died of this new strain of common cold
Alot of it is a nothingburger
because it's fake
google: "corona isn't real"
and see what kind of bullshit results you get. IT'S NOT REAL YOU FUCKTARDS. i'm right here. i am a real person. corona is NOTHING.
Cops really are the jannies of meatspace
>keep it a secret until you die goy
Just shut the fuck up
for once i will agree with an aussie cunt. YOU ARE RIGHT. this is nonsense.
why would that ever happen????
Nobody dies from AIDS directly either, it is because it fucks your immune system
You're a fucking moron
Youd bow down your head and say *Yes Maam* like you always do.
Happens every weekend
Yes, there's so many people taking weekends off that testing gets delayed. Every weekend. Without fail. Kinda funny, the graph dips are all weekends
take your meds. this isn't a movie. it's not your precious doomsday
literally fake and gay. johns hopkins tracker shows recovery rate at 0 despite that not being the case, at all. it's smoke and mirrors.
t. was at ER yesterday for reasons unrelated. didnt see thousands of coofers in beds. this is all bullshit.
you don't understand. less globalized countries are less affected by global financial crisis. africa is not connected at all, and so it is self reliant, albeit in a very shitty way. they are going to laugh as everyone else is on fire.
I never said that retard
I said to not get eaten up by it and make it isolate you from people you could redpill and to make sure you pass it on to the next generation.
Do you think I want 1000 years of Jewish hegemony retard? No one wants to hang around doomers that want to kill themselves. Be happy and the redpills will be easier to pass on to people
Eat my dick faggot
hurr udrrr DURRRRRRRRR ,,,, leaf talking about econoimics... try harder faggot. illiterate jackass.
the niggers here arent like the ones you got
Over 3000 are dead already in NYC with over 60,000 active cases. It has the potential to be boomer 9/11 times 20 and you're worried it won't be bad enough? During 9/11 they could at least tell people "keep going to work, keep shopping" now they can't say shit. God knows they try, they want to, but the reality is they just can't. Shit is completely fucked. Don't worry, it's a total fucking disaster and the consequences are going to cause continual death and mayhem far beyond people simply getting sick and dying of the disease itself. Rest your little head, user, and dream of chaos, because that's what we're looking at: the whole world is in a WW1 trench right now and it's just a matter of who the german machine guns and artillery are gonna hit and who's lucky.
we will just kill cops. its very simple.
nope. kek rules all of this timeline. bow down before kek.
Stop projecting you fucking faggot, i got plenty of friends with similar views you just prefer hanging out with niggers.
we have it.
but it's killing RH- people
thats niggers and jews.
thats why any time anyone mentions that, the thread gets shut down.
you monkey bloods
rheusues positve
nuking the chang makes it worth all the hassle
lel didn't trump say 100,000 will die and that is the best case scenario? How is it not a doomsday
I hate niggers. OP seemed very doomerish and I was giving advice not to be that way.
All of my friends share my views.
What are you talking about you silly little faggot?