Qanon: LARP or patriot? Let's settle this once and for all

Those in favor of Qanon, post verifiable proofs of his deeds. Those against, post why you think Qanon is a LARP. Ad hominems to a minimum.
>No boomer fag, etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you think in 'namefag' terms you will never understand.

Just detail it all user, why do you think he's real. I'm not here to call anyone names. But you should be open to logical counter arguments (not ad hominem).

lmao nothing is real, shitheel.

check out the site and see for yourself? I personally believe it is mostly all true, but get the sense that the nature involved with its dissemination is to keep back people at arms length who would otherwise take action - to put it succinctly.

he's real, it's just not what Q followers think it is.

(a drug designed to keep them pacified)

media helps to call them "dangerous right wing nazis and conspiracy theorists" etc, they are complicit in helping to keep them subdued by making them feel edgy.

what I want to see is name one physical thing that has actually been delivered, besides "proofs" of timing and conjecture.

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If I had the powers of a mod Yas Forums's quality would be fixed overnight.

Obvious psyop

>Those against, post why you think Qanon is a LARP. Ad hominems to a minimum.
That shit was fun for the 1st few /cbts/ threads, ended up being shit as all larps are. Then the boomers came from normieland and shitted up everything by assuming a larp might be real. Then Yas Forums joined forces came together fought back and drove it all 2 cubed land
good times

tl;dr user? Or at least the summary, or key points?
>but get the sense that the nature involved with its dissemination is to keep back people at arms length who would otherwise take action - to put it succinctly.
So Q doesn't put out explicit messages because he doesn't want people to take action? Sounds reasonable. Do you have any opinion on why he shares the information in the first place? If he doesn't want people to take action, then why share it?
So you think Qanon is a LARP designed to keep his followers happy?
I doubt that.

Who is this semen demon?

also, OP is an faggot

>Obvious psyop
tl;dr of video, or summary, or key points user?
So you believe Qanon is a LARP? Why the elaborate LARP? What does Q gain from a LARP? Any thoughts?

Then apply at the US DoD they do the modding around here

How many fucking Q threads am I gonna have to see, fuck off.

>He thinks pouring bleach in a sea of piss will solve more problems than it creates

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Summary or key points user?

Listen up Jack We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and ... correct the public health.

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>Why the elaborate LARP? What does Q gain from a LARP? Any thoughts?
immediately after it became such a larp multiple fuckers on youtube and twatter spread it, and collected sweet sweet larp economy shekels
shit spreads like a virus

There's zero legitimate reasons to brigade Q threads. Equally true is that a common ground will never be reached.

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Larp, I asked him how and why we should believe him and he didnt post tits.

im starting to think of Q like a purchase. they gave us real info in exchange for a reprieve. like deepstate saw a lot of people curating lots of real info, and sort of like the way you burn a little of the forest to stop a forest fire's progression, i think they gave out even more info, real info, that we would recognize as real bc it fit with everything we already knew. why? so we would believe it, bc it was true. but why? so we would go: "finally, someone is really telling us the truth." then we wait around for crumbs and give them time to scramble to get new controls in place, and new disinfo, and new gatekeepers, and to keep us from revolting or acting out in any way bc we are supposed to "trust the plan" and taking action on our own part would be against the plan

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He might have legit intel-sources; that is completely different than the question of if he's got a good goal.
Personally I think he's a "pacification PsyOp".

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he's real, he works for Trump, Trump works for Jews, he is intended to misslead the cosnpiracy theorist that grew too large the past decade thanks to internet access, his work is to distract people to get different conclusions that they should, like why Hillary isn't in jail, why snowden and assagne are still persecuted or why Trump gifted the US treasury to the FED

Hopefully we find out by 4 10 20

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A week ago, before I began working on the USNS Comfort, I thought it was a LARP. Now I know it’s all true, and it’s hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. It's worse than you can imagine, like something out of a horror novel. People will be calling for blood in the coming weeks/months.

Anyone who read the book 1984 should immediately see the parallel and should know that Qanon is not even a real person, it's nothing but a dumb Jewish PsyOp for boomers and other retards.

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>Biden's incoherent ramble
Ok, but how is this related to Q?
Ok, so Qanon is a LARP and people are feeding the LARP because money through YouTube videos?
>That pic
user, in the post, Qanon says the Vatican has 229B in assets, of which only 29.5M were seized by the Maltese court. How does this constitute as proof of Qanon being a patriot/real?
>Qanon is a LARP because no tits were posted

>Personally I think he's a "pacification PsyOp".
Just trust the plan goy.

NYPA. Q is real, everyone who denies it is a faggot who is too lazy to spend an afternoon researching for themselves.

The question is , is he of good or bad faith .

What if nothing is happening ? What if 5g is deployed nation wide right now as we are shut down home . Mandatory microchip vaccines in a month .


I hope Q is legit and good guy and not another pied piper

It looks like someone or group with connections somewhere up the chain, but the longer it goes with no significant arrests or results, the more it becomes controlled opposition.

I always kind of assumed Q was just a way to balance the hysteria the media is causing about Trump. The Dems feel good because they have their echo chamber in the media. And the Republicans feel good because they have their guy in office, and Q as an echo chamber. It was a little inspiring at first, but ultimately this was what I concluded.

But then my friend sent me this one video. And then something big happened just a couple days later that blew my mother fucking mind.

I mean I never really got into Q until, I dunno, a week or two ago. I was glad the economy was doing better and the wars were ending. That's pretty satisfying.

So no, I can't offer any evidence. I'm either in my house or at work. But sometimes, where there's smoke there's fire.

My only evidence would come from my own personal account which you'd never believe.

Hell no. It’s way to intricate to be a hoax. If it is it’s the greatest hoax of all time.

Psy-ops? Possibly?
Real? We will find out eventually.

Prove it

>Q is real, everyone who denies it is a faggot who is too lazy to spend an afternoon researching for themselves.
t. CIAnigger behind Qanon

Shut up leaf.

>Is Q real
>Is Q on our side
Uncertain. The fact that every pro-Q thread is full to the brim with shills shouting "schizo" and "boomer" and "MIGA" buzzwords, and that they all get moved by jannies to /bant/ when anti-Q threads aren't makes me think he is.

That said, either way you should still be fighting for your liberties.

>Qanon is a LARP and people are feeding the LARP because money through YouTube videos?
imagine not understanding the psychological appetite for conspiracy theories
People have been monetizing that shit and driving people to donate money to the cause since before forever you dumb fucking faggot

Obvious larp, Trump is crawling with Jews


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Post pics

>post 142 Nov 12 2017
...What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
It must be controlled....

>post 111 Nov 5 2017
...The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital...

Given what we're in these days, would these imply some foreknowledge

>The fact that every pro-Q thread is full to the brim with shills shouting "schizo" and "boomer" and "MIGA" buzzwords, and that they all get moved by jannies to /bant/ when anti-Q threads aren't makes me think he is.

Did you ever think that may be the original inhabitants of this board not liking the fact that Q shit has taken over like a third of the fucking board?

Nice try. The boat is for regular patients, not virus victims. Has like 15 patients so far.

I think that it offers people direction in which places to dig into for us otherwise it is simply alternative news I enjoy reading it and it gives me some hope that real justice will be had in the world because of the things that do exist especially those like Epstien and the Clinton's and Obama. It was digging into FISA before fox news even started talking about it and i think its shed more light on the way our government works and got me intrested in it compared to any kind of news article iv ever read or watched. Aside from the 3 years of attacks on Trump which is outlandish even if i was only born in the 90s its still the most grasping thing the media cant let go of and its all media which is even more shocking to me that keeps me going along with it. Honestly if the media covered Trump fairly Qanon probably wouldnt have gotten such a huge popularity it has now, but its nice to see it grow to be the medias go too conspiracy attack point i think that drills it in more to being real then fiction.

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I have been an avid follower for some time:
>the movement has definitely exposed some interesting information
>I think it is without doubt a real group of sorts advising the President
>I do not think it has been disproven despite what shills say
>it is definitely a psyop drawing in both followers and enemies of the president.
(to the last point, always be aware of the possibility of controlled opposition, what even if mass media attack it to give it more credibility?)

thus far though, I can't point to anything physical it has delivered. Please, any other followers, prove me wrong.

In my mind, it could simply be another group vying for control over the NWO infrastructure. Are they good or bad? They're basically other elites.

I'm happy to be proven wrong.

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Honestly, Jared Kushner is the prime fucking suspect. Seriously, picture him sitting at a keyboard plotting the next mystical Q post. Picture the grin on his face. Picture the hands rubbing with delight as Ivanka smiles knowingly

Oh yeah gotta get back to all those black dick slide threads



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>post verifiable proof
How about a journalist actually does their fucking job and asks the supposed source himself. "Mr. President: who is Q?".

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Shes cool from the neck down

>I can't point to anything physical it has delivered
That's because it's a PsyOp feeding people recycled shit that's already out of the bag in coded messages for extra mystery/excitement to attract followers (mostly retards and boomers) and to misdirect them into continuing to support the Jew while pacifying them.

>Those against, post why you think Qanon is a LARP.

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Thats the goddamned stupidest thing I have ever heard. Q isnt taking over anything. You paid clown shills are just overplaying your had like fucking retards.

Thanks for sharing user.
Thanks for sharing user.
Thanks for sharing user.
user, please, either proof or no sensationalism.
Thanks for sharing user. But please don't call Qanon followers retards. Just try to prove your point logically.
user, please try to prove your point logically.
Summary or some key points as to why you believe in Qanon? Please keep the ad hominems to a minimum.
Any points or proof as to why you believe he's real user?
Thanks for sharing user.
Thanks for sharing user. Please could you share your personal account. At least I would like to know what motivated you into believing Qanon.
Thanks for sharing user.
Ad hominems to a minimum user.
Thanks for sharing user.






here's proof

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The 10th will settle it.

I would like everyone to consider something.

800,000 children go missing in the US over the course of a year. 90% of them are usually found.

Over the course of 20 years, along with the children in CPS, that's a lot of f#cking kids.

There are probably more kids in the system than there are people in jail.

I wouldnt have known about Seth Rich if it wasn't for Q

look at this glow fucking nigger. I like him.

>potato nigger waiting all day for Q threads

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Who cares. We're all going to get fried by a solar flare soon anyway.

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The 3 or 4 Q threads were at the height of the clinton and seth rich generals were becoming stronger and stronger.

Fuck Q. He's a doxxing nigger.

Thanks for sharing user.
Do you have any proof or reasons to believe this to be so user?
Please could you elaborate user?
Thanks for sharing user.
Thanks for sharing user.
Do you have any proof or reasons to believe this to be true, user?
Thanks for sharing user.
Summary or some key points from the site and videos user?

Continue but no bs
Any proof, any?

knowledge of Seth Rich far predated Q larping.

the only thing this proves is that Q likes to read bill cooper stuff.

Thanks for sharing user.
user, thanks for sharing the infographic, but it is very difficult to follow. Do you have a tl;dr as to what that post is?

glow harder and may God keep this thread bumped for all to see
also, thanks jannies

The risk is that any movement can be co-opted, intended or not. Just like Q toutes: "Unity is Strength" etc... The people can also be looked at as a hornets nest, if you will. They can be guided to the enemy or where the pollen is to make the nectar, and things will function as they be perceived. Q is careful to not shake the tree or drop the nest - because when a hive attacks it might consume and eliminate everything -good or bad - understand?

Taking back our government even from "the gud guys" is a realistic proposition. In fact, I think "The People" would do a better job at ensuring this never happens again and to promulgate the truth of history and events so that others will know and the mistakes will not be repeated. Like any functioning government, the hypocrites that continue "the gud guys" will still monitor your privacy, limit your freedoms, which will erode until the next faction comes along for domination of the pacified.

Q cant drag it further without climax, so about a week or so and it will be resolved, i hope


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What is supposed to happen on the 10th user?
Thanks for sharing user. Is this what motivates you to believe in Qanon?
I like you too user.
>I'm not a glow nigger.
Please keep ad hominems to a minimum user.
Please could you elaborate on this user?
Do you have any reason to believe so user?

>Then Yas Forums joined forces came together fought back and drove it all 2 cubed land
unironically one of pols underestimated success stories given the ferocity that was spiraling around it.
for me it was at the end of trumps asian tour, first 400 or so CBTS threads, when the uranium 1 storyline started framing iran, russia and north korea as the key to taking down the cia, then the deep state merely as some washed up democrats and random celebrities.

the whole thing was a massive failure as a psyop looking back, even now they have no idea where to go next with it besides retreading Yas Forums posting in the hope of gaining the occasional lost recruit, as rather than recapturing the obvious online rebellious community who were not listening to the media anymore all they got were a bunch of midwit iq boomers who were never going to have the agency to push the psyop to where they wanted it to be.
they put way too much stock in trumps apparent cult status on here and as always they totally underestimated the power of a free speech space to scrutinise all ideas, they just assumed a favourable agenda wouldnt be looked into at all.

I'm over all of it. I deleted all my hocial media this weekend. I'm just fasting and praying and hanging out with my kids. So far so good, we haven't been harmed by what's going on economically. Just love UR children if UR fortunate enough to have made it out UR mother's basement and actually made some. I'm even over U guiz all so tiresome. I will be decorating my tree I'm putting back up because it's a big ass night lite to me... not some pagan ritual so hold the nonsense. Anyhoo... take care boys. Was fun to be just one of the "guys" all these years but this too is now boring AF.... peace.